In bite-sized episodes every weekday, we'll keep you informed, tickled, geeked, and pondering on Chi
Hundreds protested outside Lurie Children's Hospital over the weekend over its pause on gender affir
Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago is still pausing gender affirming surgeries despite a new court
Resignations continue from Mayor Brandon Johnson’s cabinet, what cutting USAID does to Illinois farm
Two Illinois Democratic lawmakers are teaming up this spring to try to address what’s known as the “
Illinois’ former House speaker Michael Madigan put on a smiling face after his corruption conviction
Former Illinois House speaker Michael Madigan is found guilty in 10 verdicts. National Heart Month i
County board members in Springfield have approved the settlement with the family of Sonya Massey. Fa
The University of Chicago is part of a lawsuit over the Trump administration’s move to cut billions
President Donald Trump has pardoned former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Advocates in Chicago w
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is suing the Trump administration along with attorneys general
In the Illinois legislature’s spring session, The Clean Slate Coalition is hoping to cut through bur
More than 160 employees who work on environmental justice or held positions related to DEI at the EP
The Justice Department sues officials including Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Illinois Governor
The Department of Justice is suing the City of Chicago, the state of Illinois and Cook County over t
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is expected to defend Chicago’s sanctuary city status on a national st
Mayor Brandon Johnson says he will travel to D.C. next month to testify before Congress. Chicago att
Illinois is moving to bar anyone who took part in the January 6th insurrection from state employment
Hundreds of ducks and other birds are washing up dead along the Chicago area’s lakefront. An organiz
Chicago teachers say some of their students stayed home yesterday as part of a national protest call
Mayor Brandon Johnson works toward a revised Anjanette Young ordinance, Illinois lawmakers introduce