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Dr. Willie Soon

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The Tucker Carlson Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Josh Hammer
Tucker Carlson
Willie Soon
Willie Soon博士认为,传统上认为化石燃料全部源于远古动植物的观点是片面的。他引用了土星卫星泰坦上存在大量碳氢化合物的证据,以及2009年瑞典皇家科学院进行的模拟地球地幔条件下合成复杂碳氢化合物的实验结果,来支持其关于碳氢化合物非生物成因的论点。他认为,这种非生物成因的碳氢化合物储量可能远超预期,因此人类对能源的认知需要重新思考。他还批评了联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)以及一些科学家对气候变化的论述,认为他们夸大了二氧化碳对气候变化的影响,并使用有缺陷的模型和数据。他认为,太阳活动和地球轨道变化才是气候变化的主要驱动因素,并提供了大量证据来支持这一观点。他还批评了当前对化石燃料的限制政策,认为这些政策是不合理的,并对太阳能和风能的投资效率低下表示担忧。最后,他还谈到了他对科学界现状的不满,认为许多科学家由于资金和意识形态的影响而不敢公开表达自己的观点。 Tucker Carlson表达了对现有气候变化理论的质疑,并就历史上的气候波动以及冰川消融等现象向Soon博士提出了问题,进一步佐证了Soon博士的观点。 Josh Hammer则从科学研究的资金来源角度分析了当前科学界在气候变化问题上的困境,指出许多科学家由于资金的影响而不敢公开表达自己的观点,这导致了科学研究的偏差。

Deep Dive

The origin of hydrocarbons might not solely be from ancient organic matter. Evidence suggests their presence on Saturn's moon, Titan, and deep within Earth's oceans challenges the conventional fossil fuel narrative. Experiments demonstrate the formation of complex hydrocarbons under conditions mimicking Earth's mantle.
  • Hydrocarbons are found on Saturn's moon Titan, which likely never had dinosaurs or forests.
  • Experiments show that hydrocarbons can form under conditions mimicking Earth's mantle.
  • Complex hydrocarbons exist in interstellar and intergalactic space.

Shownotes Transcript


In the united states, we often refer to our main sources of energy as fossil fuel. Oil, gas, called their fossil fuels because they come from fossil, ancient organic material, forest, jungles, plank and dinosaurs held under the ground for millennia. They transform into oil, gas and coal.

Everybody thinks that's true. On the other hand, there's evidence that maybe it's not the whole story. If that's where fossil fuels come from, that's how hydrocarbons are made.

Then how come they are found so deep under the oceans and at the top of the earth? How come one of saturns moons, according to scientists, has more oil and natural gas, then earth were their dinosaurs and plankton, s and forest? At one point on one of saturns moons? Probably not.

So if all hydrocarbons aren't from fossils, where they from? And why isn't this commonly known and where the implications of IT? And what does that tell us about our modern climate change policy? These are not just desire questions, their central questions.

Actually, we charge the future of energy usage in the world. Willy soon has been thinking about this for a long time. He's in an extra physical to geoscientists.

He spent thirty one years at harvard. He recently left, and he joins us here. Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you. You to .

have you. And this is such an interesting question with so many applications. Yes, and I want to spend most for time talk about the applications. But just to the strict question of where hydrocarbons come from, IT sounds like they're not necessarily all from ancient forest or lint in our dinosaurs.

2 day? yes. Uh, the story can be a bit long to give me a few minutes. Yes, you are suddenly right.

But the most important to clarify is that the information that is found on the largest moon on on seven, which cause tighten, yes, is actually results from NASA european space agency and and the italian space agency who build this spacecraft called carini and hygd. Actually one of my, this is advice committee, is actually built A U. V spectrometer.

But the one that they used to discover, this basically the ocean liquid, liquid form of matter, which is in eighteen, eighteen form, which is much more complicated, hyo carbon, is whole ocean of IT. Because titan is in such a way that is very cold, by the way. So is minus two, one ninety degree very high?

Yes, hit him. hint. Where's the global warming? That right? If you full of matting.

That right? That's another problem. Because is far away from the sun. That's what IT is. yes.

And clearly that the question of a biogenic method, which will no no need of any biology, is true. Because we know actually one experimental experiment was done in two thousand nine. IT was done in three dish. Royal economy, one of those group, but is done by one russian leader.

He was able to show that if you freeze meeting, see hate four in chemical formula, so four hundred, one thousand squeeze in a form that in which that simulate the condition of the earth metal, which is eighteen hundred mouth deep, you not below the surface, because the earth is deeper, right? And is within this is, but basically the condition that is only about forty, two hundred, fifty months in that you actually conform complex hydrocarbon. You got vancsik, you got eaten.

You got all these other stuff for me. So that prove beyond out that you have such a way to make this lus titan prove beyond you actually see me in all the embassy. Piter know you even find benzene in the rocks of a mars.

