cover of episode Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar (Extract)

Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar (Extract)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom Holland
Tom Holland 在节目开头介绍了《王朝》这本书,它是《鲁比孔河》的续集,讲述了从奥古斯都崛起到尼禄去世这段罗马帝国历史。书中展现了罗马帝国的兴衰,以及统治者们的复杂性和矛盾性。既有奥古斯都建立的相对和平的时代,也有卡里古拉、尼禄等统治者残暴统治的时期。书中还探讨了历史记载的可靠性问题,以及如何解读这些充满权力斗争、阴谋和暴行的历史事件。通过对奥古斯都及其继承人的分析,展现了罗马帝国的统治方式、社会风貌以及权力更迭的残酷性。 书中引言部分详细描述了奥古斯都王朝的统治时期,从奥古斯都的崛起,到提比略、卡里古拉、克劳狄乌斯和尼禄的统治,以及王朝最终的覆灭。这段历史充满了阴谋、背叛、权力斗争、以及统治者们的个人放纵和暴行。同时,这段时期也见证了罗马帝国的扩张和相对和平的时期(Pax Romana),这在引言中也有所体现。引言还探讨了历史记录的可靠性问题,指出历史记载可能受到当时政治环境和个人偏见的影响,因此需要谨慎解读。

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To coincide with the re-release of Dynasty in audiobook, now with Tom Holland himself narrating, we have the book’s introduction for you to enjoy.


Dynasty, the sequel to Rubicon, is a dazzling portrait of Rome's first imperial dynasty,* *tracing the full astonishing story of its rule of the world. Ranging from the great capital rebuilt in marble by Augustus to the dank and barbarian-haunted forests of Germany, it is populated by a spectacular cast: murderers and metrosexuals, adulterers and druids, scheming grandmothers and reluctant gladiators.


Dynasty’s re-released audiobook, narrated by our very own Tom Holland, is OUT NOW in the UK.

Dynasty continues Rubicon's story, opening where that book ended: with the murder of Julius Caesar. This is the period of the first and perhaps greatest Roman Emperors and it's a colorful story of rule and ruination, running from the rise of Augustus through to the death of Nero. Holland's expansive history also has distinct shades of I Claudius, with five wonderfully vivid (and in three cases, thoroughly depraved) Emperors—Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero—featured, along with numerous fascinating secondary characters. Intrigue, murder, naked ambition and treachery, greed, gluttony, lust, incest, pageantry, decadence—the tale of these five Caesars continues to cast a mesmerizing spell across the millennia.

The Rest Is History LIVE in the U.S.A.

If you live in the States, we've got some great news: Tom and Dominic will be performing throughout America in November, with shows in San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston and New York. 

The Rest Is History LIVE at the Royal Albert Hall

Tom and Dominic, accompanied by a live orchestra, take a deep dive into the lives and times of two of history’s greatest composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Tickets on sale now at





Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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