cover of episode Charlie Kirk: Christian Values Under Attack, JFK’s Death, & How Trump Changed Politics Forever

Charlie Kirk: Christian Values Under Attack, JFK’s Death, & How Trump Changed Politics Forever

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Charlie Kirk
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson:美国正处于危险之中,面临着核战争的威胁,政府的政策并非为了改善民生,而是为了减少人口。媒体对这些问题的报道不够充分,人们应该关注周围的现实,而不是被手机屏幕上的信息所迷惑。人类的利他主义行为无法用科学解释,这表明存在超越科学的善意。美国面临诸多问题,其中非法移民是最大的问题之一。新冠疫情期间,政府制造了家庭成员之间的分裂,破坏了人与人之间的关系。尽管如此,人与人之间的联系也更加深厚和真诚。 Charlie Kirk:共和党应该更加保守,以反映选民的意愿。华盛顿的共和党人并不真正关心选民的意愿,他们更关注自身利益。选民的意愿与共和党领导层的行为脱节,Turning Point Action正试图弥合这一差距。特朗普挑战了新自由主义共识,这使得他受到精英阶层的憎恨。当前的政治斗争是几十年来基督教与其他力量之间精神斗争的体现。人们应该积极参与到政治斗争中,为信仰而奋斗。

Deep Dive

Tucker and Charlie discuss the current state of the country, the media's portrayal of reality, and the confusion in journalism.
  • The media filters news through Los Angeles and New York, giving a distorted view of the country.
  • Politics has become difficult because one party stopped making cases to improve people's lives.
  • There is a lack of understanding of what is happening in the news.

Shownotes Transcript


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So cool. Thank you for having me.

Thank you. This is our, this is our seven night on the road across the country. And I I came, decided to leave my layer and head out for a month for two reasons, one because you cannot sense or alive event, which I am grateful for, and two, because I just wanted to feel Better about the country that I love and its works.

It's unbelievable. It's true. In fact, I always think to myself, I don't leave.

Moved out of the city by five years ago, and I thought, I hate cities. I'm never going back to the city again. They're all awful.

And this is our seven city, and they have been great. I got, I mean, it's incredible, which you taught i've want to be, which you talk a lot in my life. I know a lot of people here.

I'm exactly sure why, but i've ve had a wonderful time every time i've ever been here we are cancer city ta color springs. They're all great. And then I realized, really is just new york.

And then later, often at every other places, pretty excEllent. So thank you. You forget that because if you read the news or watch the news, basing all news is filter through los Angeles in new york, which are obviously sess pools.

And so you get the impression that everything else is like that, but is not like that at all. The country is not insane. People really nice.

They're not matter each other. They are they love each other and you you lose track of that if your reality is filtered. I can't hear you're saying, but I agree with you.

I know that. But yeah, was making me too frustrated the news coverage of america. And one of the questions I had that I haven't only resolved this, how do I get in journalism like it's disgusting.

How did I want up here? I was just thinking in that the other day, I cannot believe I do this for a living. How did? And actually, the honest answer is because I couldn't get another job, and I hadn't dwell in college and have a college degree.

I was getting married, my father's, who was insistent that I have gainful employment stickler. And so I applied a bunch places. They turn me down. I don't think they've been bothered to respond.

And so I went to my father and I said, you know, what should I do? He had been a journalist and said, you should, you know, go into journalism, they'll take anybody. That's actually what he said, and that's actually why I went.

I went primarily because that seemed kind of interesting. And you could see the world and listen to people and hear cool stories and have experiences you could tell your grandchildren about. Not they'll listen, but you could at least.

So I was there but really went into IT because it's easy that's the truth. It's easy journalism. I mean, you don't have to do anything. You have no real skills. Ls, you just repeat what people tell you.

And if i'm being completely honest, and I think I am for like about twenty five years out of thirty three, IT really was the easiest job ever, ever because politics is not complicated and listing the people in, recording what they say is not hard. It's not actually machines that can do IT. Now this was crea.

I, about maybe eight years ago, IT became very difficult, and not just because I realized that everyone else in the with me was repulsive, but on a deeper level, which I did realize, and I told them, and they fired me again and again. No, the real reason that became, now I don't, no, you should never brag about being fired. But i've been fired so often that I just have no choice, making a virtue out of a necessity.

Note the reason that I love you too. Thank you. Now the reason that became hard is because I no longer understood what was happening in the news.

I lived in washing for thirty five years. I covered politics. Very, very simple, very simple business to cover. Because there are two parties. Each one wants power. In order to get power, each one makes promises to the voters who are the source of their power.

Of course, in a country that's clams to be democratic, constitution of public, all power derives in the consent of the government because they own the country, not the politicians. And so, well, that's just that, just the fact I was repeating back to you, you're found in documents. And so it's very, very simple. Each side every two or four, six years gets up and says, if you vote for me, i'll give you this. And the other side says, no, no, i'll give you more.

And the person you know who makes the Better case about how are going to improve the lives of the people who vote wins, and then we can assess where that they actually do, what they were going to say around eight years ago, at least one party, and some extent both parties, but certainly one party, stopped making that case, stopped pretending that they were going to improve the lives of the people who lived here, and instead started saying out loud. And now they're shouting, IT, if you elect us, we're going to make things much worse for you. And actually, we're going to punish you and all the things you want.

We're going to give you none of them. And instead, we're going to give you the things that you fear most like going extent. And they just started going to say that. And all the certain, I became completely confused.

How could you run for office on the promise that if you vote for me, i'll be less likely to have grandchildren? Truly, really, the one thing that every middle person wants, his grandchildren. No, you'll have less.

You actually work against having children at all. And the one thing that brings you joy, particularly old age, your descendants, we're going to do everything we can to prevent you from having that. And by the way, we're also one of things you probably enjoy is eating, but we're going to prevent you from doing that by like provoking famous around the world.

What i'm watching us and thinking, what could possibly be the impulse behind these policies? Every single policy, whether was climate change, transgenderism, abortion, whatever, all of IT was designed to reduce the number of people on the planet. And that's really a weird impulse for people to have.

And then today I learned, and this is completely consistent, everything we ve seen, that we are very close to a nuclear exchange with a foreign power because the bite administration is on the cusp of sending missiles into mainland russia, including moscow. And kind of no one is debating this, are talking about IT. In fact, I think we're not even allowed to talk about IT.

You just have to ignore IT. Well, and i'm not getting get into too much talks, and I want to be depressing. And by the way, there there is an upside to the whole story, which i'll get to you to the second.

But right now, we are provoking this country that we're not actually supposed to be a war weth. We're not technically at war with into launching nuclear weapons in response. And once that happens, you know, of course, we're done because you can't recall a nuclear missile. There's no capacity on that. Once they are launched, they land and we have no way to shoot them down.

And so once there, on the way we're done and they just not to power them, as is so much more of most people understand that there's no resets at all to what happened in the summer of one hundred and forty five in japan, etes one hundred rex, that so they were really are floating with like extinction right now. So I um realize this this morning based on conversations that I had with people outside the country, and I thought this is just absolutely not so I called the bunch of people who I thought could kind of get the word out and they're like, so yeah, okay, yeah. Nobody was willing even to entertain that reality that was like really, but their inner inflation.

That's so they know we are on the verge of a nuclear exchange. Well, okay, anyway, then change the subject. And I thought myself may be it's just too dark for people to fully except.

And then I think, but what would be the impulse behind this? And this is the point of what i'm saying. The impact behind all of these different policies is IT no sense political. This is not politics. I would say it's not even human.

And here's why I say that, because the goal of every animal species, including people, is to send their genes continuing through history, is to reproduced, right? That is, evolution biology, in one sentence. Our main impulse is to pass our genes on to the next generation and the generation beyond.

And all animals behave that way, and dogs do not commit suicide or genocide, period, whatever they may. They may make a mess in your rub, but they are not gona do anything intentionally that gets in the way of passing on their genes. That is their goal.

That is the goal of every animal species. That's the natural goal that is life actually as described by natural, that's nature. And so if you see any kind of movement that would even potentially stop people from passing on their genes, you know you're not dealing with nature.

You're dealing with something above or outside of nature. You're not dealing with the natural, you're dealing with the supernatural. And so any movement that see to convince people not to have children or eat, or who provokes wars for the sake of killing, we often say, well, these people are all making money.

And worse, true much deep than that, if you're getting to the brink of nuclear war, and that isn't so horrifying to you that you do whatever, you can just stop IT because of course, he would mean the end of humanity if you're instant gut responses. And we can have that whatever IT takes to prevent that we're going to do now because, of course, our obligation is to future generations is not to ourselves. It's to people, yet unborn human beings yet on.

If that's not your gut reaction, then you're being controlled by something outside the human wrong because that's not natural. That is the most unnatural instinct you can have. Now i'm not approaching this is in the eloge, which I hardly air.

I'm in a piscopal from southern california, so i'm not writing in an ethnology books. Okay, i'm approaching this from a rational standpoint. What's the other explanation? How could tony blink in at the state department and joe biden in the White house assuming job and even exists at this point? Many does in some literal sense.

