cover of episode Are You Finally Ready To Get Your Crap Together?

Are You Finally Ready To Get Your Crap Together?

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The Ramsey Show

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George Kamel
Ken Coleman
联合主持人和内容创作者,专注于娱乐业和个人幸福的播客《Happier in Hollywood》。
Vincent & Joanna
Liz: 讲述了丈夫想要卖掉房子住进廉价拖车以摆脱财务压力,而她对此感到担忧。他们月收入7000美元,每月房贷1500美元,还有22万美元的未偿还贷款本金。她认为丈夫的决定是出于对财务的焦虑和对过去的一些耿耿于怀。 Ken Coleman: 建议Liz先弄清楚丈夫做出这个极端决定的背后原因,这可能是由于对财务的焦虑或其他未解决的问题。他建议他们进行一次深入的沟通,了解丈夫的真实想法和担忧。 George Kamel: 指出丈夫可能是在试图解决一个并不存在的问题。他建议他们制定一个基于丈夫收入的样本预算,看看是否能够实现目标,而不是直接搬进拖车。 Liz: 补充说明了丈夫希望她能够在家陪伴家人,并减轻她的工作压力。她月收入2900美元,丈夫月收入4000美元以上(含加班)。 Ken Coleman: 建议他们讨论如何可持续地让妻子在家,而不是直接搬进拖车。他建议他们先弄清楚如何才能让妻子在家,然后再考虑其他方案。 George Kamel: 建议他们制定一个基于丈夫收入的样本预算,看看是否能够实现目标,而不是直接搬进拖车。他强调,在做出任何决定之前,夫妻双方都需要进行坦诚的沟通,并确保双方都能接受最终的方案。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the husband want to sell the house and buy a trailer?

The husband feels stressed about maintaining the current lifestyle and wants to live mortgage-free by buying a cheap trailer.

What is the wife's concern about selling the house and buying a trailer?

The wife doesn't want to downgrade their lifestyle and is hesitant about moving into a trailer.

How can the social media creator create a more stable financial foundation?

The creator should diversify income streams, own more of the audience, and develop products. Additionally, they should save a year's worth of living expenses and explore investment options like a solo 401(k) or SEP IRA.

What sacrifices did Vincent and Joana make to pay off their debt?

They avoided lifestyle creep, bought used cars under $10,000, and budgeted every month. They also followed the baby steps plan in order and avoided credit card debt.

Why is the nurse considering changing jobs despite the financial benefits of her current job?

She is unhappy with recent corporate changes and wants to be closer to home, aligning better with her career goals and offering better growth opportunities.

What advice is given to the engaged couple about their wedding and debt?

They are advised to have a small family wedding to save money and tackle their $95,000 debt. They can plan a bigger celebration later when they are debt-free.

Why is the average annual cost of owning a dog in the U.S. causing financial stress for many people?

The average annual cost of $4,512 per dog is leading people to cut back on necessities, seek financial assistance, and compromise on pet care, causing significant financial stress.

A couple discusses selling their house to buy a cheaper trailer to live mortgage-free, despite having no debt other than their mortgage. The hosts advise them to have an honest conversation about the underlying reasons for this decision and explore other options to achieve their goals.
  • The couple has no other debt besides their mortgage.
  • They bring in $7,000 a month and have a mortgage payment of $1,500.
  • The husband is stressed and wants to simplify their lifestyle.
  • The hosts suggest a budget analysis and potential overtime work to alleviate financial stress.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to the rami show, where we help you win in your life. We want to help you win with your money, win in your work and win your relationships. Phone number to job in is triple, eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five, triple eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five. Alongside the peculiar but professional George camel, I am common got to be taking you through the show today.

You ready to go? There was an accurate description that.

well, well, I got to say, I do love the action today. You got to fall IT.

Thank you. I was just up the money and marriage getaway event and I A people lobby are playing hooky right now just to see the k and comment on the ramsay shows.

So we appreciate them being here, whatever you say, George a but can sharp and you're ready to take the lead on our budget and and debt calls? I'll take the lead on income calls. So we want you to make that money work for you. Let's get to liz who starts us off at charliet, north CarOlina, please.

How can we help today? Hey um thanks for taking my call. Um so my husband and I we're having a conversation um about our finances and he thinks that we have too much heart basically um and thinks that or even though we don't have any debt, should seller house use the profit and buy something really cheap and he was thinking really cheap like a three thousand dollar trailer he saw on facebook marketplace um so that we can just live mortgage free. I don't really want to do that and i'm going to to get some.

