cover of episode 487. Hundred Years' War: Henry V’s Invasion of France (Part 1)

487. Hundred Years' War: Henry V’s Invasion of France (Part 1)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom: 本集探讨了亨利五世入侵法国的背景,包括法国国内的政治动荡、查理六世国王的精神问题以及奥尔良派和勃艮第派之间的权力斗争。亨利五世利用法国的内乱,试图通过军事行动来实现其对法国王位的野心,并巩固其在英格兰的统治地位。他相信上帝站在他这一边,并且他拥有强大的军队和资源来支持他的行动。 Dominic: 本集详细描述了法国在亨利五世入侵之前的混乱局势,包括奥尔良公爵被暗杀、卡波希恩起义以及阿尔马纳克派和勃艮第派之间的冲突。这些事件导致法国政治极度不稳定,为亨利五世的入侵创造了机会。此外,本集还分析了亨利五世入侵法国的动机,包括其对法国王位的合法性主张、巩固其统治的需要以及对战争的预期收益。

Deep Dive

Enrique V, hijo del rey usurpador, decide reclamar el trono francés, poniendo fin a la tregua en la Guerra de los Cien Años. En el verano de 1415, sitia el importante puerto de Harfleur en Normandía, aprovechando la guerra civil entre los borgoñones y los armagnacs en Francia.
  • Enrique V usó la obra de Shakespeare para inspirar a sus tropas.
  • Harfleur era un conocido nido de piratas patrocinados por el estado.
  • La guerra civil en Francia entre los borgoñones y los armagnacs creó una oportunidad para Enrique V.

Shownotes Transcript

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends. Once more, we'll close the wall up with our English dead […] And upon this charge, cry God for Harry, England and St. George!”

Such was Henry V’s call to arms at the siege of Harfleur, as written by Shakespeare. The son of the Usurper King, Henry V has decided to take up the English claim to the French throne, thereby putting an end to the truce that had marked a pause in the Hundred Years’ War. And so, in the late summer of 1415, Henry has decided to lay siege to the massive port of Harfleur, in Normandy, a renowned nest of state-sponsored pirates. The English king has waited a long time for this moment, and the odds may never again be so favourable to him:  a civil war looms in France, as the formidable Burgundians, led by John the Fearless, jostle for power with their sworn enemies, the Armagnacs. The powerless French king, Charles VI, and his son, the Dauphin, can do nothing but watch the infighting unfold…

Join Tom and Dominic in the first part of their return to the story of the Hundred Year’s War, as Henry V takes up a decades-old claim to the French throne…

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Tom and Dominic, accompanied by a live orchestra, take a deep dive into the lives and times of two of history’s greatest composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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