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Welcome the ducks across and show has become prety clear that the mainstream media are dying. I can't die quickly enough and there's a reason they're dying. Lie, lied so much IT killed them. We're not doing that talk across the comi promised, bringing the most honest content, the most honest interviews we can without fear or favor. Here's the latest who's the president right now?
Do you have any clue? I don't know.
What do you got brain damage? Who's the president? Simple question. Like when doctors are trying to access what if you had a stroke or not?
Say, who's president, anybody? I think obama is the president myself. Yeah, I really do.
He took quite a while to endorse a camel toe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I don't know. I I think joe biden put the fox to him on and I didn't think, say I don't I don't think they wanted her when you say .
just really don't live in in the region when you say put the fuck to him, what does that mean? He like .
given on middle finger OK yeah he is not qualified to do anything in my. I wouldn't hire for a kindergarten, an art teacher. I wouldn't.
I also getting one word.
yeah. I mean, how did that's another thing? I mean, I know how SHE got in because D E I R, D I E, yeah, we get to get rid of those laws.
Which laws? The I don't their laws, they are only these things, laws that these people are doing. Do you even know? I don't think so. I don't think there was. I just think there spoken .
sumption, I don't think you're get enjoy A J P. Morgan, if that's your question.
right? But I don't think that these things that people are do on the laws, I don't think they have to hire somebody because of color, A A woman or in the lost. And you have to have a you have to have thirty nine person employees, have to be of color. There's no law as A.
I think the justice department will sue you if you don't. Well, they yeah, because too many White man is bad. They might like read a constitution or build a functional country.
Or sometimes they on books now say, you have to do that.
know the regulations.
I can see you then, yes, I would just see .
you and .
the loss. And you have to have so many people of certain color of race or gender working for you, right?
I don't think passed by the congress, right?
So you .
had a company of because that itself with violence as fault company .
and I had fifty employees then and I didn't hire somebody because sort guy fill out application. I don't hire him because he's got four O U eyes and he doesn't have a dumpling truck license. He happens to me of color, can he sue the asset company is so he didn't hire me.
Happens all the time.
right? And do they win?
Absolutely, they win.
wow. But they no losing. So I don't know.
But the dump truck licence or the four o us though, I think probably yes, they ve win. But certainly it's very, very common for people who scored lower on the test that gaes whether you can do the job or right, right, still doing the job, absolutely. And win solution.
So they don't go by the test.
they go the okay, we we had bunch of corn set up and we had two dump trucks and these guys did the best on their test.
Yeah, but what color are they that matters? Orange, I know that. So you've been saying for a long time that things were going to fall apart.
You have been like for a decade, say it's common when that does these .
people are fact yeah they .
are IT does seem like .
a little less crazy prediction right now.
right? I mean, the are following part of is look at yeah the talk about polluting. What happens is the biggest thing of losing the energy grid, all the millions of scenario that can happen. It's already .
happening. What do you think about buying big plastic bins of freestyle food?
Yeah, you should have. That's a short term solution, not going to get you through the this was a great depression.
Yeah no.
it's all it's not going to get you through post civil war yet. Downside th living you know it's it's onna get you through two weeks without power, most you know maybe a year if you get a whole dog IT. But no, you get just have a mind, the set of, can I live? I'm gonna build the live like I have to live when that time comes.
Like to simplify your life and I gonna be you've got so you've got a daughter that lives in new york city. okay? Obviously she's not gonna to live in new york city. It's gonna burn down in luton almost is now. yeah.
Okay SHE gonna be ready to comment of, you know, new jersey or main, or where new jersey probably still too close in that situation, I don't know, but pensylvania main to live, you know, SHE geta build is okay. This is, this has happened with the great. We will just use a great depression for a baseline.
Great depression has happened. Everybody jump and out of the buildings in new york city. We're going to hang out in may for twenty years and get our life back together.
Yeah you know is your family ready for that? Your close one a year. Everybody are close to ready for that.
whether they are trained or not doesn't the training doesn't matter, is just in their mind you you got to be ready for that stuff. You get to always have that, you know, live like you live. I live very, very modern.
Do everything modern? Everything I get is power. Everything I get IT. But in the back of my brain, i'm like, I might have to cut my firewood by hand. I'm not going to be to get any, yes, someday.
Well, the fact that you use firewood in the first place, suggestion, not totally modern, right?
See you burn firewood. yeah. The eight cords.
the year, how much as a cords.
a wheeler alone, a chocolate, when you see the big truck going down the road? That's about good.
I'm just saying this for and much that so you burn IT for heat.
And my father burns, would I have? I have a oil furnace back up? I bought one hundred gallons of oil when I bought, when I moved into my house, which was ten years ago. Yes, and I still, I probably burned ten, one hundred gallons, turned the fairness .
on every year. Your house on your farm is not tiny, but it's not huge. And you burn eight cords of what? What does he, what does IT take to prepare that?
Would I get a, if I buy a tree length, which I have before? So you, the truck comes that drops out of tree length, I would say, with with the machinery that I have, which as a hydrogen pitter and a dump trailer and a convey and a chains, aren't a tractor. And all those stuff, every farm has, i'd say, a week, a week.
If I, if I, I don't do IT straight, I do a couple hours after a supper type stuff. But yeah, really, a week I took a week off. I could get my fire would done if two weeks I could do mine and my father's together, but if I have to cut the tree down and drag IT out of the woods, then is probably two weeks.
So what is that just for people who don't cut their own firewood, eight cords of wood, or with your, how many cards of .
thirty five trees has eight cords?
And how many courts is your dead burn?
Be six? Sixty eight? We just call IT eight.
We had burn low a year. Okay, so sixteen courts would what? Let's say you have IT dropped off and funnier house with a truck and just trAiling no branches, a tree links. What do you have to do to get .
IT ready like you to cut IT to six? Well, I kept mine, two, four, twenty inches, but sixteen anges most people. And on your stove you have to you, I pick IT up with the tractor, I cut up with a chain, or I have a pretty good efficient system.
You've got to cut up to lank. You've gotto split IT to size. So IT dries if it's small stuff. You don't have disputed IT.
Round wood is best on split with the more every time you split IT, they say you lose ten percent of the efficiency out of IT because you've made IT small, you know, big chunk of wood burns really efficiently. So you always leave IT big. And I always split IT as I need IT.
You break IT down to where I can handle IT, but I don't break IT down really small to start with and then the when you in the solar, then you, okay, I need some small stuff. You just split up what you then you don't have a whole pilot, small stuff that burns fast and then you get a stack and dry IT. That's the time consuming thing. You can earn a Green and takes about a year to dry wood.
really. yeah. So you have guess, thirty two cards would set now. Yeah, I I got mine.
I got next year. He is all done. My father is, we're working on his.
He's got next years old that we had his next year all done this winter in. I'm doing this year after that right now. And then this winter i'll do mine.
Next year I can actually dry IT. If I had IT done in the winter, it'll be ready in the fall. So when I say a year, it's like a season just pretty fast at my house.
And I stack IT, so IT dries.
So that's with machine. So the of you don't know my hand, I ign those farm mouses. I've heard ten, twelve cords and winter .
imagine doing but here with fireplaces really open IT.
Ah yeah yeah. Can you imagine cutting .
that all by hand? So how would .
you cut ten courts with glp? Have two. One, have more kids .
that is .
of start breathing.
So could you I mean, what how long do you think that would take? You that would take .
that would just be I think I would just be an ongoing thing. I think like every day after a suber, you would just go up for an hour and cut, you know, maybe a day's worth of wood not over. You won't want to overwhelm m yourself, you know, can you you know just every that's if you don't have a machinery that's kind of how you do every kind of gardening to fire with, you just try not overwhelm yourself and make IT a chore.
So of all the things, just think if you're driving .
home and you see a tree on the side of the road that you know is free for the taking, IT fell down or whatever, and you just talked and grabbed IT. If you did that every day in your in your travels, you'd probably have enough. If you just stop and saw every treating on the side of the road and cut IT up, throw the back your truck.