Is your husband nearby?


he's not right now. I was going to put him on the phone for a moment and as a man has been married twenty six years and counting, tell him he's lost his every love in mind.

What happened that made him go. We live in extravagance to, we need to go camping for a while to fix this.

That's a big job. yeah. I mean, so what right now, we're at a pretty good place where we're bringing, I think, bringing in seven thousand a month to take home together.

And what's your more and are more .

gas fifteen hundred a month. We have two hundred and twenty thousand left on the unpaid principle.

So you don't have too much house, are using square footage wise, you just have too much room because the payment is not the issue.

no. Are eight of fourteen hundred square t house is not extra again.

Is he scared of something?

Um I think he can eat is hard for him to kind of keep just going with the plan and those fast the past things that get us th Epace o f o ff.

What is the point? Are you guys trying to pay off other debt?

No, we don't have any that. So where .

where's all of your money going that he feels so stressed?

I don't know. I did.

Well, the good question. We have about two thousand dollars a months and build two thousand dollars a month in spending, and then we could be saving about a fifteen hundred probably.

I'm going to come back to I want to come back to the question that georgian i've both asked. We've asked a different ways because I think it's something you need to get the answer to. As I don't know, we can help you. I think you need to get the answer to what is driving this act of desperation. This feels desperate to me.

George, in my least trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

But like, there's a lot of angst in this decision. Yes.

and that's my I was waiting for you to go. Well, our mortgage e is four thousand dollars a month and I go, okay, I get the stress behind IT or we're encouraged debt and is going to help us get out. There is no reason if you move into the trailer or what's you .

going to do for you just have mortgage free ah so we both work a good amount and I think the the hope would be that I could stay home, that we would have more time at home as a family and that she's been really busy. So maybe there's stress coming from that.

Yeah you see what i'm saying that I really think you need to have a some walk time. Let's hold hands and walk somewhere. Let's go to a dinner and just say, hey, it's OK, whatever the answer is but can you tell me what's really behind this?

I think you got to get you don't know and i'm guilty. You and I don't say and think you need to know. Because to that point, once you get to the bottom of what's really going on behind this now, we can begin to address what are viable options. Are I think it's viable. Do you think it's viable to move to the trailer?

I can usually go with the flow, but it's not something I want to do.

That's not your picture. If I want to stay at home and live in a three thousand dollar trailer or and raise this child.

yes, that's not go with the flow. You're gonna side of two years, years in that. Want to tell the truth?

Yeah, that's probable.

Probably true. It's not probably true. It's completely true. You are very nice. Woman, my gosh, you nice.

So if the goal is I want to stay at home, let's then figure out, okay, how do we make this happen sustainably? Does he need to get his income up in order to still cover all the bills? If you lose your income, let's figure that part out before we go. Now, palm and o, we ve got to live a trailer to make this all happen.

Okay, how much do you bring home a month?

I only i'm about twenty nine hundred and months. He's about four thousand or more depending on over time.

I think George makes a really good point there. I think it'd be worth a conversation to see what, over time will not rush this because he sounds a guy who's just he wants to solve everything tomorrow. And by the way, I, I, I, I get that. I got a little bit of that and me like I only want to solve everything super fast and that is up stress in my wife out and to be and helpful, she's like you're stress me out. You know I get that so I feel him a little bit there. But I just wondered, George, um if the conversation I wanted know you think about this, I I think they need to have a conversation about, okay, over time what we need to be true for us to get twenty nine hundred dollars more take home on his side of the out. You just a reference that that to me is a more healthy conversation and selling us out yeah and moving to a trailer or do you agree with yes.

and do the tactical peace, do a sample budget just off of his income and go, okay, we can cover the bills. We can invest. We might slow down the house payoff s process or we're willing to make that compromise because the truth is you probably need to spend two grand.

We're probably live pretty comfortable. Ly, and so he doesn't to change his lifestyle, but he wants to approve the entire family moving into a trailer. And so i'd rather see different sacrifices to make this dream come true.

When you might find doing the budget, we can do this today, or you might find he needs to make a thousand dollars more a month for us to hit our goals. great. Now we have a very clear career goal that can can help with you. See the difference there?

