As The Sunday Times’ West Coast Correspondent, Danny Fortson has witnessed the technological whirlwi
What's the point of quantum computing now we have generative AI? Will quantum computing change the w
Danny and Katie take on two big issues of the week - finding out from social media analyst Dan Whitm
The future might finally be here! Danny visits the headquarters of Joby Aviation, the company possib
Danny and Katie look at the implications for Tech with the return of President-elect Donald Trump to
If we made robots think more like animals, how clever could they be? This week we hear from David Ra
Satya Nadella is only the third boss in the tech giant's 50 year history, but he has pivoted Microso
Katie and Danny are joined by Al Gore for big thoughts on how to take on the big challenges. Outside
This week - money, invention and regulation as we delve deep into the mind of Vlad Tenev, the co-fou
Danny joins Katie in London for the Times Tech Summit, where the co-founder and boss of Google DeepM
Danny Fortson in California - 'Danny in the Valley' - joins Katie Prescott in London to talk to the
'For nearly seven years Danny Fortson has made the Valley his own, interviewing the newcomers and th
The Sunday Times’ tech correspondent brings on John Chambers, former chief executive of Cisco, to ta
The gig economy is coming for your soul. The Sunday Times’ tech correspondent Danny Fortson brings o
Artificial intelligence “agents” will create more economic value than humans within ten years. Sound
The Sunday Times’ tech correspondent Danny Fortson brings on Steve Oldham of Captura, to talk about
The Sunday Times’ tech correspondent Danny Fortson brings on Zal Bilimoria to talk about being a sol
It wasn’t long ago that lab-grown meat was booming. Startups raised billions of dollars. Investors b
British tech tycoon Mike Lynch faced potentially dying in a federal prison. But in a 12-week trial i
The Sunday Times’ tech correspondent Danny Fortson brings on Alex Deghan, founder of Conservation X
The Sunday Times tech correspondent Danny Fortson brings on Hany Farid, a digital forensic professor