cover of episode The Border Is a Top Campaign Issue. It’s Also Their Home.

The Border Is a Top Campaign Issue. It’s Also Their Home.

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The Run-Up

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jasmine Ulloa
Jasmine Ulloa: 美墨边境居民生活密切相关,政治叙事未能充分反映边境地区的实际挑战,导致民众对边境的负面认知加剧;部分民众对移民的负面态度源于对经济机会和社会资源分配不均的担忧;即使对特朗普的移民言论有异议,许多边境居民仍然将经济因素置于首位;拉丁裔选民的政治参与度低,且往往被政治运动忽视;边境地区的移民涌入情况波动较大,不同时期不同地区受影响程度不同;移民涌入导致的社会服务压力加大,加剧了社会紧张局势;涌入美国的移民群体构成日益多元化,这也在美国拉丁裔群体内部引发了新的分歧;美墨边境安全措施的加强,给边境居民的日常生活带来了极大的不便和压力;边境地区的军事化程度日益加剧,加剧了社会紧张局势;2019年埃尔帕索沃尔玛枪击案对当地居民产生了深远的影响,加剧了人们对仇恨犯罪的担忧。 受访者: 部分受访者认同民主党,但对该党在移民问题上的立场转变感到失望;部分受访者对民主党日益变化的政治言论感到失望;部分受访者对民主党在移民问题上的立场感到失望,并因此难以认同民主党;受访者认为将某些议题简单地归类为“拉丁裔议题”并不准确;受访者认为在像埃尔帕索这样的地方,缺乏政治力量的建设;部分受访者表示倾向于支持特朗普,因为其政治策略更直接有效;部分受访者的邻居或亲戚支持特朗普,原因是其在堕胎等议题上的立场;部分受访者的亲属支持特朗普,认为其移民政策符合其自身经历;部分受访者认为,对他们而言,美墨边境并非一道难以逾越的障碍,两地居民生活密切相关;受访者认为,美墨边境加强安全措施后,两地居民生活联系有所改变;部分受访者同情新移民的困境,但也认为移民涌入给当地社会带来了压力,并导致墨西哥裔居民被忽视;部分受访者认为移民涌入对他们自身生活影响不大;部分受访者认为移民应该通过合法途径进入美国;受访者认为自己首先是美国人,而非某个特定拉丁裔群体的成员;部分受访者认为许多移民对美国的期望值过高;受访者对特朗普再次当选感到担忧;受访者希望卡马拉·哈里斯当选,认为其能促进团结和稳定;即使在民主党支持者群体中,对移民问题的看法也存在差异;在埃尔帕索等边境社区,人们对移民歧视和仇外心理的讨论并不像其他社群那样公开;埃尔帕索的历史上存在针对墨西哥裔移民的歧视行为,但这段历史并未被广泛知晓;人们对2019年沃尔玛枪击案的责任归属存在不同看法,这与他们的政治立场有关。

Deep Dive

El Paso residents, living on the border, offer diverse perspectives on immigration and the 2024 election. While some express frustration with both Democrats and Republicans, others prioritize economic opportunities. The militarization of the border and the 2019 Walmart shooting deeply impact the community.
  • El Paso residents have a fluid cross-border life, utilizing services and maintaining social connections in Ciudad Juarez.
  • The increase in migrant crossings has created real challenges for El Paso, straining resources and fueling national news coverage.
  • The shift in public sentiment on immigration is influenced by both practical challenges and political rhetoric.
  • Economic concerns play a significant role in voting decisions, even among those who disagree with Trump's immigration rhetoric.
  • The Santa Fe Bridge, a historical crossing point, has become a focal point of migrant protests and increased security measures.
  • The influx of migrants has shifted demographics and created tensions within the Latino community.
  • The militarization of the border has significantly altered the way of life for El Paso residents.
  • State and local communities grapple with the impact of increased migration amid political gridlock.
  • The 2019 Walmart shooting, a hate crime targeting Latinos, remains a significant trauma for the community.

Shownotes Transcript

This year, Democrats and Republicans are both fighting to convince voters that their party alone can fix what both parties say is a big problem: the Southern border.

And public sentiment on the issue is shifting. According to Gallup, 55 percent of Americans want to curb immigration, the highest recorded total since 2001.

With that in mind, we wanted to talk with people who actually live and work near the border. So we traveled to El Paso, with Jazmine Ulloa, a Times politics reporter who grew up there.

On this week’s show, a conversation on the border about the border, and what people there make of the shifting politics in the battle over their backyard.

On today’s episode:

Jazmine Ulloa), a national politics reporter for The New York Times