How could every single one of their policies be anti human? Is that an accident? I don't think IT is actually. I think what we're seeing here is a manifestation of the spiritual battle. It's been described by every civilization since the begin of time.

And again, I just want to say that i'm not saying that as you know, someone who's so pious and faithful as a Christian that you should follow my example. Please don't i'm saying that is someone who was searching for another explanation and I can't find one because there is no rational explanation for what we're seeing now. There is none.

You're encouraging people not to reproduce. No human being would ever encourage other human beings not to reproduce again. Is there any precedent for that in the animal world? I know that we're encouraged not to pay attention to animals.

That's another thing that I have noticed to ignore nature completely, completely. You can even see the stars in most places because of the light pollution, but we are absolutely encouraged to ignore the natural world. That's the message of our design, of the buildings that are leaders build, of the lives that they encourage us to live, stay indoors, addicted to the screen, adult, unnecessarily, just don't notice everything around you.

And I think one of the reasons that they encourage that is because if you did pay any attention all to the natural world, you would know that what we're going through right now is not natural at all. So I think that's the way to think about IT. And I will leave IT to you in your individual religious.

This is on how to respond to that. But I will just say that there's another side to the story which gives me hope in the reason that I am going to sleep like an animal this evening, as I always do, is the following. So what we're looking at as evil, we're not looking at a competing set of ideas or ideology.

Communism mean there a lot of communism inspired IT is becoming ism itself. Never made sense in ideology is not an ideology. It's an anti human impulses comes from some outside s obviously, whenever you're killing large groups of people for no reason, you're clearly being inspired by something supernatural.

I mean, let's just be honest about IT. So we're seeing evil. That's very shocking to a lot of people, is shocking to me. At least once a day for the past five years, I thought, I cannot believe how much evil there is in the world. One thing I have not thought of at all until very recently, which is even more surprising, and no one ever says IT, is how much good there is in the world, which also doesn't make sense, by the way.

So if, like me, you bought into this the frame evolutionary biology framework for understanding people, what do people do? The things that they do well to preserve themselves in their descendants? right? right? I think all americans were raised believing that we have been doing this since no cave times.

Here's what we do IT. There is no rational explanation for altruistic love between people. There is no way that science can describe or justify what you see every day, which is people giving of themselves not for profit, not for any conceivable of benefit at all to other people, including people that not related to you, including people they don't even know.

Why are they doing that? There's no rational explanation that science cannot tell you why they do that. There's no benefit to them at all.

And in fact, in a rational world, if the scientific framework were real, which is not, it's totally fake, but I should say IT were, how could you explain that? How does that help you to give your money to someone you don't even know, to listen really carefully to someone, just to make that person feel Better, to make that person feel connected, to display empathy? What's the advantage in that? No advantage of.

And yet you see IT constantly all the time around you. And I think you see IT more now than you ever have. In other words, one of the reasons that I, despite being billed red and shocked by what we're watching all around us, wake up in a good mood every single days, because I think that the evil that we see is being more than counterbaLanced by the good that suddenly interrupting all around us.

I feel that in this room I felt IT in every place we've traveled around the country. Every morning I wake up and I think, boy, these countries got all these problems, and some of them are very, very severe. You know, i'm not just that they're eating the pets, which I do think is a problem.

And the most hilarious thing ever said, by the way, tram will never get credit for just being an amazing if they are eating the pets. That was the highlight for me first, all because I know it's exactly they're not eating the pets. They are sacrificing the pets in which craft ceremony es, actually that's true.

But so the country does have a lot of problems. Actually, immigration is by far the biggest problem. There's a higher percentage people born outside the country living in this country now. Then at any time that makes everyone of them could be a noble, a future nobel Price winner.

And IT doesn't matter because IT destabilizes the country completely and IT makes IT really hard for three hundred and fifty million of us have anything in common and to hang together as a country. So it's a really dangerous thing to do, is a destructive thing to do. There is no justification for doing other than to destroy what other people built, which is what's happening.

So of course, that's incredibly sad to watch. Really, really sad. If you're from here and if, like me, you planned to die here, you don't have another passport, won't be buried with my parents, you know. I mean, like most people, if you're really vested in this country, if you've burned your boats or your ancestors did, it's very, very sad and it's scary.

But i'm still in a good mood because I feel again all around me this resurgence of much deeper connection between people and IT comes after the saturday four years, probably since the civil war, where the people in charge stay up late, figuring out how to divide us from the people that we love most from our families. Mean, the whole point of covet actually was to block your family. In some cases, that worked.

And if you watch the news during that whole period, they would tell you, you know, when you go home for thanksgiving ving, you may have some elderly racist relatives and you should scream with them at the table. And if you're a good person, you will. And in fact, if you're really good person, don't even ever talk to them again because it's not a cold.

Trust me, just cutting you off from your family, not a big deal. Which whether he was the greatest crime committed during covered, that was the greatest crime. I personally think the vx was a crime.

I think history will will prove that. But i'm not even going to have that debate out of respect and sympathy for people who look IT. I mean, that actually like people I love took IT. I've never met anyone who didn't take IT who had breast on taking and is anyone who didn't take you to filter ally bad about not taking IT? Probably not.

So without even getting into the whole, the coffee bags, I think the greater crime, even the crimes that you do to the spirit, of course, much more grave than the crime you do, the body and the crime was committed in this country against us, its people was the division that was manufacturer, that was engineered between family members and those Mandates. And the fear that was generated, the history that was generated, was designed, I believe, its very obvious, and its effect to blow apart relationships between people and IT worked. And if you're running well, how do you know what the motive was? Well, of course I don't.

I can prove of IT, but i'm old enough now, quite advanced, aged, to have decided that the effect is the motive. Actually, the effect is the motive. Other words, if you keep doing something again and again, and IT has the same effect, you can tell me you plan to have another outcome, but I don't believe you, and I don't need to believe you, because i'd judge a tree by its fruit.

And if you cause something again and again and again, whether you know what or not you meant to cause that, and you can be held responsible for IT. And the net effect of that whole period from the day that George boyd odde unfancied side, the communism in many apple is, until now, has been to blow apart. The most important and sacred thing that we have, which is the relationship between each other, that's the whole point of life, is to love the people around you.

And anyone who makes that harder is a criminal in in the deeper sense. And so like a lot of people in this room, you I experience that I feel like i've gotten off pretty easy in this life relative to what I deserve. probably.

But but even I, you know, I had that experience. I'm sure every single person in this room had an experience where, you know, you lost people you love. The relationship between someone you really loved or were related to was damaged by that whole period.

You'd probably lost like me. I lost every acadians. Like no one I had launched with ten years ago would even return my text at this point. And I think that's not super uncommon, even for those of you who haven't alienated the world, don cable news.

And so that's really sad for me, because what I really care about much more than carmilla haras, whatever she's calling yourself, is my relationships with other people. So that's all very sad. And i'm saying because I think that most people in this room, I think most americans can relate to exactly what i'm talking about.

But i'm saying IT as kind of predicate to what i'm going to say now, which is the upside. Those relationships have been replaced tenfold with relationships that are much deeper. I mourn the death of my relationships.

I don't care who is with I. I missed the valley Parker after I get my car back. But the relationship that now have are so much deeper and so much more honest and so much more fully grounded in truth then any relations i've ever had before.

And as I said, I grew up in southern california. So I was trained from a very Young age to be shallow, I mean, really from birth. And the world that I grew up in a dinner table conversation, like a full dinner table conversation, and we ate very fast.

And something california, the seventies, because I was all fast food, but like all the whole six minutes of dinner in the car, would consist of, sorry, it's not the midwest. We had things to do, and the main thing that we had to do, the main thing that we had to do in southern california was to talk about the weather. And like, we had days that would go from seventy three and partly cloudy to all wait to seventy five and Sunny, and then I would go back to partly cloudy in the low seventies.

And so that really was the substance of the conversations taking place all around me for my entire childhood. And joking at all, if you lived in san ago in thousand and eighty, you know what IT was like? Like nobody had a last name, and nobody talked about anything that mattered, ever.

And if you did, you were a freak. You were a freak. No one died where I grew up.

Not one person never died. There was no death period. none. And there was an incredibly wide strike zone, unlike personal sexual behavior.

So if you were like a polygamous or something, totally cool. Well, that's interesting. Really going to be seventy six to eight.

Did you know that? Yeah, really. wow. So here's the fact is going to make your day every time you use the internet, you are being watched.

Nothing is private online if you sound, unlike most people do, from a laptop or an iphone on a public network. When you do that, a lot of people, private businesses, government actors, are intercepting your internet traffic. And mining IT like a precious commodity.

What you do online information about you is bought and sold, and then it's used to manipulate what you think, what you buy, even how you vote. They're spying on you for a reason. The fact is that your internet provider can see every single website you visit and in the night states they're lowed to sell that data and even your browsing history to the highest bitter.

And again, that includes everything you do inside is so called ig cognitive or private browser window. Those don't work, don't full yourself. That should be illegal. Obviously, putting a web cam in your bedroom room without your knowledge would be illegal and for good reason, but this is not illegal, and that happens to all of us every day. You might want to protect yourself that we do protect yourselves from IT.

