cover of episode Once you start looking for fatphobia, you won’t be able to unsee it

Once you start looking for fatphobia, you won’t be able to unsee it

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The Rundown | Chicago News

Shownotes Transcript

“People hate to admit they’re sexist or ageist or racist,” said retired women’s studies professor Esther Rothblum. “But if you ask people about fat oppression, they will tell you they hate fat people.”

Rothblum spent much of her career studying anti-fatness, and her research illustrates just how pervasive fatphobia is. Rothblum spoke with WBEZ’s daily talk show Reset as part of a series about anti-fat bias called “Bias Against Bodies,” which was produced by Rundown producer Sarah Stark.

In this episode, host Erin Allen talks to Stark about the insidious ways anti-fat bias shows up in our daily lives.

This episode was originally published on Feb. 6, 2023.*