Yeah, yeah. That is a big difference.

But again, I don't think lose that any of this conversation will register until you both have an onest conversation and he feels safe and he finally bursts out, if you will, why he's really scared you don't know he's tt a get that out of a system and you've got ta hear IT not the little IT. Um you've got to be a supportive spouse on that and and make him feel seen and heard and then think that i'll call him down a little bit.

And then we began to talk about, as George said said, other options to alleviate the same issue OK. And by the way, this also include U B, an of him to say this is an an option, baby, I don't want this quality of life, I will resent you. This is not viable like he needs to hear, yeah.

You know, not yeah. I mean, if to flow, let me most do here when we hear that, oh, SHE, I mean, we're idiots. On behalf of all men, we don't hear what we need to hear sometimes and i'm just being I mean, now i'll be honest, maybe George more right.

It's not you being a jerk just here's my side. Here's how i'm feeling about this and he needs to you both get a vote in this marriage.

So, you know, just a good conversation. Lets talk through some options, helping think of those options.

He saw cheap trailer on facebook. This is the ticket.

This isn't. It's guy want to want. It's a male classically thing. Oh, super quick off.

How about this? He can buy the trailer. He can live in IT you stay in the house.

Here we go. I think that's the kind of relationship advice we want to give. We'll talk about IT during the break. We'll be back with what we cause. This is a really source.

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Will go back to the range show I can culminate with camel is alongside triple eight, eight, two, five, five, two to five, triple eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five. Is the phone number to jump in, George? It's man.

It's getting closer and closer to Christmas. Feels like it's time to be doing a budget. If you haven't.

This is the time we tend to spend the most. We got ta get control of that money.

yeah. So you in the every dollar team j, you guys have been doing these a free live trainings uh, where you're walking through ah the every dollar APP tells about this. So this is a practical time where we show you.

hey, here's what people are feeling about money. Here's the plan to get control of IT. Here's how every dollar works are going to show you how to create a budget from scratch and give you some encouragement along the way to make IT actually stick.

There is really good stuff. A tens of thousands of people and told over hundred thousand people have done these. So the next one is tuesday, october twenty sixth at one eastern twelve central.

So think of this is a lunch and learn if you will, and bring your top aware uh or your hot pocket right there to the computer and um get trained up. So S S we are again tuesday, october at one eastern twelve central time. alright. J is going to join us now in tamp of floria. J, how can we help .

our key guys?

Hear me now and clear oh yeah.

So up to one yet thanks for taking my call. Um i'm i'm twenty four and my social media creator was probably by by plus million followers and uh i'm for one i'm incredibly blasting grateful all for just even the opportunity say that um probably growing around three hundred and four thousand knowledg year right now.

Um but despite this and I still struggle with sealing financially secure I know that sounds maybe a little bit silly and again, grateful but more about the feeling of not having this fixed income. You know I don't have the consistency of like a employment job is just a traditional job. And so my biggest question is how can I create a more stable financial foundation for myself so I can feel just more secure about the future down the line?

Because right now, I never really know what my neck like. Add revenue paycheck. Ck is gonna like with youtube.

What's been your worst months in the last twelve month?

Worst one. Well, I would say the worst was probably probably maybe a couple months ago, ten, ten k in a single months.

Can you cover all your bills with ten k?

Yeah, absolutely. I don't have a lot of a nothing going on on. No dead, fortunately now. But I just tells .

you on my worst month, I still have a surplus. So there's a reality to this, in fact, to this that you don't have to live in the scarcity mindset. But I do think it's wise to diversify.

And even that raised these solutions as a business. We talk about how we don't want to be. So on one platform that were so reliant on IT that if something would happen, youtube changes the algorithm all the time you're out. And that's why it's good to have, you know brand partnerships, your own product offering. So do you have money coming in outside of just youtube bad revenue?

Do you have sponsors or products? Yeah, I would say probably sixty percent of my uh, annual income comes from sponsorships. But again, I I is more than nerves of just no running this new Operation i've developed the last couple years.

But it's the concern of not having that next sponsor ship come because it's like I don't have control over that. I do have an agent that represents me. But even a few months ago, I think I went three or four months without a sponsorship.

And though the ad revenue is common and I I have my family also working with me. And so i'm kind of the you know the face of the brand and all that online. And so I feel the pressure I .

get that I take what I would do if I wear in your shoes. And this has nothing to do with whether not your online content creator or you were a you own your own wallpaper business. okay.