And we use something called express VPN to do IT express fee pendants and easy to use APP that encrypt and reroutes all our internet traffic through secure servers. Because we use express V P M, particularly on the road, our internet provider can see our browsing histories. Simply put, we've got nothing to sell because we've nothing on us.

They can spin us. So if you think that internet privacy only matters, people are trying to do something shady or illegal. I'm not doing something creepy.

I don't care, really. Would you allow a camera in your Better room or bathroom? Have a one in your shower that's connected to the internet.

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You were set onto an ice flow like the innit, like the people never died in loya, california. They just went out to pump springs, you know, in the Mercedes and like, you never saw them in in. But I was like a vacation.

IT was never spoken of ever because IT was just too deep. And IT raised all kinds of questions like maybe we're not in charge of the universe and maybe life ends, and no one wanted to deal with that at all ever, not one time. So for me, raised on a steady diet of shellers, IT has been an amazing and life changing experience to have really deep conversations with almost everybody I talk to.

And I just want to say that, that is not just an upside. That's the whole point. That is why we're here. There's no other reason to be here. And you know, having gone up and down in my financial fortunes, you know, pretty low, pretty high.

I can tell you, you know, it's bad to be in debt for sure, but like, making money does not make you happy. Story boiled alert, someone told me the other day that, and I can never remember her name, but she's like a deeply tormented pop star who just endorsed terrors. Whatever her name is, Megan Kelly told me last night that she's made a billion dollars, a billion dollars.

And I thought to myself, I may even essentially then why wasn't SHE happy? what? She's so miserable? SHE made a million dollars.

Don't a billion dollars, don't you sort of retire and just smile until you die? In fact, you never die. Actually, you live forever if you make a billion dollars.

And she's so miserable, i've never heard a word of her music, but I just look at her. I'm like, wow, you hate yourself. Carmilla hair, the same thing you hate yourself.

I feel, feel deep sympathy for. Come, I did until I find SHE had a gun. And now I feel a great threat.

SHE has a gun who armed? Karma Harris, no. What kind of gun is? IT? What side is the boat come out where SHE get IT to SHE have a license.

But what's SHE planning to do with IT? What is the person is surrounded by armed body guards? I'm paying for twenty four seven need with a firearm.

You're doing a lot of gross funning carmilla. what? Anyway, these are questions that no one of the media will ever ask.

I think there's super interesting like why not starting at sidetrack? But I guess what I am saying is there is a way to look at what's happening around us that will only defeat you and turn you into the hateful monster the accuse you of being. That is true.

And one of the things I learned only recently, having been denounced as whatever you name IT, I been called IT. I only realized recently that part of the reason that they call people names is so that people will become those things if they treat you with that level of contempt and unfairness. It's totally possible.

You'll become hateful actually, like you'll become what they say you are. And that's the one thing you can become. You cannot be hateful because then you'll just be tailor swift carmela haris, like another tormented, had A A happy person with no kids projecting hate outward to everyone else.

And don't be that that's none only is that bad for the country, is bad for you. So how do you keep from becoming that? And here's one trick that has really worked for me.

I don't know what you said, but I that was like an animal growing. And I loved IT. I believe in animal sounds, by the way, as something who talks for a living.

I am a little bit unsold on words. If you go like that, I know you're being sincere, like I trust my dogs. They never lie to me.

you. But here's the one way to see reality is through the lens that, you know most of us perceived through, which is our phone. Literally, a lens is a piece of glass.

And we're staring at IT and everything on IT is curated. And at some point you have to wonder, like why are they telling me this? Is there some reason maybe they are not being totally honest?

And one of the reasons, of course, is to distort you was a person and turn you into a monster like they are. Of course, another reason is to dispirate you so they can control you. You just give up completely.

But above all, is really to break your spirit. Of course, it's to humiliate, if that's why joby and hired that presets tary. You know, I mean, I was confused by that at first.

I was like, way to second the job of the presets. Ory is to talk, but you're literate. So wouldn't you be the last person like, i'm just lexical, okay, very disley.

Ic, if you hired me to do your taxes, that would be an act of self harm, like you would have to want to a go to jail to hire me to do your tech, because I can. So if you're hiring korean, jump here for a job that requires talking, maybe there's something else going on here. I don't want to be mean at all.

I say this with great sympathy, but this is someone who's so dumb you can Operate a toaster like, I can't believe you can breathe the unai like this is truly a stupid person who has that kind of amazingly modern combination of low IQ and herself, the steam, which is always go builder ing to me. Studies have shown this that the famous people think of the smartest, like i'm i'm a historic first. Really, you're a moron.

Okay, but no, but so what's the point of that? You would have to really try to get someone that in articulate, to be your spokesman. Notice the word spoke is in the word.

And then I realized, note, once again, the outcome is the motive. It's this way for any reason. And the reason is to make you feel bad about your country, like this country so screwed up.

They have someone who can speak english talking to me about what my government is doing and I can understand he's saying and he hates me yeah, that's the point. So that can drive you crazy and it's meant to drive you crazy. So the only way not to become monster and crazy, and i've come right to the edges of both.

So i'm speaking from experience, is to see the reality that's actually around you, not through your phone, but around you. And yes, that very much includes nature and in very much includes animals. Okay, spending time with animals is medicine.

It's that's just true. But the most important thing is to take stock of the people in your orbit. And they are what matters much more than anything that happens in washington or anything that comes across social media that people write around you.

And if you're looking for your duty in this life, like, what's the purpose of my life? why? What am I hear for? Fewer people asked those questions than ever before, but you still hear them.

It's super obvious, like the person in bed next to you called your spouse and the children you created and your siblings and your parents and your coworkers and your neighbors and your nieces and nephews and your drunk brother and law and everyone who god has put right in front of you. Your job is to serve and love them. That's your first job. That's your main job.

And it's wild to me how distorted that has become again, probably not an accident by people who preach about altus and not Normally the point of life is to serve the community or some in some country you've never visited and said mosco next to some far way, but you know, none of which, I guess, something against, but only after every person in the concentric circles of the orbit around me, I speak for myself, is ahead of household. Only after all of them are thriving, and only after I have served all of them to the maximum extent of my ability, and i'm going to be sending mosquito next sits at some other country. Only after I have tipped my belgian waitress fifty percent.

And i'm gonna think about serving someone i've never met. Because the point of love is not abstract, its concrete. And if you love someone whose named you don't know, maybe it's not love, maybe it's nurses.

M actually, maybe you're doing. If you can feel good about yourself without actually loving anyone, the whole concept of a community is itself fraudulent. What does that even mean? No woman ever gave birth to a community.

It's a community. What are their names a community? I don't know that you don't know anything and you're not loving them. It's not possible to love groups of people, is only possible to love people, period. And so really what this is, is a war between the oldest water.

There is everyone loves, right? But there are two kinds of people who love, those who love the people, other ones who routinely in a genocide, and those who love people. And those are the ones you should love back.

It's really simple, people, individuals. And so I can to say, I take talk every single day of everyone in my orbit and it's a ton of people, it's a ton of people. And it's not just family members, it's everyone I work with and it's everyone I know.

And I have to say, I don't know what this means. Maybe i'm just uniquely less, but I bet if you assess your life in the same way, you will come to the same inclusion they are doing, pretty they are and that some of them are having, you know, trouble buying their groceries. That's all true.

Like all the macro problems are real problems. And long term, they're massively important for us. From nuclear war potentially to the dead overhang, it's all real.

But what's more real are the individuals that we are called upon as our most basic sacred duty to serve in love. And if they are thriving, you should be in a good mood and don't let anything. Carmilla Harris, who's never tipped to waitress in her freak life, tells you, don't let them define what success is.

Success is the happiness of your people, the people with names and fingerprints and opinions and desires and dreams and souls. Their happiness is the measure of your happiness period. And if you keep that in mind.

I don't even know your names, but like, I feel that the warm vibe of everyone in the room, and that's way more important to me than anything can happen the debate. So with that, I will stop and introduced with pride and affection my friend early kirk, who's an amazing person. And there are a lot of things I could say about charlie kirk, who is single most effective organizer um of conservatives in the united states.

Charlie kirk is doing what what the r and sea was supposed to do. We have a political party for this, but they're chartering jets and ordering Floral arrangements so they don't have time. But if you're looking for the organization that I don't know might keep voter fraud to a dull war, it's charly church organizations. So I think he has a really meaningful place in american politics. But that sound really a compliment because most political people I know we're sort of lowered on both sides.

So the thing i'll say about charly kirk in heartfelt is that charlie kirk spends more time each day working as hard as he can to maintain moral baLance and to serve the people around tim, who actually is responsible for his wife and children and to be a decent human being than anybody in american politics. And he's pulled that off. And I just really, really appreciate that.

I don't trust anybody whose personal life is an in ordered. I'm sorry, I just don't. And this is so it's with admiration and anticipation because he's super interesting, ladies and gentleman, charlecote.

Charly current is a charly.

Thank you for doing that. Thank you talker, which is all great to be here.

I'm sure i'll get you when some kind of trouble IT into. But IT IT is literally true, is a kind of weird to have like replaced to the entire political party.