That's what we used to do in the old days. We, we didn't drive by a tree. You know, we would often cut IT up and thrown on the drug.
Did you paid by the town .
for cleaning up the road?
So of all the things that were you power grade, going down is probably to be .
at the bottom right. Yeah no other than um food storage ref my freezer. I don't know with the, you know, I think things would have to really get bad, do not be able to get any gas, gasoline.
And these stores, I don't know, you know, depends on how how bad things got. If you like a war situation, that would be, I mean, shut down how much you know, you not gonna waste that, guess mowing you on, you need to run a generator, know for your food. You going to, you're not going to drive, unlike you not going to drive for the sake driving somewhere.
If you've got to have that gas to live off, I don't know how bad it's going to get where you can store food without power. You can can the meat like they did, you can butcher of, you know, get all enables together. okay?
We're going to watch your cowd, yeah, you know, so you ve cut IT up accordingly. So I think they did know they before refrigeration, the butter budget things accordingly. So the meat would get used up fast enough.
So in small animals, small animals were developed in the olden days. Will column for A A lot times for refrigeration purposes. If you're one family out in the middle of the you know planes living, you going to watch a cow on the middle july, right? Know you going to watch you a .
sheep that you .
can eat exactly is four oils. Where are you going to can IT but can me is not favorite .
yeah get which we now think of like the core ingredient of botox.
But it's also I think people just I would say prepping would be a more of a just way to start thinking about things like as your you know like I said, as your family ready. I mean.
it's it's hard to imagine that if you break beneficiary of one hundred years of majority ity and is and we ve .
all easy as AR as of goes, I mean, we all work hard and do things.
But so what do you store now? And I should say for the do, this is Patrick fini lives in maine, has every kind of job maginness and lives basically for my perspective, you have pretty close to offset IT like you produce most of your food at on your farm animals. You've got a pretty amazing a grow Operation, but you know for how many different, how many different visuals to grow.
Oh, I don't know that i'm more of a mcDonald friend, friend, type a giver.
Your wife.
my wife grows. Yeah, everything you're going. Imagine let us beats. I like corn on the cob, like all the potatoes. I love potatoes. Yeah, any vegetable you can think of, salad Greens, carrots, Greenhouse.
But more than enough to live is.
he mean, SHE supplies food to three restaurants and down and resells to twenty different people. So SHE supplies. So you're going to go with food to, and I say storage would not be, I would say, foods, almost stories had to think that short term with any food, you get a long term stored the buckets that you buy that I don't know, are those really gna be good in one hundred years?
You wonder.
you know, have you a thirty year old? No, I have. Is not.
Why thirty year old and found one a couple years ago that I had leftover from the army, wasn't he? I never really like them in the army. Yeah, I really don't like them now. Thirty years from now, the same one.
You so what are .
you stockport beat in the freezer? Now that's a catch. That's a that they ask because of the election. Ical grid, yeah, no hope freezed IT doesn't use much. Do so you could have you a little thousand, one hundred and generator fired up for an hour day buggy freezing and get IT cold. You know, you could do that .
for a while, kind.
I mostly, dear moose. And if we have a way and had we get a pig, we had two pigs we just bought today. We're gonna ise them, but why they look awful, tasty that size are right there. I might just have a little pig party.
We, you texting inventions that they were so cute, you are really think about you.
Yeah yeah. The very tasty pig also very, very fun. Um no, I just what a move deer like I shot, like I shot two, three deer last year.
So that takes up some big not a lot of meat on a dear you know you really have to shoot a couple every year to make a difference that you get a really big one move, a lot of me know, might get the moose last year. So that was, we still get the move. Me.
you think of IT.
I love most me. That was a good most. I've had good.
Most of bad, bad most. That was a good. What's the difference? Just a game mess.
You get, you get a when you kill something, you really got to get IT. Most season can be warm. That was warm. That day wasn't too bad, but that was probably sixty degree. You get a hustle, gather on ice. You we dragged that right on the trailer and get IT right to the butcher shop, right to the guild's house with the freezer ah unit no freezer put in on ice will drive you know the whole process was fast and that makes a huge difference with game.
did you? But you dressed in the field.
dressed in the field, we shot IT like eight thirty. And we were back at my parents house by eleven after we tagged short and drag the tagged. My parents ells at eleven, my can.
I took off a new hampshire to a friend, dug with them, cool, learn. He's got to meet cutting business. So we get away at his house by like probably three in the afternoon.
How much should the dressing did you use? The trains offer?
I didn't have to. Who close to the truck within drove the four? We are right to the moon, so we didn't get the legs off.
Just cut up the middle. I used the saw for the, he's the saw. All actually works good to cut the chest open on the .
how much mean you get out that move. You get four .
hundred pounds of me, I think I believe out of a six hundred six, I think seven hundred pound moves. So the big because yeah, there are about two hundred pound. There will get you. I would mean we have two hundred pound dear, so say one hundred and fifty pounds there would be award would be fifty pounds of me, five hundred and fifty pounds here. I'm just saying that, you know maybe maybe seventy five pounds, you know a lot of one and on head.
So you got meat in your cooler. You have any .
bear in your cooler? Not right now. I'm not a huge fan of bear meat.
I didn't one a couple years ago and a small one. And that was very good eating. That was another I shot that was on the ground.
So I cooled IT off fast. Bear meat boiled fast. They should bear like, what? August, yeah, it's so easy. yeah. IT is very like when you shoot something in August, you're going to be fast. I don't like watching the hunting shows when they go get to the deer the next morning, you know, you shoot the deer in there. And like texas, I don't those places, but they like texas, and I shoot more.
What s you see that .
if you watch the camera footage of coyotes, of truth, the s of the, you know, and IT can be any good. I ve got idea, and like cold weather and found on the next day. And they are already start to think.
you know, do you eat anyway? Yeah, I mean.
that's parts of IT that is so good. But anything next to the if I ran away was probably got not a good shot, is awfully violent stuff. You want to have a nice, clean shot, if you can.
Thank you. Oh, IT to any animal you, you know, you try your best things happen. Of course you do, you know, but you don't. Anna just start well in a way, something thinking you're gna hit .
in the area. I T, I T, I mean, you you .
didn't do purposely do IT IT. Just course not. You know, flying things happen. But yeah, you want to, you know, do the best you can. Always, we always have great intentions.
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Bear me there. May I just cook that like stake? I cut those up in mistakes and i'm kind of a throw out the fried pan type of cooker.
I'm not much on recipes. yeah. I just like my like a loose spices on my meat cooker on the girl.
I like a rose. I love a crock pot. Do you can take bad cuts of meat? Throw out on .
the crop part IT .
will carbon IT takes good. So those are very basic.
But the idea that if you have a three wait, you know, you've got enough nutrition. Could you hunt your way out of famine?
I've heard that the old wood loggers, guys in the logging camps and main, would IT be scare for you to get without enough. Yeah, they ate all there, moves me now. And they, and they they were getting sick like a and see.
But are there enough mamas in the woods just .
right now that I think at the end of the and I believe I forget who was talking about this might have been on one of your shows. But okay, when that might have been ted nuit um okay when the shit hits the fan, how long they're gonna be, there's not you know in areas like we we're pretty rural here, but we're not that rural. You can drive this route everywhere.
We're not like more the main. There's not going to be an idea really fast. Yeah know the woods around here, around that big in this particular area, these dear, are gna be gone fast.
You know, the mountains are is mountains and it's a five mile hike to the next row. But five mile s isn't that bar? Yeah and yeah know the game is gonna fast. It's going to be in the during the depression, the game went fast early night in the in the thirties.
I mean, my father.
sudden he was a kid. And that would have been the fifties if somebody are dear, where he grew up in southern. And that was in a paper. I mean, you know, IT was just if one poked out, I got shot yeah and I think that's gonna en. If things get bad, there's enough people that know you're you're not going to self preservation you no matter how mess up your life is or what's going on. If you're starving to death and a dog step out in front as much as you might like dog, if your family is dying, guess what?