So if i'm the soul, you know kind of bread winner, um I would be put in a year's worth of your needs away. So we talked about your worst month, but what your actual what are you? All your bills, everything, I mean, soup and nuts.

How much money you have to have to have some comfortable margin to cover every expansion in your life? How much? What's that number round figure?

I mean, gosh, it's so just i'm so i'm so new to you know of naive and that's probably biggest thing that I don't understand.

People don't know their naive. So you're a step beyond that.

I think you understand question i'm talking about i'm talking about your rent or your mortgage, your bills and everything like groceries, gas. I'm talking cost of living. What is the number that you need every month to be comfortable?

I would say like probably five o okay, great.

And you can adjust this number later. But here's my point. If I were you, what I would be doing is I would put sixty thousand dollars into a separate savings account, above, beyond the emergency, fun and things that we talk about.

That's what I would do. I would put IT in the company's account, ever, you pay yourself. I would put IT we caught retain earnings. I would put IT in A A savings account and not touch IT. And that represents an absolute ground zero if something crazy happens and youtube goes out of business or something happens in all.

So and you start determination, you lose your sponsorships, you lose your views because i'm saying that this way, because I want you to mentally walk through, like what would have to happen for this thing that just all the sun start to go down pretty quickly or tank. But if I did, if you had sixty thousand dollars in the bank to pay you the just bare minimums, you would be able to sleep a lot Better night. true? false?

Yeah, definitely.

And I would do.

I mean, I definitely have somewhere around there put away I think, you know, I know, I guess because of this new industry being A A content creator, just yes, just this self employed job. And so I have different out.

If you at twelve months, if you at twelve months to pip IT to anything else, you'd d feel that Better. correct?

Yeah I I would say so yeah and that's what I would do.

George. I don't know if you want to diversifying.

And so I think part of this is also figure out how to own more the audience, how do I create an email list? How do I develop products where i'm diversified? We recommend that with mutual funds across four types were not doing the single stock. And I recommend you do the same in your business as a content creator and so find different streams of revenue to wear.

If one goes down, you still have the others to keep you a float on top of this kind of peaks and valley's fund that can talk about where if you have a lean month, you have a savings account, you're obtained earnings to fall back on. And I think is wise to know that this pony train may not last forever. We may not make four grain on youtube forever.

Maybe you make more, who knows? But I think the more you're putting away in savings and investing while also having some baLance where you're spending and giving wisely, you're going to then learn. Okay, i'm on the bike i'm peddling. I'm not good about to fall off and that takes a little bit of time.

Yeah and I think I truly wanted just more specific technical I would have to ask is like I I have an L, L, C. I started that and the managing my financer. I got A C, P, A who helps me on a quarterly basis, and all that.

So I step the basic foundation when IT comes to maintaining my finances. What would be like truly, literally, the next thing I should do? I don't have for one. K, should I start initiating, you know, going down that path? Or.

yeah, we look into a solo for one. K, that's an option for you depending on how big your team is. If it's just you and a spouse or something like that, you could do a solo for one.

N K. You can look into a sep vira as well. So there's some great options for self employed folks. And you can get connected to a smart vesta pro at rainy solutions, not calm, click on trusted services over there and get connected with the with an investment pro who can go. Hey, here's your options as a small business owner of ways you can invest. And that's going to make you feel a lot Better when you're putting away sixty, seventy percent of your income and then going i'm going to learn how to live .

on the thirty yeah .

you you're doing great, man and congratulations that Young making that kind of money and asking .

these questions. And I I I also agree with you, George. Uh, in J. I, I would make sure you heard what George said.

You I think he said about sixty percent of his revenue sponsors that I hear that right? Yes, i'd like to see that number. I'd like see that number eventually get more, even fifty, fifty. The other start .

to split that out so .

that he's got a product in the marketplace and hopefully is self perpetuator.

He lose twenty five percent of income inside of sixty. yes.

So whatever he solving a problem to have this kind of results, he's definite solved. Such some type of problems are good for you. That's impressive, art folks. Quick break will be right back with more of the Randy show.

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Welcome back to the ramp show. I can comment, ge George camel joins me. The phone number is triple, eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five, triple, eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five.

Always fun. When we have some folks staining on the debt free stage just across the studio from georgian I and it's Vincent and joana are joining. welcome.

