cover of episode 477. The French Revolution: The Violence Begins (Part 3)

477. The French Revolution: The Violence Begins (Part 3)

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The Rest Is History

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Tom: 法国大革命并非人权的开端,英国光荣革命是其先例,且较为和平。法国大革命的爆发是金融危机、社会危机和文化因素共同作用的结果,其中金融危机是由于长期累积的巨额债务以及缺乏有效的财政体系造成的;社会危机表现为恶劣的天气、饥荒和民众的普遍饥饿;文化因素则包括对进步、纯洁和美德的痴迷,以及人们相信可以推倒重来,创造一个全新的社会。 法国大革命与英国光荣革命和美国独立战争不同,其原因在于金融危机、社会危机和文化因素的独特结合,以及对叙事和偶然性的重视。法国大革命催生了保守主义思潮,并推动了民族主义在欧洲乃至全球的传播,也塑造了现代政治词汇和观念,例如“左”和“右”。 法国大革命的规模和影响力激发了众多伟大的文学和历史作品,例如狄更斯的《双城记》和西蒙·夏尔玛的《公民》。夏尔玛的著作强调了革命的暴力和代价,但其叙事方式也使革命的戏剧性和复杂性得以展现。 Dominic: 法国大革命的口号“自由、平等、博爱”忽略了义务和责任,最终“博爱”缺失,导致恐怖时代。法国大革命时期存在严重的恐怖主义和暴力行为,人们乐于观看酷刑。法国大革命极具争议性,引发广泛且截然不同的观点,甚至在今天依然如此。 法国大革命是现代历史上最重要的政治事件,是人们试图重塑社会、创造新秩序的典范。路易十六性格温和,但缺乏解决法国社会问题的魄力,其“绝对权力”更多体现为软弱。 18世纪的法国是欧洲最大的王国,拥有强大的农业、贸易和军事实力,但同时也是一个社会等级森严、贫富差距巨大的国家,各地区文化差异显著。路易十六是启蒙时代的人,相信理性与解决问题,并尊重公民权利。 18世纪的法国社会既古老又现代,充满活力和变革,科技发展迅速,启蒙思想盛行。美国独立战争对法国大革命的影响有限,但两者之间存在共同的语言和思想。法国支持美国独立战争加剧了其财政危机,也引发了对君主制度的质疑。法国大革命之前的法国社会就已经存在暴力和动荡,革命并非突然爆发,而是多种因素长期积累的结果。

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With seismic antecedents such as the Glorious Revolution in England and the American War of Independence, what was it about the French Revolution that saw it become arguably the most important episode in all early modern political history? And what unique combination of factors converged to unleash this colossal, world-shaking event; the paradigmatic example of a people trying to reshape their society? By the start of the 18th century, France was the largest kingdom in continental Europe, and a powerhouse of agriculture, trade, and military might. But it was also a multilayered and very complex machine, still heavily founded in its ancient hierarchies and the dominion of the ancien régime. The King, Louis XVI, though in no way despotic and in some ways an enlightened man, did not have the strength to fix the creaking system he had inherited. And while the 18th century was an age of enormous dynamism, energy and modernity into which a new discourse of the self had been born, it was also a time of terrible violence in France, long before the revolution. The nation had also been running up stratospheric debts ever since the 1720s, and the poverty of the monarchy - the plight of every 18th century monarch - was exacerbated by its efforts to fund the American War against the British. Finally, the unravelling situation came to a head when, in 1786, Louis XVI was confronted with the news that the looming financial abyss had finally engulfed France, triggering a series of events that, from 1787, would unleash the doom-spiral of the revolution, and lead to his eventual overthrow…  

Join Dominic and Tom as they discuss the causes behind the French Revolution. From the innovative, enlightened culture of 18th century France, set beside its enduringly hierarchical and deeply violent society, the amiable but feeble Louis XVI with his clueless finance ministers, to the American Revolution, financial cataclysms, and angry mobs. 

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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