Yeah, dogs do. Yes.
I mean, I wouldn't do IT. Yeah, no way I would do that. I would probably .
die before aid a dog, but I would too. But in a famine and neighbors.
kids are safe. That's something more to think about. Is gonna ad would like to think not? I like to think that people aren't like that. I don't know when you travel more than I do want witness how cultures act. I don't think there's too many cultures that like that now worldwide where there just knocked in people down and taking over, you know I mean.
well, certain in the cultural egroup and is not like that at all.
There are places in the world and type africa, africa. Yeah so I mean, you think is I I can't imagine IT whatever get that way here. I'd like to think people are nice enough that yeah, you know your brother's not gonna bash me over the head because I get potato es and he doesn't yeah.
he a tRicky one. Five .
gas. It's hard to I mean, I used so much of a, yeah, I filled up cans the other day. I filled up my cans. I filled up your cans. And man, that doesn't last long.
So could you stop about guess?
I think you would evaporate yeah you know you could do underground time could be the best you get to keep the and you get to you'd to buy on an Ethanol gas stuff you can add to the gas to keep IT from spoiling disease fuel spoils. IT gets more than IT. Yeah, yes.
Yeah don't know. You have to. Yeah, you can already do for a couple of years, maybe five years.
Why would you want Ethanol in your .
gas when IT helps the environment? Ducky, go. Yeah, the number of lectures .
we've had about Ethanol from you as like so you look .
at a gummed up coverage of her mEthane gas and it's not the new motors are fine. If it's fuel injected, use IT everyday is not gonna ard anything well, yeah, anytime you store anything for a long Ethanol attracts moisture. You know it's what you mix with with water, so will burn, but attracts water also. Can you boat jump?
Yeah, i've noticed a recu motor. And that will happen .
to diesel fuels, just like gas disease. Fuel will soaked up water just the way IT is that it's natural gin to soak up water anyway.
So what what would you before we get to with the mindset is what would you stock pile? Or what do you talk about?
I was emo. Emo is good. I think ammo is gonna be if IT becomes like we just talked about where, you know, the morning eight hours from new york city by car, here was very, you know, they can those people that get displaced to new york can easily end up here.
We're not remote where I don't know what you would call this area suburban and suba maybe a little more remote than hey yeah but it's not super remote, right? You know not like a math, not like that or main know anything like that, you know. So I think those people are gonna come here or any, you know, just use new york city for a center point.
Go five hundred mile radius from new york city. That's ohio. Pennsylvany, that's where they are. Onna, go.
Probably they're probably going to go that way before they come to the main, I think. So upstate new york just got this right there. Yeah, but that's called up there. You know, if you if you really had to survive to live off the land and I got that bad, you probably ve about a man and go somewhere .
else .
because the weather is yeah in the that though we do pretty good farming in may. No.
in the river valleys, I know we do good .
right in this areas.
Yeah yeah what?
There's big river here, so that so but I don't think they're going to any number industry. You know if things get bad, does not going to be any fuel to make number with, right? You know you're going to be making earth houses, saw the houses we going to be we can not happen again. I don't can't find them getting that bad. But so .
you stock pile emo. Yeah.
how to make emo? IT should be a reload component. primary. If you couldn't get primary .
for a long time, what cowers do you reload?
All the expense ones that are expensive to buy, thirty eight, especially three, seven.
forty five, seventy.
forty five, seventy, definitely. I like six, five, three more kind of a new caliber is a nice soft shooting thirty three weeks. The swiss army nike of wall in thirty at six, thirty, thirty eight, thirty six and thirty, thirty. Yeah, you know stay away from old ball calib that are gonna .
be hard to get like what oh.
I don't know all these new ones that come out six point eight P R C in in all but and that you really low you how much am you're onna need to to to feed your family? You not gonna know if you're got ten boxes of shells for a thirty at six. You're never feed the family .
for the rest of you. But I can I ask you why you talk pilling emo and you, didn't you mention the exists in new york city.
right? Yeah, I think that that's not that I would be able to stop. I mean, i'm fifty two years old and pretty good working physical shape, but i'm certainly not an athlete by any means. I think ten goods strong guys from new york city could probably overtake me with all the animals I have.
You think so yeah, I think the I might stop a couple of them and I mean, but i'm not that physically i'm not a combat oriented take person yeah and I think they could definitely overtake a farm with numbers like a farm like say there was ten people on my farm. Yes, they might stay away if there was ten people on my farm. There's only mean in my wife and my parents yeah, I know ten people.
Good, good. If IT was just me, I think they probably could be realistic. We all like to think we are bad as, but, you know, and if they had guns, yeah, then they could really overtake you easy.
Yeah no, sure. no. Cause one guy with the guys not going be not like the movies, you know, going to take out ten guys with guys. You probably especially if you've got like a nine millimeter baseball. No, you're not gonna take out everyone.
You don't believe in nine million people still.
They are good for, they are good for for me to you know anybody in this room. But yeah, you going to take somebody across the field with IT three hours.
It's good if you have to have one gun. What is IT?
I'd have a rifle, three or eight rifle. I'd have a maybe a handgun for close combat. But I wouldn't. I'd like.
The military take out the enemy before they get that close, you know, which is you you would have to if you let ten, if you let ten people assault and you get close enough within handgun range, you're probably not going to get all ten of them. No, you're done. You're done.
So you get to get them while they are out of. And i'm not any kind of expert in this field at all just from watching movies and stuff. You watched the in the movie that takes a lot.
No, that's not really. Yeah, you know know, you got ta get those people before they you know what? A hundred yards, hundred yard is a one way. You know what?
By the way, just parenthetically the possession attempt on trump. Twenty year old kid, no training, formal training at all with firearms. He's on the roof with the two, two, three and a cup comes up behind him.
They have some kind of location. The cup backs off. The kid turns with iron sites, makes one hundred and shot. And Grace's trumps here, right?
How would you assess that? That's a long shot with open. So that's what i'm saying. That's what it's not an less two, two, three. I mean, a nine play a gun at one hundred yards.
Is that big? No, if you can hit the gun, open sides and make IT thing, you're pretty proud yourself. One hundred yards, I can have a dear, one hundred yards, but a dears bigger than trump s.
head. Yeah, you know, and you hit the, you aim for the dear. I shot a dear. And last year, really close with the thirty thirty. I aimed right where I was supposed to aim, and I hit him away in the back.
Brokers killed him dead, but I was a foot a half off from where I was aiming ing, right? You know? So there is a big target.
So if you're lying on the roof of a building and also a cop comes up and armed police office comes up and somehow force him back, you're a drennan is pumping like never before in your life and then you turn and reset the shot at one hundred and forty yards with the iron sites, hit the man in the ear. That's pretty good. That's ridiculous.
right? yeah. Now if you had a scope, then he would be that would be he probably if that guy in a scope, trump would be dead right now if the scope was cited in.
if cited in. But also I mean.
hundred thirty years now, they got all these guys will come on. T V, O, that's a easy shot.
So it's a boot camp shot, okay? But he never was in boot camp.
So right for new dear hunt, you never walk in may. We don't share anything over one hundred yards.
One to know .
something you get we've make a hill mary shot once, know when you see A A long way. I got a at a dear once with two and fifty hours away. I hit in one so I felt bad.
And I again, no ever didn't get a little bit blood. Actually, there is quite a bit of blood at first. And if blood dried up really fast, and I tracked, and I found its bit with a snow, I went out ten o'clock at night to find IT.
And I went down a big golly up, another big goi down, another down, up, going to right straight up pill. And I found IT bet IT was bit in in the snow of a little spot of blood about size of a quarter. So I think he was probably okay. I think I grazed him. Yeah, like trump got a lot of blood on, trump got hit was not a bit of blood, you know, he got grazed.
