cover of episode A “Negative Spiraling Cycle” in Lebanon

A “Negative Spiraling Cycle” in Lebanon

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The Truth of the Matter

Aram Nerguizian
Aram Nerguizian认为,以色列和真主党之间的冲突已经演变成一个“互相伤害的僵局”。真主党虽然在政治和军事上都遭受了重大损失,特别是其领导层遭到重创,军事实力被削弱,但其在南部地区的抵抗仍在持续。以色列的策略是通过精准打击和特种部队行动来打击真主党,避免大规模地面入侵。这种策略在一定程度上取得了成功,但也导致冲突长期化。黎巴嫩国内局势复杂,各派系对真主党实力削弱的反应谨慎,主要担忧的是冲突可能升级为国内冲突,以及由此引发的国内流离失所和教派冲突。黎巴嫩人民正在以坚韧的态度应对冲突,但这种适应性也可能导致负面循环,加剧不安全感,并可能导致黎巴嫩进一步衰落,甚至成为一个失败国家。贝鲁特作为高度城市化地区,也受到冲突波及,以色列的精准打击行动对黎巴嫩人民的心理造成了影响,打破了以往冲突中存在的“安全区”的概念。长期来看,伊朗需要决定在当前危机中可以接受的方案,而以色列也需要明确其缓和局势的策略。 Andrew Schwartz主要负责引导访谈,提出问题,并对Aram Nerguizian的观点进行回应和补充。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, examining the military strategies employed by both sides. It discusses the impact of Israel's targeted strikes and special forces operations, the resilience of Hezbollah's defensive positions, and the long-term implications of the conflict's trajectory.
  • Escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah since July 2024
  • Decimation of Hezbollah's senior leadership
  • Israel's use of targeted strikes and special forces
  • Hezbollah's defensive positions in southern Lebanon
  • Questions about Hezbollah's missile capabilities
  • Impact of the conflict on Lebanon's internal stability

Shownotes Transcript

Aram Nerguizian, CSIS senior associate and an expert on the Levant, joins the podcast to discuss the escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah’s current political and military capabilities, and the impact of the conflict on the Lebanese people.