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Welcome the tucker carlson show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. And they're not sensitive, of course, because we're not gatekeepers. We are honest brokers here to tell you what we think you need to know and do IT honest. Check out all of our content and tucker carson dot com here's the epo de put back him and like life, it's like thirty percent look. So it's take a metaphor because there is a lot .
of work out of out of five anybody could win.
Yeah exactly.
Thank you. But he played three out of five of five, the Better players going to win. Of course.
oh, my g, he just said may twenty second, I don't know this is going to air. So who who's going to win the presidential race and why?
Who's going to win the presidential race and why? I think right now, if IT ended today, right if IT ended today, and you looked at the states which and biden haz, you can go to do the others. Trump has a big lead, I believe, in arizona and another state.
By eleven points, fifty to thirty nine, it's got a three twenty eleven point lead on the six states that matter. They're not even look at our north care, lina, right? Like not it's going to be here.
It's it's red. We don't even want to report this as a battle ground now, not even reporting IT. So ends today.
It's him that's going to win IT. However, it's not ending today the amount of a game fiction that could happen between now and november fifth. It's it's game fiction, game fiction manipulation you call IT.
There's a lot of things you can do. So for me is a part of me where on the left side of my shoulder, it's it's a guy that this future looks bright. It's going to be great, going to take over.
This is going to be awesome. AmErica is going to be the greatest country in the world, that everything is going to be OK, right? And there's another, again, this that's super paranoid.
But what if why would they be paroit something they're gna like unleash lab grown virus virus on the world or like they would never race riots and burn down your city.
Like, I think that unifiers they are not trying to divide.
you know that talk you have a little to speak. I yeah so so I think what you're saying is, you know if IT plays out as elections, you're supposed to play out on the basis of what the population wants, then truck has a big advantage. But you are open to the possibility that there will be some sort of manipulation of the country.
Oh, there is no question. Only the paranoid survive. And there's never been a time where we need to be paranoid about what could happen the next few months.
Never all of a sudden you show up saying you wanted debate. June twenty seven, I debated him two times and I beat him two times. You want IT come on, tough guy.
June twenty seven, and you read the details. My going to go off the moment times up two zero audience, while we do zero audience wall. You know, we're just going back to the way that was with nixon and Kennedy.
And then the next day, fifty articles come out that becoming traditional along how this whole thing about TV debate on TV started with nixon, Kennedy with no audience. That's the right way to do IT, so the audience can decide for themselves who the Better debate is. But listen, the last time we did without an audience was in one hundred sixty one thousand.
And whatever the title and was with those two, we've always had an audience. The audience, oh, you guys gotto keep IT down, but they know what's gonna en where he's going to have his moments where is because you'd be in jail and they're worried about those things. However, here's what's going to happen.
I think as much as they try to protect them, as much as they try to protect them to canossa what's going to happen with that? What percentage of people do you think that consumed the debate are the type that consume? Highlight real, like a game.
I don't watch full games, but i'll watch a highlight real. I watch sports center. I watch some of the climbs on twitter to say, look at this so well, good for these guys. They want what percent you think of voters are going to watch the entire thing on TV, on CNN, versus what percentage think are going to get the highlight rules on instagram and twitter.
What do you think I I think it's overwhelming. The percentage will watch portions of IT rather than the whole .
thing you think is eighty twenty at least. Okay, so who cares? So part time is like, okay, go head.
Do what you want to do with this, right? Uh, because the clips on this side that they are going to cut IT, edit, put IT out there, the audience is gone to go at IT. You're going to see the polls.
You're going to see the reactions. You're going to see is going to be Better editors nowadays, the Better editing team, creating Better clipsed in a fast manner with the right music, with the right creative, you know, be role and thin. You add to IT trumps camps a Better marketer. You've always been Better marketers. The other side has no clue how .
to do marketing, but maybe the bar see these clips of daily drilling and manling names and identifying his sister is is why he's just so out of IT and then they do them up on something to the point where, as at the state of the union, he seems sort of not so maybe if he pulled that off, what isn't trying to say like what drugs are you on what .
you just closed that maybe he will maybe i'll ask you and you know saying the things about callin as sister's wife that this personal business, it's not your business talk no you know I dunga lives different standards.
Totally, totally fair. And by the way, compared to the train stuff, that's not that weird. Um so how do you rate the peril to trump personally? physical? Pero, oh.
you mean to do them go now to trump.
Now the trumps wee ahead, right? Actually, father ahead than a candia typically isn't made of an election year. And we sort of know that that the red line can have trump. So i've asked him this directly, didn't get an answer. But do you worry that .
he could be harmed between now and then? What I mean, sac briefly said, you know the risk that he stands in .
the most indirect way. And genoa.
And I don't know if you've seen the movie civil war that just came out. If you've seen the movie civil war, it's about a uh, it's a commercial for reuters of left wing journalist and depicting the president of the time during the civil war of an identical character played as dann d trump and the hero of the movie. To my knowledge, the way I saw the movie was the person that assassin's the president last minute. In the last minute, the movie the president playing the role of trump gets a sinned in the movie. How many people does that movie need to inspire for some matter.
to become? So I haven't seen IT, but so the assessing the letter via s world is the hero. But whatever IT, he's the hero. The guy emerged. The president is the hero .
in the movie. The way they sell IT is that the the president playing the character. Trump is an evil man .
who made this movie.
Uh, it's very different than the other movie that was made leave the world behind by obama's and Julia Roberts. Uh, this actually had a decent cast for the movie, a very hard movie to watch. Leave the world behind was actually a Better produced movie, more dark, more deceptive, uh, extremely divisive.
A lot of messaging in their predict the programming stuff they can watch and say this can actually happen one day. Um but yeah mean, look, a lot of I don't know if you've seen a movie, john you for someone while john K. U.
That's a washington. Do you know the story about joan? no. Okay, so the story about a father whose son is a fan of flix, whether he wants to be a body builder and a sun, all of the sun heart collapses and I think it's in the middle baseball game. They take him to the hospital is going to cost two, one hundred and fifty thousand to do surgery and the company doesn't offer, uh uh, you allowing him to get the insurance because he doesn't have the best insurance and he's trying to go raise the money.
He can raise the money is pointing A A, A A picture of a father about to lose a son because the hospital is not willing to spend two hundred fifty thousand years to say, this kids life, right? And you are going through this emotional roller cost to ride with a father. How many fathers are going to sit and say, hold you shit.
What is this all about? right? And then eventually there's a scene where he tells a Kevin canal, the actor from anti age, and he says, lesson guys, just take you out of my heart and give IT to him this unique scene.
So i'm not going to do that if you're not not going to do I want to kill myself you are going to take you out of my heart is going to give you to my son intense, intense movie. Then while there there he's talking to his sun. Sun is lying on the bed at the hospital.
Look, here's what I want you to think about. He says, my son burries me. I don't bury my son like my son burries me.
That's how to be so you like, yeah. And as a father, you feeling IT. Well, that was right before obama care. How many people did dead movie influence to say, you know, what do you need affordable care? You know so movies have a lot of power.
I mean, you go back in the days, do you know who produce the first? Uh, titanic the movie? No, the guy that made all fitting.
Er you know who the hero was in the movie, the first uh titta ic expert the the first the hero in the movie is the nac soldier. If you go and pull up first titanic produced by germany adolph ler, the hero is painted as the native soldier. The way you confuse propaganda, storytelling is movies, ducks music.
You know, this, I mean, is how you get the audience and the Young, the audience, to buy. And so you mean to tell me, the movie, civil work cannot inspire one kit to want to be a hero and being written about for the rest of his life in history book, you mean to tell me you one he's not going to spare by. So I worry about some of this predicted programing they are putting because they're they going to say, well, you can just say, was a movie that did IT doesn't take a lot of stuff to get a Young kid to be inspired to do something.
So that's my part that's a little bit worrisome a about what could happen in the future. But um yeah I think they're willing to do anything and anything everything and anything to not get him in the White house because they worry if they do, they're na lose their membership. I don't know.
I saw what James Tommy said yesterday. He get emotional if he gets in there. He's gonna completely change everything without just the system.
He's gonna everything with FBI and it's gna put some bad people in there. I'm telling you guys, this is the week you not you cannot vote for truth. You have to support.
I've never seen called me. Be this animated about biden being a president. This just happened yesterday. So there's a lot of .
people that are worried about you listen to call me to talk a brand or all these former agency heads of the powful agencies in the world. These guys tells security clearances, of course they do for sure. They use them for their jobs, right? That's a privilege. Not right. And those should be revoked immediately by downed trump day fucking one.
Why do those guys tell of security clearances? Mean, if if you believe in democracy, if you think the people who live in the country own the country is their government, and they have a say in how it's run, and that government should reflect their priorities over time. And I think we all claim to believe that then you can have unelected agency heads or retired unelected agency heads running everything behind the scene. That is just absolutely anathema to democracy. So why do these guys continue to be allowed legally to run the government from outside the government?
right? So but that's not hard.
is IT? No.
it's not. But everybody, everybody's ambitious in their own way, some more, some less. But if you look at the profile of the tap, ambitious people that they go on different routes, okay, one is gonna fame.
I want to be a celebrity. I want people to stop me and say, can I take a picture with you? Tucker, I want to do self fie.
Wow, i'm famous to you. See this. That's ambitious.
I'm gonna be famous one day, right? OK, great. And the other one is ambitious.
We're gone to be billion's. We are going to be billion's. We have all the money in the world.
Okay, great. So one is fame, the other one is money. The other one is power to tell you what to do.
The money, guys, is a number you can measure IT. And you can see this guy is winning because this network is two hundred billion dollars. Is that as they must? This is number two, one hundred and eighty billion hours.
This guys, number three hundred and sixty five billion. You know, zc, there's leaders bulletin, ford fame, tim car dash got four hundred million followers on instagram. This person's got five hundred million of those got six hundred million.
You can measure fame, right? How do you measure politics? How do you measure what's the resume measuring successive politics? And and somebody working for the federal government, working for, you know, in FBI or CIA.
And you know you and I know you're not very family with this organization called CIA, but it's it's a rough organization, very interesting organization. Could you show look into them, some interesting people i've gone through there. But so you what do they want? What do they driven by? What do they want to do? Is their ambition.
What is that money? no. Is that fame? No, fame is actually straight up.
Okay, code. You want to be famous, go to X, Y, Z. You want to make money, go do X, Y, Z. But to power, people of you got to be very careful with them. A lot of times like the way how do .
you measure power?
So so the way you see and this is it's it's easy in the business world, say, you guy, I had Michael franzese on years ago when I started doing podcast, did a couple of interviews with them.
And in the mob world.
right? I want to know what. So he took me, we went to to new york as I was going to end of his father, Sunny Frances. And Sunny is a guide that comes from the era of lucky Luciano, mayor landsat, Frank kayo benee. He comes from that era.
I murdered .
him and zero when .
I was a kid. No, sure, nineteen seventy we will go have dinner, this house. And uh yeah, he he murdered bugsy eagle.
yeah. Shot him in the face with a thirty caliber, wow, big round office. Uh, he never married, never had kids.
He was a cat guy. He collected his tray cats. And my father, I love the animals and was good friends with that.
Kander, my brother, over dinner alone, live his parents. He was so very weird anyway, but he killed bugs. He single. But I remember here in the conversation, I don't call bugs he .
so so here's a thing so we go out and i'm like, i'm trying to convince Sunny, let me interview you. This is for fifty five years. I've never I want to jail for fifty five years.
The only thing I can take to my grave is I never stitched, but this was not a lie. Skated fifty five years in jail out of one hundred, hundred and twenty years of living. Never said anything to nobody, right? I get him in the car, taking him to favorite italian restaurant.
jay. We pick up from the old folks home, and i'm driving so Sunny. What can you tell me about mie lensky? Great guy.
How do you make a lot of money? Many different ways. Phenomenal guy. What we can say about the boxy segue, don't say that.
You can say that you go and then working to tell me about ben, very good guy, really. How about Frank Stella? Fantastic guy.
How about everybody's a good gmb? Like Sunny? Come on, Sunny, I mean, no, these are stand of guys.
I don't know what you're talking about. Stand up guys. Sunny eventually doesn't agree to do the interview.
That end, if you never happens, okay? But Sunny told his son, he said, be very careful of the people that are lower power people in the mob family, because one day they could be a boss, and when they do become a boss, they're going to remember every way you disrespect, they're going to seek their vengeance on you in their own way. Should be very careful to the lower level people that are coming up.
One day they could be your boss. Okay, alright, so. You're running a company. You see a guy that spent with you for five years, he's not a good job, is a worker to sixty hours a week, stand up guy, effort, attitude, teamwork, innovation, results, competency, specialist skills. He's got all that stuff.