So you think, good. Well, i'm glad to here you say that. I mean, all these experts on T.
V. Yes, I mean, I mean, I can easily can shoot some. I couldn't shoot. I shoot two hundred fifty yards with my, with my six five, three, six, five created more three o eight, thirty or six.
I could, I could easily say, I don't like my guns in for that range. I don't hunt that range. So they're cited in for one hundred yard.
Now whatever, I just make these numbers up. But a three or eight between one hundred and say three hundred years is fun. Like eighteen inches or something like that is quite a drop.
So really want to unless you've got the scope with the little flash Marks and IT for a different ranges, if you're into that stuff, that's fine up. Sure, you can do those shots, but most hunters don't don't do those shots. That takes a little Better.
The sporting aspect, that of hunting, I for me IT does. But I then again, there's a sporting aspect of holy smoke. I'm really good shot, my shot of dear, six hundred yards.
So that's that's the sporting aspect of that. You know, I mean, you can be a sport by sneaking up to within fifty yards of the animal. You can be a sport by being a really good shot and shoot personal.
two, three, flat out, two hundred .
and forty OK. Pretty flash IT. It's a light bullet. No, is a lot of damage. Oh, no, you know, it's a singer bullet.
As anybody in the military tell you, they do a lot of damage. You know, they claim like a, it's a, it's a solid. I don't know what they head from bullet.
They call the, they call the, they call the. Whenever is a man shooting, they say he is special bullets ts exploding bullet as well. IT is as yet like soft point bullets that you refuse for deer hunting.
Yeah, which a civilian situation that does more damage to the dear because that mushrooms, when I goes and and IT tears apart, more tissue. But IT doesn't pit, ate like a ball. Amo, penetrate a lot Better.
Go through a shirt or a leather jacket a lot, a lot Better. And they claimed on the ball in like two, two, three when IT goes, it's going so fast that turned sideways. I won't want to get with any way. And people spend too much time on the what kind of bullet to use and just make sure you're using the bullet that hits where you're aiming. You know that if you .
get your gun sided with .
people don't get overly fussy with accuracy. Y, you know, I mean, which they shouldn't, you shouldn't. That shouldn't be your you should just be happy with what if you're shooting something at twenty five feet and you can a twenty five feet if you can hit a person at twenty five feet was the little nine millimetre, that's you're not going to get any Better than that. You're not going to get a golf ball .
at fifty yard of the nine millimeter.
No, I mean, I do. But you can, you know, I can hit, you know, with a pistol resting. I you ve shot with me before we've hit little targets at fifty ards.
two are six times. Yeah, you know but you know you know that time you measure stone pretty close to IT. You know you're hit at two at six times.
The other four times you're probably within a killer ge of of course you are of a person so yeah people get to Carry out but yeah that back to one hundred and thirty just thing holy smokes at that's a long shot for most hunters I don't know about nowadays. All you watch all the hunting shows and the shooting, the guns and the the pool. Fear comes on. The dear comes out, you know? You hear the feeder and noted.
and leave .
the deer overnight. Yeah, and they leave the deer overnight. go. So yeah, they do make long shots.
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So what's the mindset you were talking about? You said when I said what what successful prepping look like, you said it's changing your .
mind yeah your mindset, the whole getting your family ready for I don't want to offend anybody doing this, and I don't want to offend. I don't know. I consider myself a rich person.
I mean, I got everything I want in life, but I don't know offend people that say people that depend on everything, like the person that goes to a house or something in the door doesn't open correctly and they call somebody to fix that and said, just lift up on the door a little bit and closing IT yeah you know I mean the, oh my god, the door doesn't work, the door is broken and I just lift up on a little bit. The house moves a little bit only does that August exactly? You know that they just got ta be ready for a world where everything not taken care of for them.
You know there's no door dash. There's no there's no going to the store and getting your stuff already made because there is no store, right? You know, there is no gas to get to the store.
You know, I I really don't think it's never going to get to that point in my life. I hope that doesn't. I mean, I don't want that.
yes. I mean, we live in a beautiful world, you know, were very relaxed. Every learning and making money is the easiest part of life.
I mean, that's a simple bar. Yes, all the other shit come with that makes IT hard. But yeah, you get to get the mindset of, okay, if things get bad.
Okay, i'm gonna to probably a band in your house in washington, D. C. I don't know if you're going to get money for if there is any money.
Yeah, you know what is money right? Is just a match of stuff on computers. Far, i'm concerned, mean anything. yeah. And if so, okay, going to have to andoni my house in D, C, must leave your car.
And dc, hope you got enough gas to get to main in your car and hope it's not a big fun. All of like man's probably a pretty good place. Not too many people going to go to mine when they gets that bad.
They're going to go to florida or south CarOlina or somewhere or sure for for sure, they're going to go to mean. So we're probably be pretty safe. You think you look at that way. I look back at the earlier part of the conversation, will probably pretty safe up here.
Well, that's the hope. Bad weather kills bad people. Yeah.
but yeah, you got to get that mindset of, you know, okay, just gonna to live that maybe practice IT a little bit, maybe instead of going on vacation to some resort in the caribbean, the french of areas have to take your family to, you know, the woods to summer, you know, and stay there for two weeks on attend and just have fun.
You know, don't have a new fire drills or, you know, just going to shoot some ten cans of the tony two, you know, kind of make a game out of IT like, you know, everybody will talk. I don't want to live in the world. If he gets like that, that will be awful.
No, it's not going to be awful. You're going to survive. It's happened many times in history, right? I mean, many cultures have been through .
that type of was so year fifty two, I remember red this area, you know, fifty years ago, and people kind of live that way, much closer to that even then not that long ago. right? right.
yeah. Did your mom grew up in a house of running water? No.
I don't think that the farm that they grew up in here didn't have running water when they move to best. So I don't think they got IT shortened. But I that I was I know that yeah, yes, I know he didn't have electricity.
We had a bad well when I was a kid, which is not, didn't face anybody. Beer or well will go dry in the summer time. I remember that and know well were expensive.
Five thousand dollars to get a well drill back then will be twenty thousand now. So we just filled up five Young buckets, and that's how we flush today. Wasn't I took showers at my grandmother house, you know, in the summer when I was dry, right? Not all year.
And so IT wasn't, you know, maybe have you maybe shut the water, maybe cut the power after your house for a week, when your family, just to see how you know, just not as a punishment or not be mean or anything like that? Hey, let's make some fun out of this. You know, let's let let's cook our food outside.
You don't have to go kill L A deer, anything like that, but buy a buy a legal lamp at the store and let's just cook this on the fire outside. We going to shut the electricity for a week. You know, read some books.
You know, maybe check your phone off. I don't know if the phone will go bad or all the bad things happened. Who knows what's going? We don't know what's going. That could be what are they call the bomb? And IT wipes out of all the electrical.
like the neutron bomb, yeah.
Looked all the electrical waves. And emp, ah, emp, yeah. And you know, that's probably would just really freak people out.
Take a kids cell phone away when he tries to go to school. I can see how they act. They don't like that very much.
They don't know in the paper .
all the time and they try schools have policies. The kids are not supposed to have the cell phone in school, which is obvious. Why should the kids have a cell phone in school? yeah.
And the schools can't take the cellphones away from the kids they are like, is not is not going well for them really yeah the kids are so addicted yeah and parents like, no, my kid has to have the cell phone so now they're making the I try to get the kid keep the thing in a Walker during class so in between class they just go to the locker and get out the cell l phone. You know, who can afford whose kid can afford a cell phone? That's the same.
You know, I mean, at that and they're talking about, this is the movies. I don't have kids so I don't know. Maybe it's a different world we live in and i'm not up today on that. But why does eighth great to have a open there?
Only one .
thousand dollars. You know, who can afford a cell phone for an eighth greater, you know, working, or who wants to, who would want to waste their money? Why does the eighth guard? And he is the kid.