That's right.

Thanks for having us. You bet where you go healing .

from from grand rap, michigan.

grand rapids, michigan. anti. Tell us how much you paid off and how long we paid off.

one hundred and seventy three thousand and five hundred dollars. And that's our house.

And we did that in ten years, right? Wow.


That includes the house. You know, if they were here, he call you weird.

He's not going to go.

I'm looking at you all. You look pretty fantastic. So but not the less. You are definitely unique. Uh, tells the range of income during the ten year period.

Well, we started that about eighty five grand, and we're at about one sixty now.

Oh, wow, what you guys do for living.

I'm a teacher and a music teacher and a worship leader at my church.

So double up. Yep, all right. And what about you, jane? I work in health care as an R.

N. Very nice. Okay, good. Have you seen a nice rise in your pay over the ten year? Yes, good for you.

Good for you. It's it's really her income that explains that double .

oul up there or not as much as as sad me, you're pretty limited in a teacher pay and but thank you for what you do and and love that you're also serving as worship leader too so keep you .

pretty busy yeah middle school teachers fith the rates required .

over the realized you're getting special rewards in heaven .

for being middle school .

teacher right um yes yeah wo show is most auto .

face to deserve these kids that's amazing.

What's the house worth right now? Yeah, yeah. It's four fifty, four fifty.

What's in the neck? And retirement investment account savings about two. So you guys are egg told that .

baby steps millions. How old are you guys .

were both thirty four.

Boy George investment calculator.

don't make .

me crunch the number. amazing. My, because ten years, yeah, so you guys are in your early twice. And what makes you decide to follow these steps of joana said.

well, yeah, we ve got married about twelve years ago. And right away after we got married, we took financial piece together. We thought I was really important to do that. My actually, my parents made me and my brothers insist to take financial piece when we are seventeen, all the way back to two thousand and seven, two thousand and eight. And that's kind .

of how I heard about you guys any of its stick then. Or we just .

largely irritated by IT. No, I I can say the same for others, but IT definite stuck with me. Yeah, I was really excited about IT.

yeah. And what was the why behind all this? A long time to go. We're going to make some sacrifices and compromises .

to hit this goal. I don't know, just a life of a freedom not not bugging down by dead and and and just like paycheck to paycheck living and just the stress of of that. We just didn't want that for us.

We didn't want that for our kids. Additionally, like her parents and my parents just taught us well as been kind of a legacy handed down again. Again, like I said, my parents made me take financial piece when I was found his seventeen in or eighteen I think and yeah really just that's what we wanted, was have a life that was in freedom. Now, of the one hundred .

and seven thousand, was IT just the house? Or did you have other debt when you guys get married?

One hundred, seven, three years, all the house.

So so you guys come in the marriage in the only debt you is the house oh, that's that's that's kind of unique .

as well that gives you a leg up spend years trying to pay for the past you're building for the future from day one yeah.

So what are some of the things that you guys did because you took, I mean again, no no shame, no no shade um but over ten years what did that look like? What were your disciplines? What were some of things you all did to knock the housework?

I'll start but go head doing in uh basically is just is kind of the long road for us ten years is a really is really really long time you even even just a few years as long and so it's kind of about uh yeah you know um getting a not avoiding all that I mean we could have gotten in the credit cards um IT was sometimes to want to buy a nice, much nicer car.

All of we're probably had, I know, five or six cars over ten years and all of them have been well under ten grand. yes. And so it's really just about those disciples. We we budget every month. We, we talk about IT every month.

Give any regrets from the sacrifices you made. Here you go. Now we will do all over again.

No guts.

We do IT all over again. It's worth IT the the baby steps that we have followed and in the principles that you teach, we have we first of all, we followed them step by step in order. And so we we've done them and we've done them in order and we've they've never failed us. So we've just we've known that does the plan that we wanted to, even though people out there do different things, this is what we wanted to do. And and from from the very beginning, we were we were together and dreaming about our future.

Yeah, well, avoiding lifestyle creep is a superpower in today's world. And you guys did that for a decade. That's incredible.