And then for me, as ro physical, I can tell you even more, you find this complex hydro carbon core police secret aromatic hydrox carbon is another one of those complex hydro carbon. Then actually, you found in Stellar space, between space, within stars, intergalactic space, these are everywhere because temperature, there are cold and probably the right pressure condition. All this, the hydro couple.

and it's kind of incredible because all of us in, including myself until very recently, right, assume that all of our main energy sources are these so called fossil fuels. And of course, their existence is going to be limited by the amount of fossils, by the amount of dick in organic material. Not so. So if that's not so, then we need to .

rethink a lot of thing, a lot. And I think this one fit into a paradise, a famous economies that I like very much. His name is a Simon. Do you know about this guy named Simon the A. L.

maryland? He was the say, he was the guy who said that the ultimate resource of humanity, or earth, is actually not all this material thing like uranium go. Because uranium, there are far more uranium in the oceans than on the land, right? You have four point five billion hands of uranium in the ocean.

You have only seventeen million tons of the goal. copper. what? what? What do you want on the ocean? Is all that accept there in very dialog form? Yeah, really.

So the ultimate resource actually is not. That is the human mind is the innovation part of IT. I think i'd like that principle a lot.

And if IT is very well in terms of saying that it's not matter, of course, even all most, I don't know if any idea of you know audience know that fifty to sixty percent well order all that you already drill the drill yeah, you can only pull out forty to fifty percent of IT. Sixty percent of that remains in IT because simply because there is not enough pressure to get IT out. This is why the the idea of a biogen ing all is interesting, is true, clear, true.

It's all matter cause really because this thing has the form way inside the the earth metal, which is fifty to a hundred hundred mid mouths, right? Human, how deep have we ever drill? Only the skin, which is only five miles, maximum five, two, you know, six miles, basically, that's at most we can do.

And then all this stuff had to put me into the rest of I. I got this information from the top people that physically have to look for oil every day. One of my friend, jose, a lime cooler from beacon energy, offshore energy, those guys in and day out to bring us the energy, actually.

the oil that we need. So why, why don't most people know this? Why do most people think that the the gasoline in their car was by definitely have to be limited? Yeah, yeah, yeah that that there's just a tiny amount and it's going away. Full .

truth. And that's a whole problem, right? For so long, even the idea that we are not limited and bounded by availability of a less a gasoline, petroleum or or call call, now they want to allow us to use, right?

Yes, you know, in cop meeting in dubai that just ended a day ago, they just physically declared themselves that which should stop using fossil feel, basically petroleum, natural gas, and even call me this, we are insane, really insane. I think they gona harm more people with their own illusion. Plus, I always remember, these are people who actually don't represent a majority.

Since when this put up the world, it's always about this minority. The tirana of the few always robbing the whole sensors, the good sensors of the good people. This is part of the reason why, as a scientist, I also speak out, feel I am not afraid of anything, except for just telling the truth. And i'm glad to have this opportunity to say such thing in in your.

If we haven't been told the truth about where hydrox carbons come from, right? And we have, and I mean, i've never met a single person in my life who said with a second for no fossil fuels, then we keep hearing there's a scientific consensus on climate change. Every scientist believes the same thing about IT beliefs algar n john kerry, maybe that's not true either.

Oh, then I can tell you, please thank you for asking that i've been working on this subject of C O two causing climate change or what other factors we can ask that cause climate to change for close to as long as since my post doctor year nineteen ninety one, right, is about thirty two, thirty one year, three, two years. And on this question, I think we have a very definitive answer. What we know now is C O to gonna cost.

Nothing is not gonna change much of the climatic system, which mean IT won't change the speed of the hurricane, IT won't change the how fast, how frequent or from wouldn't even actually make any difference to the polar by population is all conservation issue right on polar, you won't even cause how much fish you don't catch or catch, you know, you won't cause what they got. Ocean, actually, you won't cause this problem that they claim is all artificial. Everything they do is our dream from the model and the disney of the few.

Again, that those few people just dream of this scary story that is just aim true. And then when you come down to the most responsible group for this kind of a bad stuff, I, I, I was reminded by Michael cda. On colony and Michael color, uh, I do go worker with me on my group is to say that since, you know, since I work so carefully and I have about more than one hundred scientists last three years alone working with me, so I don't speak on behalf of them.

I speak on behalf of myself. My view is that the U N I P C C. United nation in the governmental panel on climate change is one of the primary problem, which means they have been misleading people. They have been using authority of science, which is not true, right? It's all governmental hackers, basically, right?

People like john Carry, who I guess can barely take uh uh, proper physics class, who keep claiming that Greenhouse effect is so simple, right? And then he refused to explain how does that work, right? I mean, he did all of that.

That is very terrible. That really an embarrassed wing to america. He did that embrace in indonesia several years back. That is just so embarrassed.

What you think he can explain how IT works?

I don't think so. Even l gal, who claim to be know something about science. I chAllenge our goal.