The school gives some computers. They all have a laptop. The politicians did that. So ever kid as a laptop. And the kid's parents were like selling the morning in the laptop, buy drugs, but that was funny.
And there you like that .
that was pretty cool because we know going to have and right uh, so get your family ready. That's an interrupt you. But just to finished that other thing is get your family ready, just have them and don't make a work thing.
I don't make doing fire with a chore or something. You know, you can have fun today because we have to do fire would have IT. We're going to have fun today and do fire.
Would, you know, place some music while this stuck in the wood? You know, you get six of your family members together. The fire, what IT goes pretty fast.
Did you fire?
What is a kid? Oh yeah, I was right. I love cutting.
I love fire. What is kind of like? I hate painting. But there are certain times when I don't mind painting, if I just want to forget about something you like. Simple little chores like that are so like, we'd waking the best chains oring just gones for the words and cut up a unch of dead tories .
of the chains. Often I used to go after tapping, was feeling ten to go out in the words and cut as now. And then I put that, that's guess in my change, got the electric change.
I got the electric changing me. That was fun. Now.
I mean, IT was fine. Like your change, I was fine, but for about an hour it's good for about hours exactly right?
I also make a game, things like, don't you know and you know by a killed or bike that's fine yeah you know but don't don't I had dirt bikes and snow mobiles, and I was a kid.
But I remember my and I was around my grandfather a lot because he liberate next door and he was retired so around him alone he'd be like, not we don't have any you know, that's enough gas for the day and I was fine, but I was like, okay, I get to write IT for a couple hours. But gas was pretty expensive. And I was a kid yeah, early eighties wasn't cheap, like a buck seventy IT was one time there was what? Like a buck seventy a gallon or something .
that maybe to the yeah the end of the .
eighties that went back down like a bucker gallon yeah yeah. But you know, my grandfather, you know, he filling up of to have somebody filling up a five Young and can for me to write a nomber around in the field was a big deal. I mean, I was a bluxome for me as a kid, and that was that I appreciated that.
You know, I say, cheese. Can I have two girls yesterday? Oh, okay. You know, you helped with the fire. You can have, as you know.
you help with your grandparents fire would also.
yeah, he burned a lot. He, he had a big farm house. He split.
He did. He did his wood by hand, really. He cut with a chain up. But he would line them all up, split in by hand, line them up on the road. He had a whole line of fire, was split by hand, and he had a shoot that went down into a seller. We all get together and throat in the sellar.
Should he burned a winner.
i'd say about ten. God, he burned a little big farm house. Then we get older, they put a oil furness in because he was, like, in his A S, and IT was too much firmed. Do the fire would.
do you know the different train would heating .
oil finites not oil heat fast, faster? You know, you come into how, but if you come home from a day of being out just soap to the bond through, like, say, you do in carpentry all day, in the coal in your hands are just frozen, in your feeder wet, you are just cold, stinging cold, and you just stand in front of the woods over and just IT almost burns, as you're know almost have to step away from is like a too t too fast I jump on hot tub when you're cold.
Know how to burns and it's just but hate you IT will warm your core up now standing in front of a register. You know, radiator and a hallway, doesn't you? Don't a force the event? Yeah, a force for there is actually Better than the than a register, I think, than a force van is actually warm air blown on a that feels pretty good.
I like force air Better than the radiant heat myself, really yeah because the radio he's it's just there but it's not hot, you know it's just like a constant you know if you if you were frozen and you laying on next to a radiator or radiant heat system, we will take a long time to warm up. But the first one's blowing warm area on you. That seems to just warn me up a little bit fast.
Do you think any of people who run our country could answer any of .
the questions i've asked you? I ve got the the people that what you talk about all the most started people, and they could put the guy that can do eight great math in charge of the energy grid, you know? And then, okay, maybe he's a good leader, right? You really in, in, in on a bug.
We will get back to that. But he's a good leader, right? Okay, so he can't do IT three math, but he's a good organizer.
He's a good leader. He's going to hire, you know, he's going to hire bunch engineers guys went MIT. You know good common sense people know he doesn't hire the IT.
You know he doesn't even hire those people who is he? Hire IT just hire more people just like him, just more like minded people like him that have the same. You know, i'll just make these numbers. I tried to do some of the research right before I got here. If you ever looked up on the internet, like how much electricity of windmill producers or or how much electricity ski uses, there's like, no, you know don't trust everything you read on the internet. Very vae answers and a lot of that stuff and really yeah you know you think it'd cut and dry, of course like you know chill I when mill puts out so many and the chair lift is is this many well and they just go around on the circle. All depends on how long the chair lift .
is and how many. Obviously the on you get the specks on your truck, you the horsepower ira m stances.
then look up how much IT cost to charge truck. And that depends on where you live in the which IT does depend on where you live in the electricity rates. IT might be eighteen 5 hour here and may be twenty three cents here, but you could say, okay, IT cost fifty box the charger, you know, they don't give that.
They just need you around in a circle because they trying to push all the stuff on you. Like I read somewhere that the mean, I don't believe everything I read, especially on that because you know the what s that are turned to push all the stuff on. You are really, really, you know, leading you down the wrong path and the walk goes that are trying to disprove them and really, really pulling you off the other path.
You know, like all the wind never, you know, wind never been so so. But I looked up a thing for how much energy IT took around the new york subway, because I know trains use a lot of power. yeah. And the thing that and I did all the math of the killer hours and how much I was just getting, i'm not an engineer and I was very misleading the information that the solar panel company is are putting out. But and then I read somewhere, I read this article, and the guy said, yeah, like the size of arazi a solar panels just to run the new york subway, not the city to start a subway car, you just to get the subway car rolling with ten, ten units hook to the motor, to the engine, just to get a rolling, not to keep IT going and just to get a rolling uses would power thirteen hundred average homes for a year?
No way. Yeah.
because that takes a lot of power to get electricity. go. Yes, like the local saw mill in the local square.
Have to coordinate with what they used to, probably not now, but they used to the mills in areas have to coordinate with a power when they are going to start their shifts, if they run and shifts and the machines aren't running, if you can't turn on that saw a million turn on all the list at the same time. IT uses that much energy to get a good saw. Mills electric.
Yeah, the big ones isn't like the big, big smiles. You know, the huge one. why? This runs a little? Yeah, but why?
Why not disorder? Just just smoother motor.
I mean less vibration. And you don't want the big deal motor home next year ahead all day. IT might be electric.
Their own power plant. They have two big diesel t generators back running. The running the electric motors, like going to ask for plant, has a big esel motor.
The last fall, planes all electric, but we had a disease motor in there. Power like a train, yeah, train. You see the black smoke rolling out of the train going down the tracks. It's an electric motor. It's just a diesel generate opposing the electric motor.
So if we go to electric vehicles and A I is running them .
in twenty and thirty, the amount has to be one hundred percent electric.
They passed the law already.
What does that mean? I don't know. While the sale of electric hds.
that super, what do you? So you live very dangerously close over mind. Yeah, what did you ever go over there? Yeah.
we go to remark quite often my parents had monument gravestone business and that's where we get our stones. So i've been on a lot back. And four, yeah and yeah, that's like main you can drive if you drive down across road to everyone, it's the same little, little more mountains over there through mat washington. But yeah for the most part it's it's the same.
But not everyone.
Normal people in a very little red next over there, regular people.
And so they are going to have to go electric like electric chain .
saw like I don't when they pass one of those bills. I mean, this might be of one of those questions that nobody knows answer to when they pass one of those bills at california. Pass a bill all electric, twenty thirty five.
What does that mean? Does anybody actually know? Does that mean that they're really not going to a settle any gasoline vehicles in california after twenty thirty five? They change that.
A lot of electric motors are powered by desole .
genre skies. What scholars have the diesel motor rate there on a, on a, on the chair left itself, you'll see, you know lot of skis have the diesel order that powers the elected or the diesel some, these are just direct. So i'm starting .
to think that reality is not going to catch up to laws. Yeah, I don't know .
unless they come up with some kind of batteries like the cyber truck that we're testing right now.
