We chat to former Sega Power editor Dean Mortlock, writer Paul Monaghan and Amiga Addict's Ian Griffiths about their new retro magazines and why we'll soon see an Amiga mag back in WHSmith!
Sega Powered: https://www.segapowered.com/) Amiga Addict: https://www.amiga-addict.com/)
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Show notes:
PowerSlave Exhumed remaster: https://bit.ly/3HFsurI) New wireless Amiga 'tank' mouse: https://bit.ly/3sCF8DC) Are more Resident Evil remakes coming?: https://bit.ly/3MjYQMe) Wordle for Windows 3.1: https://www.dialup.net/windle/) Someone has bought the Silent Hill website, and it isn't Konami: https://bit.ly/3IIx6Pd) Your PC can't run this NES emulator: https://bit.ly/3tstcU3)