So what would you say is the key to this journey to get out of dead no matter what the dead is? How long IT takes? What do you think is the key patients perseverance and not getting distracted, not looking around at how other people are living, what they're doing, just keeping the focus. So interesting, there's unity there and that sounds .

like you guys have a Better marriage because of IT and the things you learn just communicating along the way about money, that major marriage Better overall.

yeah. I mean, we've had to do that just since the very beginning and and IT was at all always just easy. But um we were able to come to IT IT makes, I don't know compromises but now we just able to talk and dream together about what we wanted our life to look like.

My favor is dreaming together and now that the debts paid off, it's like this opportunity yeah really quick is is an exciting dream guys are not going around talk IT about now that you're completely debt for you.

Um I don't I don't know just for years, we've just always asked what can we do? How can we how can we give back my parents paid for my college education? So I kind of see that as how can I pay for my kids? They're here will see him in a little bit. How how can we save our own kids education and give to grandkids and maybe even great grandkids can keep that legacy going, that our families and our parents have. You have started I didn't start with us but ah we want to be the people who who continue that to toward .

the other generations feels like they're keeping the family .

tree in this case is not changing IT, but keeping the family .

tree going with that gender. What about ending more this trip that we're taking right now and being able to stop on places on our way down here and we stop more places on our way up, more big vacation that's we here.

Twenty teen, I think, how old. So be careful that .

last thirty years, what you talked about your .

kids and what you want to do for him. Let's bring them up. Let's meet them more quick.

Tell us her names and how old is. She's nine years old, and Peter, who is seven years old. Now have they have been practicing? Have you heard of in the .

house scream? We have been practicing every scream .

on the way here. And all right, well, here we go. We've got Vincent and Joanna and Peter from rapids, michigan, and they paid off one hundred and seventy three thousand over ten years.

That includes the house making eighty five to one hundred and sixty thousand. What an awesome family they've been practicing. I give IT to you. Now take IT away to hear your .

dead for free screen and we go is ready. Three, two, one.

We're that free. Well done. Kids got big smiles on their faces.

I love to see the branches continue. I was amazing family that's inspiring.

Don't you have a sense that actually Young area, and Peter really do know what is just happened? I got a sense that they do.

They get IT. They had a family of seat on the seat. They were on the journey the whole time with them.

I love that so fun. That's why we do IT right there, folks. That is a family that is on the way to be baby steps, millionaire. And not too long I would get .

to teach nurse, and they're doing this thing.

Teacher is going to be multimillionaire. All said and done. Wow, the american dream folks, in case your wondering, I don't care what the network tell you or the candidates tell you, we just heard IT american dream is alive and well. This is the.

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Welcome back to the razi show. Threw the heavy with this alongside George camel. I can common the phone number to jump in today.

Triple ate, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five. Chat, new tennessee is where mark joints is. Mark, how can we help?

Yeah thanks for taking my call. Um we are currently in bit about sixteen thousand five hundred half of that is on credit card. You have is uh medical and then we also money from family to fix the use use vehicle at we change the saving to also put the money in the our vehicle.

I'm fording. I've got a four or two and three year old girls married six, and I am tired of existing and I wanted throw out financially. I want to piece them.

How do as well love IT? You've you ve had enough. You're a second tired to be in second tired .

you on second tire out I was raised way of this is wife this is that is but I don't believe anymore and just trying to get out of that is 变成, well.

I I going to tell you, I admire you and you come to the right place dr or camel is in today we .

are in is your wife on board with this as SHE feels the same way you share this with her?

Yes yes, yes he does feel the same way. Um i'm calling away from her because I don't have to be on the kid I know screaming and point um yes, we are both a page. okay? We want to own home now. We we think what we want to get out of this lifestyle change.

What's the game plan? How much do you make and how long is going to take the part of the debt at your current rate?

So net pay with both this combined is roughly around sixty four thousand. Um C R with our dead in six sixteen thousand five hundred. We had a plan on being get three body in this year, but there are vehicle which was paid off, broke down. We spend about ten grand on that.

ten grand to fix the car.

Well, transits are rely expensive. And as well we are in their head.

What's what's .

the car worth? now? Ty .


how they can dry the wheel off.

I was going to say I feel you should just spent ten grain about a different car at that point.

Yeah, but I just position where we can't. I can't afford the month of payment and also I can go issues if they were to pop.

but you borrow the money from family. And that wove in into the sixteen five.

So we we used about seven five of savings and we used the uh three thousand from in laws to pay for everything because is a very quick this happen, we, I get a fish right away, okay, so that you .

bring home fifty, three hundred and months. How much of that are you able to throw the debt?