I went one hundred .
and forty miles yesterday and I was at about fifty percent. That's fine for me. I don't i'm very really drive to our miles a day, but if I had to all of a sudden go somewhere at the end of the day, like holy, should I get to drought?
You know, there's a family emergency, and I matter. Beer of beer is the family emergency in new york city, in or south CarOlina. S and I got to go somewhere real fast and open my car, drive, shit.
My cars only have for now. I got wait twenty minutes for the charge, or I have to go buy a super. I, I was when I went to get that cement yesterday.
I was like, well, maybe I might have the charges of getting that. I did. I never been on a long trip with IT.
I'm looking up super charging stations on the way to the cement place. No, there is any this slow charging stations that take eight hours, two hundred and twenty four or five. Two private, two twenty plug.
Yeah, I tried out at my house with two twenty. Yeah, the electric, the, the, the power. great. In the diesel, in the a nuclear would be great. Hydro dams and ada doesn't.
Was power from hyo dams made brookfield right? So why obviously the they've got the methods to make hydro dams with the pike. You know, they tap into the bottom of the river with the pipe.
They do IT all over the place and the pipe runs underneath the ground to the turbine, pops out down riber. So there's no damn know you not losing any. The fishes to get through that little section of river might be a little bit. You, I mean, is losing that flow of water, but it's still popping out.
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And all kind.
you're just pulling energy off of something that .
you building a damn right. So you go to a place where the rivers always deep and wide and deep, you know you know a flat spot in the river, which is no, and he just tap into the, and they they are doing that. This technology for that is not hurting IT.
Why they saw against that, because they are not pushing their solar panels and their when males that they've got invested in, you know, you read about all these politicians they get rich of, and people don't like reading that, you know, six back joe go the store reason, the paper that so one so politician is always some get rich off when miles he's not done, we can figure out was going on. You know the windmill project and road island according to the you I watch a lot of youtube. It's a very it's good.
I mean it's almost defauts. Most people I know is that default v now is you gap? I mean um the windmill project and road island, I don't know the name of the project, but is in the news all the time.
Sure when in the ocean, the Kennedy type people don't want IT because it's in their backyard and you all the obama's people that live in ticket and road island and all the fancy places don't want IT. They said they want to send that. They want to put him up.
And you know, ranging ly main, yes, you know, we're not going. We don't care of here. You know.
what do we care about natural beauty by having a deal like?
But that windmills is huge, and IT provides one seven hundred ds. And the guys, but he he wrote out on a piece of paper and at the math of the killer, what I was, he was smarter than I was. One seven hundreds of the electricity that IT takes the power, not just the area of that is going to power about road island, which is the size of that coffee cup.
So the windmill project, with the wind blowing, a seven hundred of what road island uses for power. And they've shut, and they've shut down either one or two big power plants in island. And they direct a commercial Fishery.
They direct a commercial Fishery to and and the windmills are already following apart out in the ocean. One came apart. I don't know aware that was, that was on the news.
I just kind of left, and I walked by the T. V, because the winner was, the blade was sticking down in the, in the, in the ocean. And the environmentally people were worry that the material that the blade was made out.
I was onna place in the fish, you know? So who who said that it's OK 的? Guess windmills would be our biggest thing here.
Solar panels are pretty. There's a few solar farms around, but this small yeah maybe ten acres or something. So they're not too offensive yet.
They not one and get off the turnpike. And gray is that was kind of offensive when I said used to be cause in that feel now there's now there's windmill. I mean, now there's now there's solar panels.
But the windmill for me, who's to dinner among the top of a mountain, you're going to build a road that get when no projects to use. My neighbor. Sm, and there, you know, you got to blast the top of a mountain range, blast IT just a flat and off a spotted to put these windmills and build the road.
Do IT and maintain the road. Do IT in the erosion for maintaining the road. Every whose you know have they slight cash for clunkers when they wanted in those that early two thousands trade oba, yeah trading trading for bank over a for a toyota to coma and you get four thousand dollars for four branca. Well, sounds great. Yeah, driving something that gets twenty five miles a gallon versus something that you know gets fifteen miles to the gallon.
But the natural resources that IT took to build that Better gas mileage car versus keeping that for brca on the road and not mining all that new steel and rubber, all the resources that takes to build that car, what they didn't really factor that into, okay, this guy is only driven five thousand miles a year in is ninety six bronco that gets ten miles to the gallon. So you give him fourth thousand dollars of our money. The buy a toilet, the coma that is Better gas mine, they are gonna be off the old ten years rusted out anyway but maybe he's maintaining that bronco maybe it's you know not rested you just you know anything doesn't matter. But why is that Better to to just drunk that and get rid of IT by the new car?
Sometimes from someone in that was .
a whole game on the cash for clunker. I know if you ever reported on that, but I don't remember the particular of IT, but IT was a game. I mean, they get rich on IT.
It's all the time and nothing's bigger. Sm and wind .
power yeah that's like that's huge. You thought you read those articles and you know they don't they're not on the everyday news, but there's been articles on the local papers about the scamming.
Have you ever shot .
one with they are going to put behind my house on my mountain. I was a big thing. Oh, my wife was going to the meetings, and my neighbor was, had the signs up.
No one miles in the bad. There was a bad species of bat up there that was rare, a breeding ground for bat, breeding ground. And that was apparently why they didn't do IT and the money for them.
I think when trump got in, didn't a lot of that stuff dry up? I don't know. Probably, I think I don't know. But something happened politically, but that was a bad thing that was holding them back, and that was a lot. And they still have one hundred year, I don't office the least, and agreement that they can still go up there to do IT.
If they put those windmills in what calibre right for what to stop them? Do you think you.
I think you get to hit and right in the middle, I don't think a bullet hole through the tip of the wing is is gonna an airplane, or the bullet in the wing is really not going to stop. The plane hit the guts of you really get IT, and this is gonna. I'm usually right about these kind of things.
Okay, in fifty years, when these windmills, probably thirty years, and these windmills are abandoned and falling apart, you know, they are just nobody y's taking care of anymore. As the whole industry y's bankrupt, they are fAllen over on the side of the mountain. They are just wasted. People going to go there and it's going to mean no for going why are going to thing to start with is that much of a game like it's not even know why you're going to the thing that's my prediction.
So you think we're going to discover this whole thing is bullshit like .
they're not actually producing yeah they not even hold up. There's nothing on the inside. It's just big blades are no generator on the insider or anything? Have you been on that much of a weird all that?
I don't think that's weird at all. I think that's weird. All this kid, this twenty old kid, with no, no training to shot trump at one hundred and forty years of the two to three.
right? Anything is possible that that should .
have you been up and poked around the winds?
I've never been not those big ones. I may have been up towers and stuff up, climb towers before, but I never up a new town. I don't I get there.
I don't know what you mean. I don't know. They're just not they're not scenic.
I don't want to spin and not going to go to take my vacation in the blocks. I'm not going to go hang out next to a good win. Milk, you know, it's basically the same thing to me.
And my friend has a camp. You've been there where you look out the porch and you see the twenty two windmills on the mountain. I don't know what kind of ruins that for me. I agree. I maybe maybe just being selfish.
I don't know they're being selfish actually moving them into poor areas where the town but towns have been depopulated because of changes that they instituted to our economy. And the town can't say no because they need the money, right?
They buy enough the people they can be bought off yeah cheap. Yeah and it's you know it's like selling the family farm to send your kid this college to type with the right. Is that such is that such a good idea that we're doing this? You know selling our mountain tops to the wind mail people for some quick cash right now. You know is that the best thing for our future?
Probably not IT actually IT sounds like a crime should be I .
mean that sure you when there's like no vote on IT like you know it's I hate to pick on rich people but the rich people on the land yeah and they're selling basic then not really doing anything. What if they log IT? We've been login IT for years.