I mean, I I don't know we've done that. But okay. But just to be fair, I mean, the R N cy used to be so weaker and so facility is not much to replace, but that's totally fair.

And in the reason being, and this was our our from the beginning, is that every one of you deserve a republican party as conservative as you are, period. You deserve your leaders and your leadership, so at least be in the same ballpark of your values. And we've seen this talk over the last couple of years, especially recently, we're in this audience.

There's not a single person who thinks we should send money to ukraine while we are currently being invaded. They think it's insane. And yet that is.

So you have seven thousand people here tonight in which you talk kansas. That has basically a unanimous agreement that our own borders come before the borders of a foreign country. Super simple, super site.

However, that is a minority opinion held by senate republicans, and that's the right there. We've identified something of which revolutions are made of. Well.

I think it's a really insightful pointing just for people don't have context on this. You would know because you know all the center republicans and no one is you're not guessing .

in any I know every single one of them. At least I can profile them and I know what they believe and I know at least eighty percent of them personally from text message, phone calls. And you live in dc and IT is if they believe once they're in washington, there is a secret society that they enter and you guys just don't understand that like they do.

And again, not only are they wrong, but they're not there to actually come up with their own opinions on these issues. Their first concern should be what do my voters want? Because there your proxy, that's the system we have set up here.

It's not an oligarchy where there there to tell you what they think in some sort of a meeting with their national security team. Now instead, it's there there to fulfill the Mandate that the people put in the in the ballot box. And so we have a breakdown of our system.

And it's not just that issue, but it's issue after issue of major things that are tearing this country apart. And what gives me hope, but also anger, is the people get IT, is that the people in this audience never want to see our country locked down again and called the church not essential. The people in .

this audience do .

not want to see the .

FBI get .

another building, while moms and dads are being profiled at schoolboy meetings, Steve band and is in federal prison, and Donald trump is facing seven hundred years in federal prison. Why are republicans giving the FBI a new building so the people get IT, but our leaders seem as if they don't care about what their voters think. We're trying to fix that at turning point action. We're trying to make the very easy adjustment that the people and the voter sentiment should be mired by how the republicans in dc act.

But I got to say that, I mean, every blessing for saying everything you did. But I just wondered what this seems like a crisis to me, because the only legitimacy that our leaders have is the consent of the government. We don't have a horridness ary monarchy.

We don't have an oligarchy. Our system is based on the idea that democracy they're claiming to save is based on a single idea, which is the people on the country and that our leaders are legitimate to the extent that they reflect our desires and views. And when they don't, they're illegitimate, their tyrants like that's our system is IT not? And I missing something.

IT hasn't been our system for a couple decades. But Donald trump reveal that that system was no longer in existence. And that might be his greatest and longest lasting contribution is that he comes around as as, wait a second, you guys want a border wall, and you do want millions of people coming across your border. Why is mitch mcconnell in in washington, D C. For forty years and we don't have a borrow wall.

Why is that that republicans have been running this place for so long, and you guys have these concerns that are constantly ignored wise, that we send our our factories overseas to foreign nation, and yet we have trillion of dollars to go colonized iraq and afghanistan and try to have gender ary assignment surgeries in syria or whatever the state department is interested in. And you're correct, experiencing the last decade, in my opinion, is the revealing that the founders of constitutional system has not been around for quite some time, that the consent of the government is a mirage. We have these things call elections, and that you vote for the lesser of two evils, which you should all do.

But then they actually don't do what you want them to do when you send the dc. Trump changed all of that. And trump changed that by going after the fundamental problems of what really washington, dc.

Cares about. Number one, that we should not import endless foreigners from the third world where our own citizens are suffering. That is, number one. Number two, the thing called free trade is a sm to get your filled with plastic that you'll never use while your local factory closes and the school can't make payroll and your community has to become poor, but you're actually getting richer because it's called free trade.

And number three, which got him in the most trouble, is that IT is not the american defense department department of defense mission statement to try and break other countries to invade the world and invite the world. The the only Mandate of the department defense and the U. S.

Military is to protect our people safe and to make sure that our nation is not under attack. Now, just really quick. Those three things are what we call the neoliberal consensus.

We use the word unit party a lot, right? That's the unparted. That's the new party. This is why comella Harris is being endorsed ed, by dick chaining because they agree on those three things, no restrictions on who comes into america.

IT does not matter how much crap you import from the third world with plastic CS or text styles because we don't need to make stuff here. And finally, we're going to invade every sovereign country that looks at us funny. Those three things have been governing the country the last forty or fifty years.

The reason they hate trump is not because he talks funny. It's not because, you know, he's all these whatever named they say, it's because he does not believe in the core religious orthodoxy. Y of the neoliberal governing elite of washington, D. C. That's why they hate him.

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ones who get that done. I think that I don't even think that's an opinion. I think it's a very same to nicely put description, but it's hard to see you how when I could argue with that.

Clearly, dick, I just endorse carma Harris like dictate kind of a call. No, I mean, I really so they get a guy who believes you should kill people for profit. We get up.

Kennedy, I think that's fine. I mean, i'm actually pretty. I'm cota happy about IT.

He in his horrible daughter is repulsive little daughter. Anyway, right? Not to make a personal SHE put in front of man in jail. And I texter I knew really well. I texted ze that I can examine your conscience is SHE never spoke to me again, but I meant IT SHE has no conscience. But okay, so let just get specific really quick.

I love what you said on the question was pick one well, pick up because where I can say there's enough on the brink of nuclear exchange, i'm not people I know who know a lot about this are very afraid right now this evening, september thirteen, twenty twenty four. So i'm upset about IT. How do we get here? Well, we got here not because republicans like, no, no, really, the border of some eastern european country, I can find is much more important than the border.

Ella to, no, we got here because our ruling class decided that this was the most important adventure going. And then we have a leadership change in republican party. And mike Johnson from Luciana, who I knew is like, sort of a Normal person, comes in and announced, we have been like a week that his top priority is funding for ukraine.

And I called them, I like what? And he did not give me an australian answer. I don't know the answer. How does a guy like my Johnson always to make a nice guy of me?

How does he wind up buying into a lie like that? That is no connection to the preference of the actual american public and get our country destroyed. How did he get there?

Ah and I have a similar relationship with mike Johnson. I gave him Grace, then I get really mad. And then I give him Grace, and then I get really mad, and he forgives actually amazingly well when I call him out. And I say that he's destroyed the country. So I have to give him created for that, you know, set me off with my Johnson when he, there are so many things I don't know when he has a lawyer voted to say that the FBI doesn't need to get a warrant to spy on us as american citizens, that drove me crazy when even i'm sure .

they won't be used in the by administration. Just put tosi gabbard on the terror watch list. SHE serves in the U. S.

Military right now, and the intel agencies have spied on your text messages a lot. A, and probably spot my mind, mean, there's fine, all of us. And here's mike Johnson who goes and cast the tie breaking vote, which is very rare for a speaker, the house, to do.

Exceedingly rare. Basically all of that. What I said is like, hey, FBI, you have to get a warrant before you spy on american citizens text exchanges.

He said, note, I want to give the bite and FBI in the middle of a campaign season, unrestricted access to all trump campaign emails, all text messages, all phone calls. And i've found that to be so reckless. Any responsible do you know? What was the kicker though? You can go back for seven years.

For seven years, when he was on a committee, he was totally against the a statue and as soon as he became speaker, the house, he's like, well, you know, I think it's very important because of lunch. Americans are gona die. We don't have the the warns and if we don't have .

all this but there in lies the mystery and insistence your mystery I even asked him, like, you seem nice. When did you become a monster? People are not software enough to give clear answers to questions like that. But you know him what happened?

I can't speak to that again. I can't say though that he is a, he is a creature and he he is a symptom of this machine where unless you are, you have the fortitude of somebody like a Donald d trump or bobbi Kennedy, who you're willing to get shot at.

See your uncle shot, see your dad shot, see yourself and died, see yourself smear and cancel, which is a very rare breed, and understand Donald trump and bobbi Kennedy have something in common, which Thomas macy also has, which is a genetic, a genetic deformity, by the way, which is that you happen to be likable. But you don't care what people think about you very, very hard to find that combination. And so Donald .

trump and .

bobbi Kennedy, that's what makes them such a threat to the system. My Johnson would be an amazing chair of an elder board of a local church. I have no right? No, I mean that as long as things are going well.

he'd be great. No.

right. exactly. Like the ties and the offerings are quit hair. They have to go like build a new cafeteria.

I get him out of the way, right? But this goes to the point, is that that, and I have some sympathy from that, because he didn't want the job, and he got the job and fine, but he was not the person to stand up to the CIA or the FBI. These are the most powerful institutions on the planet. And they just had him for a lunch, literally, one security briefing. I, well, I got briefed in a skin and you know, at a skip, a bunch of generals come in with their their medals and they do bunch of woo wo and they say, you know, here we have the the a od region and and the the d slam, and if we don't spy on all the text messages of the maga faithful in manhattan's, as we might have another nine eleven and he says, what that that makes perfect sense to me, you know, we might as well keep on having that. And so as soon .

as they released the class and documents, don't know at nine eleven was and i'll be able .

to understand that metaphor, right? Well, I just I totally agree, by the way, Donald trump should declassify all J, F, K, R, F, K, malcom, X, M, L, K, and nine eleven documents on day one. Do we agree?