Then all of a sudden, he goes from being a performer, and we got one or two people reporting to one. You make him A V P. And has got thirty five people under his division. And in all of a set, you see him become a tiant and a dictator. Like, wait minute.
Did IT just happen overnight? Or was that always in there? But you were hiding IT and bone now that you have the power, now you're abusing IT, right? A lot of these people in the political side, deep down inside, someone offended them, a mom, daddy, cousin and X, A friend, a professor, teacher, somebody.
And their way of seek vengeance is to have control over other people. Lincoln said he want to find that test someone's character given power. These guys not have power, and they're shown what they're all about.
And they fear somebody coming in that a none establishment guy come in and they could lose that and be exposed. They are not willing to give that up. They're not willing to give that up. It's gonna take everything they can to take that privilege away from them. And that's not going to be easy thing .
for trump to do. You may have come to the obvious conclusion that the real debate is not between republican and democrats, socialist and capitalist. right? laugh.
The real battles twen. People who are lying on purpose and people who are trying to tell you the truth is between good and evil, is between honesty and fault. Od, and we hope we are on the former side.
That's why we created this network to talk across network. And we invite you to subscribe to IT go to talk across and dog com slash podcast entire archive. Is there a lot of behind the scenes footage of what actually happens in this born when only an iphone is running talker carson doc com podcast you will not regret that.
I guess the the difficulty for um the power worshipping community is that there did this in twenty twenty and now the know tempers have cooled and people can think clearly history election nobody actually thinks that was a free infer election IT wasn't. And so the bar is a lot hired like how do you do that again? And if you do that again, everyone is going to know you do IT again. And then what kind of country do you have in january of twenty twenty five?
Steady trans trend, if if you are a great stack broker, is somebody that looks at trends, season, months, days, announcements, quarterly calls, you know, industry, market election, you have to look at everything on the board to say, according to this, an X, Y, Z and what's going on right now. This should happen next in the next quarter.
Go to the history books and look at, well, when we raise the interest rate this many times, here's what happened next when we were going to the influence. You look at all the case that is, I going go at first happened, Jennifer, I are in beverly hill. We're about to have a board meeting.
And in last minute, everybody that supposed to flying cancels a bound. Like, what the hell is going? We brought the kids.
We're about to go to universal. That's the rudy golby ry gave down of a mitchill from the utah jazz cove IT. And you know N H O shuts down.
MBA shuts down. That's today disney shows. And you know so what the how is going on? We ve got to fly back. We fly back to dallas. I take the family to the house, I come back to the office, and i'm studying all the different pandemics that we've had. And you'll see, out of all the pandemics we ve had, how the market is reacted.
Ninety percent of the top ten pandemics, we ve had massive market drop off, but every one of them six months later, he came back to exactly what I used to be, if not higher. There's only one that didn't recover for twelve months, and that's eight, everything else, six month recovery, right? So I could sit there and say, well, this could be fear born markets going to go down to a two thousand and seven thousand now whatever could happen, but it's fear it's gonna back up six months.
It's exactly what happened, right? Bomb, bomb came back up. okay. So trends, thanks to study patterns and what's going on with today.
If we go to twenty sixteen election, the mistake mainstream media made was what CNN kept inviting. trump. H he said, yes.
They kept the inviting him, yes. M sbc, yes. So we get all these crazy ratings we're killing at msm.
Bc, no, he's bringing new ratings. And in also, like guys, we created a monster. It's too late.
We've done a half a billion dollars of free media advertisement for this guy OK, and he didn't even need to spend the money on IT. Holly, shit, he just one. Are you kidding me? This didn't work.
The defamation of, you know, all the stuff. Tam guys, this is not onna work in twenty twenty. So go to twenty twenty.
What are they doing? twenty? twenty? We ve got to find a different playbook. Twenty sixteen, they use me too. Backfired on them.
One, trump brought the candidates showing and all the other stuff right, and is like, well, let me tell who we have here, paul this and know you see clinton looking like this, that famous picture. I was there for that. So twenty.
twenty, all the clinton girlfriends.
Pretty impressive. yes. yeah. Twenty, twenty. May twenty fifty. Uniq chaos. May twenty fifty. What IT happens?
George floy gets assassinated like George floy dies, not gets assiniboins d they wanted to to use a bigger thing, but short for IT the number of minutes that I took place. Ne, all that stuff next day, riots, protesting insanity. What do republicans start saying? Look, man, I like him, but I don't know why.
Maybe they're right. The more he in there, the more chaos happens in the streets. And I just want the chaos to slow down.
That's what I want. Course, that strategy worked very effectively. Here's what they're doing twenty twenty four that you can see some case studies of what they're what's not going to work.
What are they doing in twenty twenty four that they have learn their lesson? They're making a mistake that they made in twenty sixteen, but they're doing IT in a different way. Twenty sixteen.
All C N N M S N B C A B A B C, C B S ever talked about was what trump, trump, trump, trump, trump. But they invited them. What they are not inviting them now, but what are they doing? Because he's in court.
And all these different cases, they have to keep talking about him over and over, thinking that strategy is going to work for them because they are getting rid s. What they're not realizing. Again, they're coming the best publishers P.
R for this guy. And now, oh my god, it's backfiring on us again. Over to look at the black vote, in twenty only had nine percent.
In twenty twenty four he's got twenty two, twenty two percent of the african american vote. And what's even worse than this, the people that above sixty five, eighty one percent of them are for democrats. You, most of these guys are, but the Younger audience were losing.
This is not good for losing Younger audience. If we lose the Young ger audience, could this be a very good water with the african american vote flips for the next three decades? They're now seeing that this strategy is not working.
However, the part that you have to see the case that use the following, so piping muslims against jews, against Christians, against propane stine, against gaza 和 mos poisonous, all the stuff, you can have your own position. We can all have our own position. We don't need to go there if you don't want to go there.
But here's a part where they're winning is what kids and schools riots protesting. You know, they are doing what they're doing. All they're waiting for is an next short fit. That's all they they need their next short foot.
And what month are we in right now? Today's what? may? Okay, may twenty fifties coming up in three days, may twenty six years and a few days, they need chaos back again. Except they're going to do in a different keep .
thinking that about the israel palestine thing. I'm probably the only person in the world very strong feelings on IT like is real not against the boston and just not to just two american for the whole conversation, but when that becomes the biggest new story in the states, a conflict across the globe, and when these protests are blown, so at a proportion by all news media, you have to think, like maybe this is not a reflections of reality, like maybe i'm being played here a little bit right, or maybe i'm being played a lot.
Well, maybe you are. I I I want apologize because I didn't, uh, start off by congratulated you on your on your a one of the most honest outlets after news week reporting your massive contract, you sign with russian congratulations on that .
just by my ongoing business relationship with glad to put no they of course I never even contemplated I know I what you're talking about. I have nothing to do with russian media. I could not even identify three russian media lets of course I don't speak question but that's a pretext for a fighter warn so you put that out there and you know news week knows this and they're mad at me for other reasons, of course and um he put this out there and all of the student gives the by administration you know an excuse to buy on me which they are are but and have been over the last several years.
Uh but what's crazy is you can live in a country where that's completely illegal and ever knows it's happening and nobody says anything about IT and the only people do say anything about IT like dinosaur. It's no and like they're the ones facing life in prison. It's like, you know it's little bit upside down I would take no but that story look, the media don't just mislead you. They're not just you know worker bees for the democratic party there, you know though they want to hurt you like actually hurt you like, but put you in prison or kill you like that there that um involved in the machinery of internal oppression in this country. You not saying .
like you not saying that the D, O, G, A, whatever, give permission to use deadly force when they are invading .
a former there through that .
would never .
happen again, shows up. And is why going through my night? Yeah, deadly force. Deadly force. So I would say that the problem that we have as non know people who are not part of the machine um you know need to be saving in a rather left question is are you on the side of lies or are you not? Is we don't understand just how serious they are.
Mean, if you're running D, O, J and you saw a search warrant that said, yes, the use of deadly for supplies in a documents case, a classified documents case, by the way, the documents were meaningless, no one ever shown otherwise doesn't matter. You can put them on the internet now IT doesn't matter actually um and if you are the attorney general, you are looking into the warm and said use of daily forces is allowed you say, wow, wo wo oh we're we're literally rooting through malaysia's dresser. We don't need to use that. Won't you say that just as .
a the believes in .
fairness and sanity.
the fact that you're putting that in there to give permission and it's just kind of you know water under yeah no, where is got a next cycle? It's not a big story. Next new cy.
it's not a big so what does IT say? IT says that they're seriously ough to kill you. Absolutely there.
Because all I got murdered in ukrainian prison, of course, run by the state department in C. I, A. Basically killed by the by administration.
Not a big deal, I mean, at least .
american citizen.
but at least the confidence comes the fact that never in the history of us as the government ever assassinated to presidence, it's not like that kind of person who's a very ambitious vice president would never do that to become a president historically. And within minutes.
that sounds like a danger to me. So let me ask you, it's pretty clear to me, two summers ago, so August twenty twenty two, when that deadly force rda maroo go took place, and they ride through the former first ladies underwear um that was the moment when trump kind of came back like the santis was done this is my read on and the more they persecute trump unfairly um the more transparently grow task and corrupt IT is the stronger trump becomes mean.
I think that seems pretty obvious, has been polling on this. Do you think the people who did IT knew that would happen? Like how much, like how much you have existed, they think through.
no, I I, I actually don't think they thought I would happen. I think they think it's working. I think they think it's working.
And now it's too late. Michael coin, did you steal from the trump organization? Yes, sir, I did what? Yes, I did all shit.
So now CNN has to, somebody on CNN has to say it's over for this guy, right? So this is, this is another reason why sometimes the people are we gonna sue. Those gets go and do IT. Then comes discovery.
You can also give me your discovery, right? meaning. So when you're soon I want to see your discovery, give me your disco.
Let's go through. You're soon. Me, great. Let's go through. I want to see discovery on texas change email exchange at, oh, shit.
Now, no, we don't want to do that, but that's how lost its work. And I want discovery, right? So now it's backfiring. Now they have to sit there.
I mean, if we really play this and got i'd be curious with you, why do you think they chose to all of a sudden flip june to twenty seven debate? And next one is gonna on september. And first one, I think is CNN.
Second one, I think it's abc from the mistaken. Why do you think all of a sudden flipped so quickly or you're party to camp that thin? Maybe they're trying to see how good he's gonna to kind to replace them or what is the motor of time?
I mean, there are many levels and I don't know the answer. I think it's getting a little late to try to replace them honestly. And I think i'd be a pretty heart cell and with home.
And what you do with this is the problem with D I, with elevating people beyond their capacity, taking like a true mouth, breathing more on like commonly, Harrison, making our vice president like they are. These are the wages of they're dealing with now. And i'm really glad.
So I don't know that they replace someone, don't know how they can. Maybe they, more clever than I am, have a plan. I think it's as simple as the guy who's down wants a debate.
He needs to change the story line, you know, if the trend is hurting joba and is not his friend. And so they got to do something like one on debate, you know. And again, IT comes back to to pharaoh gy, like they're injecting him with drugs.
And so for a short period of time he can seem sentient and aware and semi capable. Old, but not a vegetable. The rest timing is a vegetable. And I think they can get away with that for an hour a half for two hours. And I think that I mean, again, I don't know, but my guess is they think they just have to show that he's not as seen as as you think he is and that's onna be enough IT was A P at the did you watch state of the union?
I did.
He didn't seem quite as retired as he Normally does. No, no, he didn't. And that's drugs. I mean, I I know someone to make a to work on job during the twenty twenty campaign who was there when he got the drugs like in the room with the doctor.
Drugs presume .
in the means at all version of that and um so who watched IT and to over a series of days and told me all about IT. So that's absolutely real and we've never gotta to read out in what drugs he's taking. By the way, he's the president states he's a nuclear arsenal at his command.
He has the brief case. I mean, he should be required to disclose what drugs he's taking. No.
yes, I mean, we would want to know, but you know, that's never gonna happen. I mean.
that's never to control the government. He's our employee. If your housekeeper shows up and he seems drunk, you get to say, are you drunk? Prove you're not drunk.
or go home. how? How much do you love amErica a lot? What is amErica to you?
AmErica is my family, my neighbors, my ancestors um amErica is the grandchildren I don't yet have. AmErica is also physical place. It's the water, it's the trees especially it's the mountains, it's the coast.
It's the physical beauty of the country. It's a physical place to me is absolutely not an idea. And you know, that means, and it's it's a physical reality to me, amErica has a smell.