I I did some of that to with in in his face. Actually I have. I was lucky enough to be in one of those wall street journal equal conference. And I was giving, you know, setting up with all the U C suna ba student. Please make sure when the question come up, give me the mice was making friends with them the night before I explain now my details of my work.

So I I got a mike and ask, what about I go? Because one of the primary setting that they refuse to recognize that I know, you know that in in even great school of sciences, C O two is a gst of life, is when you have more C O to the plan kingdom, the whole ecology, even oceans gonna, have more basically ability, more figures, more every life, more life essentially. That's why is go guests of life.

And these people want to demonize IT some guys. I can cause global warming, can cause hurrying to run faster a weekend. I don't know what they want to have, more rain, more drought, and all these other nonsense that they claim.

All of that IT is in so that the problem, by the way, this is how serious I am. I check everything they say. I check.

As a scientist, you cannot just dismiss that. You cannot love at them. You cannot, you know, try them.

You cannot just make joke of them. You check everything. So as a very serious scientist, and I publish scientific paper refuting all of this arguments. Scientific paper maybe mean nothing to the average people, but is really important is like a document that you have the document and then put out the proper scientific arguments about what is right, what is wrong. So that's what we have been doing at at my particular center of series dash sign up com.

So anybody who wants more information about this, please go to the website, right? And study what we do that because we are the one that is truly independent from any funding agency. Any money that you could possibly give me, like like bill gates, please don't give me money.

Thank you. Oh, i'll go. Please don't give me money. I don't give me any money. If you tell me what to do, you know, even some of your money I might not want IT.

But the point is that I want to be independent, just like you in the media. I want to be fearless. I just set my own agenda.

You don't tell me what to research either. I research what I want to research. So we've been researching on many, many topics.

So on the climate change issue and fully convinced after all these years, even though we may not know exactly what is causing climate change, we suspect is the sun. We have a lot of evidence to show that is probably the sun. Very high percentage know I was, I would say ninety percent was sure, but one hundred percent.

But we know carbon oxide is not the gas, is not the what you call the like, your thomething in your room can adjust up. And now that you can set the temperature to be whatever level you want IT, first of all, they can never tell us what temperature do they want IT at what is a temperature you want to set? The global temperature l goal has not been able to answer that.

John Carry has not been able to answer that because we know the temperature from the codas in siberia to the desk in sahara. I mean, this are huge, at least a hundred degree or more kind of differences. yes.

Mean, who are you to tell me which temperature is a correct temperature? Where you guys are talking like that? They are talking as if they are still got they got themselves.

I mean, these people are so ambitious that in some sense, I think we have to keep their ambition down a little bit. I mean, these people are not content just like what you put out. If you cannot be ambitious when you are content. But these people are so out of their mind in some sense that I think is misleading, and somebody had to speak out against them. I think you are one of those who consistently point out their hypocras y right? And I really find that the whole problem of this global warming is a complete nothing, which mean we should do nothing about IT just go on and live life and adapt to IT.

right? Tucker says its best. The credit card comply are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grip VISA and mastercard have on us.

Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee, and they're being raising IT without even telling you this hurts consumers and every small business owner. In fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden s White busy cheer the fees VISA and mastered card charge. Americans are the highest in the world, double canada and eight times more than europe.

That's why i'd take an action, but I need your help to help get this past. I'm asking you to call your senator today. And demand they passed the credit card competition act painful by the merchants .

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But what I hear, of course I agree completely, but what here's what I understand. Global temperatures have dramatically fluctuated within, yes, the period that humans left records. I mean, not that long ago. I mean, there are cities underwater because sea levels have versions within recorded history. The signs of the glaciered are .

all around us is. So that was all .

before the internal conversion engine. How do they explain that this is.

this is the problem. The they admitted to, a lot of them admitted, they willingly .

admit that you .

can read all, you deny the fess. I mean, are fessing time is the sun actually, that there's a lot of this, the glorious, like he called little S H. yeah.

From about one hundred and one hundred where, you know, very cold. And then there's a media one period from eight hundred eighty to about two hundred, you know, IT was warm. I mean, you can grow wine in england, right? And now you cannot grow wine, right? Things like that.

I mean, Green learn was Green back then, yes, but now is full of glasses. Ice is coming in. So what are you talking about exactly? And IT was the sun.

Actually, the sun fit quite well, as far as we know, in terms of deep reducing the information of how does the son, how? How bright was IT, how dem was IT, basically just like that, just the amount of light coming up from the sun. Very tiny percentage, by the way.

Very small, is on the order, less than a percent, but is more than enough because there's another effect that is very, very important, is basically because the sun, the art is forced to go around the sun, and then the orbit change ever so slightly because of Better vision from all the other planets. Yes, no. Jupiter, sudden and even winners, and mars are actually controlling what we do.

And the moon of source is very important, but that other factors, the orbits, plus the changes of the sun by itself, between how bright, how, how limit is, these two factors can explain just about everything that we know, all the data that I have actually. So i've been that this is why I was so fascinated in, in studying this issue. I spend my whole life actually studying this, nothing but doing just this.

