cover of episode Escalating to War between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran

Escalating to War between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran

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The Truth of the Matter

Seth Jones
塞思·琼斯博士介绍了CSIS关于以色列、真主党和伊朗之间战争升级的新数据分析报告。报告数据显示,2023年10月7日事件后,以色列和真主党之间的暴力事件数量急剧增加,从每周约200起增加到900起。冲突的地理范围也从最初的边境3-4公里扩展到近30公里。琼斯博士认为,以色列最初将重点放在加沙问题上,以及美国政府的干预,延缓了冲突的扩大。短期来看,真主党受到重创,其反击能力受到严重削弱;长期来看,伊朗在黎巴嫩及周边地区的影响力构成持续挑战。以色列的目标是削弱真主党和伊朗的军事能力,并阻止伊朗进一步行动,同时重新安置北部流离失所的以色列人。摧毁真主党的军事设施需要持续打击武器库、生产设施以及物资运输路线,并切断伊朗的物资供应。以色列和美国在应对冲突的策略和最终目标上存在分歧,这部分源于两国各自的国内政治和外交政策目标。以色列目前的首要任务是保护自身安全,这与美国政府较为谨慎的策略有所不同。 安德鲁·施瓦茨与塞思·琼斯博士讨论了以色列、真主党和伊朗之间不断升级的冲突。他们分析了冲突的规模和范围,以及以色列和真主党各自采取的行动。施瓦茨还探讨了美国和以色列在应对冲突方面的战略差异,以及这些差异对地区稳定和未来冲突的影响。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes the significant increase in violent incidents between Israel and Hezbollah, highlighting the escalating number of attacks and the expansion of the conflict's geographical scope. The data reveals a dramatic rise in attacks, from around 200 per week to nearly 900 by September 2024, and a tenfold increase in the conflict's geographical reach.
  • Dramatic increase in violent incidents between Israel and Hezbollah.
  • Number of attacks rose from approximately 200 per week to nearly 900 by September 2024.
  • Significant expansion of the conflict's geographical scope, up to tenfold increase.

Shownotes Transcript

Seth Jones, President of the CSIS Defense and Security Department and Harold Brown Chair in Strategy, joins the podcast to discuss the data on increasing violence between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran presented in a new CSIS publication.

Latest CSIS analysis on escalating war between Israel, Hezbollah, and Iran)