AmErica has a vibe. In amErica is americans. And so the people live here, by the way, if americans fill with people who are in amErica is no longer america. And that's what's happening for IT was not the country I grew and therefore it's not I mean, well, so what's my attachment to the country? A place is the people who occupy the place and is the physical surroundings.
We're in a rumor in a barn right now and it's, you know the woods beams holding up the hay off but it's also you and your wife, one of my first you know I mean, so it's real things that you can touch and smell and taste. It's not just something abstract about IT, just like there's something abstract about my wife. Like, I like the way SHE smells, right?
She's not idea is your wife and idea? No.
IT is a physical presence, right? So that's what amErica is to me.
yes. So and how worried are you about that america, uh, being at risk or collapsing or losing some of its moxy that it's had for two and half centuries? How worried are you about that?
Well, i've accepted the reality, at least in the second part of your question, that it's really happened. It's lost its moxy and men are in terminal decline. And you I see IT all around me, particularly Young men, they're defeated.
They are defeated by a system that set out to defeat them and more and succeeded and um there are a lot of reasons for that, but in a lot of ways that they were defeated. But they have been not all but the the broad medal has been defeated. And so I am incredibly sad about that. But I think about amErica the way that I think about you know a ship that's leaking. It's like one thing I know is i'm staying on IT whether you all write IT to the .
bottom or not, but i'm here. So okay. So at what capacity are you willing to contribute for IT not to league? Is that at any capacity or is a limited capacity that you're willing to put?
I don't have any options in, by the way, if I were in charge, you know, if I were some sort of, but i'm on our hopeful fully, but I nodule passports in my country, sorry. I mean, because that that really is the measure of commitment. You know, are you all in or not? Like, do you have options? You know, have you burn the boats as they say? And I think you should be required to burn the boats.
Now you can go back what you're here. And once you ask is what marriage is? This is why you treat your wife Better than treat your girlfriend because you're married.
tour. And it's very hard to get out of and you get children together. And so in a Normal marriage, the persons like, well, one thing I know not doing is divorcing.
So i'm going to actually try train to sucking up and try, and that works, sucking IT up and trying work. I feel the same about my country. I'm not going anywhere. I don't have another passport. I wouldn't get another passport.
How many people do I know with dull passports like a million? And they tend to be the richest people and the people who ve gotten the most from the country who've really benefit from our systems, which they're been destroyed. And I think that should be illegal.
Like pick a country and pick a military. No, you can serve a foreign military. what? And know where I going to pay you to serve a forever.
I don't care what the country. I don't care if it's england or sweden where my answers came from. I don't care if it's berki a fossil where years came from, iran where years came from.
no. And you should be all in. I just the whole idea of IT. It's like an airbnb. There's using the countries is a fucking in airbnb to them and start airbnb at my house.
That's how I feel. okay. So let's stay on that. When when no, this is very healthy .
in a foreign military .
when went and I know what you're talking about, I read read the notes on if you're able to servant, israel is hate.
I do not I like.
I want to get even logic to say like you serve another military councils the same as don't care .
what I don't care for. My name is carson. I'm swedish. If you serve the swedish military, get out what's the sweden?
How was their argument to us? So how are they saying no argument?
There's just like you hate this or that? No, I don't hate anybody. And actually in the. That specific country.
I've been there a number of times, I could describe IT in detail because one of my favorite is in the world and just saying I do not just the you know the ancient city that defines the country in my opinion of the modern miami knock off that everyone loves, but the real truism, unbelievable in the people, in the food. And like, I just like IT. So i'm not going to fall for that.
You hate IT? No, I don't hate IT. I just love my country.
And I think you can only have one country to time. I don't believe polygon me either. You ve got one wife and Better if you have two wives.
I know people were polygamous and you know with respect, you're not all in on anyone wife so it's like, well, she's acting crazy sea and you could deal with the other wife, right? And your commitment is less when it's defused. When you ve got more than one, you cannot serve two masters. I I believe i'm quoting someone in that is just true. It's actually true if .
you get four wives and you want to pocket, you immediately have a couple sponsor, cii ages like. And here with my four wives.
this is brought.
you know, one who, yes, of course, I had a guy that came interviewed for a job, and he came from africa, a dirty two kids. So how do you i'd love to have twenty. How do to I but he's got a wife .
so I don't member .
because that's .
double the allowed amount. The problem with polygamy in islam um which is actually a lot more flying for is a Christian but it's it's a lot more humane than people say and a lot less common than people imagine because the rules are pretty tough on playing ging in this way, you have treat each way the same. Let me spend the same time of money, spend the same on a time. So if you take one wife to disney world with her kids, you going to take the next wife disney world with her kids the same minute time show. You know, IT takes a lot of money and a lot of effort to make IT right?
Are you suggesting for term limits and marriage? Like is that kind of what .
you're i'm suggesting actually that the monogamy .
works with IT but .
specified because sometimes .
know this could be a great area. But let me go to my question. So obviously, this is the first time you and I i've ever met.
Yes, the last, of course, but what i'm saying is we've never met priority. We've never spoken. This is the first interaction that we've had the last twenty four hours. Great time last night. Ah that was the real podcast that I know.
But .
anyways, we want to go there. The conversation the question I got for you when I was watching you and try to see, you know, the the evolution of you from where you add your background. What you've done sinter say, OK is this.
He's leaving because he's gonna build news score too, because he wants to be the next, you know, Robert murdoch like I don't know that's what he wants to do, is going to be Roger ales and he's going to produce one hundred other talents maybe, I don't know, you know, he wants to be the rushing boys, you know, the number one for the next two decades. And he wants to be so okay, here is already that guy. I don't think he needs to do that.
No, then there's a part of me that says, okay, I really think this guy loves amErica in a very sincere, clear conviction. Tap away, okay? And I think he's willing to do anything for that.
This is not a conversation for twenty twenty four. Do you at all like internally think and you're very well a guy. There's books here. There's plenty books over there. Um do you look at churchill and you say this guy was A A journalist, controversial figure, the field with him in chamblin and all these other guys and eventually, like listening we can can need someone like this has got a brass to come and do something. Do you have is there any limit of where you're willing to go to fight for what america, uh, the idea of america, where you grew up, your story, your family, all of that, are you willing to go all the way to the point where you would consider twenty twenty eight run as a president?
Well, you know, I I believe in using the gifts that god gave you. And I I think putting people in the wrong jobs or the wrong marriages, the wrong schools, is counterproductive, infects as a sin that we're all born for something. And you should figure out that isn't.
You should do IT. My my dogs to my dogs can find any bird on any path in any field or forest in america. They will find the bird.
They do not do my taxes because they're not born to do my taxes. They're born to find birds. And I fell away about myself and everyone around me do what you're born to do.
And I just don't see myself as a political person. My only goal is to be free, personally free. I really believe in personal liberation. Like, tell the truth, that's liberation about yourself, primarily. 不, 老鼠 吧, the world around you.
And my second goal is to preserve, you know, the the country that I grew up into, the extent that I can I mean recognizing that my powers are really limited and that my vision is blurry and i'm human being not got but yeah, that's absolutely. And go i've never been that into in money and at all and i'm not interested in building large jorgen ization administering them. I'm not good at that and I just wanted tell the truth and i'm absolutely willing especially now that fifty five, who cares you're looking at the future of what like parkinson's, like really a certain ager.
Like what do you I see these old people, including a lot of old people in power, who would like trying to squeak out another year. It's like, except your mortality. Please spend some time with people you love and who love you, your children, your grandchildren in your wife.
None of them want to accept the the finite nature of. So I do accept that. And so I just wanted do whatever I can to achieve those two goals, to remain free and honest inside, and to preserve the country that I really love. Like, I love growing up here and um and so have previous generations of my family and I hope subsequent generations so kind of I have always had low bred goals. I don't grand plan for world domination and I can even dominate my town, you know but but I would do anything to do that.
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So you would consider twenty.
twenty eight. I be very good at IT, but I would do whatever I could to help. I want to be helpful, right? And that is the model of my family, actually, inside my wedding ring, IT says, forever, your helper.
And my wife says that too, because I believe in helping. I think that that's our duty as Christians is our duties. people. It's the most fulfilling thing you can do is just to help in some small way. You're never gona figure out. You're never going to fix everything because you're not god to repeat or not god, but you can make incremental progress and you should never stop trying. So I would, I mean.
would you oh, no question about IT. This country is change my life. Yes, there is an or absolutely.
But do you think there's a political I mean, this is such actually shared this point, but is there a political solution to the problems that but set us?
What are you going to do if you're not involved? How are you going to be able to make direct? But you can talk about all this stuff, all you want if you're not on the inside to see what's really going on and what are you going to do?
Because I think, I think articulating things a wild makes all the difference.
Policy change, policy change.
for sure. But those follow typically followed changes of hard. To me.
There are some policies that nobody wants and they change everything because are imposed by fea. That's real. On the other hand, look at what triggers s the liars.
It's not policy changes. It's some guy standing up and send way. That's not true.
The C I, I knew about oswell like, shut up, you know what or whatever IT is like, what do you do? Class by the eleven dog shit. It's very to theorists.
It's like, why is that so threatening and it's so threats because it's getting closer to the truth. So saying the truth out loud, I think they spend all of their time trying to sensor people. Why do they do that?
Because that's the greatest threat to them. It's not some billion congress that can be on done. What can be on if you get in an argument with your wife and you say something truly horrible to her, like vicious and you know true, can not to fix that. I didn't be many years before you fix that because you've articulated something. Those words have hung in the air, is a kind of independent entity, like words have their own being in the begin was the word and that has that does more damage than punching somebody it's true so I don't know I think telling the truth out loud um is like the most powerful and revolutionary thing that you can do yeah but you .
so so what what happened is here's what I noticed that is gone on um so we're at a family golden sex event in chicago last week and they bring these sixty billion or families and it's about family uh family forum, family a fountain forum, something like that right? IT was actually very interesting thing to go, because it's generational wealth. To see how other families have done is.
So he saw all the owners of the different sports teams rins door. If you know they own the balls, you get the, you ve got the black hot, you've got the crown family, general dynamics, thirty billion other family, and they are kind of going through IT. And and you have the walsh family, very, very interesting to listen to these guys.
One of the parts when they are the crown family guy kidding is talking, he says, you know, in our family and four to generation and the oldest g four. And g four means fourth generation. He's a forty seven year old.
G four, okay? His daughter is a twelve year old who's the oldest g five at a one fifty, okay. ay. So we got to all the g four, all the g five. Now g five is hundred and fifty kids, grandkids.
So imagine one hundred and fifty kids that are coming from a billion or family like a, how much IT is coming to me? What do I? It's kind of complicated tool. How to use that? Okay, watch this.
So then the next guy comes up and is breaking out the number, saying, you know what percentage of wealthy family's money makes IT to second generation? G two, thirty one percent? Do you know what percentage makes us to g three, twelve percent? Do you know what percent tage makes a to g four, three percent? So wow, do you want twelve three to g four? What is the to g five g sixty seven out? okay.
So will I go with this? AmErica is a family, is a company, right? And I started off with the wealth that's been created, and now we get g one, g two, g 2, g four, whatever today, g twenty, g twenty, g four.
We're on a different g right. And except now it's like a super wealthy family. Let's put a network of dirty two trillion hours or dirty trillion dollars might as all the credit or dead that we have, that's another thirty two trillion dollars.
And we got a top line revenue of, say, four trillion dollars whatever our GDP that we don't prove no proud. So you break this down and you're trying to get that money was okay. What am I gonna get? How do you forget about me? I this, you know me this much money else?
If we ve got to this, I, we gonna have, we got to make this again, the way it's going. It's catastrophic on what's gonna happen. Know money wise here very soon with the next generation that are entitled on what you going to give to them next. Okay, so many .
just like when you look at people that should have more kids, don't the people that don't have the resources are not teach and values are not that responsible or not? The examples of a good citizen to duplicate are the kids there have seven, eight, nine kids. And so we're duplicating the wrong habits at a pace faster and duplicating the right habits eventually. What ends up happening is people that are not qualified to run a job do so, and they have control over you. And I I think I was played.
That said, I ve noted those who .
think it's foolish to study politics will be governed by fools who do next right. Those who think it's foolished to study politics will be govern by full studio. Okay, if if guys who have the mouth, peace debates, history argument, if those guys who should consider running don't run, force will. And that was going to .
be governed by the story of, come on, Harris. I mean, when I was a trial let up my first drivers' license in one thousand and eighty five years issue, I see you five come on here are we work in the dmv and you'd think, like, how did someone like this get a job at the dmv? Like she's dumb, but he just she's annoying.
