Hosted by Spencer Downey & Jason Lucas, The Starting Zone is a Podcast about the people who play Wor
In the seventh of our class series, we focus on Priests and all their shadowy goodness.
In the sixth of our minicast series, we focus on Warriors.
Its our Blizzcon 2009 Special Event podcast, albeit a bit late.
Patch 3.2 is live and breaking our UI!
Druids: Jack of all trades, Masters of ALL!
A minicast about multiboxing and other multiple personality disorders.
More DOTs, more DOTs and other Warlock sayings.
Stealth, pickpocketing and other Rogue like things!
AOE, DPS, PUGS and other loveable WoW Acronyms!
Ode to Righteous Fury, A Paladin Story
A Hunter We Will Go!
Stacking Gold 101
Instances, Party and Loot Oh My!
Ode to Professions!
The Breaking Wind!
Where do we begin?