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Thank you, man. I'm really happy to be. here. I am grateful to be in for our taxes. I am I mean, that and i'm not I guess no matter where I was, I would say he was grateful to you, but I actually really grateful to be here.
This is our thirteen th city that we've hit this month and you there comes a point in a month long johns around the country just just been wonderful and a firming and beautiful every way. But we are just sick of staying hotel rooms in any room service. It's not great for you.
I have so many family and friends in texas that this is my after thirteen hotel rooms in a row. I'm staying in a familiar bed here tonight and i'm with familiar people and i'm just gratefully like a spot treatment standing here. So thank you very much for having me.
It's funny, every city. One of the reasons we wanted to do this in the first place was because you get such a distorted sense of what's happening in the country from the media. Well, I love you too.
Thank you. I do. And of course, there's a lot of time and energy put in to convincing you that you shouldn't love your fellow americans, you should hate them.
And so it's just important to get on the road and see them. And you realize that I don't care what they tell you and seen. And the hate level of amErica is incredibly low.
Everyone's nice. They're nice to each other. It's true. That's the main thing i've noticed.
I mean, I don't have a TV, but you know I check in from time to time on the telephone and they're constant selling. AmErica is a powder kit. It's about to explode.
I don't know where the explosions gonna happen. I haven't been there yet in thirteen cities, everywhere i've been. People are kind of each other.
They're friendly, they're open, their hilarious. They're exactly the people like group with their americans. And they like each other despite the efforts of their leaders to tell them they should.
On the other hand, there is a lot of dark stuff going on. So much dark stuff going on that I thought today, I was trying to be as honest with myself as I can be. And of course, IT is really easy to light yourself and most of us enjoyed.
I certainly do, but I had as myself honestly like how do I feel not about the selection, but where we're going, you know, and where our children will be and what kind of country this will be not just next year, but in fifteen years, twenty years, hundred years. And i'm being as since ious I can be, i'm really hopeful. I really am.
I may be the only person. I am really hopeful. There are the darkest forces i've ever seen arraid against pretty much every single person in this room, and certainly against everything you believe in your families.
And they're not gna win. And and let me tell you why I think that. And i'm much just talking about this selection. And by the way, if you, as I do in hotel rooms and airplanes, think of all the things that could go wrong, you know, not just in this election, but in the world, all the nuclear wars and amp attack and weird viruses that twenty thousand creates and chinese labs and delicious on the world, not that that could ever happen.
And then you think in the fact that actually that did happen, that you did do that with your tax doors and is still walking through my dog park in dc with secret service protection that we're paying for, then you think to yourself, you know that so I know bo, bo, bo, well, exactly. But then you think yourself, that's so unfair. That's so grow task.
In fact, the whole point of that exercise is to be unfair. The whole point of IT is to shake your faith in the idea of fairness or justice. I'm in the whole point of all of this is to make you give up on the idea of fairness. They literally put in a literate woman in charge of the White house press briefing. The whole job is being able to speak .
and SHE can't talk.
Everything's a mellow proposed. M it's insane. Was that an exit? No, was the whole point. That was the whole point is why we have a transverse. The whole point of IT is to make you give up on the idea of justice and basic fairness, which is that the capable, hardworking people rise and the people who can speak english don't wind up, is the White house spokesman. That's the definition of fairness.
And the whole reason that they staff those jobs in the way they do, the whole reason they elevate the incompetent and punish the competent, and is to make you give up on the idea that there is justice. And what I realized today, thinking about IT, is that justice is bigger than the justice department. actually.
Justice is bigger than this country, is bigger than society. Justice exists separate from all of us. And we can distort justice all we want.
But IT doesn't change the fact that in the end, there is justice, there is right and wrong, and the fair and good thing happens because good wins in the end, that is a fat. But that's not the only reason i'm hopeful. The second reason i'm hopeful is i'm commended to be hopeful.
It's the law.
Every wedding you go to there are always reading one currency, thirteen. It's like I think it's the only verse in the bible actually but if you actually read IT, you know love is not the only thing mention. There's faith and then exactly and we're required to have IT.
It's not optional. It's not a by product of a Sunny day. I feel hopeful today.
No hope is what you have on purpose. It's intentional. Things don't need to be going in the right direction. I don't see how we get out of this. Take a copy to episode, oh my gosh.
were box in.
But I know we will get out of IT actually maybe not in the way we want to, but in the end of will look back. And this is true in the life of every single person in this room. You will look back on the best moment in your life, the moments that changed you, that open your eyes to true beauty, that made you a Better person than deep into your relationships with the people that you love.
And you'll notice that those best moments were all the worst moments actually. And obviously saying this to someone who get fired a lot, and that's been through every I can keep track my wife there, how times you ve been fired, I don't know. You know, quite a few loved every one of them.
In fact, i've loved them so much. I'm so used to this cycle of the worst things being the best things that the last time I fired, I was like on site, kind of like to be humiliated and in public monster. Because I know to end well, and I know that I will learn something about myself.
No, it's true. And so actually, we have cause for a hope no matter what happens. And I bet every single person in this room is a worst case scenario in mind for what happens in november.
Don't get me started, baby. That's the one hacked. I get here. Everybody in this room, everybody in this country actually is pretty worried about the future.
And i'm here to say that we have an obligation to feel hopeful. We have grounds to feel hopeful. And let me be a little more specific about why I am hopeful because you're actually on the right side.
And for years I covered politics and washington where I lived, and I really tried to resist adding a moral cast to political differences. I mean, you we're arguing over the capital gains tax rate and you think that should be fifteen and I think that should be thirty five. You know one of us is right, probably me, of course, but IT doesn't mean you're a bad person when you disagree .
over a number.
But that's done all what we're seeing now. We're not seeing disagreements about how to make the country Better. No one's even pretending that the program that you oppose and I oppose is going to make the country Better or people happier.
No, it's a program of death, destruction, of course. And that's become very obvious. Someone said very wise in my life, said to me that we should be grateful for how clear things are now we don't need to lie to ourselves. It's super obvious.
And i'll say for myself, I don't always know what's good and I definitely don't always imagine i'm on the right side having been on the wrong side, having endorsed the iraq war, like I have a keen sense of my own absurdity. And there was, in fact, a mire outside the bathroom in my hotel today when I walked out of the showers so ago. I am absurd.
I recommend that to every midnight age, man, by the way, especially those who think they're successful, you really do have this image of yourself as a god like figure of master of your fate, leader of your family, leader of men. Then you come out of the shower into the glare, the mir, and you're like, there's just like lumpy prime in first you would hair in the wrong places and you're like, is that really the god like leader of men? I don't think so.
That's an a certain person who is that get the hell out of my bathroom and you know, like, await. That's me. And the truth that is you, which is a good thing to know.
In fact, I would make that Mandatory for senators and members of congress. I would, I would take a good look at yourself, and I would put super bright overhead Florescent lights in the john. I would.
I have a lot of theories like that. That's why not gonna elected to anything. But here's the point.
I'm not always certain that i'm on the right side, but I know evil when I see IT and that's exactly what they're selling. It's not a difference of opinion. It's enter human and that is exactly what IT is.
It's against people. It's just kind of that simple sound. You either think the greatest blessing in this life is other people, and the greatest duty you have in this life is to serve other people, to pick the people around you.
The people of god puts right your path right there, your children in your spouse, your coworkers, your college, your remains, but also your housekeeper in the way just the people were right there in front of you. It's your job, not just your job, but your sacred duty is the main duty that you have is to those people, actual people. And if you believe that, and everybody should, and we be reminded of that every day, awesome to send mosquito next to a country.
You can find out a map much Better to make sure your housekeeper has a car. And when should you be saying that? But most people don't really even need to be told that because that's where their joy comes from.
