cover of episode 463. Mad Elections (Part 1)

463. Mad Elections (Part 1)

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The Rest Is History

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Dominic: 本期节目探讨了英国早期大选的混乱和暴力,从1265年到20世纪初,选举中充斥着暴力事件、贿赂和狂欢。狄更斯的小说《匹克威克外传》生动地描绘了这一时期选举的景象,展现了选民的参与和政治家的腐败。选举制度本身也存在诸多问题,例如腐败选区、混乱的选民资格和投票方式等。 Tom: 早期选举与现代选举相比,更具色彩和趣味性,但也充满了暴力和不确定性。选民范围的扩大和秘密投票制度的引入,逐渐减少了选举中的暴力事件,但也标志着英国政治的某种转变。 Tom: 从蒙福特西蒙的议会到17-18世纪的辉格党和托利党之争,英国选举制度经历了漫长的演变。早期选举中,选民资格的界定模糊,选举过程混乱,暴力事件频发,贿赂现象普遍存在。这些特点与现代选举形成了鲜明对比。 Dominic: 17世纪末18世纪初,随着辉格党和托利党的出现,党派政治开始形成,选举中的暴力冲突也日益加剧。在西敏寺和诺福克郡的选举中,都发生了严重的暴力事件,甚至导致了决斗和死亡。这些事件反映了当时政治斗争的激烈程度和社会秩序的混乱。

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"Good God I am shot! I shall die!"

The colourful kaleidoscope of British elections from 1265 to their early 20th century incarnation, has seen some of the most critical, shocking, and downright farcical moments of western democracy. None more so than during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, when, following the dawn of party politics in the 1690’s, violence and “treating” - a means of enticing voters with raucous, drunken, glutenous street parties - as tools of political persuasion, rose to the fore. Few episodes encapsulate this more admirably than the election of 1698, which saw Whig candidates driving down their Tory opponents with hordes of hired horsemen, cudgelling them as they went. In 1705 - a year that saw party politics truly take shape and the early shoots of the culture wars - the Tories had their revenge, marching on the Whigs of Coventry armed with halberd's…the madness continued into the Victorian era, despite the expanding franchise and a widespread sense of Gladstonian rectitude. In 1865, for example, a good humoured ruckus between a cheerful liberal and a keen conservative resulted in a fatal shot to the mouth. The murderer was partially pardoned on the basis that he had been suffering from “election fever”…these are but a few incidents in the colourful kaleidoscope of election madness.

Join Dominic and Tom as they discuss in titillating detail the highlights of history’s greatest, bawdiest and most bombastic pre-20th century elections. From murder, duelling MPs, hooliganism, and Hogarthian street carnivals, to cat throwing, pub invasions, mass kidnappings and charging grenadiers. Are there echoes of these episodes in the election antics of today? 

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Producer: Theo Young-Smith

Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor

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