Alex Berenson认为,mRNA新冠疫苗存在严重的副作用和无效性,2021年夏季政府在明知疫苗无效的情况下仍然推进加强针接种和强制接种,这是一种错误且可能构成犯罪的行为。他认为,这一政策的背后动机可能是为了转移公众对阿富汗撤军失败的注意力,并且这项政策在媒体和部分民众中很受欢迎。他还指出,数十亿剂疫苗被生产出来却从未使用,这表明政府在明知疫苗无效的情况下仍然继续采购。此外,他还质疑公共卫生部门在疫情期间没有鼓励人们保持健康,反而采取了掩盖风险的措施。他认为,政府在疫情期间的决策是一系列错误,这些错误导致了大量人员死亡、经济衰退和儿童受教育程度下降。最后,他还谈到了生育率下降的问题,并认为这可能与新冠疫苗有关。
Discusses the effectiveness and safety of mRNA vaccines, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alex Berenson claims the vaccines should be withdrawn from the market and questions the decision-making process behind vaccine mandates.
mRNA vaccines may have long-term risks, including the production of IgG4 antibodies.
The efficacy of mRNA vaccines against new variants is questionable.
The decision to mandate vaccines, especially for low-risk groups, was potentially driven by political motivations.
Billions of vaccine doses were paid for but never used, representing a significant financial loss.