And there are certain people, particularly credit elevators, who are annoying and too close. That's that's a fact. But in general, all of our joy comes other people, all of IT, and nothing else comes close. And you know, by the way, we spend our whole lives. I've been a lot of my life like worried about money, want to make more money.
You ever make enough money? No, I bring us some friends of mine who have made enough money, and they can tell you, and I can tell you, this finds good not to be in debt, good not to be in pain. After credit card company in twenty five percent interest.
Why are they in prison? By the way, sorry, yeah yeah. But by the way, if in tifto was really radical, they say something, but but the credit companies, wouldn't they? When they they wouldn't be attacking like Normal families in the park, they'd be attacking the banks that are in publishing the country, wouldn't they? Is not what the radical would do, I think so.
But what would the plutoria guard for the ruling class do? What would the body guard for, say, golbin sacks posing as antefa do they would try to show race hatred and descent in the county. So you wouldn't notice that the country is being included. Just saying, anyway, here's the point. Wow, that was attention, but heart felt.
What i'm saying is that most people, the overwhelming majority of people, even people you think you disagree with, from being totally honest, understand intuitively and live as though they understand and believe that other people are the point of life, whether it's your own children, just people in this room and just brings you such satisfaction, enjoy. But there is a small government, people who somehow want up in charge of the country in the world, who think people are an impediment to progress, who are actually openly anti people. They're formatively anti people. And you know that because they don't like children. And you know, they don't like children because if you're trying to raise them in this country.
you know, it's pretty much impossible that they're .
being destroyed because the people on charges setting out to destroy them, whether it's with the screens or the filth or the drugs, which they're busy legalizing, that making us a happier controls. Destroying people is funding a war that can be won with money that we don't have. Is that pro people know the whole pointed, that is to kill people they have done.
And if you think about that way, you notice that almost all of their parties, their policies are against people. And I just don't think that's a winning program over time. I don't I don't think people want that actually at all.
I don't think the dream of i'll just speak is a middle age men. I don't think the dream of most middle age people is never to have grandchildren because your kids have been castrated and you don't think that I mean, I think it's weird and wrong, but it's much deeper than that. Nobody wants that.
Nobody wants that. The appetite for these programs, you see these people on television. No, A R is gonna come in, basically, take your job away and make you useless. And we're going to plant at your brain and you will be part robot actually.
And I always wondered, like is there constituency for that is A A huge number of people in this country of three hundred and fifty million, or they, like one hundred million, want to be half robot in idle all day and take orders from machines. I've never met a single person who wants that, but that's what they're selling. They want that.
So it's a pretty weird place to be in a country this big and truly diverse and diverse in the best sense, like lots people with different opinions to be ruled by people with the opinion that really represents a one half of one percent of the population. Persons is not democracy. Second, can't win over time.
And i've do find IT very interesting that the person they hate most is trump. And you have to ask yourself, because there are hatred of trump is like, so crazy, so all consuming. What is that exactly? What is that about what? No, honestly, is that is so right way? No is not no.
I tell you exactly why they hate trump. Because he is relentless, ously program. He is the most human person ever to run for president.
I love IT. I get some people think I can be a little too human. I get IT. But IT is relentless argument.
Think about IT, who's running against? What do the last two democratic ominous have in common? Neither one has ever udea a human statement in public, ever.
No, I mean IT commonly Harris kish air quotes here, husband with a mascot. Human beings don't do that. Maybe your so neurotically think you to wear mask outside.
I feel sorry for you. Another living example of our broken mental health system. I feel compassion.
But I can promise you, as someone who's been with his wife forty years today. I met that girl of forty years today. I know IT pretty well.
September twenty three thousand hundred and eighty four. One thing I know about, if I tried to kiss with a mask gun, she'd be so free to know what I think he was. I had a stroke.
You don't kissed your wife with the mass gone, because that defeats the purpose, which is touching her with your lips. I don't know if you knew this. Now maybe that i'm being mean or unduly personal.
I'm really not actually i'm not going to go off on commonly being montel, liam aside, Peter, whatever. That's low and i'm not going to do that. That's actually the best thing about her if i'm being honest.
I mean, it's gross, but it's also kind of earthy and real IT is and you see the pictures and there's motels and take talk shows. Oh my, okay. At least it's recognizable as something that people do.
IT is made me not the best choice. You may not have perfect judgment, what else SHE doesn't stand alone in that category, but that's not that's not the comment. Cela, here is, you see now. And why am I miss Brown and aim, because he does. SHE does.
I did once he was.
I mean, I don't know. By the way, I ve almost ever pronounced anyone's name correctly. I have tried with pronouncing names, which is hard in a business where that's your job, but I was always doing that.
I miss friend's, her name immediate. You don't like her, you know? Great says, okay, so that when my prosecution will wait, we're trying to get to the bottom how SHE grounds your name.
And we've got tape of for prancing in two different ways. This is not her last name. This is not her married name.
This is not a nickname. This is her first name. Imagine not having decided as an adult how to pronounce your first name.
I'm not being me now. Has that ever happened to you? David, David, David, David.
Honestly, what is that? Well, it's not human. Here's something you may out of known. Back in two thousand and fifteen, the congress of the united states repealed something called the country of origin labeling act.
Now, why is this relevant to you? But IT means, among other things, that when you buy beef at the supermarket that says made in the USA, IT may not actually be, in fact, IT could be likely is from a foreign country. IT means that repeats ging foreign meat can be enough to get the made USA designation.
It's a lie. It's an absolute. Most people don't even know what happening.
So how can you be sure that the meat your eating is from the united states and has been raised with the highest quality standards and is the taste is truly made here? Well, it's simple. You can go to all our friends at marry, whether farms.
Marry, where the farms is. An american small business, is based in riverton n ale. And we know the people run IT and their great people, and they have rate meat.
They ship the highest quality meat raised free from growth hormones and anti biotics directly to your doorstep. It's delicious. We eat IT a lot, including at this table.
These are americans. These are american made products. And because you're cutting out the groceries for a metal men, their their Prices are actually cheaper, ten to thirty percent cheaper for the best meat.
They are the real deal. Again, we eat that meat at this table from river in wyoming. They're the best mary, where the farms doc com use the discount, hold tucker twenty four and you get an extra ten percent off again. That's mary weather farms M E R I W E T H E R farms .
doc com .
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But my favorite moment was the first fifteen seconds where there was a tight shot and commons facing SHE was terrified. SHE was terrified because and i'm not being being sincere like i've been on stage a lot and their moments you like, oh, wow, I don't know what to say, you know and I could see in her eyes like share thinking in herself. I don't i've never done anything in my life.
No one even voted for me. What am I doing here? Can I pull this off? And that was the only moment I liked her in the whole debate, because that's a recognizably human response.
Terr, feeling like IT imposture, who hasn't felt that way? I have right, but the rest of IT was exactly like the guy you replaced without any voting job. And I was literally like A I grab at a middle class family we in middle last friend once.
That's a ChatGPT answer. And biden was exactly the same way. And you can trust that to trump.
What is he going to say.
whatever occurs to him? And I think having watched to a lot and you known him for many years before we got to political south of the media, I do think that from popularity drives mostly from his love of people and and I do think the whole population feels on an animal level, feels the contempt that our leaders have for us. It's not just that they think you're stupid or they don't want to hear from you.
They're going to just pick anomaly without letting you vote on IT or not just think you're going like vote on a referendum and then one of their judges going to be like, no, you can have that sorry is not like every public opinion poll taken for the last thirty years. There's no resembLance whatsoever. The congressional agenda, that's all true.
All those facts suggest you don't care. You think you're just a barking dog, actually pay much more attention to my arkin dogs and they did was, but it's deeper than that. They don't like you at all.
They don't like you to hate you actually, which is why they're encourage. You do not have children at every turn. What is that? I have strong feelings about the solution life.