SHE clearly hates me for reasons I can't control um and then you wake up in a country she's U S. Senator and vice president at states. It's like, no, I completely agree with you. The problem is it's hard to fix that. The generation i'm and actually group in a family like this, you know, g fiber, whatever, and like you look around and everybody's kind of not impressive and self hating and not productive and increasingly not rich at all and drinking too much and decade and filled with all kinds of August and all that like generational wealth does not i've almost never seen at work. So what's the answer to that?
I don't think the answer is sitting on the sidelines and having them keep getting more and more.
You just describe the problem of the country, right? I'm not attacking the crown family with the goldman sex family so I wonder how screwed up the g five is and all those families pretty reward up. Of course IT is like big .
time ah and no question about .
IT what happens in families happens at this.
happens in country for sure but also at the same time know when when uh uh you go and study. Lawrence Miller's book are bearings to bureaucrat ATS. He talked about every civilization and every society, every country company goes through through these phases.
First you have the profit. He is the founder. You have the founding followers.
right? We're going to call, no way we're going to pay taxes on taxation, but I represent shit. Okay, these guys are now, I wanted to pay taxes.
Yeah, we're not going to. They can do that to us, alright. Then they inspire barbarians, kay.
So jobs inspired barbarians must years barberry. Sometimes the profit is a barbari. An musk is both right? Jobs is both.
Are founding fathers many than were both. SHE got profit, barbarian builders, explorer. Then you have administrators.
So then you have other craters. Bureaucrats, then comes a downfall. Company, family, legacy. G 4, g five is done.
And the only way at this point that you can save that civilization, that society, that company is for a synergies that comes in and is able to rally enough for the people to say, here's what we're going to be doing. He's not trying to rally the eristic croats. He's not trying to rally the the bureau ATS.
You're not going to get those those guys to get fired. He's trying to rally the builders, the explores, the guys that and heyman and I just wanna go out and build my business. I feel we're at an era right now.
We're at a face right now where the synergies need to say, you know what, I feel like I can play a role for this. great. Let's roll.
I think these guys need to right now, I do be recruit. They need to be inspired. They need to have people that come to them and have a conversation.
And I think you need to consider we got five of this year. We came here for a one reason we're thinking about talk to about twenty twenty eight. Not interested, not this not not saying these conversations are not happen or of course, they're happening, be closer regularly. But I think these guys, if amErica is worth saving, if the concept of saving amErica is something that we value, we need to either choose if we can contribute kind of like you, or we need to inspire and recruiting. Don't get others to say.
I think you have to considered on this. I mean, I think you you need a whole classic people. I mean, I I feel like i'm unusual, statistically unusual, in that i'm a White american born man who is not like suicide.
Some level you destroying things, including myself, not just none into IT. I just don't feel that way at all, sort of know I mean, have a lot to appreciate in everything. And I like my family, but there aren't that many people like that.
And that is IT is the product of generational wealth. I mean, there are a lot but statistically, there are a lot of people who may what's trend generalising, it's it's a form suicide. Of course, what drug diction of former suicide, what's chronic ob ity former suicide was all kind of brands from the same tree. And um so it's really about the spirit and that's why you know if you do immigration right, which we're not doing at all, we're using immigration as another tool to destroy the country.
But you could conceivably um you know add the energy and the non super impulses into your country or gene pool that would be good um but but I don't kind of see a way out like the people who are a born in one thousand nine hundred and sixty nine um as I was know, it's a lot of them are just given up so what would you you say as a employer and as as an immigrant who made IT here, what would you say to like a twenty two year old man? You can get a job, go to some stupid college, get some meaningless market degree, and you can get a job or way, and you can get a job. What would you and and then there on the internet all upset dating. It's like it's a, it's a disaster. And in on me, what would you say to that kid?
Uh, go instead a person on a career pursue a door and someone to shadow. I don't think it's about you going and so i'm gonna be a real tor. I'm gonna go be a business analyst, i'm gonna go be a predictive and i'm gonna be A V P of this. Why don't you go work for a person that's a prolific at what they do and go model them, go shadow them? That's gonna a Better university for you than anything else.
We're sitting here last night who learned the most the guys that were here that are watching the exchange, the question, kay, what do you think about this? What about that going back? And for to somebody that's twenty two years old yesterday, I was six months worth of media lessons last night.
What we just want through, right? Think about what that happened those three hours last night. What would the twenty two year gain from that? What would you and I game at twenty two? We were at their room like, oh my god, it's crazy.
Okay, I get this makes sense. So I think to me it's more goal. Find the right people to duplicate and shadow, support them. And if you can work under them as closely as possible, that would be a Better degree for you than anything else.
But let me go back to kind of you were saying saying fifty five years ago, the guys I were born in one thousand nine hundred and sixty, I can like like i'm just like, you know but that's they've given up but that's exactly what they want you to do. That's exactly what no, you mean that's exactly what if the persons what that's exactly what they want you to do. They want you to be sitting there are same.
yeah. Mean, what can I do? You know, just like I can do anything about IT in in every organization, in every great movie, every great story, every great book, the heroes is journey you go through.
Typically, the guide de that doesn't want to do IT people are trying encourage him and then finally one day clicks bone and then bomb. You know, something happens, spirit opens up. They go in intention, all a certain level of conviction deeper down inside what you're saying.
There's something different about the way this guy selling IT to me and others. I don't know why I like this guy. I trust this guy.
He seems reasonable. I can listen to the sky. I think those guys are outer. And the idea years ago, you know, they ask castro, if you had to do IT all over again, how many thousands of people would you need to be able to pursue your vision of communism? And all the other would, would be ten thousand, would have be a hundred thousand, would to be a thousand.
This is, I need one person who's a hundred percent true believer calling IT would one we would have done at all over again, right? There's this idea that we think we need seventy, eighty, one thousand and ten thousand, and we need one person who we can rally behind. And by the way, the other thing I would also say is, you know, the founding father, seventeen, seventy six, they did what they did.
Benjamin, right? You got all these guys made jeffson, you know, washington, of course, Frank, all of these names. right.
Where are those guys today who are getting together once a month, once a quarter, once every six months to talk? Where are those guys today? Where are those guys today? Do we not need those guys today? And i'm not talking about congress.
Send IT. I'm time guys. I can hold those guys accountable. Where are those guys today? I don't know. But I think, uh, uh, you know, the great thing about what's been going on the last four years, specifically, maybe started sixteen, got pretty bad and coit twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty one, the one thing that's been very weird the last four years, the right people are finding each other. I totally beautiful thing.
Do you feel the spirit of the country changing? Do you feel the people why I have noticed in my tiny, where the little world that people do seem freer about what they say and think?
I agree, you fully agree, absolutely agree, and bother what I think a couple of IT. Also, we ve got to give credit to the White people. You've got to give credit to capitals.
And because I think what Daniel elected would spotify defending rogan was monumental. I think that was a very, very big move on what he did. I think mosque buying twitter and x monumental.
If act doesn't do what he does, he fires rogan. If elan never buys twitter, this is not the same america. So there's been also good moves behind closed doors where people are sitting there insane.
Okay, all right, shit. If we acted up and we give strikes for everything and we lose these guys, they got a place to go spotify and they got a place to go twitter. And x, that is problem that we can lose that guy, because if we do, and people going to be like, this is the censorship.
Prada, oh, what? So what do we got to do to get rid of, be on deformation? We ve got to do.
We got to find everything and anything we can on. And right, what have we got to do with spotify? He doesn't give a shit. Is living in a different country can do anything to m. And by the way, spotify numbers came out right now. Don't if you saw the reports from this morning saying sixty four percent of fans of the podcast they followed, they rely on them for their political views. Then what they get from mainstream media and their numbers has grown to a beautiful thing.
Beautiful and Better way is to show A A rare flash of racial pride. Go sweden, like, go sweden. Sweden D A, A lot actually to the world. The this is one thing, every sub n at a business I kind of lost faith.
but spot of beautiful. So .
what is? I'm really just struck by so many things in me, but that's, how about my life but one like how is the shaking out like there are a lot of conservative media that I sort of took semi seriously that now I don't take certain at all they are obviously fake. Um and the news outlet I work for for the past thirty years, they're either all gone or there about to be gone in nbc news is going all going away, obviously. So how does what is the landscape look in five years .
in the media but yeah can specifi C2Conservative jus t a b ro adly? okay. So uh, cable is dropping but not at the paste.
People thought, uh, what peacock did paint one hundred ten million dollars for the dolphins game against the chiefs and had twenty three million people watching that they had to pay what? Four ninety nine nine or nine ninety nine? That changed the same with sports.
So cable and and holly shit, what are we going to do? nothing. They're just signed two nfl games that either amazon or netflix, one of those guys pay one hundred million or hundred twenty million.
So you're seeing sports make the transition out of cable TV because cable TV has been saved by three communities. You ve got the boomers. You get the sports community and you get big farma.
You take those three out, there is no cable. It's gone. Big farma gets their advertising dollars to do.
There's so you need one president to come in and say, hey, we're not going to be one of two like new new zealand, allowing you guys to advertise on TV, you're gone. Do that elsewhere. You're not going to advertise anymore. You know who goes out a business safe to do that? Eighty percent of these guys, if not more boomers.
just a matter of time. And I don't think that, that would just to put for once, I don't think that would save america, but I think that would improve amErica a lot, tremendous.
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Burlington location, less than one mile away burlington deals brands wow. People, are you taking head drugs? You in xanax or at all?
No, no.
But everybody is. You're right, right? And those drugs kill you and destroy your brain.
yes. And no one ever says anything about IT hopefull. Do you know addicted descente s or at all? I know a lot.
me too no sun x and animal which .
you consider like totally Normal just ex anal like that's completely if I am math and um a physically addictive benzo a assi I mean it's like really crazy and I can't remember last time, remember ever seen a story? Have you seen a story on the only one .
you would think about this when time cruz went on map lower and and push the ambuLance, you know, going, adam, I don't know. Remember that what he said? Why we taking all these? Do I remember that?
Yes, I remember. I remember thinking the time I watch movie. So like time crisis, an actor and feminist is this called syn logic. But ended that. I was like, you know, I don't know tom cruise, but kind of pro tom cruise, because that guy is telling the truth I don't care of because was where .
the religion or whatever that's the truth oh, that was fascinating, right? Or even when uh uh a uh Robert to the eo, when he's a film festival and a documentary was coming out about vaccine. But I think bell big tree, and he's talking about the documentation because he's got an autistics and I think he's like twenty two or twenty three years old. That's one area was like we have to look into this, what's going on this and he kept kind of at the time, the kid was sixteen years old. But I think there's some moment, and they try to hide much.
There's a link between vaccine.
and you have never seen this center. Have to show you afterwards. Okay, so he's talking about and and the host is trying to shut them up.
And you guys gotto see this documentary, and he's not one that uses his kids as a we know where he's out with trump. P know he's got to, yes, loses. But when he comes down to vaccine and autism, that is a very personal thing to.
but can imagine napping.
allow to ask yeah that's a problem I mean.
I don't know if that's true or not. There is some evidence that IT is true and we do know um that they took the attitude of vaccine but IT of course I don't do with autism but like in what world can you ask that question or demand like a straight forward answer? They're forcing their kids to take the stuff.
Now I mean, listen, if you think about business models, talker, and i'll go back to the question about the media landscape, this i'll say this and i'll go back to the media landscape if you think about business models, okay, if if you and I go to a hotel, how do hotels make money? Let's just to say you and I own a hotel with two hundred million, with two thousand beds, right? okay.
When we get our report from the guy is running the hotel, what number do we want at the end of the month? We want to know, added the thirty one days this month times two thousand beds that sixty thousand times that these, but could have been rented. How many times were they rented? Ky, and say, well, you know, we were at eighty nine percent.
Can we get to ninety two percent? So what do we need? We need people staying in our hotel to make money.
That's our business model. The business model of hotel isn't to have only ten percent of the rooms being used. You need people to give, okay? So with the business model of hospitals.
I must be totally different, right?
right? So we need those beds to be filled. And by the way, do you know the kind of numbers want to do? You know what is a number one industry for the number one industry? If you ask right now what's the number one industry of the most money they did last year, you know what most people would say, what they take, energy, oil.
You know that only you have a trillions. You know, number one hospitals, one in a half trillion dollars, and when they ask him on how much you charge for a basic surgery bypass of whatever IT is, the ranges from, you know, forty four thousand dollars up to five hundred eighty thousand wide. That rain, such a big range and bother way.
Who controlled your pricing? And you guys have to report on what I really cause you to do this. And I think under trump, I don't know you remember this.
And twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty one, he kind of came out with a law forcing hospitals to report honestly, like here's what you're doing. I think at a five hundred hospitals, they audited four, seven, one, never even completed their numbers on with their cut. So they're charging people.
So most people think it's providers making a lot of money. Providers are not making a lot of money. They're lose the money.
The people that are making money is hospital. So hospital models, I need sick people, big, formal models. I need new diagnosis.
The more new diagnosis I have, the more new drugs I can self. I need new a drug, the diagnosis. What is the, you know, contractors, a model military contractor.
I need war. If we don't have war, had to help. We're gonna money.
If I go to mainstream media, what do I need? controversy? conflict? k. OS. That's how make my money.
When you actually look at the business model of what these guys are doing, they need chaos and problems to keep making money. okay? So that part is a very concerning things.
So going back to mainstream media, three things, keeping them in liers, farmers, mom ers and for its sports. So now what sports is happening is a lot of these sports guys are realizing cables not paying. Well, I want to go sign a contract with p cock, with netflix, with amazon, with all these guys, they are paying good money.
They ve got a lot of money. These other guys are dying. Somebody smaller sports market are saying, I don't want you to play on T, V, forget about IT means nothing to me.
What you're paying me. You know what I want to do. I want to go and put them on on.
O, T, T. I want to put on my over the top. You want to watch the game, you can only see IT on the phoenix ons over the top.
So hold you shit cables. No, no, no, no, no. Don't do that.
That's problematic. Not a small market. TV is getting cried.
So cable problematic. They ve got to figure out a solution there. Let's go to conservative side. On the conservative side, you ve got daily wired that they're dealing with, you know whatever happened between kanaan ban, which has been a uh a problem that they ve been trying to clean up, whatever the reasons are behind IT, that's you know the landscape of what they the decision making process.
You cannot saw a few different things, everybody where there's from october seven, specifically from october seven as a place to go, everybody you can tell like if we're live in in L A. And will try to find out what can everybody is in. Okay, those guys are my thirteen.
These guys are blood. There's crip. They're this. They're that you all of a sudden saw.
Okay, these gather israel. Above all. These guys are conservative above all.
These guys are debate above all. These guys are discourse above all. This is curiosity. This is built on pure money and profit. And wanted to selling B A spack king, going to stock market and sell and i'm a billionaire problem.
But what you did filter out in the last spit was accelerated like we know about everybody in six months yeah, from october seven IT was everybody got exposed and now they're trying to backtrack. Well, no, not really. Well, no, not really.
We're no, not really. And that will no, not really is gonna tough because you have to manufacture a lot of the stuff that you said in last six, seven months and the markets going to hold everybody countable for what you said. Those codes are not going to away, right?
So what's their future look like?
Who specifically, David, why what's their future look like? I don't know. I don't know their board. I know they have the factory of fracking in guys, the oil billionaire.
Ys, that based on what I hear from people, their juice for jesus and good guys, you have to sit there and ask yourself, okay, if you make this decision the way you did, no problem will support your decision. Is there a board and daily wire? I don't know.
Do jermy boring and bench po have a board to process when they're making a big decision? Maybe, maybe not. If they do, board is held accountable, was a good decision, was or not?
If they don't, then the money people have to say, well, you give a lot of, you know, freedom to these guys to make the decision, so then the money people are going to go out to want to raise more money. And who can you now go to raise money? Uh, you can definite go to every single billionaire due.
S say, hey, look what we did, you should be proud of us. Here's a position we took. No problem will give you two hundred million dollars.
There's a lot of money there. That money is not going away and that money is all over the place. So if somebody is pro is real and there's a lot of money there, that's an unlimited access to money.
So I don't think that's going to go away. People, oh my god, daily, why is gonna know they're not? They get money and there's plenty. People are gna back them up.
Then you have to see who backs them up, what media organizations behind closed doors, what institutions, organizations will go after, anybody that says anything bad about them, in what way the affirmation they gain up stories, articles, is that what you're onna do? Who knows character? Nobody knows that speculative to see what are going to be doing. So that what .
sounds like you're saying that october seventh split the right.
In a big way, in a big way, in a big way, in a big way, massive way. And like, imagine what linking project did to twenty twenty, where, you know, we had all these guys on and and the reports came out, this guys pa, for the guys, a complete mess. When we had this conversation, one the most five years, when we had Smith and veni went out and IT was viral .
all over the place. You see that.
oh yeah, yeah. We've had a lot of wear people.
We've really I know him well. I know him for twenty five years, literally twenty five, almost thirty. He's a really a damaged character. Wow, but not stupid.
Yeah, definitely not stupid. But damage make sense because you feel as rage like he's really got some I don't know, its anger issues are true hatred for certain people. So imagine lincoln project now you get multiple of them that's going through IT.
yeah. And by the way, a part of the scientist trump was also not A A good thing. I think we will recover from that.
No, promoting the sentience, making the right moves right now, getting closer to trump, build in that relationship from here to support. I think that's the right move for him to make. I wish you would have had done that earlier, but never too late for him to take that out.
But I think why didn't he get the .
nomination for for V, P, or for for .
what for for a run for the republican .
nomination? Listen, I I think now listen, I said this to me. He's not a alpha to be a one. He's a flat Carrier.
Yeah and and sometimes flat Carriers that like key needs to go read the book forty eight laws of power. I don't know you read the book laws of power. He needs to go read for the a laws of power by himself.
Don't tell anybody about IT if he sees this time, he needs to go read forty loss of power and realize the number one mistake. The santis mate is law number one, so he needs to do so. No, what number one is never outshine your master, and that's what he did.
You don't never do that guide. And in this case, masters is a bad war to use, but you can replace masters with the guy that helped you become a governor. Yeah, you never outshine that guy.
That is the kiss of death. When you do that, you cannot do that because that person forever is gonna know that secretly, you always want to take him out to have a thrown. And once that's out there, that guy cannot, in the back of his mind, ever take that away from his brain.
It's always going to be here. It's going to be, oh, I know where you're OK. no.
And all we know about you. No, no, I know what you want. I know deep down the side you want my throne.
No prom versus a role he could have played like a, uh, uh, godfather. What is that? That that robbert devo place always buchers m is time hagg. Now what's the guys named console ary to to the boss? You obviously watch many movies for just seeing .
all these questions too many ways.
You very obviously your big movie guy, you but no, I I think that's the part. I think once he did, dad, IT was bad for him, but his forty five has got plenty of run rate. He just needs to be a phenomenal flag Carrier.
And I kind of flag Carrier ever sent to the off position.
For short, biden was a flag Carrier, for sure. A George seniors, a flag Carrier. A mixon was a flag Carrier. You know, there is, uh, the model of flattery is actually very easy to be a president.
You, lisa, as crane was a flag Carrier, right? And ebou me became to term not necessary, best president, but they did become a president. So if you solving for being a president, you can do IT, but you ve got to be a great flag career.
Uh, most of the time, flag area are not the best communicators. Most of the time, fly Carriers are not the best to get up there and do what they do. They need somebody to itif y them.
So if you're not the best old reader speaker, uh, you're a very good day to day getting policies and stuff done. What you can do is a very smart guy. You need a big orator with a big mike to defend you and back you up. He lost that mike and he's gotto figure out what game that mike back for twenty twenty eight.
Fascinating, I think. correct. Yeah I want to go back to something you said a second ago. You said that um in fact, you even looked at me like I was a dumb question what you probably was october seven was a pivot point in conservative media and IT divided IT um how and why .
and is IT permanent a man? I mean, listen, anybody that's a big talent, a deep down inside, there's probably some ego some a lot of ego like i'm Better than you ego i'm smart, that guy and you know it's it's tough to admit your mistake while you're going through. Some of these guys made massive mistakes right now.
The problem.
what the position you take, we can this that's a problematic position. Now to give him credit, he came out and said, uh, you know, daily wires is not a platform where a publisher as a publisher, we can look of anybody. You're right. Yeah, totally fine. You can do that for sure. And and the argument as well and we had dave rubin on and rubin says, well, you know you don't know the whole story and you know what's going on there and he had said something and da da okay yeah SHE question certain questions that you may say when comfortable with this no problem um but your position when you know you knock off you you go after you know can to talk my crisis king and and you're playing the games and then if the story comes out, the fact that they use ten as ask in bin for a debate as a form of getting the gag order if that story comes out, let's say that story is true. I think Green, Green wall reported on IT, if that is true, if it's not true, but then going Green walls got to go through and and see what is got to say.
But if that story is true, that they used the tweet from canada to almost Laura in and then call the lawyers to if that story ever comes out in the next year, two years, three years, if that comes out, that's that's very problematic because talent is going to have to feel comfortable going somewhere. Great talent is going to a great talents. Gna have to go somewhere that they feel safe, they feel protected.
A dinner White is a great case study for this conomo gr adiva loud problems, sometimes chaotic, then I knows how to work with them. Kay, phil Jackson, nobody wanted a denis d man fill those that to work with. Denis d, come here.
Well, when he goes to lakers, come here. Well, when they did, right, and before chuck, a daily who was a culture of the pistol, you know, drain on Green, Steve kirk can handle that. Right is sometimes talent, if you look at how they are, there needs to be somebody that knows how to work with them as well.
You have to show as a publisher, as a media company that you know how to get talent, build them up, and also you know how to be on closed doors to assad and work with them while they're going through their changes as a talent. If you don't know how to manage ego and manage devas, uh, you're eventually gona lose your best talent to elsewhere that know how to do that. In number two, the devils are always going to be scared of someone like you because that's one thing they don't want.
They don't want to go to a place to be like. Here's what I need you to do. And what eventually, what happening is the following.
eventually. Look at foxes reputation. You get bill rightly, you get back. You got Megan. You get you kay.
What do all four you guys have common? I know them all. Of course you do.
You guys role number one, you guys um crushed IT on cable TV for get to seven years and you guys all had a ugly fAllen out at the end. Fox has to rebuild that reputation if they want to attract talent like that. If not, what they are going to end up catching themselves doing.
IT is specially at a time where more people are realizing I don't need you. This is very problematic, like it's not like the leverages on them. They can the way the way somebody these media companies are acting today, they could have gone away with that twenty years ago.
You can't today because talent has a choice. They didn't have a choice twenty years ago. Where am I going to go twenty years ago? Think about IT twenty years ago from working for CNN or M S N B C. And i've got to show and Rachel meta and whatever, brian stelter and you know all the guys that you all of them, they go super left and you're in between the meeting show boone, you know what? I just don't think of a place for me.
This guy is done that actually happened.
I know that's what i'm saying.
That's what raining. And so I was not familiar wow.
then john steward know well, let me tell you, just got to stop. By the way, that would be a very good.
interesting part if you know, I don't know um yeah, I mean, I would be interesting. I want to be a good sport.
I said I would watch IT.
Yeah I mean, the world would watch, all kinds are ugly things. I, but I just try to think, and I have such a contempt for him, I guess maybe that would make IT hard. I like interview people.
I disagree with Chris ma interview, and, you know, I totally did Chris roma and so much and I made fun of so much, I would really mean to but I I don't have contemporary home at all actually, uh, but john said I have total contemporary. I know I think he's like A I just I don't have no respect at all and I never have and that hasn't changed in the twenty years since I last some. So it's it's hard if you read someone you have no respect for at all, of course it's hard.
Of course that is I don't like IT. It's not easy. I don't give you what you say. I am your pathetic. Yeah, it's something in your real name like everything about you was fake. You're just fake and you're kind of a dumb person posing as a smart person like everything about bar. So I don't know.
I can do that. No, I listen. I I understand and I can only imagine because i'm of you are i'm not even you to know what what real .
context would I interviews the creepy porn lawyer there what I mean, he's a very medicine person and you know not a great person, obviously, and I totally disagree them. Another hand he had kind of an an energy that I didn't disrespect. I mean he's just like a very energetic guy.
But john stewards like a like frequent N P R listener who takes IT seriously just like i'm just so over that is so o you know what .
would be interesting about IT because from the scene of him coming and trying to bully you guys to where you are today, you want that's .
the point. Well, I thought I won then .
just i'm a .
little out of IT.
but you may have one. It's not even a conversation.
yeah. So you're talking about the media business and i'd asked you, you said october seven speak conservative media IT did .
permanently? No, not at all. No, people gonna have there certain people? Yes, for the most part, you know, uh, uh, look, marco rubio, oh, he's a considered a vice presidential potential what after what happened hand yeah and people move on if people, you know, this is a very media politics for you talk shit, you get peace, cannot believe with click ish, all this stuff.
And eventually somebody typically behind closed doors says, what matters more? Your ego. America, well, can I have both? Not all the time.
