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Introducing... Legacy

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The Rest Is Politics: US

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旁白: 本片段讲述了1962年古巴导弹危机期间,美国总统肯尼迪及其团队在白宫面临的巨大压力和艰难抉择。苏联在古巴部署核导弹,美国发现后,肯尼迪总统宣布对古巴进行海上封锁,并警告苏联,美国不排除使用军事手段来消除这一威胁。这一举动将世界带到了核战争的边缘。紧张的局势在苏联船只改变航向后有所缓和,但危机并未结束。美国军方要求对古巴采取军事行动的压力越来越大,肯尼迪总统最终与苏联达成协议,苏联撤出在古巴的导弹,美国则撤出在土耳其的导弹。 迪安·拉斯克: 在古巴导弹危机最紧张的时刻,拉斯克观察到苏联似乎做出了让步,这为局势的缓和创造了机会。 罗伯特·肯尼迪: 作为肯尼迪总统的弟弟,罗伯特·肯尼迪亲身经历了古巴导弹危机的紧张气氛,他描述了当时总统面临的巨大压力和世界处于核战争边缘的恐惧。 阿芙阿·赫什: 阿芙阿·赫什认为,古巴导弹危机通常被描绘成肯尼迪总统的胜利,但从苏联的角度来看,这是一个双方都做出让步的妥协。她还指出,美国对苏联的误解以及美国在古巴的行动加剧了危机。她认为美国的强硬姿态可能被视为一种霸凌行为。 彼得·弗兰科潘: 彼得·弗兰科潘认为,美国充分了解苏联的政治体制、经济状况和扩张主义本质,苏联并非一个软弱的对手。他指出,苏联的经济实力相对较弱,它试图通过威胁来确保自身的安全,苏联共产党的政权生存是其一切行动的核心目标。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Cuban Missile Crisis considered a pivotal moment in JFK's presidency?

It was a terrifying geo-political moment where JFK had to manage the threat of nuclear war against the Soviet Union.

What was the immediate reaction of the US military leaders after the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

They were furious, seeing it as a defeat rather than a diplomatic success.

How did JFK's personal experiences influence his decision-making during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

His experience of war and his role as a father made him averse to starting an avoidable nuclear conflict.

Why did the Soviet Union place missiles in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

They aimed to reassure Castro and show solidarity, partly due to concerns about Castro siding with China.

What was the broader context of the Soviet Union's actions during the Cold War?

The Soviet Union was expansionist and imperialistic, with a military-industrial complex that often pushed for aggressive actions.

This chapter explores JFK's leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis, focusing on the tense moments in the White House and the decisions that could have led to nuclear war.
  • JFK faced a critical decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis, with the world on the brink of nuclear war.
  • The chapter highlights the tension and fear in the White House as JFK and his advisors navigated the crisis.
  • The narrative emphasizes the high stakes and the potential catastrophic outcomes of the decisions made.

Shownotes Transcript

Listen to Legacy from Wondery and Goalhanger Podcasts. Each season, historian Peter Frankopan and broadcaster Afua Hirsch tell the wild stories of the most extraordinary men and women to have ever lived – and ask whether they have the reputation they deserve.


Born into great privilege,* *John F. Kennedy became one of the most influential world leaders of the 21st century. His liberal domestic agenda inspired optimism among the next generation of Americans whilst his foreign policies were defined by the Cold War and the space race. His assassination in 1963 sustains the public’s fascination and has cemented his place as one of the world’s most influential cultural and political icons. And with the US elections coming up, how much of it can we attribute to JFK?


In this clip of Legacy, JFK is in the eye of the storm of one of the most terrifying geo-political moments of modern history: the Cuban Missile Crisis. Will history look down on him as a hero or a failure?


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