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In Other News, Who Will Control Congress?

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The Run-Up

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Amy Walter
Ested Herndon
Ested Herndon:2024年美国中期选举的重要性不仅在于总统选举,国会选举的结果将直接影响总统的施政,因此对众议院和参议院的控制权之争至关重要。本节目将深入探讨下级选举的形势,分析两党在总统竞选之外的表现,以及选民的投票倾向。 Amy Walter:目前选举形势胶着,难以预测最终结果。俄亥俄州参议员选举将成为关键,它将检验候选人能否超越总统候选人的影响力。如果民主党候选人Sherrod Brown能够在特朗普赢得俄亥俄州的情况下胜选,这将表明选民愿意支持不同政党的候选人,预示着民主党在参议院选举中可能会有更好的表现。同时,这也将反映出在两极分化的时代,这种类型的候选人是否仍然具有竞争力。民主党保住参议院多数席位的可能性很小,这取决于蒙大拿州和德克萨斯州的选举结果。即使在德克萨斯州,选举结果非常接近,民主党候选人仍然需要赢得更多共和党选民的支持才能获胜。蒙大拿州的民主党参议员John Tester面临巨大挑战,需要争取大量共和党选民的支持才能连任。在人口较小的州,选民更关注当地候选人的特点,而不是其所属政党的全国性形象。但蒙大拿州人口增长使得选民对政治的看法更加全国化,这使得候选人更难强调其地方特色。在全国范围内,候选人越来越难以强调自己与所属政党的区别。蒙大拿州涌入大量资金和人口,改变了当地选民对民主党候选人的期望。在德克萨斯州,民主党参议员候选人Colin Allred面临的挑战是如何将支持率从45%或46%提高到50%。即使哈里斯输掉德克萨斯州的选举,其失利幅度可能小于蒙大拿州或俄亥俄州,这将有利于在该州竞选的民主党下级候选人。 Amy Walter:众议院选举中,大约有25个席位竞争激烈,其中包括加利福尼亚州、纽约州和爱荷华州的席位。通常情况下,竞争激烈的众议院席位最终会呈现一致的趋势。加利福尼亚州和纽约州在2022年选举中的投票率较低,这可能影响到2024年众议院选举的结果。数据显示,在纽约州和加利福尼亚州的竞争性席位中,哈里斯的支持率不如拜登在2020年的支持率高。爱荷华州虽然在总统选举中并非竞争激烈的州,但其部分众议院选区竞争激烈。除了总统竞选外,下级选举也能够帮助我们了解各政党的竞选策略和关注的议题。移民和经济问题是共和党候选人关注的两个主要议题。共和党利用移民和经济问题来攻击民主党,认为民主党使民众生活更不安全、更贫困。共和党在竞选广告中将边境问题与芬太尼等毒品问题联系起来,还利用边境问题来强调政府资金的分配问题。无论是总统竞选还是下级选举,选民最终都会权衡不同候选人带来的风险。一些民主党参议员在竞选广告中对特朗普和共和党持较为积极的态度,这可能是他们内部民调结果的反映。在摇摆州,民主党候选人需要争取独立选民的支持,而这需要他们能够在某些问题上与共和党合作。在摇摆州,贸易问题是能够吸引独立选民的议题。下级候选人可以通过在某些议题上与特朗普达成共识来争取中间选民的支持。共和党在候选人挑选方面做得更好,但亚利桑那州的情况除外。国会席位竞争减少反映了两极分化和僵局加剧的趋势。由于很少有人参加初选,这导致国会议员更关注初选结果,而不是大选结果,从而削弱了他们跨党派合作的意愿。众议院选举结果可能需要几天甚至几周才能揭晓,而参议院选举结果可能在选举之夜就能揭晓。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Ohio Senate race considered a key indicator for the 2024 election?

It will show if voters are willing to split tickets, giving Republicans a chance despite Trump's expected win.

Why might Democrats have a slim chance of retaining control of the Senate?

They need to win tough races in Montana and Texas, where Republicans currently lead or have an advantage.

Why are some House races in California and New York competitive despite these states being traditionally blue?

These states underperformed in 2022, and their turnout isn't as strong as in 2020, affecting down-ballot races.

Why are immigration and crime key issues for Republican candidates in 2024?

They frame these issues as threats to safety and prosperity, resonating with voters' concerns about risk.

Why are some Democratic Senate candidates highlighting their past cooperation with Trump?

It helps them appeal to swing voters who like Trump's policies but not his behavior, signaling bipartisanship.

Why might we not know the outcome of the House races on election night?

California and other states with mail-in ballots take longer to count votes, delaying results in close races.

The episode delves into the down-ballot races of 2024, focusing on the House and Senate, and how these races will influence the broader political landscape.
  • The Ohio Senate race will be a test case for how much a candidate can outrun the top of the ticket.
  • Democrats currently control the Senate by a razor-thin margin, but their chances are slim due to tough races in states like Ohio and Montana.
  • Republicans are likely to have a better night at the Senate level, potentially picking up more seats than expected.

Shownotes Transcript

For most of this year, we’ve been focused on the race for president, the messages coming from both parties’ nominees and their reception among voters.

But that’s not all that’s on the ballot this November, and so much of what any president can do in the White House depends on who’s in Congress.

So before Election Day, we wanted to take a look at the down-ballot landscape of 2024.

Who will control the House and the Senate? And what can we learn about both parties when we turn away from the top of the ticket?

On today’s episode:

Amy Walter), publisher and editor in chief of The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter.

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