Okay, then, america, you going to raise your kids here. Yes, right? Let's figure this thing out.
We know why I agree with that completely. I am strand by people who I once hated. So yes, i've strong feel that we really, really strongly. Chris como, though, who have always said I like and I mean that and I think is talented, is having trouble from my read reentering the commerce that people are. So matic recommit about cove IT, that's my is that you're .
take on IT or absolute? And by the way, more now, by the way.
The twenty twenty four f one fifty lightning drag gets dirty and runs clean with an E P A estimated range of three hundred and twenty miles with the available extended range battery is the only electric vehicle that's an f one fifty visit for dog comm slash f one fifty lightning to learn more excludes blatter miles gp estimated driving range based on drive range with conditions such as internal n vehicle use, vehicle maintenance, hy voltage battery and state of health. This is the sound of your ride home with dad after he caught you vapp.
Awkward isn't IT most .
papes contained seriously addictive .
levels of nike tine and disappointment .
know .
the real cost of babes brought you by the fda. And all now I thinks more now, and here's why it's more now, because at least four years ago, one side loved him and the other side hated him four years ago. Now both sides hate them.
Them, you may say why? Very simple. So he was there to the left, to the establishment. He was a hero. Yes, you should take the vaccine.
What is all this horse, you know, ever make thing? So what's this all about? You're being a responsible by ran downa. So, yes, what a great citizen. Calmo is right face of CNN big farm on all these guys.
We like what he's doing, right? And the right is like, why are you making me take IT? I don't want to take IT. Let be my choice. Now you mean to tell you gone from that position two on the podcast say i'm taking ever meet now and yeah, I guess your organ was right. You're saying that .
now and i'm vx .
injured and i'm not only vx injured. And when I ask him if cov IT comes back in twenty twenty six and they're forcing everybody to take the vacation, would you take IT? This is absolutely not.
So you wouldn't take IT. I wouldn't take IT. okay.
So I would obviously when he says that you have to keep in mind that how is felt? You feel about that? Probably not good.
How is people from C, D, C? The doctors? How do they feel about IT? Probably not good. How about some of the people from his side? They were all on a show, and he was taking care of defending them.
They can stand them right now because what he's doing is he's bringing back something that's been under the rug and almost disappeared because everybody dies. Not talking about immigration everybodys, talking about all these other issues. Immigration, you know, election, twenty twenty four.
Yeah, what have? What about the game of functions? Yeah, I forget about IT. Well, this focus on all this something.
What about what china is talking about october?
exactly. So I think what he's doing is a massive risk.
But what IT doesn't okay. So what you're saying makes sense on one side. Clearly, his former allies or mad, they feel betrayed. He's exposing the lives but doesn't give him new allies.
I mean, i'm having dinner to ight, for example, with Green, Green world, who I love and consider a friend of mine. sure. And ginger will almost of britain, fifty pieces attacking me twenty years ago, right? But then we aligned on a couple of big issues, real issues.
And i'm like, i'm happy to be friends with with lingering world. I ve changed my views on a lot of issues. I believe in repentance, I think changes the central as the fact, change social. Your conclusions like this is all good. And so Normally the once was lost now and found people find a new home, but he doesn't seem to have found .
a new home now because he hasn't uh, a repented and ask for forgiveness and that's not easy to do.
So it's so easy to do easy say there is I up, i'm sorry, like that's the most simple, liberating act in life yeah, let me answer a question.
So here's a question for you. You're married, right? Your family, yeah.
You have your kids know. You get your thing. You get your community. Imagine all of a sudden you gets so close to foul chi and you're all of a son hanging out with Rachel matter.
You get your best friends and you're hanging out with all these guys on the left and suddenly you didn't say, no, the right was wrong. Everybody should take the vaccine. Everybody should go through IT. okay.
So imagine you take a position like I suddenly, how's your wife feel about IT, how your family feel about IT, how do your lining age of what you've done, your history where you come from, how do they feel about IT all so you have to sleep next to your wife. Now, you know, so for Chris, as is going to do this process, and you're talking to the goof camera, my kids absolutely love the sky. When he comes in, he rests.
Does judicial my kids, they're doing this, are doing that off camera. We have the most various arguments, hour, two hour, three hour, just absolute, like bomb, bomb MNN. A okay, i'll talk to next week done right? And a part of me, i'm not speaking on his B.
A. This is something he needs to make a decision for himself, is when I go through IT and I processed he he gives me zero vibes of somebody y's on the left. Zero cro no .
is not even a little bit.
Let me explain what .
I is always almost like being around someone who are not in touch with the himself and he he doesn't know what everyone else knows about. And Chris m looking, this is like, you are no sense .
a liberal. He is a beral center left guy. Okay, fine. He maybe center, maybe a center right guy. Economically right?
Vaccine, not for IT now doesn't like what happened with IT. You know, when he thinks about certain things with million, there are so many things that you can go on. But you guys, you know, he is reason.
You know, who's the only person that text me when it's east store? Any this and first guy, that text beats him. So spiritually, what is going through these are all stuff that you look at. Look, okay, maybe is going through and maybe is going through what is doing right now. But for him to come afraid .
of the feminist, that's part of that. I can feel that I said that right to him is afraid you if you care what the feminist thing and obviously you shouldn't because it's so degrading to care what they think, but then you have to mount certain lives and you're like required because you're afraid of the screeching us ah. But they don't respect you more for repeating their lives.
They actually see you as a bit. When you do that, they want you to be strong, their feminist in the first place, because they have been around men who are just the honest and correct and strong, so you cannot be afraid to them. And I really get the feeling like he can't say certain things because he he's afraid to.
I put something above that though. I put his last time and his family.
I get that. I put that was the number one.
That's number one. His father, his brother. I put that as number one and I feel like if he comes out and fully flips, say, yes, that and the other part .
for music and I respect that yeah I I know the one thing you're not being a bitch for respecting your future legacy or remaining close your brother like you should do that so I I feel for him right?
And then there's the other part of, you know, the school of thought of win. You apologize that will forever come after. You should be careful to apologize. Never apologize. There's a community as well.
Who are those people that's the domestic .
ever heard in your year? Never .
ever .
you have.
That's the rule. Don't why. So of course you never apply. You know, if you get up and some fake me too thing, you know, actually be more sensitive to unhappy thirty nine year old unmarred women.
No, what mistakes did you make that apologize on? My god, me drunk.
you know, sorry. Um and I mean that supporting the iraq war, working for bill Crystal being used to attack pep, you can in really being used. But because when I was Younger as a writer, because I was just not aware of the larger cross current and I didn't follow my own instincts, I followed orders, you know, those the Marks of a weak man.
And I and I was, and i'm embarrassed to that. And I, by the way, I post all the time. If as long as it's sincere, yeah, then you win. Lying makes you weak. Telling the truth makes you strong.
It's super simple. You know, it's crazy. check. So one day where this is when all my company was on on our entrepreneurship and we were running the top channel on you to entrepreneurship, if you would typed an entrepreneur, fifty, fifty, fifty videos, pull up on the search.
Half of them were ours. We just owned the word entrepreneur. okay? And that LED into the consulting from the David consulting.
You go to David outcome or monnet, all that stuff. That's the entrepreneurs we would look at. What words in the titles would do? Best words.
okay. So let's go through a couple of them. rules.
Very good word for youtube. Twenty rules of whatever. Ten rules of whatever.
So, rules for whatever reason. Great word for youtube. People want to get rules. Twelve rules for our life.
Jordan Peterson rules for money, seven million views on youtube that I did ten years ago. And people want to learn the rules of money. Basic videos.
Nothing crazy about IT twenty years for money. OK. Another word. And i'm kind of going to do this thing as an entrepreneur, as a whatever.
So, you know, uh, seven keys to success as a parent, as an entrepreneur, as a journalist, as a doctor, as a student, as a whatever at the end of the title. Okay, so that ended a title trigger back as a student. I'm a student bomb.
That audience is an every Green title PPT come back and watching the right. These are word, you know what? On the most powerful words, uh, that we would put on titles.
Absolutely crush IT mistakes. yeah. Ten mistakes I made. okay. So now running an insurance company, anytime you and I would go up and we would talk about the things we did right on the worst speeches you give, nobody feels they can do IT.
So what I would do with sometimes I would get my best guys and some guys that i've gone through some stuff and let to say their eagles not allow IT and i'm picking the topics for my guys and all our guys already know what this is all about. I'll say um you have twenty minutes at M. G.
And grAnderson. I want you to talk about ah the ten biggest mistakes you made in your career and they knew that we give me a smirk or should not going to look right. So then we go to the event and then there's ways you spin mistakes while the mistakes I made us trusting people too much, much person.
The mistake is always on the the person like you know that is apology. Hey, I never mention casi never. But I think it's .
disgusting to watch that.
It's disgusting to watch that. But one of the most attractive qualities of human being, there's a lot of colleges you look like. I just don't like that guy.
Now, when to like you, I can't like you. Yes, you're annoyed. One of the most attractive qualities of a human being is self deportation course. When you can sit there and self deprecating, laugh at yourself, make funny yourself, the audience is like, but why is that so appealing?
Think IT through.
Because none of us walk on your water. We all make .
mistakes for the telegraph strength. Yeah, that's what strong people do. Who refuses to apologize, who refused treatment falt, who refuses to be being human, making mistake.
People who are so fragile, they can't admitted weak people hide their weaknesses. Strong people are happy to admit them because they're transparent. They've got nothing to hide.
That's a sign of strength, is the short sign of strength. That s the only sign of strength. So not apologizing diminish you dramatically. You're fearful. That's what you can apologize, right?
yeah. But we just got again.
and i'm not talking about Chris specifically who are going to really like. And I will say just just to be very clear again, if he can't fully apologize for things he said that were demonstratively wrong because he doesn't want to honor the memory, his father, right, or elina, his brother, I respect that I do. yeah. It's worth working your career to to remain loyal to your family.
Know you know what I like. We're on the same page there. Here's what I learned. Whoever you speak to the last three people you speak to before you go to a sleep, have the most things over the last three people you speak to before go to sleep.
What if it's a dog? Well, that's good in the step is a very intimidating, massive, I don't know you want to big dog, I have a fifteen pounds eza extremely simmias ating. But this guy loves me and he makes me feel very confident about the way he believes in me. And that's why I get my own matter.
how embarrassing the dog is on .
in my number one therapies for fifteen years. But so you know, when you look at the last story, people you speak to, I can't take inventory of that. But what you talking, what do you think? What do you think sometimes you want to go through somebody and ask what you think?
Maybe you, maybe your brother, maybe it's a former mentor, maybe it's a father, maybe whoever you what you think community is, is the reason why you are making the decision. The way that you are, the Better the what you think community you have, the Better way you handle conflicts. I don't know what do you think community is for? Chris.
that's a really smart point. What's your relationship with them now? You know business relationship right?
Um we're going a debate next. Dave Smith called him out and I know you're dave guy. I like dave a lot, dave a talent I love.
Yeah davies I think he's he's a star that can be a superstar in the right environment. That guy has what IT takes a really strike um anybody that gets a chance of sign and they should. And if he kind of signs with somebody long time, five years.
he finds a way, be a median or a political commentator .
I think he cares about policy is more than comedy. I think um you know he likes comedy. I think that's the creative side.
But he has a serious side that he needs to find a way to tap into IT. I don't know what his vision is. He knows what he wanted to with his life. But dave crist will be having a friday night debate at our comedy club sugar lounge in four later to make thirty sixty IP m live audience.
Who's gona win?
Whoever is straight up and doesn't play politics .
it's a symmetrical low because Chris has um and I like in both but first to all, Davis are formidable debate apart test yes ferial yeah and very smart as a debate. I can say that guy is good and the second day for something every once you know he's not you don't mean he's already made his break with, you know, family members who disagree, the more whatever, but he's totally unencumbered. Chris is from a very famous family. Brother and dad were government the state in new york. It's like, it's hard.
I can tell you, every day I visualized people calling them, tell him not to do IT. Every single day, every day someone tell them, don't do the park cast in their own creative way. And I said this one, I announced that time.
So when IT happens, the sides of the establishment that doesn't want all this, the cdc guy comes out and you somebody said, did you guys any kind of kind of function, you know, uh, uh, ran Paulas asking, uh, uh, uh, h fouche twenty twenty one? No, we didn't do any. There was no such thing of game.
And then there is a new guy, the C, D, C. guy. I don't.
If you saw this or not, this was, is there any such a well in the general, you know, way of looking at this? Yes, there was gained of function. It's not general or not, was there or was or not? Yes, there. You think that community wants more. I bls going to this now.