Can I ask, ask you have a question because sometimes it's more revealing to flip thing. Do the photographic negative is something the reverse of IT? What would be the justification for keeping those documents secret? Jfk and not eleven, was twenty three years ago. Like what I see that I lift you, then I know something died like I don't have right to see that.

Why I agree the nine eleven excuse, they say, well, people are still alive that no stuff, that's all bunch annonce SE.

Well, i'm still alive, but I want to know I paid for and I live here. I was citizen. What.

of course, sorry, I just love.

just enrages me. No.

we're going to get to the point, by the way, we're going to be so disconnected from the jfk asinine IT will be like the link and it'll be like one hundred and seventy years. And i'll say you to know, we have to keep IT declassified. They're keep let's just talk about gfk.

It's so obvious why they're keeping that declassified because at the very least, the government knew was gna happen and at the probable, the government was involved in the assassination of jfk. And therefore, notice is important because therefore, IT is an introductory radicalization event. And they know that an inter doctoral radicalization event is what all of you had during code, which is where you start to then go down a sequence of questions.

And once you begin, there's no stopping you. Wait a second. They just told us to wear masks when I shower. Like that doesn't make any sense.

Wait, it's not safe and effective.

Like, wait, my hts on her eleven booster and SHE has covered more than I do. That's weird. And so an introductory y radicalizing event is when all the sudden, basically the inner question ask her within you is liberated.

You guys all know exactly what i'm talking about, right? And at that moment, you're the most dangerous you could possibly be to tirana and to an legitimate regime. And jfk assuredly has elements of that, that if we get to the facts again, we don't know what we can speculate.

We know that letter BIOS well, then act alone. We know that there's some very suspicious stuff of the motor ades slowing down. What have gf is had what happened to the grasp? You know why puter got IT on film had went back to the right again. This is not a gfk presentation but like I think lets go i'm just being honest, right? And they're very elementary telling that letter BIOS walk in the text schoolbook depository who was a bad shot.

This class with a single bolt action rifle was early, got off that many rounds in short period time with pinpoint curacy, be able to get J, F, K twice in the hand, and also penetrate the government of texas without a second shooter, yet ever, never went. Yeah, there was something kind of there on that hill. Like, shut up.

We're going to cancel you. Of course, something happened there all the sudden. If there is a second shooter, the grass ino. Therefore, the government lied about IT covered IT up was probably involved.

Therefore, I ask the question, what else is our government involved in? And IT is the beginning of the end of the illegitimacy of this government. And they know that. So they must keep IT declassified. And but there's only so many of these things they can cover up because now with the internet, with social media and the power of programs like tuckers and our podcast, they're not able to control the corporate media like they were before. And they know that. And thanks to rumble and elon must buying twitter and act are we are on the precipice regardless what happens in november of the greatest enlightenment and and the greatest eye opening event in modern american history where millions of people can finally see the truth and those of us are Christians, know the truth will set you free.

Man, man. I didn't know any this, if you to ask me twenty years, I mean, my dad work for the government. I lipped in dc from the age of fifteen, and I sort of bought in every lie.

And yeah, I did wonder with the kid. I mean, i'm a hunter and rifle shooter, and that's one of the crap ous rifles you could ever buy. No of the letter vy oswell joking with like corrosive primer garbage jamo.

Really, that's what I used to say. I never believe that part of, but believe in A I wonder if by continuing to lie, they aren't about everything. They're driving all of us a little crazy.

Well, this is why your faith is the most important thing. Because for those of us that are Christians, IT doesn't drive you crazy. You actually see what's going on, which is that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and darkness and spirits, that there is a spiritual war here.

And your right talker, I find people in the space that are not anchored to faith, anchored to jesus. They do lose their mind because there is no rational or reasonable explanation for what the countries doing to itself or what we are experiencing. But if you then see, and you know that there is a god and we are not him, that there is an entire dimension of Angels and demons and spirits that are constantly struggling around us, and that there is a supernatural dimension, as you mention all the sudden, that doesn't make sense.

That does IT does not make any rational sense to shut down your schools so you can sacrifice the kids so the elderly can live. That makes no sense. What's ever that makes no sense whatsoever to keep your marijuana dispensary open and your alcohol shops open, but the church not essential.

Only a dominic enterprise would do such a thing. Only a demonic enterprise would say that easter and panic cost are not essential. But race, rioting and burning down the enders is a central activity. And talk to you, talk about this a lot. For those of us that know the truth, you know that our god is a god of order and distinction.

What is the first thing that god did in the heart scriptures? IT says, well, and also a script, the original genesis Better sheet, which is, in the beginning, god created the heaven of the earth, and then he separated, and he make sense. He made order out of chaos.

Our god, as I got of order. And order only comes with distinctions. And distinctions are necessary.

Think about all the distinctions that god set up in the first six books of genesis that are currently under attack, the distinction between male and female, the distinction between man and nature, the distinction between the holy and the perfume, the distinction between good and evil, the distinction between infant and adult. These distinctions have always been what western civilization were built upon. But IT is sentence s goal to blur r and eventually destroy those distinctions. Because those distinctions of which we get order, and you do not have that order, then you have the closest thing to say tanit chaos here.

man. It's so it's amazing to me personally to hear you say that to not in vegan agreement with every word that you said, considering think I was the molecular person on planet earth just like ten years ago and i've arrived exactly those conclusions I think inductively. But also instinctively what you said is true.

That is true where you just said. So as someone else, you change your mind about everything. And i'm happy to admit tell me about the progress. If you're thinking about politics, you're one of one of the reasons I respect you is because you've always been honest about how you think about things and when you change your mind, you proclaimed loudly the evidence changed and sort of my conclusion i've heard you say that so tell me what the progress was like for you .

yeah and it's interesting we're in which to all, which is actually fitting because there is a reason that actually, you know.

i'm going I know exactly we are going. There's a large black .

building nearby. I don't know if it's black or White IT is rainbow, like rainbow actually, which is this which is that early when I got to start the conservative movement in two thousand and twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, hyper liberal talian forces had taken over the conservative movement. Now i'm very liberating.

And on certain things, i'm libertarian. Free speech on privacy issues, on libertine, on guns, right? I'm libertine on certain things. However, the kind of libertarian ization of the conservative movement was really not good for us. IT was not good for us to stop caring about the nuclear family.

IT was not good for us all the sudden say that borders don't matter and that amErica is just an idea and it's an experiment. I fell for that crap for a couple of years in thousand and fifteen and six hundred and seventeen. I can not trying to pick on any sort of thing here in which at all but billions of dollars have flowed out of the city into the conservative movement to try to make us less conservative and more liberal in the conservative movement.

That fact, okay, IT is a fact. And I think it's a really, I think it's a tragedy actually. And I credit Donald trump for waking me up because Donald trump, in his, I never got angry at the time, wasn't angry.

I never got unsettled about when Donald trump would insult the reporter or do the rosie donal thing. Do you know what always may be unsettled? LED wendall. Dd, trump would bluntt ask a question that I didn't have a good answer to when Donald trump would say, and why are we bringing in people from around the world that hate? And I say, well, according to the macro economic theory, as a spouse by fa, hike and magnesia, if you look at the curve, you have a steady flow of people coming from other countries that are economic efficiency and output is actually outweigh and therefore a good things like, what am I saying to myself?

It's got rationalization.

What trump was able to do is he never went through that nonsensical abstraction like exercise because he was donor trump at his best, and someone that has always been so focused on the real and the immediate job sites, construction sites, the muscular class building, real things Donald trump has never been worried about. Like the platte onic idea of love like that is not Donald trumps thing, as we all agree at that, right?

And he went light on the plate to and call.

and that's right. People say that oda ald trump is dumb. No, danny trump is wise, and he does not get credit for being wise.

Why is the knowledge of things that do not change? So dane d, trump loves the country. He comes along.

And it's like the country that I love is being abused. And it's become a dumping ground for the third world. IT is actively being looted. This is bad. And at the time, I I wasn't that forceful against the opposition, but I remember like privately, like, oh, he doesn't understand the economic theory behind all of this. And the more I was chAllenged and questions, I don't have a good answer to that.

And so I made me start to ask the question, what do I really value? Do I value economic theory, or do I value, value my family and my fellow country men? I do.

I value a bumper sticker that says that I don't know what, of a stupid libertarian bumper sticker that was around five or six years ago. We like live and let live. Or do I value children that should not be suspect, subjected to drag queen story hour at their local library? Like which one is IT actually, and or and so.

And then i've always been a Christian and connected the dots. And I got to be honest, talker, you were the one that radicalized me more than anybody else the last five to ten years. Do you guys agree? Because then tucker would go on his fox show and would just start asking the same questions.

And we would have guessed that would asked the questions. And they're always attack talker. Oh, he's just asking questions.

