My podcast is about everything Spirituality
LGBTQ community
Believe in Jesus Christ and you will not perish in your sins
I dare you to believe in Jesus
Law does not save you. Jesus is the only savior of mankind
Drunkenness and alcohol are negative influences
4 topics on poison trafficking and end timings
Don't delay believe in Jesus Christ today
Persecute is to punish believers for confessing Jesus Christ
The holy spirit is the helper for believers
Animals and the devil coincide
Fame is deceptive
Your feelings are not your own
Time is not on our side believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.
Stuttering is contagious but it can be fixed
Friends are fickle like pickles
Fall in love with Jesus, dating and relationship-romance
Demons are scared of you and the power of Jesus Christ
This episode talks on religion and how the the different beliefs in the world our all lies and Jesus
Guns can be dangerous and can cause death so we should take caution with our rights
Tips on life