I've got a tone of kids. But you don't have to get theological really simple. If you love someone.
you want more of them.
And if you hate them, you want fewer, right? I A non genius. That's my superpower.
If I like something, I dinner last night with alleged Jones like cheesecake, i'll have to, right? If I like something, I want more of IT. And if they like, does, they'd want more of us.
I and yet, pretty much everything they do is designed to make sure they're not more of us. Yeah, boo is right. I want more of us like more americans, because I like americans.
It's not complicated, it's not theological, is human. Anyone who is trying to prevent you from reproducing hates you. Super simple. And if they've constructed an entire platform where your only right is not to have children, they hate you that the only right you possessed, you can say what you want to say, you can hang out what you want to hang out, what you can criticize them, defend yourself from crime. You have no input into the laws in assistance that you supposedly own.
You have no way to influence how they spend your money, and you cannot give IT to them or they will shoot you. So okay, but you do have one, right? And that's going to reproduce.
What is that? Well, it's losing its loading of people. And in a world, well, of course, is the definition of evil, is the definition tion of evil.
People are made in the image of god. That's why they have value. That's why they're unique among the species.
Because they are made in the image of god. That's why each person has of holiness inside. That's why you're not allowed to kill them.
What we've .
gotten so far from the just a restate, by the way, i'm in a papilla, so i'm not the electra Anthony logy, this is not theology is just obvious. Killing people is bad. We don't have a right to kill people except in self defense, period.
why? Because we didn't make people, because we're not god, we're not in charge in the universe. There are limits to our power as the arts, to our wisdom or foresight. And so if you construct an entire movement around .
killing people.
well, you're sick. That's exactly right. Fill, this is like mad lips. I love IT.
I'm going to post at the end of every sentence and you feel that there was a Better adjective than I got to thought of. I love IT. Yes, you're sick, your sick, your diseased, but you're also doomed. And that's the point I want to make. This can continue and IT won't.
There's a famous saying and .
wash hinton n from herbst in IT was president nick on's, chairman of the council. Economic advisers are group that all of people pay attention to pity at one great line, which is, if something can continue IT and governments based on hatred of human beings cannot continue. Now the question is, at what point does IT cease to continue? And the answer is, I have no idea.
I have no idea, but I know in my heart as certain as I am of anything that no matter what happens, people will persist because god created them and put them here to thrive. That's the whole point. And I mean, no matter what happens if something awful, I don't want to say that lab, but we are on the brink of catastrophe, he around the world, because the people in charge of our government want to destroy the human population.
And there's no faster way to do that than with the world war, which is where we're headed right now. And i've spent a lot of time worrying about that because I have a tactile sense of how close we are. And this morning I realized, you know, first sound up to me can control that.
I've got a wife, three dogs, four children, tons of employees, water, college mates. I got a lot of people to care about, and i'm going to care about them because that's the most important thing. But I also thought.
I don't care if that does happen. People somewhere will survive, they will reproduce, they will persist. They will smile and laugh until appalling filter jokes and do all the things that people do and over another ten million years, create mcDonalds and a future.
Donald, triple order three quarter panners. You need them in the car because that's who people are and you can extinguish IT. I don't care if you're carl Harris or whatever she's called herself.
I don't care if you're closed fob. I don't care how powerful you think you are. You can build your student little tower bible, but in the end it's gonna fall down because you're a joke.
You are not god. You vastly over rested, mate, your powers, because you're absurd. And future generations, and yes, there will be, future generations will laugh at you.
And whether i'm here or not to see that IT brings me joy to think about IT. So i'm happy. And with that, I want to bring on the first of a couple guest tonight.
I want to bring on a man called James of key. Whom i've known here, i'm like bragging. I knew James so keep before he started shaving.
He may have shared, but I known a long time. And James of key is a very talented man. And so when we laughed our old world .
of subscribe to TV shows .
and sit there and watch them into the new world, which you now occupy and are really enjoying and create your own network, tc n, we thought we should do long for programing. And one of the first people we decided to partner with was James of cave. And he has created a film that that is going to iron ccn up to pretend for one in the sand that I think is a pretty amazing film.
And what sets us apart from most of the documentary you see on every topic, including immigration, is that James. So keep being James. So keep actually went out.
I got on top of the migrant train. And Robert, the venezuelans, here's the trail to the movie, and then will talk to ebt IT. So that on a company minor right here, guys, this is our breaking right here.
Those those criminals are being put with the kids. They're putting the criminals with the kids to sacrificing your values, system and integrity to feed your family, make you a bad .
person for the .
journey of the .
the journey of the children and the journey human nature.
I should say one thing I love about, not just James, but all people and all my friends have, almost all have in common life throws you stuff and kind of knocks you off. And the people who get up and keep going are the ones that I respect. And mike tests is a great quote about this.
Everybody got a plan until you hit the face. James and I have been hit in the face recently, and he's still making great art, I think so. Thank you.
Thank you to docker.
IT hinted the face a lot. Yes, so so tell us, just give us the outline of what you did to get this story because it's amaze.
This is the most insane movie i'll ever see, documentary. We actually embedded IT with the illegal immigrants and follow their journey from south mexico to their final destination. We were with the car tel that the film opens, with the car tel cutting into the fence and then cursing me off.
We put audio recording devices to record everything, moments that you wouldn't even believe that are real. We captured on video. I wanted to show people what's the true reality, which is a lot more complicated than people think.
And we went to new york city. We ve got the fake residencies, the fraud, all on hidden camera releasing IT with you. talker.
Thank you very much. So well, we're honor. We're honored to do IT, but the reason I haven't done IT is because I don't want to get killed. So what can you just do that this is a business, is a business human trafficking run with the help of the by administration.
but by the cartels. Yeah we we almost died. We, one of my color is got kidnapped by the cartel, Anthony.
They destroyed all of his cameras. I was detained by the mexican national guard and mexican immigration. And I was wearing a hidden camera in my watch. And I recorded all of IT.
So can I ask, I mean, once they fun out, they were holding James, so keep that kind of like an obvious perl, right?
They know who they had. I don't think they realized what was happening, but they eventually realized that I was an american, and they were afraid of what I had captured on video. So this is a remarkable, I mean, there's one moment when their cartels cutting to the fence and they tell me and spanish, they said, you need to let us finish our work as a border patrol agent just stood by and watched.
And the film is called line in the sand, because in our country right now, people are facing a crisis of conscience. People are having to do things they don't want to do in order to feed their families. And I heard that a lot in this film.
I'm just doing my job. I'm just doing my job. Police officers, federal agents and and but they're conflicted inside. They're torn inside until the film we get to the part where there are visible layers in this film, people on the federal government blowing the whistle and nobody knows that yet until premiers on your side.
what's the what's ja clip?
Ah, we have a clip here of me to set this up. I got on the beast train in era porto, mexico. I climb ed the board, a freight train with venezuelans and wrote IT.
So a little scene from the film here, if we can put that up on the screen, we had timber shoes. You get trained and you want to place tangle up in there. The faa max train conductor signal to the emails not to take this train, but the next one.
this is a good one, is the best one to. Give up. I think.
Just for them.
I can do this, Harry, Harry, Harry.
我 认识。
Coco me, we barely did that happen. 就 只要 去 谈。 妹 的 必备 的。
There is actually people waving you the entire way and they're cheering you on and they're excited to see you. We got chanty towns around here the way with you. Everyone is so nice line in the sand.
so amazing. I just want your top line conclusion about what we're watching here. So we've had tens of millions of people come into our country.