Uh, well, on a good month we can feel about five hundred to seven hundred. But here lately he feels like that money being going towards kid cloth and everything else that were need and just can get a Better hold on. I D can sing to get a on what to do and how do.

Feels like we need a little more money right now, maybe just to get stabilized. We needs some more income, correct?

We do. We do. And I had the opportunity where I can work a lot over time.

Um and I do stuff with that because I have small kids. I want to be there for them. I don't want to raise no way ours rates .

where I felt I D T. But I have a and I would take all the overtime in the world right now because they're really Young so they have no concept of time and you're not going to be in anywhere anywhere near this dead beat dead that you're scared to be in or this um detach dad, in fact the best thing you can do is a dad right now is work all those overtime hours, knock all this dad out, get some margin and then you can downshift.

You've got ta set yourself free of that right now. In fact, that's the best thing you can do. I'm the real right now I will ask with you that i'm talking to a guy who can get over time that's that's actually a great newsy.

You don't have to gotten find a second job. You just go bust IT right now. And George can tell you how to use that money. Who kitch out of the actually pretty quick yeah.

Can talking about margin here and there are two ways to get IT, you got to spend less or make more. And I think both are in order because right now, you're telling me that your expenses are about forty five hundred a months just to cover the main bills.

So I would be on on every dollar budget with your wife going through every single line item going, can we do Better here? Let's reach p the insurance, let's cut the eating out, let's cut the subscription will sacrifice over here that's going to free up seven hundred box. Now we can go make an extra seven hundred.

Well, that's fourteen hundred alone on top of five hundred. That's too grand a month. You hear that, mark.

That means seven.

eight, eight months, you're completely get free. And so that's where the math should inspire you going. What is the margin we need to do this in seven months? I'd rather you will be gone for seven months and the kids go, oh, where is dad? He's working over time for seven months. They want even even know what what happened I can mentioned.

yeah I this is the time to do IT. You wouldn't want to do this if they were in the medal sports soon. All kinds of extra curriculum. So just trying to drive that point in home that um your k aren't going to recently you decision going to remember that what .

would the overtime do for your take home pay every month?

I mean you guess I could I could probably I mean, depending on the call else, I could make an extra eight hundred a month, many more to every o .

talk more on top of the seven hundred you .

can already throw .

and then think about if you were doing in every dollar budget, how much more could we find in our budget? Because right now you're talk in fifty hundred extra.

He said on a good months that they had about five to seven hundred. Is that right?

So time of eight, let's go .

low number.

Yeah even conservatively, we're talking in three hundred bucks. Then we find an extra few hundred box in the budget. I think you can do this in in less than a year.

I agree.

And I think it's going to happen faster .

as you get some to full work.

Now that feels great. I think you just lagging that now in feeling here. Somebody else going .

to do yeah, yeah you know you're sick. You started the phone call. Tell us your sick of being stuck in neutral .

and it's hard to be a joyful present dad and husband when you know these bills are looming, you know that you're in the situation so i'd rather a short term sacrifice for the next twenty years of of their life with you as the dad and you as the husband are going to be vastly different than the last six yeah.

by the way, what would over time look like is that all monday through friday, just longer hours?

No, I could do more of your friday weekends .

on sundays or double time.

Now I do. If I can.

I get many hours as possible explaining to the kiow understand they don't and explain clue uh and then and then carving out little special moments once a week, twice a week, where you doing up and really fun with the kids. And what what that will do is that will just kind of reinject into your heart. That relationship shows that you need for this season where you're getting after IT.

Do you know I mean just it'll just give you that little extra little extra O K A heartfully you know what i'm saying and and and that huge you know doing some special widom um you know that that to me I I had to do that for season when I was doing my own radio show run in my own company trying to get the sing off the ground I was doing on saturdays. And I was away from the kids and IT hurt and IT wasn't fun, but I found ways, little pockets during the week to to get that special time with them. And I just kept me going. They were little. They had no clue, you know?


So give yourself a break that 没 没有。

And i'm going to gift to you one year of every dollar premium mark, so you and your wife can sit down and make that every dollar budget income minus expenses go through and do a little budget audit. And okay, here's what's actually happening in our finances.

Where can we do Better? Where can we cut right now just for a season and will upgrade our lifestyle ter and get all the goodies back? And right now i'm looking at you know seven, eight, nine, ten months of some sacrifice for the next seven, eight, nine, ten years of freedom. I think it's worth IT.