And the more understand, the more I think that wall is just a get to be feeling. We have too much information that, and then these people come along, say that C O, two is causing everything I check. I check, oh, maybe they're right.

I check, as a scientist, I have to check them, but then is not even close. I mean, these people are talking you. There is a famous phrase by a very famous, uh, with conmee. His name is professor red, right? He is one of the father.

Climatology, really, you just say that you go out and then you could, if you think you will do is so speed into the end and see what happened to the f or you what this is basically saying that see you do is nothing cannot cause the climate to change, or anything IT doesn't change anything actually, is the sun. why? Why you think the most? They always want to average the data.

The most important that should talk about, you know, what is the season? Every I know to winter are the same, nor do summer are the same. And they never explain that is actually the orbit with the sun changing IT ever so slightly.

I am not talking. I have published papers, papers and papers and papers like that on all these to show an document why and how. That's what the fun part of doing.

Science is not only testing hands waving like crazy. You have to be even, I may look like one now, but I have always very come on you right now. You know, like by every time I have to write a paper, I always tell my why, please, going to stop me for a few days.

I'll be back. Things like that. Of course we're going at home, but this is i'll be back.

So is there any way to predict what climate change will be based on?

Actually, you can, because of the orbit, the only thing we don't know is how to predict the sun changes by itself because the magnetism, you know, just the magnetic field on the sun is too complicated. The sun is the magnetize bar, right is a gas, hot gas. It's about, you know, the the magnetic is so strong, thousand times stronger than the is also a magnet.

Internet is one we have ten thousand years at least on the sun. So it's a very different property. And he works very differently because he is heated by a basically turma nuclear reaction inside the sun.

So create all kinds of hot gas behavior is very difficult to to try to master or even to model. Using mathematical equation actually is much easier to study the other than to do the sun. So that's part of the problem in in scientific task, the physics task, very difficult.

But then we learn a lot. We learn a lot through just watching the sun. I mean, right, he point to his telescope, he was song enough.

First he pointed the jupiter, the moon right, jupiter. Then he saw the moon right, is four months around the. And then he smut that he go the next day to watch IT again, he watch, and then he says, other to move.

Where is a famous story of galilee? 5? When he wrote her down, initially he was in italian.

When he realized he discovered something so unique, he changed the language of last in the next day. Yeah, you know, I got good one. You, so I start a precise language, or anyway, for the sun.

It's really so complicated that actually, i've been study this actually, as long as, you know, I mean, I studying this was so long, we know a lot. I even wrote a popular book, actually, to trying to explain why there during a period of the sunset. So in all, nine, sixteen, ten or so.

So we have about now four and thirteen years of data, but that's a period that deep inside the litter, I sage sixteen forty five to seven twenty fifteen is called the mona minimum. Because during the period, the sun's work almost all disappear, especially in the northern hamps. Here IT disappear completely.

Nobody know why and as why. The french astronomer, famous people like carini, the one that the cassini spacecraft, he was observed that time, man drinking too much, he said, there is a lot of signs, but when we observe at this time, we didn't see not and what's on, but is the ual phenomenon right? My my friend, my good friend, which is the number one world and support historian, he just what email to me, Douglas high, he actually was the master of this, collecting all the sound sport data, going back to all the major libraries, you know, from galileo.

First point, all the way to present point, basically found that this phenomenon is true. Because during that period, the sons point was not that, not because nobody was watching. There was at least observe eighty percent of the time during the seventy years you see is so unique that period.

But now we beginning to try to learn what happened. So during that period, we really think that the sun was so much, demand was substantially deer. This is why you have this real age phenomenon.

All the thames river were froze, you know, we have the ten river in england, well known. And then all the ice skating thing, you know, the in hold, all the, yes, all the different culture. And then these are all real, actual phenomenon.

And that this day they trying to say that maybe little ice is not little ice. They even try to change that in science, fix feel, actually. So this was very.

very puzzling for me. what? Why would they try to change that?

Oh, I don't know. Because they want to say this you do is controlling everything. They kind of want to have C, O, two as the prime driver of everything. This is part of the problem that I find.

That's not science. That's lying bad.

It's bad in science. This is why I in signs now, I rather say this thing, all right, I want, I rather have question that cannot be answer than answer that cannot be question, because these people just offering you the answer and then you should just shut up like you say, don't ask any question, don't criticize, don't even bother to think, just accept what we say.

I mean, you may have known, actually, if you want to get there, I can talk about this because this is rather famous, because the other person is still around. He is the one who shouting up and down these two last two days to say that all we must start force of few G O P is so evil, we must stop all of them, because we are the G O P R, the evil, uh, political bodies in amErica that causes all this fossil fuel to be. We are using fossil fuel.

然后呢? His name is professor Michael. Man, is that unity of pennsylvania? Yes, he created a paper we call IT a hockey stick. No hockey today.