But isn't that what the pursuit of truth is all about? Isn't that what Crystal lord did? And if you don't have good answers to simple questions, maybe you're not that deep.

Maybe you've overthought yourself into some sort of word salad and you can answer in a beautiful, in a crisp way because you're actually not that deep and you're not protecting things that are good and that are true and ever lasting and divine any internal. And so for me, especially twenty thousand eighty hundred and where I said some really stupid stuff, IT really made me go on this journey. And then when I met my wife and we ve got married and have children, all the son, I said, that's my mission statement.

It's not about trying to defend democracy and hate. My mission statement is my children. My mission statement is to make sure my kids can be raised in a healthy, safe, clean and orderly country and not have to worry about some foreigner that's been imported from the third world that is going to commit violence against them, that are going to have to compete against them to buy a home, that they're gona have to compete against them to get a job. And so my mission statement changed from something that was distant and very, very far away in the clouds to what is immediate. And those of us that are conservatives, we must understand talker hit and is opening address IT is easy and IT is simple and tempting to say that .

you're fighting climate .

change is hard to raise good kids. And the people who want to fight climate change, they tend to not put any their energy towards raising good people.

What totally I mean, no, I love you. I love everything that you're saying. And I just always think to my I never articulate IT, but I think I think a lot of things that don't articulate as my ever he says you need to understand the beauty of the unexpressed thought.

But I often think when i'm getting a moral lecture from one of somebody in charge, which is the one thing that are really good at, is immediately seizing the moral high ground. People who have no basis for moral certainty, seize the moral high ground, start lecturing you like you're a bad person. But I would think to myself, wanted you, I know.

Let's just start with the basics. Want you make the same woman happy for thirty years and get back to me? Okay, we start there.

Have you done that? If you mean the same moment, happy for thirty years, I think you're capable of that actually. I also don't think you could change a tire. So when you shut up, yeah, he's like all that matters of the things that really matter.

And by the way, this whole system is created and I mean, the economic system in which job by voters owned seventy percent of the nation's wealth and the useful people owned thirty percent, the whole system is set up to give money and prestige to useless people who in a fair society would be screwed because they can do anything. And that's the truth. So all the things you actually need in life are provided by a really small number people who also the worst paye.

So I just, I just on this out there. I don't need any offence of the coach, but I actually think that we could get buy a week in this country without private equity. I just think we could I think we can survive.

I think we can do that if we abandon together. You're on the matter like the payday alone people. Why did we probably make IT without them? But you know, we couldn't make IT without like farmers, people to grow the food or who fix the cars are put the houses or plumb the bathrooms.

Like all the useful people are despised and the totally useless people are defined. So it's like how long could you live if di consultants were the limited tomorrow with your kids come to you and say, dad, I can't make him another day without A D I consulting or school councillors. I don't know what to do.

I don't have a school councillor, some heavy set middle aged lady pushing transgender, some of my kids. I don't know how we can exist without that. And the truth is we'd be not only fine, but much improved.

And yet they somehow have all the money and all the moral authority. And they're writing pieces in the atlantic about how you're evil because you don't want to live next to the people has got you're illegally like sorry, sorry, sorry. The most interesting and news or the television show of the year is coming here to t.

cn. We are not bragging. That's actually true. So a long time produce .

Justin .

wells and a team have been evidence see 到 with donal trump on the campaign trail for months of the only through capturing what is going on on the campaign in real time, intimately. They're with strong as he campaigned the presents y across the country and they've shot some amazing footage that would really like if you're a member, you will soon be able to get this to is covering the history amp.

Ign for the never before seen footage from the association attempt to the button township because of anian trump rally. And a lot more, it's gna pull back the curtain completely. They are embedded inside the campaign. I can wait to see you personally, but to get at first, but a tucket corals and dock com become a member. The greatest television event of the year, where to offer.

sorry. So yes, really, everything that you rejected is this incredibly sophisticated justification for the worst kind of behavior, including economic behavior, which we ve been trying to ignore.

But how do all the money get in the hands of the worst people? How did the people who killed Jeffery etsy and how do they get private planes and the best people in the country like so deeply in death, they can work vacation like that's not a good system. I don't care what you call IT. IT is not a free market. It's a totally rigged market, a market rigged for the worst people here.

And and look at where the wealthier countries are. The wealthier countries in amErica which vote for company heroin job in geographically used to be around in chicago and detroit, cleveland, since anadi IT used to be in the heartland. Now eight at the time of the wealth st.

Counties in amErica around washington, D, C, is the ruling class core. And what do they create? Well, you guys, you're which to talk hands.

You create real stuff here. You make real things. It's not abstraction.

You guys aren't just trading derivatives and you're not just shorting stop. You're making airplanes like I like yes, that's cool. yes. And or you're extracting minerals from the earth or you're growing food or you're transporting those goods and services, you're making real stuff.

And yet the center of wealth has gravitated away from production of things that you need to survive towards an upside down looting Operation that we call paying taxes. And that upside down looting Operation is that you are penalized for playing by the rules. You have to pay taxes that you can afford, that break your back.

And also you get a tax with inflation and everything else is more expensive. And then the parasites in dc, they take that money and they reverse launder IT back while they then are able to build an imperial capital for what? So our capital went from a place that was nice to visit and was clean and orderly to now being basically the wealth center of the country.

And that is a bad, bad sign, everybody. The wealth place should be decentralized and around where entrepreneurs are, where where real choices are made, where manufacturing is not of just the manager, erik class. And then also look at what their values and their morals are around.

Dc is the most secular, the least religious, the most hostile to your value system in your world view. And yet they're extracting your money and they're not doing IT voluntarily. And that's the kicker for all of you hear that you've made money.

You've made money through persuading somebody to buy your good or service in dc. They make IT by force, but with a gun, they put the gun to your head. Give us money.

And if not, we're onna put you in federal prison if you don't pay your taxes and in dc similar what we saw during covet is you fail up for and then he fouche gets promoted after what he did during copy. In real in a real world anti fouche e should be in gtm o for what he did during koba. But in in the world of dc, he's lotted, Peter struck, stroke, smirk promoted.

He has a professor at Georgetown. One is a page lowest learner from the irs scandal. No one there is held accountable. And the founders never envisions this form of government.

And again, one of the reasons why trump is so popular is that he has identified IT, and he has antagonized this leviathan, this fourth branch of government. And I don't know how much more the heartland of the country can stand the abuse. And just talk about spring.

Feel ohio really quick on cat eats that are coming in. By the way, I did not anticipate us talking about cats this much in the twenty twenty four election. Is this really made?

I don't even like cats in here. I am defending them. You know.

i'm neutral on the cat question for the record. Okay, so but spring for ohio, a perfect example of how the ruling class has treated the heartland of the country. Step one, we close the factories and we send them overseas so that people don't have work.

Step two, we flood those communities with opioids that they are permanently addicted and we kill a lot of them. Step three, we send their kids, their sons and daughters, to go fight no in wars, and they come back with permanent health issues. Step four, we flood their town with foreigner after we've completely abused and broken them, and we send their jobs overseas. Step five, the residents who are still there, and i've survived all this abuse, notice that the foreigner are doing really weird stuff and illegal stuff, like driving in ahead on traffic, killing kids, eating cats and taking gee side of the pon. And then we call the people that are still there in springfield racist after their factories have closed and their sons died in iraq and they're addicted opens and their local schools being overrun by hens, but their racists for noticing that their home is turning into portox ince.

And you wonder why .

Donald d trust poll numbers don't go down. You wonder why so many people wear that red maga hand, springfield, ohio. Because he is the only lifeline that these people have. He is the only hope that they have the only person that does not insult them or talk down to them and wants to lead a rebellion, and yes, a revenge campaign against the people that have, did that, done this to them, and destroy their home. And man.

it's not only is IT a idle, which he is, the sickler are still billionaires by the whether names are still in the buildings that are harvard. But it's insulting and that's what I can't can't take. I live in a very rare area or waterfall season. Start really soon.

I get to call from a front of mine yesterday in ency people's different takes on news stories he's not against nations that he's no hate is but he's like, and i've shut duck a geese my whole life to say plane to do IT again a few weeks and he goes, if I shot IT good that license about game word home me off how do people shopped our country? They kill the g and after bia license, it's a different way of thinking about IT. But his takeaway was the same.

And by the way, I want to say I don't think they're in the keys. I think they're sacrificing. You're coming from a country where which craft is the dominant religion, that's a fact.

And anyone who denies that does not have an actually been to the country as I ever. There's no thing about IT. That's a fact.

I don't think we should import people who practice width raft. I think that you would be illegal. I'm sorry.

It's my country. I don't want witchcraft here. fair? Oh, shut up.

I don't. I don't care what you call me. No, what's craft because it's real.

But what I noticed most is the hatred that leaders have for the country. It's hatred. You watch them as they die.

You don't care. You lecture them. Our senile president screamed in americans who dare to complain about the disappearing geese today.

Your racist. This is an attack on a group note. Not, don't treat me with contempt.

Giving people who come here illegally cell phones, housing vouchers, free plane tickets, rural hospitals across the country are closing because the emergency rooms are overburdened by people who broke to want to get here. You can get a health care. Try to go to an emergency room right now.

