cover of episode Why You Need To Vote in Every Presidential Election

Why You Need To Vote in Every Presidential Election

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The Ramsey Show

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Dave Ramsey
Rachel Cruze
Dave Ramsey: 在节目中,Dave Ramsey 强调了参与每次总统大选投票的重要性。他指出,虽然大多数美国人已经选定了自己的候选人,但仍有很多人根本不打算投票。他认为这是一个错误,并呼吁大家理性分析候选人在各个重要议题上的立场,例如经济、通货膨胀、利率、税收、边境、移民、堕胎、枪支管制等,然后做出选择。他强调投票不是为了选择救世主或牧师,而是为了选择在更多重要议题上立场更符合自己期望的候选人。他以自身为例,说明自己自18岁以来从未错过任何一次选举投票,并表示每次投票时,自己都对候选人存在一些保留意见,但他仍然会选择立场更符合自己期望的候选人。他认为,对候选人感到厌恶而放弃投票是一种错误的决策模式。 Dave Ramsey 还谈到了许多福音派基督徒和枪支拥有者由于对候选人的品格不满或对个人信息泄露的担忧而不打算投票的情况。他理解这些担忧,但他仍然认为不投票是一种错误。他建议大家理性分析候选人在各个重要议题上的立场,然后做出选择。他不赞成只关注单一议题进行投票,应该综合考虑候选人在多个重要议题上的立场。他表示,自己将投票给特朗普,是因为他在更多重要议题上的立场更符合他的期望,即使他对特朗普的个人品格和风格有所保留。 Rachel Cruze: Rachel Cruze 也强调了投票的重要性,她认为这是美国公民的权利和责任,特别是对于年轻一代来说,更应该重视投票的重要性。她认为不投票可能会影响选举结果,因此应该积极参与投票。她还呼吁大家理性思考,不要盲目跟从某个政党,要独立思考,做出自己的选择。

Deep Dive

Dave Ramsey discusses the importance of voting in every presidential election, addressing the misconception that most people are undecided and emphasizing the need for those who are not planning to vote to reconsider.
  • Most people have already decided who they will vote for.
  • A large block of people are not planning to vote, which is a mistake.
  • Voting is a patriotic duty and a right that should be exercised.
  • Voting should be based on a list of issues rather than a single issue.

Shownotes Transcript

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Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • Why you need to vote in every presidential election,

  • "My parents moved in and aren't paying rent,"

  • "My wife & I don't share the same views financially"

  • Baby Steps Millionaire Theme Hour.

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