He basically say that the temperature history, first of all the true temporal history, look like this, that IT was very warm from eight hundred A D as a warm, warm and cools down. About thirteen hundred started to go down, cool. And then since nineteen nine hundred centuries, started to one back up, way, way before.

C. O, two is important. OK. That's another puzzle that they never want to explain that look like this.

That's a real story. Michael man came along, said that, well, he use madalena. m.

Kay, you can use fancy word, but believe me, IT is mathematic. But he produced a stick for one to eight hundred eighty two. About one thousand.

Nine hundred eighty is of flat because he change IT change. Any so small that actually doesn't mean anything. Point one or point two, degree sales is so small.

Is this mean the one that I talk about? The changes, one degree, at least two, five, six times, struck bigger than he say, and he just say, is like this. And I won up because of the bate, which is the warming, because of rising carbon dogs.

But he forgot to explain to you this, this warming of the temperature started a away before even the human part of the, and was carbon oxide could be anything meaningful. This is part of the problem is all been crazy from day one, when I, when this thing was published in nineteen nineteen nine, I was the first few guy who raised a hand at the back of the class and say, excuse my professor man. He used to be my friend, by the way.

Now he will never answer me. He used to exchange email with me because, you know, we more like to share the same passion, want to understanding. Now he just say that his story, his story, is the only one that correct, but is not Better out by any data that we know that the problem is all mathematical products.

This is how scary the whole world can be. And united nation, the ipcc group that I mention, promoted his work turning into a major hero, because he has solved one of this old puzzle problem that climate ologies over malania has been trying to solve since the day of the greeks, to try to understand how climate change. And this guy come along, say that I look like this, only C O two does IT and that's the problem. So I mean, I just .

in you, I mean, some of this is very complex. But in the way you're describing and if he's saying the warming period began before there was a meaningful addition of C O two into the atmosphere across by humans and even I can understand that.


that's the truth. Tucker says IT best. The credit card companies are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grip VISA and mastercard have on us.

Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee, and they've been raising IT without even telling you. This gets consumers and every small business owner, in fact, american families, are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden White busy cheer. The fees, VISA and master card charge americans are the highest in the world, double canada and eight times more than europe.

That's why I take an action, but I need your help to help get this past. I'm asking you to call your senator today. In the main, they passed the credit card competition act pay for by the .

merchants payments coalition not authorized by any canada or candidate's committee. W W, W. Merchants payments coalition dot com at .

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So I would assume that lots of scientists to do this for a living might be asking the same question.

Why don't they speak up? This is the problem. The whole problem inside this day is related to funding how science is funded. That natural, that philosophy, I wish, do not get too much into IT.

This part of the reason why I want to be totally independent, I get out of this whole system right, but is how science is about findings. Even if you don't get money directly, IT will influence the graduate students and on and on and on all related effects, you know, and many people are afraid to speak up. But I tell you, if you really put all the scientists do the honors kind of polling, if your science, but science is not about polling, go all IT takes is one to be correct.

yes. As the problem, right? When he formulated the famous general vd or a specifically, that was criticize that that basically talk about speed or like a constant, so time and space of relative, yes, right? Time can be dated. Space is also slightly different, because the speed of light is constant, special is based on the concept.

Then one hundred of these berlin academic tried to wrote a fan plate, say that einstein is wrong, but never offer. why? What is the details that is wrong? And then instead, indeed answer like this, why would you need a hundred? You know, if I would to be wrong, one would surface.

I mean, that's that's the team of the science. Science is so bad because is so totally upside down inside our coffee. IT is another case, you know? So let's take the climate stuff.

People afraid to speaker out. I don't know why. Actually, I was Young.

I had to worry about my three kids where they eat and all I stuff, and know if all of them just getting the greatest american interview you can. This is truly entrepreneurs way. Anyway, we have enough food.

No problem. That's why food, I don't think, is also a problem in this world. Even material resources, right? All you think is have to think, like you ensign type, you know, we can generate everything.

The only problem with lack is lack of imagination, narrow, mindless and all this anti amErica sentiment. But this way, amErica is among the best hope for humanity, you know, to put forward. We have the foundation, document, constitution of that is the most beautiful thing that we could ever imagine.

And why don't we use IT properly, right? People just trusting on IT everyday, right? Anyway, I digress. Anyway, so yes, I I think science is a problem now because of funding structure, people won't speak up. I don't know why.

I think it's natural for people to be afraid, but you can also be afraid for so long. For me, I was frustrating because I was not afraid I was since I was in sign, because I in sign, because I love signs. This is why, from my own perspective, I just very sad to see that science being change by all these other non science forces.

You know, that's why when I look at call IT also, I cannot stand by saying nothing and call IT. I think there are so many things wrong with IT. That's why I want to be advertise with my group series that signed up on.

We work with bunch of people. One of the good gas for you potential will be a heavy rich. He said he be interview by you twice.

Yeah, even guys like alone, we work together, produce a paper. So when the paper come out, hopefully we can have them on your shows, or they yeah can tell more story. We want to provide the medical community, or even the war, to document this episode of dark ages.