You can get medical care. You pay for that. It's the most insulting thing i've ever seen.

It's, by the way, not attacked the people who game here. I would have to I mean, i've not met at them actually. I met at our leaders.

Just i've never seen any population treated the way americans are being treated by their leaders now. And i'm very worried that at some point you really like i'm not putting up with this. I don't know why anybody pays taxes in this country.

I'm not further record. I'm not canceling, not pay your taxes because I want to get arrested, but I just don't understand the consent level in this country is still incredibly high. Neighbors like moving through the motions or something, which all the good people are, the people they lecture and call names, and because they are good people, they're beautiful people and they just do what they think they are supposed to do.

But I don't know why they're doing IT. Why would you send a dollar to people who laugh over your death, your neck, you dies and fat? No, they don't care. And you're still saying the money. I don't get that honestly.

Yeah and the answer though, tucker, is because they've done a successful pattern of show trials and and know this is a real thing. Why do I still pay taxes in new? Obviously, we have friends in federal prison like Steven, and right now is in federal prison for not coming a crime.

And so and they do this, by the way, to chill the population, to remind you that that your door could get knocked on next and your business could get raided. Now mind you, this is what sam Frances by so you're not a lot to talk about some Frances I love. He had a great term called cotinine, which is anarchy for the stuff they don't care about, the tyranny for political crimes.

So if you walk the streets of san Frances o, you'll see a bunch of junkies shooting up, people defecating on the side of the street. You could probably get mugged or robb, feel safe walking some for just go at night. Of course not.

And by the way, that alone is a violation of the social contract. If you can't walk your your most beautiful cities in your country at night, your leaders have failed and they all must go. That is a very simple test of your leaders. If you cannot walk the most beautiful cities you have at night, you're done. I don't care if you're republican or democrats, if you can't walk in dallas or use than or Austin, if you don't feel safe in your own cities at night, then then is your prisoner in your own home.

Well, what's the point of government? What is the point of government actually? I mean, if the people say, isn't the point of government that what is IT to spread trainees around? I been like, there's no other point.

our taxpayer fund of abortions, I guess. I mean, but just the giving an idea of the scale. Do you know that we have brought in five percent of the population of hate, five percent of the population of hate, and no one is stopping IT.

Because one of our core founding myths of the modern american experiment, neo liberalism, that trumps trying to defeat, is that what diversity is our strength? Actually, diversity is not our strength. Unity e is our strength.

Actually, whoever came up with this idea of our differences make us stronger. IT is self the feeding at its face. Well.

your married is IT true in your house. The less you haven't common with your wife, the Better you get along.

Yeah, those days are great. I mean, again, like what none of their their bumper stickers or their cliches ever make any sense in practice at all and but understands that you've job t and coding the population for caring that their home is disappearing. He should who should be scolded are the people that are coming in our country and losing our country and saying we're not going to put up with this.

But you're right, talker IT is a contempt for the citizen. Why is there contempt? I've one a lot of thinking about this and it's part of IT is values.

I think that's right. I think part of IT is Christianity. But I really, I really believe that there is such a hatred Christianity, that any part of the population that is like remotely Christian, they inherently hate you.

Because the real, the real goal is to eliminate Christian ani. Do you notice that they never are like enthusiastic about bringing in major parts of the population of eastern europe that are super Christian, yet they're like, let's go bring the the witchcraft country. Kind of weird, like more witchcraft, less Christianity.

I don't understand if that works out, but the contempt is, is very simple, is that they think that they are so much Better than you IT is IT is in the latest hiera opposition and that you're an annoyance that that your concerns, that what you're doing this is kind of stay out of the way. And I know people disagree with me. I think this is behind the push for legalizing marijuana.

I think this is the push for trying to overly medicate. The society is they do not want a disaggregate citizen ery. This is why they want to stashing rates to go down. This is why they wanted to kick the military men of milita the elephant out of the military with the vaccine is because a population that ask questions and stands up to the powerful is a threat to them.

So much rather, have you be subdued? Just watch T, V, not care about what's happening, and just kind of stand your benzodiazepine volume or marijuana and three bears and night, and then you're agreeable. But what has always mean amErica different as a beacon of liberty, is that we'd call bs anti whenever we see IT. And that is what is at the heart of this movement. And they look at us an annoyance.

I agree with that. Completely false. Five, nicotine is dangerous. Okay, thanks. No, I think all that is true. My sense though is that part of IT is just human nature. You hate the people you harm, actually, and you love the people that you help.

And if you've ever wronged somebody, or for example, if you're an argument with someone you love and that person is being a little crazy OK, you're not as bothered by IT you're not because you're like that you know that person SHE well, you know, i'm right. I can be totally come as fine. It's fine, it's fine, but if you behave like a jerk and everyone whose mary does, you're matter.

Like if you sort of wrong somebody, you're matter at that person. And I think our leaders understand that they've really wrong to the population like an an easy to measure and profound ways. They've screw up on every big project for the past thirty years, every single one, not just the worst, but all the economic planning, all the telling us that know you don't need to make anything we can economy based on learning money and real estate, okay, paper can is crazy, right? And they're been wrong at every turn.

They know they have done the american population wrong. And I also think part of IT is they afraid. They're afraid they don't have legitimacy. They know that they're trying to hide death from us by classifying over a billion documents, okay, as part of that too. And in the way that people who have sort of reached the end of their excuses and know that like maybe people are on to them, they're rattle and that's what we're putting people in jail to what they are spying on us because they know that their grasp is listening and they're freaked out. I can see IT in them.

You are dealing with the most neurotic and paranoid ruling class in the history of the country. And they're paranoid and neurotic because they know they've done great each and that evil is being exposed. They know that, they know that. So and by the way, they do bunch of cocaine, which only plays into their neurosis, right?

IT makes you jumpy.

a little jumpy, right? Oh, my godness. They're going to find out what we didn't. Iraq, yeah, we might actually so and just leave an apple .

on the west way. Not a big deal. No idea where where I came from. okay. By way that explains .

so much doesn't IT there's so .

there's so the vibe that comes IT really is the happy party versus the miserable party. The sadness and the internal chaos, the insecurity, just the the neurosis that come off these people I watch commonly. Harris, like the first, I mean, SHE finally remembered her lines. But the first minute of the debate, how she's waiting for the santa kickin and she's just like terrified.

So no, and this is the marching order for all of us. We are closer to Victory that I think we might realize. And and I don't mean political Victory.

I hope we win november. We're working towards that aim. I mean that and all the U. S. Can play a big difference in getting Donald trump back in the White house. And because I think that is the mission, critical aim and objective right now, I really do.

But I mean, Victory in the sense where we're closer towards a breakthrough where more americans understand what's been happened in these last couple of decades and we have this realization that, that could be permanent. I mean, just look at the team of all stars that are starting to come together. The former coach, ir of the dnc is now actively campaigning for Donald trump tosa gavard.

We have the world's richest man in line mosque. We have bobbi Kennedy, we have an amazing team of free thinkers. And this goes back to a biblical question though, is that do people want to be free? And that is a very difficult question to answer in the book of accidents and numbers.

The answer is no, is that if you would fail to teach a generation the value of liberty, they actually instinctively don't want to beat free. When god delivered his chosen people out of egypt, and he performed the most amazing and miracles imaginable, the the nail liver goes red, and frogs from the sky and first four, and dad and the red sea parts, and they go into the sign I desert. After a couple chapters, they're like, hey, we want to go back to egypt.

We want to go back to slavery. why? Because the food was Better, literally, we had melons, leaks, cucumbers and meat, and they say, hey, mosses, can we go back to egypt? I mind.

This is when god blue coil, of course, and mana from heaven, and they need and wanted for nothing, but they preferred red to be slaves that we're taking care of, then free citizens in the desert where they had to be responsible. And that is a very important lesson for all of us, that liberty is a value that we must pass on, that we must cherish. And part of the population will never wake up because they would rather be an egypt.

And what is in front of us in this election cycle, and what is in front of us in this culture right now, is do you want to live as a free citizen? And that might be hard. That means you have, that means you have to provide for your family.

You might have to make tough decisions. Or do you want to just go be a russian surf back in egypt, where they give you a little russian every month and you have no liberty, and you have no freedom. That is really what's in front of us right now.

And I think seeing a revival begin to happen because it's really a spiritual at its core where the american people are going to demand. No, we do not want to go back to egypt. We want to live free. We know it's harder, but that is the american way.

So you really feel that I mean, I think it's important. I feel that too. But i'm not what is particular on this question as you are.

And I don't travel as much. You see signs of that. Oh.

my goodness. Yes, I just want to say i'm not predicting that demo trump in in november. If we had an election, by the way, where we didn't have male embalms all over the place and signal variation, I think Donald trump would easily went in november for the record.

But we don't talk her when we go to college campuses. I was at cancer state today, by the way, I will tell you, they didn't treat us very well. So you guys gotta call him up and say they were worse than bother.

And medicine, by the way, am I here for about? But very, is that true? Very liberal administration.