And if you watch the media change the country forever, totally destroyed huge parts of the country. That's true. up. Just seen IT and those who live here, no one i'm talking about. But the way that it's explained to us is that you have sort of people from around the world showing up looking for a Better PPT unities, i'm sure true at some level, but IT sounds like you found a business run by like devil worshipping drug gangs .
that in short, it's like that old adage, follow the money. What I discovered is that everyone is making money office, and I think we kind of already know that. But I was shocking. I mean, so shocking, everybody is being paid off.
The federal government is giving billions of trillion dollars from health human services to fund places here in taxes that I snuck into secret child encampments here in the stata taxes the house, half a million on the company's children. And everybody is talking about how they are making all this money. That's what I came down to.
That's what I saw. Even the car, tel said, we've gotta get paid. Got let us finish.
Or cutting this steel being we put audio recording devices on the beams to listen as they traffic people across. So this is an opportunity for you to actually see IT. A lot of documentaries talk about IT. People think about they know what you actually are immersed in IT and IT is so shocking. I was actually, there's a scene, i'm visibly a black pilled because the board oblation what they watch IT and they just shrug their shoulders and they say we can't do anything about IT.
You know, when you feel for them, I mean, I know a lot of them, and I think there are decent people that there isn't anything they can do because the politicians are refusing to do anything about this. And the reason that i'm so excited about this film is because the people are supposed to be representing us is, especially in this date.
Like, what is dkny a say to this? Like honestly, why aren't? Why isn't anyone stopping this? No, because they can't deny IT when they see this.
I have A A positive thing to say and there is a man in this film out, i'll give you his first name. His name is jack and he's watching IT right now. He's a border patrol agent in this film who decided to blow the whistle on the department of homeland security.
And and he's giving, he's giving an interview in his vehicle, in his uniform. He's a hero. And you can trust all the fact less morally weak people in this country who are not willing take a stand with the ones who are.
And I found out talker that just two days ago, the button patrol scent a cease and desist letter to him for appearing in this film. And as a result of that, I got wind over last twenty four hours that five more border control agents are gone to blow the whistle. L, as a result of this film.
And one one thing and so naturally the the investigator before I go, this guy is actually on the canadian border. I didn't even realize the canadian border was overrun IT is yeah the you're main. I was in vermont, so I go up there this weekend to get comment like I do.
And the state police detained me for trying to ask questions of the volterra agents. So, so this is a giant system. And I mark my words, I promise you, there are going to be dozens of federal lois coming forward in the next few weeks. And the question and the question for you is, are you're gonna have their backs.
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You are doing what our media establishment should be doing, is required to do and is refusing to do. And bless you for IT. And when you find that, I will be honor all of that. James. O.
K, thank you. Thank you.
You do kind of want to ask a David mirror a abc news, judging by as ABS is a really good reporter and a rapid reporter, not Anderson Cooper level brave, but you know you want to ask, like why are you riding on the top of a cartel train changing our country forever? Like, where's everybody else? Why is the James of keep doing this? Because he's brave and he's onest.
That's why. So I want to introduce our next guest and say, is one of the the great upsides to working in the media. The downside of working in the media.
You have to work with other people in the media. It's like a daily prostate exam. But IT IT is I mean that. but. The upside is you get to meet amazing people, and most famous people are just what are actually not worth knowing at all. But occasionally you run into someone who's famous and in spite of being famous, is genuinely interesting and really smart and free thinking.
And if you'd ask me five years ago with rosen bars, with the most people in the world, people of those people, I think I didn't know, but I interviewed rose and bar on the strong recommendation of a friend of mine who I trust several years ago, and I wounded up thinking that rosen bars were the more extraordinary people i've ever met. And I ve been furiously texting with her ever since, because she's so smart and she's so deep. And so what I mean that, and you've about to see that. So IT is with great gratitude that I introduce leason javan rose in bar.
Thank you guys so much. So nice to see you. Thank you. Tucher for having me.
I feel blessed to have you.
Ah, you're so sweet. That movie looks fantastic. Doesn't IT James? O, K.
well, IT is fantastic. I mean, the guy eya honest and brave. It's being a reporter is not super complicated. It's not building a supercomputer even taking part your microwave. It's just like, be honest and he is but he's like one .
of the only ones yeah but that takes a certain so yes .
IT IT take a certain soul.
I love you too.
So let me ask you, i'm always interested. Well, you just set yourself like why in a world full of reporters is James to keep the only one telling us what's actually happening to the country our ancestors built? And so they ask you a variety of that question of all the famous people entertainment business. Why have you decided to say exactly what you think?
Well, I always decided to say exactly what I think. Where there ruins my life for now. 哈哈。
Yeah because um that's why I got into IT you know that's part of being a comedian you you I mean you know to make anything funny. I has have some truth in IT, you know and so the truth is the funniest thing in the world, really. Truth is so funny and so beautiful and so strong and so incredible.
And so god like, because god is is truth, you know, so. So I always got to a find that cornal of IT, if you want to make people laugh or say anything that touches them or be real at all, you ve got to, you got to be real, and you ve got to, you know, come from that deep place. So I always wanted do that.
And plus, I didn't have any choice. I always was like that. I always born like that. You know, it's .
really adorable. I don't know if I wanted to my house in a child.
That's what my mother says. My mom says that she's like god since a minute you were born, you or you my mom says when I was born, all the other little babies were in their little baby beds there in the hospital. But there was one that was screaming really loud and SHE just knew as hers and SHE went down there, and all the other ones were all nice and being cute babies.
But one of was a trying to shop both its face into its mouth and screaming, and they had to put a little straight jacket on me that kept me for a meet in both my face. And he said, you know, he was always like that with you. And I always was, I always where .
the beneficiaries of that. So the truth is the most important thing, telling the truth. This is a true joy.
actually. This is a, yes, I I agree with that. What is the truth of what we're watching? Now what that is this?
Well, i'm glad you ask me that question.
I am too. I mean, very for worth. We can say what we think yeah.
Well, you know, I moved down here to text this. I've been here, living here for three years.
I love IT people are so damn nice. I you know, it's like really cool to be around nice people and you know that's really cool and guns and staff, that's cool. Hello yeah right I shot a dino.
I shot my first dear like I guess that was one year ago. I shot at a point buck with one shot. Really how yeah how yeah that made the best what you come on um we turned the men to, um beef sticks, I mean, dear sticks.
All, gosh, those were so damn good. I gotto go get me another one. I ate a mall.
I had a whole freezer pool of my ata mall. All they were so good. I never a dar mate before.
But you hate the whole dear.
Yeah, I hate the whole deer. IT was good. One of my family added to not just me.
I'm just picturing .
that I was so cool. You know, I never did anything like that. You know, I went on a great bigger farm and I had all these deer, and we tracked IT all that stuff and set up the thing and the whole, the whole thing that was so awesome got the biggles rifle out, you know, put IT on the holder, and then stood there like, looking in the bushes for IT and everything.
IT was so cool, man, I felt like I was really, you know, like I could take care of myself if you know. I mean, like I was thinking, like, well, who knows if what they're gonna shut down or take away from us next, but I can always go out and shot myself a dear, if I have to. You know, IT was awesome men, plus.
I thought, well.
you might well do what know? I will always want to to do something once in my life. You know, also.
So I could say, I had the experience, you know, like, run for president and stuff. And I did that. That was an experience. And, you know, i've done a lot of really different kind of things .
when you ran for president. Did you refuse to give interviews?
Now I love given in reviews. You know why? Because I knew what I was gonna say, and I had ideas, unlike. She's not, but a prostate to.
And, you know, SHE blew her, waited the metal. That's what I said, SHE said SHE blew away to the middle and and that is insulting to us women who, like I said, IT is so insulting to those women, you know, like me, who are never asked a blow a guy for a promotion, right lady.
It's I can see why you're .
insulted. I get IT. Two and more exposed to be proud of that.