Why is no one in prison? I mean, if you're doing gain of function research and otherwise, if you're trying to make dangerous viruses more infectious and more dangerous in a world of the demonstrated history of labs, you thank you, lime disease and and all the rest that we know cove IT have come from labs like you're you're gambling with the lives of millions of people like why should you be allowed to do that? Are trying to put trump in in prison on the rest of his life on a document charge, you brought home documents that are technical, classified, but the guys doing gain of fucking function .
research are walking free. Like what how bad do you want .
to to investigate investigate? I M I think no.
But the point is to hold them .
accountable to IT, right? How bad? It's just absolutely crazy. We're mad at, you know, guys with nose rings.
What I am, what I am not who is in the point i'm asking the this question is in order for that to happen, if the establishment from the left to right is an office, you will never find out, ever find out. This is why we need more guys from the anti establishment side to say, i'm really curious to the point where I want to go to find.
well, how would you say Bobby Kennedy? What's I .
think Bobby Kennedy is a form of anti establishment. And if i'm able to give people a score of reason, okay, and a true believer, so meaning, can this guy truly reason? So you got a family pride and stuff that you know part of your legacy and he's got what the most powerful as someone had left.
I think that's a way IT of promos. It's Kennedy. There is no level of Kennedy, right? Okay, cream at a crop at that level.
So what's the score for being able to reason? I think it's pretty high. I give my high school for reasoning. Uh, on the the the podcast that we did together was like town hall people asking, yes, so what do you stand with, you know, beauty blockers and transgender? Knowles, honest, haven't done enough research to before or against a bob.
You can say, by the way.
nobody said if you posted the video, which went viral this two weeks ago, people were shared at all over the place on twitter on the bottom. He said he changed his position on this four months ago and no longer supports IT. great.
Just what that's a form of progress reason you're making that you could say I was wrong. Here's where I stand with this now. Okay, right? No prom vaccine. I'm sure you read the fouche balky road, an absolute masterpiece of a bulky rights OK. So he's got to cover community, the vaccine community that didn't want to be forced to take IT who doesn't do don't like foul chi.
He's got that side um I put him as an antiethical lishman, but I still think he's got a lot of stuff that's on the left as a democrat even know he's an independent, but I think is a necessary voice. I do think he's going to get in the 味道 of trump。 So the trump people.
like I was talking to someone in his orbit of several months ago and my instinct was exactly, you just said, if you're against the status quo, you know, you're by definition not voting for job I so Kennedy takes another. There's nobody who's choosing between joe biden and Bobby Kennedy. Just that person doesn't exist.
And so by definition, is gna take from trump. And the response I G I was, he was really liberal on the thing is really liberal OK. But big picture IT seemed obvious to me. He was gonna a trump.
There's no question about IT.
There is no question. so. So the part which is kind of weird is when bitings camp doesn't want to give him protection, doesn't want to put on the stage.
I again, this goes back to me wondering, either you have something up your sleeves or you really think you have such an october surprise that you're onna leak to the world that Bobby's gonna step out like the way they with my cane now, now, now, oh, ah i'm gonna to pause my campaign. So maybe there is something that you and I don't know about. What's gonna a the guys been for a long time, sixty nine, seven year old guy, family girls, good look in ecole des background.
What are they hanging onto that they're not looking yet? I don't know. So why are they not afraid to guy? And why? These are all things that I wonder on what the left has, the establishment has, that they know that .
maybe they are just dumb. They're done than we think.
I think they're more developed than you think. They're definite more developed.
I think they're they believe their own bulshed. I mean that the peril of hutting your own show, like convincing yourself that commoner's is like impressive or something or that britton is not seen like I think people are capable.
I think that's what IT is. You think it's more like it's an easier person to control. I mean, if you look kid people who raise money, right?
If you go to case study of people that are really for pray, who are our top four non established in candidates of the last seventy years? OK Kennedy, uh, partially ragging trump. And in ho, sega does not establish rush okay, rush pro that's right.
Rush pro got to what? Nineteen points. Uh um uh region I think nine point six percent of the funding for him running for office was his own money, I think.
Was that number? Hilary clinton, a hundred percent. Don't refund IT. Uh, but uh, pretty much one hundred percent. Uh, uh, john f.
Kennedy's father, Joseph, I think put forty or fifty percent of IT trump. We know how much of IT was hurt is his and twenty sixteen. Obama needed other people. Everybody needed other people's money. So whoever that needs other people's money is controlled by the other people, which is the ideal Kennedy.
So come on for for them is like that is the ideal person for them because they can control l and a check mark for the rest your life your kip dia is going to services president. Congratulations to legacy cemented will make a documentary for you. Give your melo honor.
You're good to go amazing some documentary and go to, you know whatever the shows are on and you're gonna famous. Good for you, right? That's gone. Uh but to me, a part of IT, you know when they are looking at come, alas or by, that's their favorite types of candidates. They don't like arf case.
So you but she's not I I think it's Better to say she's not electable on her own.
No, she's not.
So if you had to get her out of the way by an obviously capacity by mental decline, koala repugnant. Uh, as a person, how do you fix that .
for this or twenty twenty eight? For only one person can do only one person. It's only a show.
There's nobody also you can do with. Let's play IT out. Okay.
let's play IT out. You don't think she's more disgusting.
No, to the left. SHE is the number one a person on the leaders bulleting. She's the number one draft pick for the left. Maybe even I had to knew some Michelle, but let me again, my opinion that could be wrong. I'm just giving you my po beyond so okay, so let's play.
Uh, uh, you get rid of, uh, uh, you get rid of A A kala and you put in newsome, which they would love to have newsom as a VP, and you transition a while. Bidding is going to be step and down june of twenty twenty five newson's. Now the president, what an easy way of getting newsom elected.
The easiest way of getting newsom elective is bring him in. But okay, you announce kalo stepping down. great. What ammunition do you give to the greatest stroll of all time on the other side to call you racist? It's done.
What's trump going to do if you get rid of kala and put new? Umm, look what they did. All they talk about is female power and blacks and all the stuff.
They put her back on the bus and they replace her. We knew some shame on the democrats. They are the most racing.
I mean, don't you can already see IT easy playback form, right? So but if they bring in instead of camera, uh, carmilla comes in and there's not enough time for supreme court just as the type of a position but say, camera comes from behind closed doors a cella you come out and you say someone is gone out with the family. Some happen. I don't .
think he has a family does SHE .
cancer scare, whatever sums going on. Cancer scare is the easy st OK. Because cancer, everyone is going to, oh my god, you know, and hey, god willing, we were able to avoid a chemotherapy and SHE didn't have to go through.
And this is soaked. Thank you for all your prayers that none of this stuff happened. And and, you know, they came to me and we were talking.
And as a collective, I think newsome is the most qualified. That's gonna be problematic. But if you bring Michelle in, that's easy. It's a very easy fit to bring around the question that becomes me sure want to be a VP as a egal VP .
person as you want to intersect for one set so she's never had a real job in her life. She's who sorry, this is a mr. Yeah Michelle. Okay um she's like has nothing in common with any american um she's nasty shea hater. Clearly she's uteri ungrateful for every special advances she's been given her entirely would to printed on a free ride and she's met at printed really I mean, everything about her is like mediocre, mean, dumb, and not a single chief ment in her entire life, other than marrying this guy in a fake marriage. So like, on what grounds .
could that person run the country per naive? Are you kidding? Do you know which one of these political figures? So thirty six million copies of her book, one person about .
what IT .
doesn't matter.
more money from a rich lady.
Thirty six million people bought her book pro that. Do you realize like the amount of influence positive .
consider that decision you're walking through Barnes and nobel or walmart? yes. And you see Michelle baa s book for sale. Yes, what causes you to buy something like that?
You talking from your perspective, perfect.
This is a book that SHE no, he didn't write, but probably hasn't read. Like, why would you buy something? And then you have Michelle obama's name like in your house yeah like what signal you like what .
could possibly compel .
you to do something like?
But that's not the point. But the point is he is a rock star for the left. SHE is a rock star for the left. Sh'll be itif ed and glorified by everybody.
They love anything that's ugly and and bad.
Mediocre don't? No, but that's .
not even a taste to like, look, you can say if al sharpton, who vimont disagree ed, but there you know, like alzire ton's self created person actually and alert ton ton pretty smart. And think a lot of things about sharpton that are bad for sure, but at least out sharpton, I kind of lived a life my same trump, maybe you hate trump OK you think he's the good thing is, but he's like a self created guy. Number one, TV showing the country like mh, obama has literally done nothing except wine about the White man for sixty years.
Like that's a quaking mean that doing anything is a qualification to run on the left.
I just like they zero in on the most repulsive images and people it's like there they're kind of an extra sort of a reverse image of everything that's beautiful and dignified and virtuous.
If SHE runs, you have no idea how form SHE would be.
But it's like the uglier or something is the .
more they love IT. Well.
maybe that is, again, maybe physically .
and spiritually, who is more formative? Her or a .
job by I mean, I I probably my shall I would think.
Then then the other question becomes for us.
But then you want to, is there like a bottom to weight guilt? Because my hell is fake. Husband got elected. White people got elected that wasn't but you didn't do that. Yeah is that kind of a played out like you're electing? We're going to say that a woman who lives in hawaii and compounds in hawaii and martis vineet is somehow like it's a Victory for civil rights like what what we the rational, like we the end of that cycle, people have to vote for someone like that.
So try to devils advocate, yeah splay devils advocate, you're on the left, yeah. okay. Who your top five candidates most qualified that you can help as the establishment? You get everybody behind this person whose your top five draft behind the left to be a president.
a Jimmy .
door that would never .
happen .
on what we do. Think about your them. You are them. You're in the room with them.
Who's their top five? I mean, I guess I would I don't know who's like mentally retarded in transgender, I guess that sort you know but i'm sure like that's how .
they think like .
so what's the most repulsive thing we can do? What what's the opposite of? What's the farthest from the actual truth? Who is the least competent with the ugly liest building we can build, with the most putrid painting we can .
create and call IT are you say no, some number one, Michelle, you wouldn't go to some of those. You wouldn't go machine, you know grouching, you wouldn't put that as a top five. That's their profile of candidates.
That's the people. People are jokes.
And I means not about being a joke. It's about who they can control and get the job done through them.
What's the job? Well.
are you kidding? Establish certain controls that nobody can touch.
Just shit, still shit. That's specially let the stealing proceed.
Well, I mean, without getting cut and you create the law and if you create the law, you're protecting yourself and have noticed. So you fall on closely what's gone out with around with A C that you well.
I mean, the extent you can .
yeah I you think, uh.
what just another just another aircraft crash that happens .
all the time. The just do what do you think IT is? What do you think IT is behind? I have some thoughts.
but what do you think that I mean no, it's either an internal power struggle um with this last night and um within an or its the U S. Is a real recombination of those two those the obvious .
suspects know the answer to come and .
eight years sort ah .
he's a second all the sun of the supreme yes do you know what is net worth this?
Is that just the sound?
Hundreds and three billion dollars, billion type in you'll see IT. It's three billion. Ll, this was reports that in what he's work and how is he about billion? Because he started twitter, or because.
of course, viable entrepreneurs .
innovate, we created the facebook of iran, right? But, uh, h, so this guy is in the running to be the next supreme leader of iran. There is two candidates there is over him, li, and there is a son.
Now, how mons family has been estimated to have a network of roughly two hundred billion dollars, how and his family, how they accumulated that, who knows, some of the most innovative people in the world, the family to get to two hundred billion hours innovatively steal money from taxpayers. Innovatively getting money from different places. But regardless, it's innovative on what they have done, right? Why would this family ultimate nepotism? Why would they want easy to become the there? So you have to give a little bit of credibility.
I do, because in the past raffan jhn y which we can talk about last night, but I said, john, I was a guy that died at eighty two years old as the president, and he died from a heart attack. That's what his family believes on what happened to. So there is, it's very easy for us right off about to say, it's israel. Oh, it's us.
Oh, you know what? If U. S. Wouldn't put the sanctions on us, we would have Better helicopters where this one to happen, whatever city was. So but iran going through that with some of their powerplays, they're going to be going through today with how and a is going to be interesting to see.
I mean, assessing what you know, a sovereign ate, assessing the leader in another sovereign ate. Not a good precedent to set. Not a good idea.
Almost matter who mean there's is a reason that we don't want to get into the assassins. Me, because you don't work, it's gna wind up and it's, uh, it's reckless, super reckless behavior. I like to believe I want to believe what you just said that does not like a absolutely book. And I don't want to believe that states are knocking off for all other leaders because no, again, you don't know where that wants up. Maybe, maybe there should be a kind of informal agreement not to assisted each other.
oh yeah, for sure, and not to do the internally. But again, you go .
back and put bible.