Poor people do benefit from IT the working glass, ben, the paper males benefit from IT. Okay, that industry is kind of drying up from what we saw the other day. And okay, well, this is our last chance to get just a little bit more money out of that land.
Will some france game deal with the government to put one miles on, you know, one last little push, give a little people a little sometimes so they can build a new school or something out of the money here for the new road dinner? No something is that someone at all usually are you always feel your still, you sell land. I've sold land before, you know, kind.
Because I had to, I was moving and relocating, and I needed the money. And I just felt so soul burning like I didn't feel good afterwards after I sell that. I mean, I had to I no regrets against IT.
You know, I did. I got a lot of land now, so I made out Better, you know, yeah, I think I Better myself doing IT. But while I was doing, my man belonged to my grandfather.
Like, I really don't I just don't feel good, even though I wasn't much of only a couple of acres. You know, I needed to pay some bills and you know buy some stuff, but like, I just don't feel good doing this. No, that's right.
When those windmills break, um who's gna cut them off and what .
happens there you will see one going down the road. The blade, oh yeah, they like, take up the whole road. I don't know what they, the motors on the inside, the bearings, the construction company in town bought a crane just to like a four million or a crane just to work on them.
You need that bike equipment. The you can tell me that going around and maintaining, there's a lot of windows in me now there everywhere. yeah.
And they still only provide suppose vely sixteen percent of the power from main. Now I don't they say to me that's another thing. When you read these things, you have to really watch what you read, because the sixteen percent of the powerful mae is the residents.
I then another article said that that doesn't, I don't know this is true, just I D the that that that doesn't include industrial power. The resident, how is that? Use very little electricity.
They not think much of power of the houses. And me, they use most of the electricity, but they use very little, right, you know? But the factory is not in, you know, they they use power.
Sky is use shetty of power, you know, what do you think of ski areas? I like the skies. I've always skid.
I don't see anymore, just I don't it's too crowded for me now you know, I don't like wait in line at walmart when I go skating. That's what I feel like going to do. But yeah, I don't know. It's like it's another thing kind of sell in your soul you know, let's like I said, bold those the top of this mountain off and cut all the trees and cause a shit load of a rogan and just so much to rich people can sit down the hill, you know.
let's you don't see too many poor people skin.
but you don't know.
you know, i've get a day to scare, you know.
like golf courses, golf courses are beautiful. And I think once I think once something is done, I think it's is one thing. I once a once a wind farm is in and once a skill is constructed, I think the damage is done.
And mother nature, china heals itself and does what it's gonna do you know? But it's it's the process of IT can can kill a lot of fish, i'm sure. I mean, fish biologists to tell you that all, of course, is the worst thing for for fish for sure.
You know, golf course is A, I don't play, I, I, I enjoy, I like looking at golf course is a beautiful in mode. I like nice. You know, they look nice. I get the reason, everything but men.
You can look at a golf course and just think, man, why, who thought this was a good idea to filling this swap and bull those all this land and flat and off and cut all the trees, just so I can hit the little White bone to all know who who had that vision. That's what we should be doing with this land. Same thing with the ski area.
You know, looking at the beautiful mountain and you get this, I ski lift, go on off the site who thought, oh jesus, what a great place for a ski area. You know, I guess it's what your personal preference. If you really like skating, I get, I don't know, but not me personably.
No, don't put a, why would you want to get? You know, why would you just want to hike to the top of the mountain? Yeah, on your snow shoes, you know, without the skies, have the skiers shut the list down for a while? Nothing again.
Skin, I love skin. I am a good ski. I ski in my whole life. I skin color, all I love skin. So i'm not bash and skier, but it's just, you know, it's almost like enough enough try walk, walk to the top of the mountain and ski now now the then you've accomplish something .
yeah fewer runs that way yeah .
but you have accomplish actually done something on the the top. You actually you drove there in your car. You hopped on the chair. If you rode to the top of the mountain, you slip down the other side on your skies. You didn't do anything.
You know, yeah, you know, you gotta be a good shape of ski and is a Young persons sport, yeah, or a person in good shape. But you don't have to be that good shape. I can ski.
I'm not in good shape. Um yeah, just I don't know. I just seemed like the wrong thing to do.
Then you see the development around any resort, whether is a skill, a golf course or you can think of any other kind of resort. So they like, really, that's about IT. I guess the development around them is the big thing.
You know, look at the housing developments in the condos and another mountain bulls over here so these people can look at that. You know, I want to you with the ski and right, that's personal preference. That's not i'm not putting those people down.
Doesn't doesn't nature wise and environmentally, environmentally certainly doesn't sounds like a good idea. I don't think you need much environmental education to figure out that is not good. yeah. You know I think it's great or science with tell you that that's not a good thing to do.
I I know paving a road to the top of the mountain so you can have views IT, but it's been like that in europe for a long time, right? There's a lot of that europe right school and development. Oh yeah so and it's been fine over there.
I mean, mother nature does heal itself around those things. So ah it's probably not long term that big deal for the environment. I don't know. I just seems like a sure term thing to me.
If we have a massive economic downturn, I mean, a lot of the stuff will here itself, as you said, right?
Anyway yeah I think yeah those always get abandoned and you've seen but abandoned towns yeah I looked up the post that our stationed in germany, IT, was a man abandon on with these that for now, but basically abandoned. And they would like stucco, german stuck out type buildings like you see in germany. And that is like the like is like gone, like the earth, that the art swallowed up all the buildings really yeah was like, everything is falling down the grass of the world and trees grown up through everything. You know, just like you find all log camp in the words you will find the stove and the yeah totally all the stuff in the tree grown up through the .
through through two hundred years old. So I .
think mother nature, I I think mother nature recovery is just an a static thing for me. I would say, you know, I don't like to wash out so the erosion, I don't like building. You know, you shouldn't be building roads up mountains anyway.
Sometimes you have, do, to get to the next town economic reasons or, but yeah, just for recreation, build a road of the side of a mountain that causes a sheet of original. No, that's not a good idea. Yeah, I did that kind of work too.
I did that for years and I oh my, I wouldn't have what I have right now if IT wasn't for the scary. And I worked up there doing landscaping and carpenter in stuff for years, excavation. So I feel bad bashing IT. But be like if you work for a company that installed wind mills and you made a lot of money doing IT, so you are a truck driver for the company that put in win mills, I mean, you can still hate win mills, right? And still enjoy.
I don't know, I can't relate. I mean, like I worked for media companies that to the population of the country, like justified, pointless wars through fear.
but you still love those media. I love yeah, I don't judge IT all right. Ah so we all get stuck in the of the hip cracks of, you know, nobody is above hip.
Crc y that's for you. That's for sure. You know, we all get stuck. You know the guy that but then you see the people that go skin with the.
The subaru in the save the planet earth sticker about the heading up to go skating now that ball is me, you know, that's that's that's blatant. Her poker's there. And I say all the solar panels on the side of the, on the chair, lift, the chair of solar power didn't know Better than that.
The solar panel on the building going into the chair lift might power the guys coffee part that, yes, you know it's not they should know Better than that. And it's our fault for let is, is those people have very good intentions, although I can't moon back yeah all the moon that people you know i'm talking about, I do know you know, but i'm not putting them down. They have the best intentions in the they really honestly think that what they're doing is is great.
I think they do feel deep down inside because they are not those people aren't get rich of IT right? Know the politicians. It's the it's the politicians that are getting rich trophic.
But those people are just kind of blind and they really do believe that what they're fighting for is is true and and it's not their faul that they're in charge. Now you look at all the moon bets. You ve got people, you got a woman learning for president right now that I is not qualified to teach finger painting for kindergarten kids.
Yeah, I made it's your fault in my fault that she's in charge. Is his fault that she's in charge. It's not the rest of the moon, moon bets people in charge.
We let that happen where the responsible adults in charge of all this stuff, you know, we let that happen. We let those people take over. I mean, we tried our best to stop IT, but we didn't do good enough.