I mean, more sport ago. Oh, she's the first one. I mean, it's just such an insult. Everything that they do is to insult, humiliate the women. First of all, they can insole their humility us enough by telling us that if you got a penis, you're a Better woman. That really pisses me off.
I mean, IT what makes .
me so mad? It's mocker ery of you.
and humiliation. It's black face. It's woman face.
When the little bud light dude is telling you how harder is to be a woman, which she's been for like a week. I mean.
you know what was .
disgusting .
about that or get to get into IT. You were getting into IT, but i've been involved in this fight for a really long time and and he wasn't just um being a woman or a girl and in that stuff he was dressing up and eight year old right? You saw right? I was I right and then he would run in his bedroom with his teddy bears and stuff with that little girl stress, I mean, IT was just pedophiles.
IT was Normalizing pedophiles. And that is all they care about that and killed and babies. That's only two things they care about, Normalizing pedophile and killing babies.
It's hard to argue with that. I mean, if those clearly other priorities, I mean, but both the thing that both have is the destruction of innocence.
absolutely. That's where that's where the double gets his power. Tell me what you mean.
Well, you know, the destruction of everything decent, good and innocent, he loves nothing more than one way. You know, people give him the power by destroying IT. Then he owns, bam.
He owns the people who do that in his name. And, you know, they worship, say, and I mean, people are eyes go on all roles and you're so crazy, but they do. They worship, say, and just like we worship god only, I think there are more, whatever the word is, debt than we are.
They are way more than about than we are. They never go a day without worshipping at the altar of the devil. And doing his bedding will forget about god when we we go.
And we only turn to god. One, you know, we're having troubles or something, or when we feel bad. But those guys are added twenty four, seven.
And that is what that's when you ask me what's going on in the world. That is exactly what I think is going on. The world is a bigger war.
It's a war between good and evil. And you know, you got two choices who you're gonna serve. You're gonna that bob Dylan songs, you're gonna a serve somebody.
IT may be the devil or IT may be the lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody. So I always say choose wisely. This is the time to choose wisely. And a lot of people, they're on the fence because they you know they're like, well, this doesn't involve me or I don't want to get involved but the thing is that they are choosing the with the devil by doing that and they're onna pay for IT too.
What do you mean you're saying that the people through whom evil flows are destroyed by evil?
Yeah, the people who do evil are destroyed by evil, but the people who don't hate evil. Because we're commanded in the tora to hate evil. We're not supposed to tolerate or love Better or look the other way or forgive IT.
We're supposed to chase after with hate to distance to extinguished IT from this planet as. That's the only thing we're allowed to feel hate for, not for another human being who happened to be captive of the force of the devil, but the devil himself. We are supposed to hate him and the evil he does by serving our god.
And by loving our god and loving what's good because god is good. So when you're not chosen, you are chosen. You know I mean, you're chosen not to be on the right side.
You're chosen to go how well that doesn't involve me. Well, that doesn't involve you and you're on the right wrong side of stuff. You didn't pick IT pick for you like a lot of people will say, well, i'm not political.
I don't care about politics. Well, that's fine, but politics cares about you. And you are not immune.
And I think these times are showing people that IT doesn't matter if you think you're immune or you can, you know, immerse yourself in insignificant things. It's still gonna get you. It's common right now. It's gathering forces coming for our country and you know it's past time for us to sit around do and go and like world. Jez, I hope somebody you'll do something about IT its way past that.
When when did this come to you?
Oh, boy, IT came to me when I was three years old. I was three years old and. I I grew up in an apartment house.
I am, I don't know, if you don't know, I would do. I love being a jaw. IT is so much fun.
IT is so much fun to be. Jewry shop town is a blast. IT is is so fun and am.
And i'm jewish. My grandparents, they sponsored, uh, a lot of people to come over after the a holocaust. They sponsored I think IT was twenty families to come over from concentration counts.
And my grandparents owned apartment house. And that's where I grew up. And I grew up with survivors, and every friday night on for about dinner, everyone, what comes to my grandmother's house, you know, and they had numbers on their arms.
And that's why I started my career, actually, because I always said my grandmother had a big like window, a window seat, and so I would go up there and enter chain because I really don't like people all that much unless i'm on stage and they are watching me. Then I really love on me, you know, but not good on one to one thing because I get tom tied nervous. But I really liked entertaining and y'd all clap and stuff.
And I did my really good surely temple impressions. And I made my mom do my hair and ringlets and everything. And my family lied to me.
They told me that I was Better than surely temple and everything like that, I believe, down till I was older and. That was a horrible light down there. But sometimes they would tell stories about what they had been through.
They didn't have, you know, they were in ptsd. And I was the only kid around and and so they they are often what point to me this is a lot of why i'm really heroic and stuff. And they would point to me in, they would say, little girls like her and they then they would tell a horrible thing that happened.
喂。 I don't know what you're say. Oh, well, I love you to you.
So nice. Thank you. Well, so they're always pointing to me and gone little girls like her.
They did this nature. Uh, they were watching the acmd trial on T. V. O. And they and i'd come in and they go, don't let her watch IT but then my ant said, go no SHE should see this. I would never show my kids when they were three what I saw.
But you know, it's horrifying and I got horrible ptsd from IT two and a lot other mental things like obsessed compulsive than a whole bunch er ticks. But so I want to get away from my went in the bathroom and lock the bathroom door as only three and they all come in a hay rosy turn the black knob and oh, she's locked you they were jew so they're like. like.
That's going to. But I was in there, I was like, I locked them out, and that was great. And so is just all in the battery alone. And IT was really fun and stuff all by myself there, without them there.
And I had a vision, and I had this vision, and I saw, I saw, I saw a vision, and, you know, I told people this my whole life, and they're going, oh my god, SHE needs shock treatments and psychiatric care. SHE is together, you know, you wouldn't believe till I stop talking about IT, till I is older. But yeah, I did see a vision.
And IT was, I guess, that I don't know what I was back. IT was a guy, you know, man, and he pointed at me, just like they had pointed at me. And he told me, without words, you're gonna live. He said, you're going to survive this and he said, and one day you're gonna have an answer to every question that in your mind right now.
And i'm gonna be with you every step of the way, and you're going to find those answers in books because I love the books when I was little, and you know, i've reread thousands of books, and I always find the answers in my mind. I'll tell about that later. And then he told me, he said, and you're going to have your own television show, and it's gonna be cause rosan.
The most interesting and news worthy television show of the year is coming here to t. cn. We are not bragging. That's actually true.
So our long temperatures, Justin wells and a team have been invited with no problem at all with donal trump on the campaign trail for months of the only through capturing what is going on on the campaign in real time, intimately. They are with proper as he campaigns for the presents y across the and they've shot some amazing footage. So you would it's really like in that.
So if you're a member, you will soon be able to get this dock. Here is covering a historic campaign, the fall of you never before seen footage from the assassination, tempt the button township, any trump rally, and a lot more. It's going to pull back the curtain completely. They are embedded inside the campaign. I can't wait to see you personally, but to get at first, but a tucker ls and dock com become a member, the greatest television event of the year, where to offer.
So that's why I know there is a god because IT came true, you know so I knew was a god force that was saying that to me. So I was like, yeah and then IT happened. So I don't have any any doubts about if there's a god not because that, you know.
do you have doubts about whether gooda evil wins in the end?
Oh, no. I have no doubts at all, whether good or even when I know good always wins. IT takes its time now because, you know, a lot of people have to wake up because they don't even know what's the difference between good neighbor.
And we ve got a lot of people in our country, they still are blind to a they don't they don't see that they're supporting evil. They have no idea. And you know, but now it's so in their face I think that god is pulling the veil off of all of IT in front of us and every day don't see IT.
Everyday is getting harder and harder not to see IT. And I think that these people, they have to work really hard not to see you and not to put the ece is together. And that's why we don't have any journalist because journalists are supposed to put the sever parts together for us to get the picture.
