cover of episode 481. The French Revolution: The Women's March on Versailles (Part 7)

481. The French Revolution: The Women's March on Versailles (Part 7)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom: 十月事件是法国大革命的关键转折点,它标志着国王和王后被革命所囚禁,也反映了革命内部的矛盾和社会矛盾的交织。事件的发生是多种因素共同作用的结果,包括面包价格上涨、国王对革命措施的回应、以及马拉特等激进分子煽动性言论的传播。国民议会内部也存在着激进派和保守派之间的分歧,这进一步加剧了社会动荡。 事件中,巴黎民众,特别是妇女,扮演了重要的角色。她们的行动并非完全出于盲目愤怒,而是对社会不公和饥饿的抗议。她们的行动也反映了当时社会中普遍存在的对国王和王后不满的情绪。 拉法耶特在事件中扮演了关键角色,他既试图维护秩序,又试图调和革命派别之间的矛盾。他的行动既体现了他的政治智慧,也体现了他的局限性。 最终,国王和王后被带到巴黎,这标志着君主制的衰落,也预示着法国大革命将走向更加激进的阶段。 Dominic: 十月事件是法国大革命的一个重要转折点,它标志着君主制的衰落,以及革命的激进化。事件中,民众的愤怒和行动是多种因素共同作用的结果,包括面包价格上涨、国王和王后对革命措施的消极回应,以及激进分子的煽动。 事件中,拉法耶特的表现值得关注。他既试图维护秩序,又试图调和革命派别之间的矛盾。他的行动既体现了他的政治智慧,也体现了他的局限性。 事件的发生也反映了法国大革命中普遍存在的矛盾,即政治改革与社会现实之间的矛盾。革命者试图通过政治改革来解决社会问题,但未能有效解决社会矛盾,这导致了社会动荡和暴力事件的发生。 十月事件的发生也预示着法国大革命将走向更加激进的阶段,君主制的衰落以及共和制的兴起将成为大革命的主要趋势。

Deep Dive

The summer of 1789 witnessed escalating tensions within the French Revolution, with the National Assembly divided and the Parisian populace increasingly radicalized. Fueled by rising bread prices and rumors of a lavish banquet at Versailles where the Tricolore was allegedly trampled, a mob of market women marched on the palace, demanding the King's return to Paris.
  • The National Assembly was split between those who favored a British-style constitutional monarchy and those who advocated for more radical change.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, while a landmark achievement, left questions about the rights of women and slaves unanswered.
  • Rising bread prices and rumors of royal extravagance fueled public anger and resentment towards the monarchy.
  • The Women's March on Versailles, sparked by a combination of economic hardship and perceived royal indifference, marked a turning point in the French Revolution.

Shownotes Transcript

By the summer of 1789 the different sections of the Revolution were at loggerheads, and the recently created National Assembly riven in two. Both factions, the radicals on the left and the more moderate revolutionaries on the right, upheld different interpretations of how the new system of governance, so firmly rooted in the idea of ‘la nation’, should be organised, particularly as concerned the authority of the King and the power of his veto. Tensions mounted, with many opposed to the idea of even a constitutional monarchy, and disgusted by the National Assembly’s willingness to treat with Louis XVI. None more so than the citizens of Paris, who progressively came to embody an amorphous but growing sense of ‘the people’. By July, there was a widespread feeling that some sort of violence would inevitably break out in the city against the royal family, thanks in part to the rising bread prices. The form it took in October of that year would prove more dramatic than any could have foreseen. After a lavish banquet in Versailles, an outcry began building in the marketplaces of Paris, with a swelling contingent of peasant women decrying the hunger of their children, and blaming it upon the Queen and the vampires of the court. Then, in a move that would change the fate of France and particularly Marie Antoinette forever, the army of women marched on and entered the palace…

Join Tom and Dominic as they describe one of the most terrifying and savage events of the entire French Revolution: the Women’s March on Versailles, which saw the queen - barefoot and sobbing - hostage to a head-hacking mob that clamoured for her entrails.

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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