In in medical sciences, something went terribly wrong. The must never really work. The vacation never really work. All of this doesn't work. The lock down doesn't work.

And what are we doing this now? They are trying to scare with another new scare all over the world. Now, newspaper.

This morning, I just got one newspaper from my sister who's had to start all the start masking up in malaysia because cases, to increase the usual story. I laugh in a serious way, because I see this, another one of those attempting to try to scare people. So I do digress.

Now, science is just so complicated now that every aspect of the sign that I look at, I become very unhappy. Science is no longer able to do where science lead. This is that the team of my series that signs outcome.

We, with few only colleagues, I don't have enough funding. I just hope to get as many donation, by the way, donate, but don't tell us anything. Do anything.

Trust us, because we are decent scientists. You can look at our publication record that we are able to produce the most interesting and pure work like I B, C, C. They have to reply to us.

Two years ago, we publish a very important paper. One of my journalist friend or colleague wrote a paper, newspaper article, and then he go on us, I B, C C. Why you guys not citing this paper? They use the excuse to say that all these people published late.

We have a date line here, red line. Or if you don't publish before some date like twenty, twenty one OK like genre or twenty one, then we want to include your work. So we publish in August, so they wouldn't include my work.

But they forgot to say that he, as they claim themselves, they proclaimed U, N, I, P, C, C, proclaim that have to be the best of the scientific produce, the most updated in order. But immediately the report came out, they already outdated because they haven't included my work, which is the most comprehension review of how the sun affects the climate. That's the work we did.

So this this year, just two months, we publish two more people convincing show that even the Thomas to data that they show you is is not what he is. It's actually not measuring climate, is measuring urban heat island changes, something that I think everybody can understand. If you go to the inner part of the big city, like T, C, is one of the best example.

I have graph to show that you go that in the city is much warmer than outside because of concrete retaining all the heat, or you change all the surfaces of the, you know, the service become immersed between breathing. No, what are going in things like that? And is what we show is that is not a phenomenon just on local science.

You average over this. You can see the effect all over the northern hemisphere. This is very powerful new work that we we and hunk .

te and as fault, raise the temperatures more than sea and .

that's what they're measuring. And then they tell you this is a global temperature. And then we provide an alternative.

We say, why don't we go look at rural station that is available? And guess what? Our result. Completely different story from from the picture.

The narrative is coming up from this data set, the moment or data that show that combine urban and rural. Okay, we show rural only. We can tell you that you can immediately offer a different answer.

For example, is the sun that do IT that does IT. We show that, but we don't know that is the answer. We just simply show you that the I P, C, C and all the so the scientists from NASA nova and all of them are not doing their due diligence.

They are putting you very bad quality data product. Not only that they hide IT. Some of them is so difficult to get the data OK we, but IT should .

never be difficult to get data.

I'm sorry. Ka, this is how the problem in science now is so many.

I thought transparency of data was science.

I was hoping, I always believe in that. That's why everything that we publish is that because we got IT from somewhere. Here's the data using, check us if we are wrong, tell us we are wrong.

That is one thing that I can always promise you, I am not here to try to gain favor if i'm wrong. And I don't know, I tell you, I don't know, taker. A lot of this thing.

I really, under a lot of careful consideration, really a lot of deep meditation, thinking about this topic, what I think is very problematic. I'm so glad to have this opportunity to go this far. Able to talk for this long now is that really the I P, C, C product is actually substandard.

Of course, they have a different Mandate. They are a Mandate is political right to provide policy. We understand that.

But how many people really understand that pure signs doesn't support anything they say? I mean, in the beginning of this top toy eight meeting, the chairman of this guy from U A, E. In rates.

The chairman, I don't know his name, something he was saying that there is no scientific reasoning to say that we should face out of of his right. But then he back all because of all this. Everybody, everybody doing the thing, everybody signs is not about that.

They all agree now. They all agree to face out, right, for some kind of agreement. You know that everybody declare that they are gonna do that, that they're gona face up.

I don't even know how actually why, why are you doing this? And then one of the claim is that they're on to triple the amount of solar and wind power. That is a sad story.

You know, of the amount that we spend that we can document some three point six trillion dollars. They spend almost two trillion dollars on solar and wind power over the last, I don't know, five, ten years or so. And then what they did is that they spend more of the money to million on so long win.

And so our wind can only account for only three percent of the world power, eighty five percent from force. A few, as you can see, hydro power and nuclear. Nuclear is another puzzle.

I check with all my nuclear expert friend that have been working for years on nuclear power. Nuclear power is one of the sad story. I believe that we actually have almost a solution in hand, not the fusion, of course, is the, you know, the the fast reactor, or the good generation of the of nuclear power.

Peaceful use of that would even generate nuclear weapon. We can do all of that technology. The only thing, barriers, red tapes, environmentally scale of radiation, all these other problem. We almost have all of that in in hand.