So that's why they knew they couldn't have any of them. You know, we have to be, like I say, a unified field of bullshit. That's what we have for mea. Because if they were to tell the truth, people would get the picture clearly and wouldn't allow IT, but they have plausible deniability. That's why they lie because people will go well, maybe IT isn't that they're stealing our country and selling IT out from under us. These people that pretend to represent us, maybe, maybe they're not making deals just for themselves and their families with the money we work up here to pay taxes and pay for all that stuff to kill, to allow them to kill us. You know, maybe people would see real clearly what's being done to our the people of our country, and particularly what's being done to the children in our country and to the children they're bringing to this country and to the genocide that is happening to those children that they're bringing to this country and to the genocide that's going on to the children in this country.
How would you described that genocide?
Oh, it's just so completely on every single level it's fears um well, you know what is IT like they say eighty thousand children just disappeared that we're brought over here. But that isn't even taking into account what I know when I came to hollywood. Always I was involved in stuff having to do with mental help and being a mental help patient myself.
I was saw behind that veil that I am certain of what they do to people who have mental help, help issues, what they do in hospitals, you know. Yeah, there are so many others, and you know, being committed to mental hospitals several times in my life have about you know hundred and fifty nervous break downs and such over the course of my life. Just shout shout out whatever.
No, but I would be in mental institutions with other Young people, so I would hear from them what was going on in their lives. And so I always knew, because they told me. And when I came to hollywood, people regarded me as a mother figure, you know, and they still do.
And I love IT, and I, you know, love, love children about. Children are ball ages, but people would come to make kids in hollywood. You know, they would tell me things, a lot of them that never told their own parents. And I would listen because I felt like that was part of.
Why god allowed me to how what I got, you know, because I owe that you, I felt I owed that in telling the story of this family that was archetypal to me, of all the great families I grew up with that, or working class and poor and right on that line. And this were so nobble, you know, that's what I wanted to bring to television, because are so sick of seeing working people in salt, particularly. I was just sick of itself.
I would sit there watching TV and go when I, when I get the rosenthal, you know we're going to do we're going to show you know how indispensable these people are, the people who make everything go. And I always regarded that as a spiritual you mission to do that and post that make me feel good, you know, to do IT. Because I knew that IT.
I knew they didn't. I knew the people in charge didn't value IT, nor did they value the people at home that were making them all their money and watching IT and bind all their products and all that stuff. So I sort of felt like a pirate.
Yeah, I always imagine myself a pirate. And this one friend of man was a great professor of linguistics, s and theology. And SHE wrote that people like us, writers, that we are pirates on the subliminal seas. Don't you love that?
I kind of do pirates .
on the subliminal seas and stealing back what was stolen from us.
So IT worked. I mean, he was the biggest show in america. And then I became really clear to everyone in the hollywood that the people you portray and the people who watched the shower, like one hundred .
percent trump photo, oh yeah. And so, well, they always hated the working class. They always hated the working.
Why i've never understood .
that because they work.
I don't know. I didn't group in the working class. I was kind of thought they were great.
They could do stuff. They had actual skills. IT wasn't just like all private equity.
I am made stuff. Well, this parcere people in hollywood are not or they're not like anybody.
What are they like?
我, they're just very arrogant and very ignorant. They have no real life, their narsisi. First of all, they don't have any real relationships with anybody, you know.
They don't have any real friendships. They don't have any uh integrity or authenticity or nothing that they're just they're just a phantoms. I think they're phantoms. I always say when I talk to people, I think we need a new definition for what is a human being.
what what do you mean and what is the definition of the human being?
Well, to me. I think .
you're being asked to comment on daddy.
Oh, on daddy. Okay, but first I want to finish what, because I said this, I talked some a little while ago, week or so go, but people were agreed with, maybe because I think, well, a human being cares about life. Yes, a human being loves life and living things and doesn't and has empathy for living things and other human beings and um I think that's the big thing that respects a human being, respect life, want things to live, loves life and feels empathy for other living things.
A man that's a what I agree with that definition one hundred percent.
And there are some people, what they look like, people. You know and they act like people sort of but but they don't have none of that. They they like they like the idea of blood and war and death. They really dig that because IT means now they're gna make another hundred box or some.
So are you suggesting they're .
not fully human? I don't think they're human. You know, i'm biblical student, you and so no, I don't think they're human in the bible, let says, is anyone interested in here in me?
I told, I always tell this to my family, they are used to me but i'm like, you know, I always lose all my friends and stuff because, you know, nobody likes to hear somebody that just talks about the bible twenty four, seven and their like, oh my god, give a rest, get something else to talk about. You know, people are bored with me when I do, but I I love IT not. So I just like to find other people that i'll do that with me. But i'm glad they're summer all there.
Thanks for thanks for that. Well IT sense that. that.
Yes, way. Thank you. IT said, some of us are people, and then some of us are messengers and messengers or Angels.
They come in two forms, negative and positive. But a messenger or an Angel, IT doesn't have a soul. And here's what that says about a soul. So if you know if you are a soul or a messenger, lot of people don't know. Ah if you are a soul, a soul is capable of change.
A soul can change its mind IT can change its behavior IT can represent IT can grow IT can a get Better? You can do Better, you you can change. A messenger cannot change. Its only here to tempt those who have souls. IT temptation to do bad or to do good.
Think .
because IT says the devising hebrew brew what he is the prosecutor.
Because when you go to have them for judgment in the court, he shows up as the prosecutor on the other side because he know, is your sense Better than you do?
So if we're trying you're saying if we're trying to assess people, the ability to repent and change is the number one way we understand what we're dealing with.
right? And so a lot of these things, a lot of these messages, they are like phantoms. And we can create them in our mind with. When we are not honest with ourself and we're not right with god, and we just like to CT our own crap onto everybody else, we can create a phantom net way by projection. So now, if we get a good Angel, a good messenger, that brings us good, a good message, that lift says, that's a gift from god, you know that to do Better, you know, to go the right way. But a lot of us, I know, what do you say?
Don trump.
i'm going to tell you all about trump in a minute and but a negative messenger, they just want you to mess up because then we've got you. And when you think you're got, when you think your sins are so great, you go out to hell, i'll never get Better and then you just keep doing bad so that's the, you know, we've all seen that.
Yeah, you've known trump a long time. How would U. S. S. trump? H.
I think that he's I think that he's his bible kle. I think he's messianic. He's a messianic figure to me. And um IT also says that every in tour also says that every tribe of human, you know every tribe of being is here to fix itself through repentance and you by being very honest with yourself and you going to god and thing I did this like to have the capacity for self reflection. And trump is doing, trump, I think, is here to do the lifting for our country of everything that our country did that was bad. He's here to lift us out of that and take us into the good.
Well, he's certainly revealed a lot of IT. I will say that I always think i've trumped that. The main looking back one hundred years from now, I think it'll be clear that because of trump, a lot of us all, i'm in the category for sure.
I lived in dc. I had no idea what was going on in the city I lived with among the people who are my neighbors. I had no clue .
until trump .
showed up. Really, I really didn't. I mean, I really didn't. I don't know what if you're married to an alcohol is like all your friends know you're the last to know yeah that's and if you're living and I mean, I thought nato was like a good thing I had oh my god, I know you don't know when you're the you know .
how many people still think that like they like the land, ski and shed? I can they got, I could lose my mind over that like they go he's jewish well, he's an Ethanol says a one sky out of care what I mean I just lose my mind for this stuff do you .
meet anyone who agrees with you?
Just checking.
More and more for a long type of notin hollywood to held now a notin n hollywood. No, I never met nobody that agreed with .
me in hollywood. What did they think of you?
Well, you know, when I would say, oh, they just hated my guts and they were terrified of me too.
