cover of episode Introduction: The Ramsey Show

Introduction: The Ramsey Show

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The Ramsey Show

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Ramsey Show团队成员
《Ramsey Show》旨在通过提供金钱、信息和灵感来帮助人们改变生活。节目关注普通人的真实生活和问题,分享他们的故事,并提供实际的理财建议。节目中既有轻松幽默的案例,也有面对困境的感人故事,旨在给予听众希望和支持。节目帮助人们解决金钱问题,但更重要的是帮助人们改变处理金钱的方式,从而改善生活质量。节目的成功在于其以听众为中心,关注人们的梦想、机遇、快乐和悲伤,并取得了巨大的收听量和影响力。节目最终目标是帮助人们积累财富,从事热爱的工作,并建立良好的人际关系。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


I would describe The Ramsey Show as changing your whole life through the lens of money, information, and inspiration. I think The Ramsey Show is different. One of the reasons why is because we bring in everyday people. So it is a caller-driven show still, and I think that's what makes it so special is we get to hear from real people with their real lives, their real issues in real life.

The calls that stick with me are the ones that are really absurd, crazy and funny. And they're also the calls that are super sad when someone's really facing something that's devastating and we're able to just do life with them on the air.

If someone is watching or listening to The Ramsey Show for the first time, I want them to know that they can win with their money. Regardless of where they are financially, regardless of their income, the amount of debt that they're carrying around, they have the ability to change their money habits, and this show helps them show them how. When people call the show, we always just assume what they're really looking for is hope.

Hope that they can retire with dignity. Hope they can get control of their lives. Hope they can have a better quality of life with relationships and a better work experience. Hope. I would describe the Ramsey Show as one that helps people when it comes to their money. But you'll realize is that money is usually never the problem. The problem is always us, the people handling the money. And so dealing with the person on the other side of the call is really what we try to get at.

The show's always been relevant and will always be relevant because it's caller-driven. It's humans with their problems, their dreams, their opportunities, their joys, and their tragedies always on the air. That's always relevant. The show has hit so many accomplishments. It hit number one on Apple Podcasts, over one billion downloads. Hit number one on Spotify podcast charts as well. And it was the most requested podcast on Alexa. We help people build wealth.

do work that they love, and create actual amazing relationships. Follow The Ramsey Show on Apple Podcasts.