The power can last one estimate shows that if we were to use IT at the demand of that by, we can have enough power for two thousand seven hundred years that far more than any of the force of you can promise. And then, and we are now still not doing IT. We are not doing.

AmErica is so far behind. Now we are. We, we just make one in georgia, one of the nuclear plan they saw over cost because of all the red tape that is so embarrassing, their numbers, I mean, IT costing a thousand or two thousand time, even more than what korea.

And you know, even korea now is is a major, a guy who make this nuclear power plan for for different, any country who wants to do IT. right? I mean, korea, india, they are making a much cheap cause.

And the design, french, designed on the best, right, french, they are all doing that. And we're not doing that. China, of course, left and right doing that, but we are not doing anything.

What we try to tell you that we increase online, when are you joking? Even three times more will be nine percent. I don't know.

Can you turn on your, your, your light? Only nine percent. Then you should shut all this light off. Now you're overusing .

IT and IT destroys the the .

actual environment, exact form. This is kind of a very bad incentive that they don't realize this about this kind of people that is so out of their mind, in my view, that they really should be cautious. Somebody should just being on the hit guys. Don't, don't, don't give saying those things. You need to think twice or consult somebody that knows something that is honest.

You know, you spent thirty one years at harvard. Would you be able to say this out loud at harvard?

Actually, back then, I also care. But most of the time I get call into office this and that. They always trying to tell you why you saying that, why you saying this.

I say, well, i'm science to say whatever I want to say. Not only that, the problem when I was at how, but of the reason I quit, as I try to explain, is about jp requirement. But another one is a bit of sensitive.

I can only do certain thing. I cannot do certain thing like I I would never be able the right paper on go in nineteen would never be able to work work uh, on, let's say, environmental evolution issues and, you know, so call knocks and socks. I have a lot.

I study a lot on those issue because I personally are concerned. So I dig into the literature one thing after another, basically because I sleep very little. So I really do a lot of thing.

I flip every rock tables, anything you want. So I study a lot. I produced the result that is good enough, that can be making a lot of scientific and never publish them because they simply worn a lot.

They will know while you yes.

it's about a matter allowing because they say he doesn't feed the team of the center for astrophysics. So I don't want to talk about about the institution, but IT is the finance astrophysics institution in the war. In terms of instrument building, in some of technology, we can produce the best.

You know, you often look at the the X A picture of the sun. Those are from very fine camera that we build, that with multicolor layers with. Actually, they come in very slowly, and then they, they gonna fuse come up. But we make very fine way to to catch them so they can come up.

So the image Crystal clear, you can see all the structure on the sun is made by my son, that they are good science st, except that when he come down to a larger picture of science, don't say this, don't say that, this and that, and then all of that. This is why, even at harvard, I quit taking money from NASA, N, S, F. All these other place in two thousand and four, because I beginning to think that science being so unaccountable, funded by taxpayer, that all these people is so unconscionable.

So I personally chose that. That is nobody to blame but myself. But I chose to take only from foundation who are willing to give me money, right? So I wrote those kind of proposal, and I gotta go.

And that, right? I have a very, very happy and fruitful career. Everybody can look at my publication list is very long.

And not only that is not the number that comes is the quality of the fever I always want to review. I don't like talking about how many thousand and which paper that is really important for certain issues. That's important that you if you are able to show that, that good.

That's what I mean. All my papers are basically under a lot of this serious, serious thinking and serious evaluation, checking and rechecking before I would care to write about anything because you don't want to write anything that's wrong tomorrow. You want something that can write.

But science is basically garbage canal. This scientific papers I category would even make this statement. I would make the statement that about eighty to ninety percent of the paper publishing so called climate science today should not be published, but everybody have.

And as i've gone, everybody have all this one. You see how the inflation goes. You hear that, uh, your university, you know, large part of IT large, most of the student on on twenty twenty two or something great, know they diluted the great.

But have you reach assure me that in medical sciences and heart sciences, have you reached the professor at university? He teaching the medical school? So he say, no, not true.

So he tried to assure me he has quantive, maybe not in his class. Well, have you not in any other class, right? Anyway.

so I wanted ask you is a kind of last topic which is not related to this, but we talked about IT off the year, and I think it's really interesting. You are telling me that you see god or evidence of god in math.

wow. Can you explain what you were saying?

And maybe I missed read what you were saying? No.

no, no, no. You did not. I mean, I I have been closer and closer to god in the sunshine because IT takes me a long time. My brother rebaLance.

You know, I had to say, David caught, you've got a prove IT to me, show to me, but just killing h i'm sorry, anybody of but I really say in that way, you know, you talk to yourself sense. But in many, many moments in history of physics and mathematics, things come out. You see, mathematics, you know, is this very pure word that he seems to have no connection to, yeah, you work.

Is that right? Is true, is complex number is one of them, but appears in quantum mechanics, right is so beautiful. But one of the things that sometimes you see equation so amazing when you feel like you maybe not right, maybe and you know, but one of the most beautiful equation was the one that derived by poor direct is a professor at cambridge university.