Why I thought .
they were terrified of me because I was a woman. For one thing, they're terrified of women. Yeah, especially, especially the kind of women they got up there are terrified of women like me. They're terrified what .
what kind of women do they have out there?
I noticed a word minerve whether you learn that .
but they asn't they are though, you know, they are they don't have any, you know, there are no self. Nam has any self. It's just a bar.
They're all bars. And you know, like I was a woman, I mean, i'm a comic. You know, like I think they were shocked.
I think the first time ever went to a meeting at the network there that was certain they were like. They didn't compute. It's like somebody like her.
I mean, SHE should be serving us coffee. That's how they looked at. SHE should be serving us coffee or clean an up. And here SHE is telling us what he, what shouldn't go to harbor none of that shit?
You you didn't go to harvard.
No, no, prince and nana shit. Okay now and they're like, kiss you duck. She's a high school dropout and she's setting up here telling these network people what to do.
And so I think they didn't like me for that, you know plus I said things like when you'd say, well, they'd say crazy stuff like they'd go like they'd say like this well, rosen would never say that. They say that to me. I would never say that.
They say that to me. I would never say that. And I go, what are you talking about? And they go, not you, rose.
Their cycles, I got, but I am rose. And what they help you talking about, I am rose and I know what rose and would say, trust me, SHE would say that. And they say, no, you don't understand, there is a difference between you and the character you porter, no, there is.
There's no difference between myself in the character that I por tray. I write the fucking and jokes. You ask how? I'm sorry, excuse me, i'm so dirty and awful.
I'm sorry, but they made me so mad. And then they go like, there they go. Well, we feel that that is not the right way to go.
And so, you know, I just got matter and matter because, you know, I came from atha. You know we ate the welfare cheese in my family, which was very unusual for juice to be on the welfare cheese. IT was but.
But so I say, you know what, you're making a big mistake. I go like a you're think in the wrong way. This is a democracy, okay? It's a queen down. And I know democracy up in here OK the queendom read the name of the shell. And so then I was like, got, she's such a bit.
Then I was like, she's a bit and then i'd see, i'm like, with Jerry sign filled in, the men the'd go all he is just, he knows what they want. You know he's a great leader. He really stands er and he stanca he knows what he wants to as the vision SHE is a big. They always did that to medi drove me crazy because I knew what they were doing .
even though I think they're very for women's, right? I thought pretty big feminist aren't they? I think they're like fun plan parent hood. It's kind of word that didn't listen to.
well, I was, I wasn't that kind. I was. I was that way. I was like, well, the mom, you know, the mom and the dad, i'd like there to be a mom and a dad.
You know, i'd like there to be a male and a fee male in the power equation. You know, I like men and you know hollywood, everybody y's day is help. Ask me, ask me who's gay?
I tell you, just ask me. I tell you tidy. They are all gay as hell.
I always knew they were gay as hell too, because when they're get now they're gone. I'm a man and I there is A. right? gay? Well.
let's just get on the list on who's gay then.
And, you know, I said, I, my brother and sister is both gay, you know, and that's why I put gay characters on TV because, you know, we all love the gays. And I said, you know, because I grew up with the gays and everything, and, you know, I love my brother and sister and know they've been with the same people for thirty five and thirty eight years, and, you know, i've been married nine or ten times. So you can go by the stereotype there.
So I want to present in a Normal people, they're married, they have children, you know there and I said, well, but the bad thing about given the voice so as a voice, they never shut the fuck up that's a problem there. But now they should have quit back when they got, yeah they need to go this far. You know, come on, it's all about the middle, right? The vast meddle there. The extremes have marginalized the meddle that.
it's insane and IT. How did they marginalize main street?
They've decided in the succeeded in making people with Normal goals, like getting married to have kids by house, sending kids to summer. Cm, these are not crazy by helicopter tick over the world goals?
no. But all the second.
you're like a free if you want to have children, like shot up in freezer eggs and go back door at the bank. No, no, but for real.
I know most .
people I know have, including me, pretty moderate goals now yeah like but those are considered heteronomy tive or racist or something. But no, every person, regardless of what they look like, your weather from kind of has the same goals ah they've been redefined as freek y by the freek est people in the world that might read on IT.
I know there these people going around showing their winners and all over the streets know walking .
around in their are flashing.
No, but i'm sad that people showing their winner said the kids they're saying that were offended they're the one saying we're .
a fenced IT does seem what were you saying earlier .
about projecting? Yeah because they have no self.
What is so they have no self? Can you see that little bit?
Well, I think when they look in the mayor, they don't see a reflection because they have no self reflection. All they do is go after everybody else, but they don't go, hey, man, I I have total double standards. I'm watching everybody on, you know, everybody who loves trump go into prison and everybody on my side who's done ten times worse don't they don't even get arrested or get a ticket.
They have been arrested. Anybody that burn down all those cities, but are all later that walked to the capital grandmother, they threw her in prison. They don't even .
see IT that's investigating the estee murder. They promised investigation.
They've never done IT. No, right. But I think all of the unit party, they are just trying to they are they're scared to death and they're just trying to protect themselves because when that list comes out and all the other stuff is the class, you know, it's gonna be like worse than the emperor naked.
It's gonna be the emperor went to the island, don a people. And you know they do that. You know they eat babies. That is not bullshit. It's true.
So it's not just the dogs in the cats. It's not just the pets.
It's not just the dogs and the cats. They are full on bang fires. And everybody still thinks i'm crazy, but i'm not crazy.
They are fall on bang pire. They love the taste of human flash and they drink human blood. They do talk her stop there at me like the free.
And because you spent your life in the entertainment business. So I think you have some authority on this.
So many kids that I was in mental institutions worth over the years, they are all from those calls, and they've covered IT all up. They have covered IT all up. And, you know, I just pray to god, i'm just gna pray to god that he opens everybody's eyes in this country by the time we go in to vote for trump, that he will open up everybody's eyes and they will stop pretending to be asleep.
You know what they say? You can't wake people up that are pretending to be asleep, but I pray to god, please wake up even those who are pretending to be a sleep with the irrefutable, able truth of what the worried people on this planet are really up to. They are really up to that.
They're doing that. There are so many victims. There are so many victims, there are so many children victims that are now adult. There are so many adult victims who have been. Raped and brutal zed and seen their brothers and sisters murdered in these houses where their parents are, you know, drug addicts.
And because that happened to them too, IT is at, what did they call IT? when? How about what was at the big lie? No, the big lie.
Yeah, yeah. Ah, but they said of pandemic, what's the world epidemic? Thank you, honey. The epidemic america, the epidemic amErica is child's sexual abuse. And I just want people to see IT.
I want people to open up their eyes and see how prevalent and horrible IT is. One of three girls, one of four boys in this country today. It's just horrible.
And, uh, you just can't law law lie away anymore. It's gonna get more and more apparent. And you got ta choose your side.
You know what I said? When did when they didn't pass that, say, flower boy and I get mad. Do you know, tucher taker, am I Better shut up?
Do you know how many people I had? Do you know what I do? Do you know what i've done since they stole that election in twenty twenty? They gave us a god down, covered. So we'd send in those male order baLance and all that post office cheated to everybody in this country, cheated us out of our president and twenty twenty, they made us sick.
I'm sorry.
Go, baby.
Think over through the united states of america. They over through the constitutional republic of the united states of america. And then they covered IT up with their genuine six bulshed.
What are insurrection?
Because the first thing president who did, god bless that man and I M and everybody, I love them more now than I ever loved them, and I love them pretty damn good. He drove me out in a penally when I did my second h feel special, trump palace in a city if you've seen IT. He's always been a good friend and a good man and to me and to a lot other people and.
What's I say? I'm all, I forget what i'm say. What was I say?