Okay, now they're teaching, I don't have kids so I probation say this but they are teaching, you know whatever a soft warm high school to get gender surgery you know like, how did that happen? Why did we? Why did we take our eye off the ball long enough for, you know, how do we take our eye off the ball long enough to let him? camera? What are camera car?
Mila, you know how to say?
I don't.
I don't know SHE how to say he is a couple in a world increasingly defined by deception and the total rejection of human dignity, we decided to find the tucker crossing network, and we did IT with one principal in mind. Tell the truth, you will be god given right to think for yourself. Our work is made possible by our members, so if you want to enjoy an adv experience and keep this going, join T, C N at tucker cross in dot com slashed podcast and across the darcos slash podcast.
What how did we screw up? We try, you try. You thought your best yeah you know you you're on the news every night.
I did my best by bad mouth and everybody everybody at the chainsaw shop that they're but he is still, he is still won. Yeah, you know, how did he win? Because we didn't.
We didn't. We didn't try hard enough. We didn't fight IT hard enough. We tried to january six. That was a leg.
Okay, that was a very, you know, that was that we I called the da here. I was getting my haircut. I'll never forget IT and maybe you called me.
You think you watch you? This is a great at that. I've never, I love IT SHE share.
Yeah, you were the only one who was excited about that. And I was ashamed that I wasn't excited about because you're absolutely you right? right.
Is the people's house? Yeah, what are you joking? The crime is going into a building that you own, right?
That's a crime. Yeah, you guys have totally fuck up life as we know IT. Yeah, in this country, a nice country to live in, you know, in and you've twisted at all side ways and you've get IT all fucked up and wow, you know, yeah, we got to take is the get to put the dots back in charge okay you okay you guys, i've had your fun.
Yeah, you know, go, go. We got plenty jobs free to do. You know, you still gonna important, is still gonna a purpose. You can be a community organizer. You can do something like that, you know, but you don't want to give up.
I don't even know they are qualified for that because that's how the right you know what do you do with those people that anna let fourteen year old kids get sex changes. What what? What can you do with that person?
What i'm not religious at all, but that's definitely the mark of the mark. The devil is, yeah whatever they got IT. What would you do with them? I don't know.
I mean, you've supervise a lot of .
them and there's a lot of people giving into IT like people that you would never suspect giving into that. Well, it's not that bad. So what the drag queen story hour and kindergarten, what is a kindergarten kid know? No, it's pretty bad.
I don't see if a transgender person reads story of my kid. They can babysit my kid. I don't care if try and gender, that's fine.
But the way that they act with the boos hanging out and sexualized ed dancing and all that, no. And okay, what jane has got nothing to do with tend jen. You don't act that where our kids are.
You know, I don't go around. I'm not gonna have a it's a doggy style society. People, we're gone to have a parade. All the people that like to do a doggy style just going to have a parade.
I'd be most people.
no, we're not gna do that. You don't do those kind of, you don't do a tange gender sexual parade.
I've always thought that would be the triggers for violence if someone got did that shit to my kids, I shooting without thinking, I think it's gonna come to that. I I think it's really so ridiculous if someone that's like, that's a form of sexual abuse on my kids. So that's the one thing you can allow .
you get beat up in the old days .
for that very least, at very least beaten up. So and i'm orderly opposed of violence, as I often say, you know me well, you know that I actually am a post of violence. I'm not just say and I hate these wars.
I hate all the shit.
right? But if there is one excuse for violence, it's sexually using my children like i'm not a good dad if i'm allowing that and all these people allowing us.
what's wrong with you? Right for real right?
What is wrong with people?
Yeah is the how did that that in people give the good people are giving up, they just and well, I don't know if they don't want to. I've heard people say, like, you know, how can you let your kids do that? Well, all the rest of the kids are doing IT.
They're all talking about that. And there are certain things that kids do that you like you scold your kid for. But okay, all kids are gona do that. They've gone to steal your playboy magazine. You know, there's gonna look at stuff like that.
Know just you punished for IT, but I think that they want na fit in like I think there might be so many of those type of people now that the people don't want to lose their family members. Well, that is true, you know. So they don't want to come disconnecting the effect because they love their family.
So like, okay, i'm there's five people in the family that think the way I do so called Normal thinking and then the rest of them think is okay, a good gender surgery, fourteen years old, you know your own number in your family. I think the college is brain washes. And you think that comes from colleges. I think that I don't .
know when you are. Harvard was a crazy.
I went to color for a .
year for what I.
I, I went the study force. I didn't do too good. I was Young.
And forestry, forestry. yeah. I mean, I did good in school.
I was fine. I just didn't like going to college. I didn't, I don't know, didn't fit in.
I drank back then party and Young, you know, that kind of stuff. So, you know, didn't I was working too? I enjoyed working when I wouldn't college.
I work for the log in company town, and I enjoyed IT. I drove trucks, I drove skaters. And I like that.
I like get up at five in the morning going to work. I really did. I enjoy IT, and IT was brings and still does bring pleasure to me.
I really, I really enjoyed. Yeah, so I didn't. I didn't.
I had a lady. What was he? A english teacher, I believe. And I did A, I was kind of messing weather.
But I sociology, and I did a report on john wae h. John win movies we had to be real fancy about, but I I use john wane movies as my base. And I said, how great john win.
Everybody loves on way. Who doesn't like down win in front of the class? He did a thing on how john wane was a racist.
And i'm looking at them like what I don't even know as I was already, I was twenty five years old. I been around a little bit. No, I live in the service and stuff I already add to the army. And i'm like, I don't know what you're talking about, lady.
He was, oh yes, you know it's proven and then he gives me all the stuff that probably came from the seventies or sixties, all this data about, you know, how those kind of movies in hollywood was racist in the old days. And i'm like, I don't know, i've lived with, you know, people of all color. I never cut the idea that john win was a races was racist, or watching a john win movie was racist, or, you know, I used the ad, you know, people of color, my roommates in the service, and we would sit and watch john win movies.
And nobody walk out, out and out. I don't know. So then I was like, okay, this is what's going on here, you know? And he wanted me to print on my stuff on I I worked at the time he wanted me to keep IT.
I was probably just been a smart as for this, but I can be a smart as and um you want to me to print all the stuff. Computers were just coming out like I don't know, word processor types things. They had put everything on a this and that he wanted to the hand in your site, and i'm sure he was trying to teach you how to earn computers to.
That was probably part of the deal. I didn't have a computer and I had to work a lot. You know, I didn't have time to stay at school and use the computer.
I would just takes the stuff out at night, and I didn't own a computer. So SHE said, you have to turn the discuss, said, I said i'd love to. I said, I don't have a computer right all the time.
He goes, all the only computers in the library. I said, I don't have time to stay and do that. When I leave here, I go to work and then I do my stuff at night. And then I saw SHE.
I went to the dean or wouldn't the dean might have been the dean? Here's a small college anyway and I explained that to him when he goes, well, yeah, I said, I said i'm paying you guys like you guys worked for me, you know, you're my employee and he didn't. The dean was pretty good about that, but that woman was mad.
The teacher is mad. No, you guys worked for me. I'm paying. You know, it's like i'm when you go to college is just like you're pain that professor about alone. That professor works for you.
Of course, you know that you you don't work for them, you know so SHE in in the dean said, it's okay. Yeah, he can hand his stuff. He took my side because I was working and and I was paying to him.
This is G. I. bill. But I was still right, you know, I still wrote to check, check came to me.
And so he was in. That woman did not see at that way to job races. Lady SHE did not see the fact that he worked for me. He did not get that correlation. I get ready to whip up .
some dinner and pressure wash the deck.
yeah. Change oil. Rote the tires of my drug. Yeah, Patrick, I thank you.
Thank you, sir.
IT was IT was a pleasure. IT was .
thanks for listen and stuck across some show. If you enjoy IT, you can go to tuck a cross and that com to see everything that we have made the complete library, jack croson dc.