But he retired florida, by the way. He he died employed a tella hari uh that I mean the refuge for him because he doesn't like to talk. He would sit there for five days on talk when all of a sudden he talk. But anyway, he form he's a beautiful man.

He know podium, he formally the relatives equation of for electronic, but in one of the equation, the solution come out to be a negative sign, not only that is a square root involved, so the strange behavior, negative sign in one, but he has has an exact property like an electron and all that stuff. How come everybody says you craze is too bad? Isn't that right? He, he's not, even when he didn't no sweat, but he just say, I am right.

Many years later, few years later, this is shown in caltech, my cow, Anderson, to show that actually such a, you know, the opposite, the brother of election, that such a thing. And and then if you ask yourselves, how is that possible? right? That's something this is, is out of, out of nowhere, whether this thing come from.

And then in mathematical sciences, a lot of things like this, like matter, even more famous thing about your man is that related to string theory. This thing was basically a revisit of einstein generativity equation, asking itself, where is IT possible to have close covered in space that you actually don't require even gravity to be there? And they show that color by, was trying to prove this, not is one of the great mathematic, he said, but he retired.

Now he go to china, right? He was the one who try to disprove this thing, but he turns out to be true. That is true that you can have close to in space time, that without gravity, even so, that added even more rich in this war, that from mathematics to real war, we are already have in a hard time.

Understanding einen, this guy added even more, and his discovery was in a, and things like, so there are so many example in incident like this, just have to tell you that you have about down, have to occasionally take a deep breath, you know, and maybe some ever presence of these forces, this forces that allow us to illuminate our life. And I tell you, god has given us this all the light that tell us that we had to follow the light and do the best we can, rather than everyday device planet are saying that we are the, and we are the evil people. You know, these people are constantly trying to, you know, make all of us a lesser human being.

I would never allow them anyway. So good luck. You know how those people like l go and all who think that they high and mighty, right? And trying to always, always like to us and on got to cut down on for so because we know, heard the planet, as I say, our god, do you ever think twice how who are you to to think that you can actually try to save the planet earth, even because they always use the word I am trying to save the planet. I don't know who gives them the right to save the planet earth. Same with this experiment that they are trying to do, by the way, the experiment to say that we must cut down, see two impression I told you see, or two is good for, you know, for life.

Because I ask algo, indeed, when I asked all the question in uzzano barba is, what is that see you do is gets of life, who give you the audacity to cut down this? Then until are you gonna a be responsible for the ecological and humAnitarian? An all these crisis, even we know rising C O, to affect even plans and know especially food production, right? Maybe not exact number we know, but IT does positively, right? We have technology to help you Better see Better all this fertilization, all this other thing.

But who give them the idea to do that, to cut down this? Because this is generally gonna be good for life, because you have to push them around, because nobody should give them authority. So far, I don't think anyone can answer the question for me.

So I tell them to please boil down to god, really answer to that question was before you do anything else because it's ridiculous for them to keep to claim that they have the upper moral and ethical high ground to try to prescribe everybody to live in certain condition that they choose. But they themselves don't follow the rules. They tell us to take a bus, go always even tell me what to take a bus, I go, my god, I say alcohol. You take a bus from tendency to message ced, i'll be waiting for you on a please I made this guy is all of the all of the all of this woman. I'm sorry I go but you can still call me.

can you? Um really soon thank you. But before you go, last thing for for viewers you want to know more about what you do. Can you say once again where they can yes.

please um I hope that I don't disappoint anyone but please come to series that signed out com and I want to make one plug for my good friend how short live as a as I get order and order, including my own kids, my own kids, three kids has been going to the camp constitution at new hampshire. And we also wanted to invite, uh, uh, talk a cousin to come because we have a swim.

I came last last summer and because we are very, very small group, we are tiny, little good cause cam constitution. So cam dual net, we offer basically family kind of a Christian kind of a background. But we don't talk about cries all the time.

But we talk about rivals, we talk about constitution, we talk about science or and the science instructor, we've been doing that for almost six, seven years now. So i've been doing every year. We give one or two classes, depends on how many.

Whatever they want me to do, I would do. And my own kids came to those things. And then, you know, we play play music, we can fire is a family event used to be that focus on kids.

But this day, i'm sorry, too many adults started to come. So we have even people like my good friend a lot. Christopher mountains from england, he spoke twice.

So small, little group, but if anybody who thinks that, you know, you have the time and even come and learn what we do here and emulate in your own C D and towns and all that, you know, people from with consent, please come. People from california, please come. You know, we have IT in your every year, every summer.

We have this camp and is a very good thing. So cam constitution, not net. okay.

And I talk to your friend vins, a Allison from maryland. I also call him, before I came, his one of the good guy. right? yeah. Amazing.

really soon. That was the most interesting conversation I heard a long time.

Well, thank you for your type. Thank you. nice.