I was a kidding about roaming. Interesting was, I mean.
no, i'm sorry, I forgot what I was say.
You said they over through trump. Yes, they use the.
Well, SHE gave everybody AIDS too. Did you know that he did go away? He was held the eggs trapped from dying people and came back to give us covered.
And he's working on a whole, no. When nobody stops in these people, how come the same people are still around the ones with the fake finance and obama? This is term.
How come nobody does anything about obama and he should run around after best and furies? After fake vises, they over through the government of our country, and they have even answered for and that best. I I remember what I was going to say, you guys, since they did that talker, i'm sorry, but since they did .
hearing back day now .
I have been on the phone. You guys would not even believe how many people I have called every day I am on the phone and i'm causing trouble. Every single place I can walk cost the cost I am.
You are the best. You know why? Because you know how trump says they're not after me thereafter. You and i'm just in their way you know how trump says, well, they're not after america. They're after the world.
And americans the only thing that stands in their way that and they take america, they will take the whole world, world, every kid in IT. I'm here for the kids. I'm here for the kids. I'm a grandmother. Everybody says you raised me.
You know, a lot of people come up and they go, you know, I am the woman I am today because you raise me and I got, don't blame me that you're a whole because a lot of them, I don't want to take credit, but. I just felt like I. Now, but I feel like I am a grammar and to these people, they say, you know, you raise me and now my kids watch you.
Well, that means something to me. And I never would take that for granted. I never would IT means something to me and and so I wanted, you know how we have mega and then r fk.
We have, we have mah. Make amErica healthy again isn't IT great? Well, i'm launching one. Make amErica moral again.
And it's cause 妈妈。
And what that means is no more double standards america, no more double standards anywhere because that means you don't have no standards. One law for everybody.
A man since .
I am like in the position to be america's grandmother now. My god, i'm going to do what you know. I I don't know why this is from my art, but I do try to correct children when I see, you know, how their parents don't even watch them these days. And so, you know, I will step in when I see I do, I have to and I chAllenge all other grandparents. You just have to are you probably can't get away with that like I can, but you know, I just have to do IT. I'm just a nose old woman and I feel like god wants me to do IT he wants me to do IT like these kids are a screaming in the hall in my hotel, you know and now, but I do do this in, my son said, you you Better stop IT mother because someone's gonna see .
you but well, what did you do?
Well, these two kids that this was the day of the football games saturday, and these people was getting the elevator or, and there's all dressed, there are outfits were for the bolt mos and.
The bottom .
is yeah yes and whatever and so they get, I don't know, so they get no elevator in the door close. And there are these two like I guess they're like part two thousand and thirteen boys. And when the elevator door closed, they go back.
Like that they scream in the hall, you know, i'm going in the elevator and just thought reflects because I think god wants me to be. The world's jewish grandmother he does cause IT just came out of me. I go set up and.
And I couldn't believe I soon. And so they were really scared and turned around. And I got dear parents, no year out here, screaming in the hall.
I bet they don't. I wear, are your parents. And they go over in the room and I go, I bet they don't know that you're out here screaming like, this is somebody yaar.
This is a nice hotel. You don't go screaming in a house at hotel. That's what they looked like, just like you.
And so I said, don't you don't do there so you know, they didn't know who I was so that was cool. And then so the next day I go out, you know, and they're running in the hall this time. So I thought, I D A hell with IT.
This gonna be fun. So, so I chased him. I start chased. IT was so, but I chased them down the hallway, and the one goes in heights behind this one door, you know, so I go and I pulled the door up and I go, I say, yeah.
And then the other one goes this way and hide, spin the elevator doors. I go over there and, you know, say, I see you too and then, you know, they were, well scared and stuff, and they didn't know that I heard them say each other's name. They didn't know that I had heard that.
So I go, you Better watch a tray and Jordan and they were like, and the elevator doors closed just then. And that one kid looks, he goes, how did you know our name? So then I went down the lobby and they were so scared or someone so anyways, the elevator, other elevator opens there and they they stick their heads out look, and they are like, who is that? They don't know.
It's mina rozen and they're looking for that crazy woman, you know? And so I walk by and I go get back up there. So they are closing.
You're definitely getting sued.
But, you know, I don't know it's fun.
Can I ask? I'm just so grateful that there is that I know from text is no public is just so great. I think you're an amazing person. I always thought that.
oh, I want to say, what are we ending?
I'm going to ask you one more big question.
Oh, because I got at the end OK.
You hit them if you want? I'm not judging. You can hit that if you want.
You know, they say that the cigarettes kill despite proteins.
I think there's some evidence that that's true, but i'm not a physician. So i'm not kind of i'm so.
Do you guys know how much I love you so much? I'd love you so much. We're gonna a win. We're GTA win. Don't you? Down.
up for a minute. So you got my question. You anticipated IT. You really think trust going to win?
I don't know what the health are going to happen. I mean, that could go so many different ways. I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm being very honest.
but you seem hopeful despite everything that you said.
Yeah, i'm hopeful because I know there's a god and you know, god always wins. I know he's trying to wake us up. I know he's playing some kind of game with the swords like, no, that's not gonna anymore.
You are gonna a have to repent I think he's tell us and now you're gonna to face what you did and say you're sorry and make, you know, recommends sport and come to me with a clean heart this time because we're not playing games. No more. This is IT.
You want to save your country, start with yourself, start with love in each other, and you love me. You want to save your county, start there, start at home. I think that's what he's telling us.
I feel that so deeply, I think you're exactly right. Yes, I do. If you want to save your country, start with yourself, tell the truth and be real about IT.
regress about IT, and be brave. Be braver than you've ever been in your life. Be, be brave till IT hurts.
Have courage, even when your shake and and your boots do IT anyway. Do IT for god. Do IT for jesus.
Do you produce ve. You have to. There's no you, there's only god. right?
My mind is completely blown. Ladies, will you join me in applying plot?
I gotto tell you one more thing. Now go right now. Shut up, everybody. Now, I got tell this one thing because somebody was telling me. And so here's what I said.
He said, don't say that, but i'm saying, IT, anyway, I was on the pond and I said, you know what, we have to save ourselves. We have to do the work that americans have to do. Like I gave this speech about heady knocks they ever hear about, hey, knocks and tyana ogi.
They drag these cannons over ice with their their feet. The letter of their shoes gave out, so they put rags on their feet to drag these canals to get rid of the british. And they did IT IT took him like four weeks that would break these cannons down, a dragon over ice bleeding.
And they ve got all the farmers involved to make sleds. All the farmers, everybody, every american of every walk of life got involved together to make the sleds, to pull the cannons, to surround boston, to win the war. And that's what we have to do.
We have to put rags around our feet, not just sit there on the internet. I'm telling you, we have to you know, that's what I want to see happen. We've got a march.
I think we have to march. I think we've gotta get all the truckers in our country. I think we have to get all the farmers in our country.
I think we have to get everybody who's so pissed off that they are going to try this shit again. And we're not gna let them. We have to say no.
We have to say no, and they have to say, I say no. They have to say, I say no. We can be covered.
We can go out. I'm afraid they are gona dogs may forcat. We have to go.
We have to go. I've just put that in your head. So if you hear about me organized in a great big brand and march. Think about coming.
And with that, can we apply you now, ladies and gentleman, rose and.
The big tech companies, sensor are content. I hate to tell you that is still going on in twenty twenty four. But you know what? They can't sensor live events.
That's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of september, coast to coast, we will be in cities across the united states, will be in rainfall. South Caroline with margry, Taylor Green, sunrise, ed ford, a with john rich Jackson, bill forward with Donald trump. Junior, you can a tickets at tucker carlson dot com.
See there. Thanks for listen and stuck across some show. If you enjoy IT, you can go to talk across and that calm to see everything that we have made .
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