This could be a game of ambition of who wants to control the iran, the resources, for many, many years to come. And this, this guy was only sixty three years old. So easy you passed this. Not in other, right. So which G U. S.
Point up in a war with run?
It's looking like IT. IT does look like like IT that we're to go there. What do you think of that? Um i'm not as worried about IT with iran um uh for a couple different reasons.
Iran now here's a think i'll give you both uh uh uh sides of IT. The part that i'm not worried about IT iran always been when truck together got some soly money. Uh, who was the number two guy to time? This is a guy that was leading pretty much all the proxy or proxy wars and all the proxy military.
Hezbollah is a very, very legit power player. money. So you take him out and you say, I took him out. I did IT. My name is drum P.
I took him out in your face, right? There's no way we're going to let trump in amErica get away with that. Watch what we're gonna doing.
They intentionally, you know, through some missile in an area where there was no soldiers. So nothing happened. But they're like, look at us.
We showed strength now. You really didn't. Now, what's change from solar money to today, the world?
Twenty five year, four hundred billion out of contract from U. S. S.
Number one, you know, enemy called china IT IT. It's during the same time russia had an locate relationship with U. S. Now we're in a proxy war with russia through ukraine that were funding left and right.
And I in the U. S. Military personnel fighting russia .
from ukraine. Well know, I want to be little .
bit of a the average really IT 是 on how deep .
we are there, right? okay. So so then russia is gonna de with you, with us or iran, their neighbor kasi an c that's who are going to decide. So so this is the part where you can like, you know, so so iran is no longer iran. Iran is essentially one of the .
eyes in bricks.
exactly OK india, iran. So yeah, I don't know. So you so going to going to member the story I told .
you about skate s some regional conflict, world war converging very fast.
We are already in world war, just like nobody want to say we were already in a recession here and have nobody.
nobody is all this. How insane is all. How does this help my family?
My country doesn't help your family, your country. But you have to go back to who to? Customer is in order for the military contractors to make money.
They need wars in order for many of these other business models to make money. They need crisis in order for a vanguard or a black rock to get a four hundred billion that I think it's vanguard. But I do know blackrock to get a four hundred billion dollar contract to rebuild ukraine, you need ukraine e to be destroyed, to rebuild IT. If ukraine e isn't destroyed, you don't need to rebuild. These are all great business models for these folks.
So but you know how IT ends? I mean, ends with the destruction of everything that's worth having, actually.
only if they keep the power. Only if they keep the power.
they can foresee the future. These are not people with find motor skills like they overstate their own power and foresight. And once you get into something like this, you have no fucking idea where IT ends.
You no idea things in go sideways so fast you can control events. You think you can, you can't. That's true in your family and it's true geopolitically. And so like you you you know, you think you've got all fine tune. It's like some roof gold berg thing. And then this happens, that happens what we're going to do, we're going to kick russia at a swift and actually that will cause in term revolving russia and they'll depose putin. And it's like you can't game this stuff other too many variables and you can easily wind up .
in a nuclear insurance policies. You think they sit.
they have no idea. I hope they have submarine because I I don't know how, like I think they are actually destroying the country that they live in. That's what I think, and that's what I think. It's supernatural syc.
But in their minds, they're protected in their minds, they're protected in their minds, not their wealth. Yeah, in their money.
So the honey workers are so stupid, oh, my wealth will predict me. Okay yeah. How many people have thought that a lot, jeffrey? I thought that you everybody thinks that .
that's the way of wealth there's not was going to happen to next.
Did you see I been following the deal? Video.
I know you probably obvious ly probably listen to a lot of help you. Uh, is, uh uh the video comes out of him beating Cassie is x girlfriend that within twenty four hours they settle for thirty million dollars. And that story was gone like a year ago, some like that. So finally, the video comes out from twenty sixteen. This video he's hitting over the head, pulling your hair.
dragon middle, the man like, I know I don't want them to be raised strength, but like.
you just want to beat women right? Yeah well, and you know, thirty a few years ago was commenting on Chris Brown and riano's controversy on eland generous and he says, you know, this is pray for them because we don't know what they're going to. Let's pray for them before we see what they are going to alley's pray for them. So maybe that's what is going to right now.
And they leaked the video. All these guys are group of a single mothers are really matter women, sorry.
Yeah, have you seen the numbers of how we went from single mothers in one thousand and sixty to today?
The matriarchy leads to wife beating. I'm just telling you that a man of the strong father is not beat women. For sure you can at women.
You don't send them off to fie words, you don't beat them up um you treat them with respect that the man who grew up in a housel with a strong father, the man who grew up a households with a mom you loving, but also arbitrary and flicky that guy hates women. He becomes a womanizer, not a fun way, in a bad way. Abusive exploits women, and then he beats up.
And that is, there is a direct connection. You're not going to find many wife beaters who grew up with a strong day at home, but you will find a ton who grew up with mom. So that is one of many ironies, uh, that we don't acknowledge. We should acknowledge that if you care about, you know, preventing violence against women, encourage two parent families with, like, real dads. I don't fight the patriarchy, embrace the patriarchy, and you get less wife beating.
so you can. So.
so by the way, am I right? I was taking a check with your wife.
So by the way, when you process is that way, that goes back to me thinking, we need to change incentives. Because in one thousand, nine and sixty, only four percent of kids were born to a unwed mother like a single mother. Today is forty one percent from four percent to forty one less .
than liberation.
You don't think, uh, you kid me that's catastrophic.
That's problem that but that's what footing the patriarchy looks like, right? Beating up women and mugging them on the street and sending them off to fight stupid wars.
Yeah but they listen, they're not selling. They're not selling family values. They are not selling having kids. They're not selling the value of raising a kid.
They're not selling the incentive program is created to be divorce, to stay single, to keep having kids, to stay on welfare. The incentive program is creative for me to stay in title for my my entire life, relying on some kind of welfare. And by the way, know both you and I have four kids, right? We're talking about a lesson. Yeah, four kids. I got four kids .
crazy and eight. But yes, we visited playing me.
Well, we can again, if we have new policies, we can just consider that right, right? I tell my wife I keep a pregnant. She'd have three months break every year, and we would be pregnant for twenty years.
Should be pregnant. Can imagine going to dinner ah, we like to make a reservation for dinner tonight. Have your party, party four.
twenty, the little pop lying down other .
side and you don't have girlfriends and boyfriends, so may be like party of forty. yeah.
Want to be a Better when tribal leader hitting the hubble bubble my tent a check .
this out. Watch this crazy data. Yes, crazy data. You ready? So on nineteen and sixty, every year, four point three million kids are born in one thousand .
hundred and .
sixty every year in one hundred and sixty one point seven million people roughly die. Every year, four point three born, one point seven die. It's a net positive of two point six million. Yes, you're with me so far.
Nineteen sixty, nineteen six dani murdered president. That's right.
four years later. So come to today that number number of kids being born roughly, uh, a number of P, A number kids we want three point two, three point three million. A number of people dying, two point seven, two point eight million.
We went from two point six million more people being born than dying to only five hundred thousand more people being born than dying. Fertility rate lowest ever in america, one point six. Um we have there's a new trend.
I don't if you have consider joining IT or not, uh, IT is little rebellion. If you're thinking about IT, this community called the L G B T Q community. They track rebellious people.
You get to do whatever you wanted to get to cut things off. It's actually very interesting what's happened with a no, I think I don't. If you follow this, seems like I that's gonna prevent from having kids if you cut your dangle in office.
Hard to have kids. But i'm sure .
that some part of that would never do a noble thing. So but you look at this, to me, there's a lot of numbers. We can look at this concerning two point six more kids being born million years than two five hundred thousand, and we're having fewer kids.
We're not endorse and marriage, family, all the incentive program is not for that. How much longer until we're sitting here and these folks are living longer and we're not having enough of replacement? How much long I am china hit one child policy one point one, you know at the bottom of the list right now. South korea point eight three were at one point six one.
Will they are in the obvious solution if your south korea or china just invite hate to move in? Why rents they doing that?
That's a noble thing to do.
And there's no it's it's absolute. Sarah, I mean, who's going to who's going to watch over your elder in the long term memory care .
they need you follow the gym, my story with barbecue, to get .
in barbecue. And where do you want to be in tanee?
I think i'm not born here so I can run for president. That's out. yes. okay. Uh, I have certain set of values and principles that are not compromising and we going to fight for as long as we can.
If god keeps me healthy, there's only one percent I can fire me, and going forty years will end up. Haven't wanted the most influential, biggest consulting firms in america, including worldwide. Right now, we can solve for roughly five thousand businesses. From sixty countries that we do engagements for. Okay, so that's David consult.
Can I ask question? Because what does that .
mean to consult? So you come in your trying to raise capital. You need help putting a pitch deck together. We can help you with that. Yes, your in a place where your marketing campaign isn't working, you want to help us put a matter or create a marketing camion n for you will help you with that your complaint to pay your employees h you don't know how to set up a proper variable comp or structure the equity, your profit sharing in your sales guys.
You considering your compass flat, then you need to kind of find a way to improve IT will help you with that you want to expand into a different marketplace will help you with that you want to find a see sweet executive and you don't know what the right way to interview and what qualities to look for or a job description to put will help you with that. These are things that we're going na focus on a small business owner side because that is a language that we speak comfortably. I hosted last year, held and even called the all conference time.
Brady was that event. We're holding this one this year. Pm, which convention center were expected in nearly ten thousand people to be there for three and a half days? We talk purely business strategy growth, all of that, right? So the consulting firm is a big part of our pillow or what we're going to be doing, product development on a monnet, the manic APP.
I don't know if you heard about them. A it's grown exponentially corner to court to rupp, seven hundred and eighty percent of whole thing with my neck is eight years ago. I call a lawyer.
Uh, I have a seven minute call with him. He builds me for thirty minutes. I call them. I say, why do you build me for thirty minutes? I have the number here yet.
At seven and a call, he says a minute rolled up as not to thirty minutes, maybe to ten minutes. He says, no is thirty minutes. I said, what do you charged by the minute? This is no lawyer or charged by the minute.
I said, one day i'm going to create a website or an APP that I get to pay people by the minute. So do you have a minute to connect? Let's connect.
So where as most places you email somebody and the response rate called email is one percent less than one percent of someone going like somebody in called response. Hey, talk about d love to talk you about a job. What's the chances of getting back to a person? email? Probably slim to not.
I don't do email. So yeah prety on .
an instagram, a three percent response rate on twitter, five on linton is eight percent on monnet your pain to get a respond back. So you're paying a person fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, three hundred dollars, five hundred dollars and they respond back to because you're respecting their time. Our response rate right now ninety four percent to get back to you and over fifty percent at time to get back within twenty four hours.
So we have the consulting, we have the product development, we have the media site on the media side. Uh, I think the media landscape right now is wide open. Uh, it's filled with a lot of talented people, some that are driven by money, some that are driven by fame, a few that are driven by values and principles were driven by values and principles, innovation and its pure conviction.
It's not like a, you know, I need another nice car. I need another nice course. I need a lot of, you know, how have much money in the bank? No, this is we have a real vision, a real cause.
Are we going to go for forty years? And I think at the end of the day, ten, twenty, thirty years down the land going to look at the thing and say, well, this is one of most infantile companies in the world. That's what we going .
to do so just I I can assess the rest of congratulations um but I can sort of assess the media part of us having worked in IT and we are at a pivot point for sure and all of a sudden invoice independent voices, some of them bigger than the established voices because legacy media is obviously dying. But to those independent media figures come together at some .
point if they did, are you kidding? I mean, I would be very intimidating if that was to happen. If because the market wants everything divided, that's what the enemy wants.
The enemy wants everybody divided. They can bully and push you around of your divided because you can build a household influential thing if you're divided, if we can bring everybody together. And sister said, one, the problems why in paris follows?
Because everybody wants to know who got the most credit. I did IT know if IT wasn't for me. And that's a chAllenge with sometimes people on the conservative side every read.
So if some of these guys can unite and work together, um the enemy is not gona like that. It's going to be very, very scary for the enemy ah because they're not used to that. They're used to dividing and pinning everybody against everyone.
Easy, you art of war, sn suits, nothing new. Divide, conquer easily. They do all the time. But if some of these guys can set the cide their egos and find a way where each can individually win and collectively win, game over, it's going to be a fun next ten, twenty years.
Patrick IT, thank you very much.
Really enjoy.
I will see you again. I look forward to thank you. Thanks for listening tucker crossed and show. If you enjoy IT IT, you can go to tuck and cross and that calm to see everything that we have made the complete library, doctor carlson dot com.