We we had an outdoor event, and in the state of kansas, we had two thousand kids there. And we had a permit for amplification and ended at one. And usually campus is, let us go over one.

okay? You have two thousand kids, not a big deal. I was literally involved this week.

Administration was like, it's fine. You guys are having a good time. We're not. I was in medicine. It's fine.

In manhattan, kansas, the minute that we hit the end of our permit, they start like pulling up, plugged. You ve got to turn off all the mikes. Never seen anything like this.

So for those that are alarm of kansas state, you should contact them and stop giving money to kansas state. Pull your donations from kinds of state. Okay, so no, i'm not kidding.

Do not fund schools that treat conservative way. And by the way, you could say, why is IT that see you bother? Which is like a lending grad treated charlie curt Better then cans of state.

Great talking point. But when we do these events, tucker on campus, we cannot find rooms big enough to fit all the students that want to attend our own campus events. We cannot find physical spaces to fit all the students that want to come to our events. Jensie men are the most conservative that men have been in fifty years, fifty years.

And I .

also see, I see Young and old of people that are starting to shed their prior fillies. Republican, democrat mean nothing, and they're starting to get down to first principles. And I mean, we do every day.

And we watch the Charles kirk show, by the way. And then thank you guys. Really, that means a lot, and I have to stay ahead of the audience, how informed the average listener and viewer is.

Have you noticed this? Tucker, the debt? I don't listen feedback. I don't really embarrassed. Yeah, but they are actively correcting me if I get a date wrong, if I get a name wrong, email ing, Charles, you know, Better than neck you've got.

And I love that because that means that the the learning is a two way street and that I really believe, and I know I learned this from doctor Larry, are from hill dale college. He said, charly, we will not save the country. By the way, hildale is america's greatest college organ.

And really, he said, we will not save the country until we get the citizens y to want to prioritize learning, because you cannot have liberty without learning. And I don't mean liberty like public school learning. I mean, hey, instead of watching the and football game that we can turn IT off and listen on audio book, read the gulag arki ago, read one thousand nine and eighty four, read brave new world, go deeper that that the regime hates an informed population.

They hate that you guys know what's going on. They despise when you know history. Because if you know history, you know their next move.


H, hey, talk her. If you've got to make trouble for talking about history.

I mean, look mildly. Point is, you know, I have a ton of opinions, probably most of them wrong. But one opinion I know is right, is that free increase is the basis of a free society, and you have to be able to ask any question.

And I have a lot of children, so I know that there is a stage right four or five, when there are too many questions to bear. But why? why? But why you still have to put up with IT.

Anybody telling you not to ask questions is a threat to you. That's one of the darkest things, most revealing things you can say, I think. And by the way, anyone who doesn't allow you to ask your question doesn't consider you a human being.

Because free people, human beings, can ask any questions they want. They can have any opinion they want. They can say aloud whatever they want, only say you have to shut up. So it's very revealing of their attitude toward the population that they won't allow IT. But I agree with you, if you don't know what happened in the past, how do you have any clue what's going to .

happen in the future? And I see a desire and talk her. I know you've with me if you want to get some hope. The growth of longer gn podcasting is a sign that the population wants more and deeper content, not shallower and quicker content. The joe rogan, the tucker carlson s, the matt welsh is the fact that the population is going away from cable news and going towards conversations with more nuance and texture and complexity. That is a, that is a carbon jer for revival.

While I keep a list of everyone who's very upset by that and not because I plan to punch him in the way, I am never going to punish anybody. I don't really believe in that actually, but I just wonder who my enemies are in the enemies of humanity. And there is anybody who has a problem with other people's sincere opinions, with their sincere questions.

Anyone who thinks what you just can't discuss that or expresses that prevents me from knowing important information about my country or its past, or the world or its past. Anyone who penalises es, that is my enemies. And there are a lot of them yet.

What google is one of them. Last thing i'll say, I want to ask you would find a question bit. I would to say that if you have books under, if you remember, with this world, but on paper, it's kind of worth keeping them them and they're heavy, hard to tote around.

They do get musty after if to build bookshelves, but the truth is information can disappear instantly in digital form as one of the reasons we've been encouraged to store everything digitally, including our pictures or photographs because they're not our own when they're stored digitally. And there are ideas or facts about history that just don't appear on google that are allowed to be sold on amazon. And the Normal you, the kind of censorship community, the atlantic magazine and the atlantic council.

And everyone in washing dc says, well, there's a reason for the epic because people just can't know where that's misinformation malindy mac information that may be true but it's inking me and to ask because IT may be critical of our behavior. Um you have an absolute right to know anything you want to know as far as i'm concerned. And the only way you're gonna know IT is in books, and so I would not throw those away at all. And by the way, if they tell you can't read IT, you probably should be IT immediately.

I'm a also a big believer in having kids be raised in a home where they are libraries, where they see physical books. And i'm a big believe it's a statement to kids that you take learning seriously that old things are important, but not everything is digital. And I have a whole thing.

I tried to read the bibble every day. I can't stand reading a bible unless I absolutely have to. I write.

I like reading from a physical bible. No distractions, no pings, no dings, no phone calls, no tweet, no telegrams. And yeah, that's the other thing, which is we want to get back to first principles, and you want hope.

We must put god first in everything that we do and understand that we are nothing here, but just for a short, instant, short, little glimpse. And we act not out of outcome, but we act out of obedience. What I am doing right now to try to help trump in and try to do all these things.

I have no idea if will be successful. So why do you do IT charlie? IT could be rigged. IT could be all this happy to go into that. I do IT because I love god, and we're called by jesus to love him.

And everything that we do with our heart and our soul and our strength and our mind and god cares deeply about the type of society that we live in, and is not god's heart anywhere for us to live in. Tyre y geremi at twenty nine seven demand the welfare of the nation that you are in because your welfare is tied to your nation's welfare. Ninety seven, ten.

But those of you who love god hate evil. We are called to go into the public square and to contest for those who cannot fight for themselves. The fight for liberty, and liberty is god's idea, not man's idea. And what we are seeing culminate, I think, is a Christian O A multi decade spiritual battle, which is now currently manifested in the political. And we do IT not because we hope trump is going to win, we do IT to honor a god that loves us.

a man. So final question, are you hopeful?

Of course, i'm hopeful. I'm hopeful. Be in first, of course, in jesus Christ. Because for those that no Christ, we know how the story ends, and we know that there is a creator and there's a divine perfect, or to all of this.

But i'm so hopeful when I see the Younger generation on campus start to shed this left wing brainwashing in this marxism. They attend our turning point USA events. They attend our seminars, they attend our training, and they want a Better life.

I see IT when I travel the country and people that were formally democrats. In fact, I met when I think earlier, SHE said. I got that right there.

He said he escaped the wall mine virus because of our videos. So that's pretty. Stand up.

Yes, stand up. great. Is that and not a great story. Very sweet.

I know her.

Very sweet woman, but let's pretend. No, let's say that I is a very important question because usually the question is, truly, are you optimistic or are you pessimistic? If I say i'm optimistic, people will go home and do nothing.

Because I say, well, Charles y's optimistic s everything's fine so there's nothing to do. If I say i'm pessimistic, people will go home and do nothing because he'll say there's nothing to do. Instead, it's about what we do is what matters.

And I know what something you're saying. You say, charly, i've done everything that's been asked of me. I listen a talker show.

I bought the pillow. I've done everything. By the way, promo code curr at my pillow down com just so we're clear. Okay.

I never bought a pillow. I don't know, not against the pillow, but I never.

I never did by the geese, a dream sheet and those slippers.


That's so good.

everybody. It's more than just getting a reverse mortgage in your home. It's more than buying really factor. It's about getting into the arena. And what does that mean?

That means if you are actively not being criticized, cancelled, smear or slander, red, you are a spectator, not a participant. We will save this country when all of us are participants in this fight. That means that you guys can sign up and take they take vacation time and come to arizona to go chase ballots for Donald d trump.

We will put you to work. This means you guys can write letters to swing voters in key states pleading for them to make the right decision. This means educating your kids, home schooling your kids and taking them out of government schools.

This means that you're going to feed your kids and grandkids healthy food and not that highly processed garbage that is currently being put down by the big ag companies. This means you are going to learn every single week and prioritizing this means you are going to be an active citizen. And as we set IT earlier and active, informed, thoughtful, deep and faithful citizen is the greatest to a tyrannical regime. And in that talk, ker I apple.

amman, charly calculators and gentleman, thank you.

The big tech companies, sensor are content. I hate to tell you that is still going on in twenty twenty four. But you know what? They can't sensor live events. That's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of september.

Coast to coast, we'll be in cities across nine states will be in maloka with Larry elder, rosenberg, texas with jessy Kelly, grand rapids with kid rock, SHE pencillings ani with J. D. Vance, reading, pennsylvania with alex Jones or were texas with rose and bar, Greenville south Caroline with margey Taylor Green, sudden rise ford with john rich Jackson willford with Donald trumps junior, even a tickets at tucker carlson dot com.

What you see there? Thanks for listen and tucker cross and show. If you enjoy IT, you can go to talk to cross in the calm to see everything that we have made the complete library tr croson dcm.