cover of episode 490. Hundred Years' War: England Triumphant (Part 4)

490. Hundred Years' War: England Triumphant (Part 4)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom: 本集回顾了阿金库尔战役的惨烈景象以及亨利五世在战役后的策略。他处理战死者遗体,焚烧战利品,并对俘虏进行了一番训诫。亨利五世在加莱休整后凯旋伦敦,受到民众热烈欢迎。他将胜利归功于上帝,并利用这一胜利巩固了自己的统治,提升了英国的国际地位。他与西吉斯蒙德皇帝结盟,获得了国际支持,并计划征服诺曼底,最终征服法国。在1417年,他再次入侵诺曼底,并迅速占领了该地区的大片土地,包括鲁昂。在法国内乱的背景下,亨利五世与勃艮第公爵结盟,并通过特鲁瓦条约成为法国的摄政王和继承人,王太子被剥夺继承权。亨利五世与凯瑟琳结婚,并生下了一个儿子,进一步巩固了他的统治。然而,亨利五世最终在1422年去世,未能完成征服法国的目标,他的成就最终化为乌有。 Dominic: 本集详细描述了阿金库尔战役的残酷和法国的惨败,以及战后法国的政治动荡。阿尔马纳克伯爵的暴政激化了社会矛盾,为亨利五世的入侵创造了机会。勃艮第公爵与亨利五世暗中结盟,共同对抗法国王太子。亨利五世利用这一联盟,征服了诺曼底,并最终通过特鲁瓦条约获得了法国王位的继承权。然而,这一看似稳固的胜利最终化为泡影,亨利五世英年早逝,他的儿子亨利六世年幼无能,最终失去了法国。阿金库尔战役的胜利虽然辉煌,但其影响是短暂的,百年战争的最终结局是英格兰的失败。

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St Crispin’s day, 1415: Henry V stands victorious, after a tremendous defeat of the French forces at the Battle of Agincourt. He is just about to make a historic speech which will be retold by Shakespeare nearly two centuries later. There are mounds of bodies, too many dead for the chroniclers to count. Those who escaped the bloodshed have been taken prisoner back to England, including the young Duke of Orleans, on the day before his twenty-first birthday. And a month later, across the Channel, the Count of Armagnac comes to power in Paris, and rules so brutally that the residents of the French capital start to hope for an English invasion. Henry V is taking no time to rest, and begins planning his next offensive…

Join Tom and Dominic in the fourth instalment of our series on the Hundred Year’s War, as Henry V considers his next move after his triumph at Agincourt.

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If you live in the States, we've got some great news: Tom and Dominic will be performing throughout America in November, with shows in San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston and New York. 

The Rest Is History LIVE at the Royal Albert Hall

Tom and Dominic, accompanied by a live orchestra, take a deep dive into the lives and times of two of history’s greatest composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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