cover of episode ‘John Wick’ With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Shea Serrano

‘John Wick’ With Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Shea Serrano

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The Rewatchables

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bill Simmons
Chris Ryan
Shea Serrano
Bill Simmons:影片的成功让基努·里维斯在事业低谷后重回巅峰,并认为影片在动作电影类型片发展中的独特地位,以及其在拍摄手法和细节设计上的巧妙之处。他还分析了基努·里维斯在动作电影领域取得的成就,以及他在不同时期所展现的不同类型的角色和表演风格。 Chris Ryan:基努·里维斯拥有独特的第六感,能够在多年后凭借新的角色和电影制作方式重回巅峰。他认为基努·里维斯两次革新了美国动作电影,并融合了亚洲电影风格,影片满足了观众对动作电影类型片创新的渴望。他还高度评价了影片的长镜头拍摄手法,以及其对亚洲电影的致敬。 Shea Serrano:他认为基努·里维斯凭借《疾速追杀》系列巩固了他现代最伟大的动作影星的地位,并分析了基努·里维斯在《疾速追杀》中的表演风格与他在其他电影中的不同之处。他还认为影片巧妙地利用细节设置来构建其独特的电影世界观,并通过简单的对话就能够让观众理解电影的情节。

Deep Dive

Keanu Reeves' career was considered over before John Wick. This film cemented him as the greatest modern action star. His career resembles a LeBron vs. MJ argument: LeBron's career was longer, but MJ's peak was higher. Keanu revolutionized action movies twice with The Matrix and John Wick.
  • Keanu Reeves' career was in a slump before John Wick.
  • John Wick cemented Keanu Reeves as a top modern action star.
  • Keanu revolutionized action movies twice.

Shownotes Transcript

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan, and Shea Serrano are thinking they’re back after rewatching the 2014 action-thriller hit ‘John Wick,’ starring Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, and Alfie Allen.

Watch this episode on our Ringer Movies YouTube channel)!

Producer: Craig Horlbeck

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