Oh, that's well said. Did you kitch that, mark? That right there?

That's what you call to here, that exchange right there. The way George lay that out, that's your mindset. That's a really easy trade off.

Isn't IT right? That I wish .

there was a shortcut. This is the only way I found that actually works. But most people are prefer to live in mediocrity for their whole life, being debt.

Their whole life managed the payments until they retire broke one day. And their kids don't see a great marriage, don't see a great dad. All they feel is distress coming off a moment had trying to cover the bills. I I agree.

old men once said, don't sacrifice the future on the alta r of the immediate. And in this case, you can guilt yourself and to go and i'm not going to go work over time and get out of deck because I want to be around my kids well, is going to affect the future. Is George just laid out? So really good call, mark. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing. What is your good of I think you're good dad.

You're good dad. Bad dad, don't ask these questions.

Good hour. Thanks, everybody for listening. This is the reissue.

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Welcome to the empty show where we help you win with your money, win in your relationships, win in your work. I can comment, George camel is join me triple late eight, two, five, five, two, two, five. That's the number to judge in where here to coach you up today, you get some some professional work related questions.

Want to move up, you can make more money, will take those calls. I'd love to help. And then if you just got to your standard money questions, George is always equip to take you through what you need to do. Brandon is gna start us off and cans a city. Brandon, how can we help?

Hi, good afternoon. Hey, i've got a question. I spent most of my life really, really poor, largely due to I graduate with often are engineering degree at the time, the walk on crushed, and I paid my dad off and I lived with little to no that most of my eyes.

And finally, in this last few years of start making some pretty good money, uh, real good money and no other real debt. But I want to watch some fancy cars and then I then listen to offer a couple years and I I decided to feel my twenty twenty four a call about off and i'm A I i'm missing the payment. I'm missing the car on this in the payment. At what point is building wealth really start to take over and i'm going to enjoy this versus feeling rich ah at what point can I maybe enjoy both I mean this this kind of a shell shock to me um to go from nothing to having something. And now i'm driving up six thousand doa car because I sold my nine thousand dollars that and I it's just kind of like a shocker.

Well let me go back for second because I just curious, do you really miss your payments? I get you on missing the twenty twenty four, but do you really miss that payment? Like that's real that's a real statement in your mind.

Well, it's more like, you know I made that payment. I was saved in money and I had no trouble .

saving money with IT. So wouldn't like .

I oh no listening listening to you and beyond the nail and.

The company. And so that's an expensive .

carder replace.

So my question is why the slingshot giant pension m swing to either I drive one hundred thousand dollar car with the payment or I drive a beater six thousand million car? Why no middle ground where you go? If I save two grand a month in a year, I have twenty four grain to spend on a use core vet.

And we're going to do that. And I thought i'm working on right now. So I mean, i'm sitting back and building, so I own a company. So what my i'm in the baby steps, if you want to call IT as to I need a very large um emergency fun and i'm working on funding is .

for the big for personal life. What's separate to both .

of person? I all I large. I don't to heat their electrical employment company um we have about six hundred thousand, six hundred thousand a year and overheads. So i'm trying to build A A safe up you know in that three hundred thousand nine.

how how long have you had that .

company about five years?

What's your growth right .

right now? I've called this for the last couple years to have not been hard til I keep investing in the company. Um so what .

are you investing in when you say investing in the company.

i've kept up this dead free. So I mean, I got a eight vehicles. I need to grow three more no and i've kept at all the death size then takes thirty, thirty to fifty thousand job so are .

here's what I love this print. Here's i'm asking you're only five years into this. You're being super smart right now by cash flowing.

This my guesses in the not too distant future. And and I want to go down this line here for George as well. In the not too distant future, you are going to now be able to hire. And my guess is your profit margin is going to take a really nice bump at some point? correct?

Yes, very nice.

my friend. The region i'm going to do this because i'm the wall street journal George in brand came out, I want to say, last week or within the last ten days and the in the front of the cover, the wall state journal and i'm going to a get the headline wrong but i'll pay phrase IT was like the new millionaire ass and IT was talking about guys like you .

brain and that .

are trades that are only electrician firms or plumbing and you got a back plummers you ve got the whole nine yard there um i'm just telling you, you hold the line. You're going to be paying cash for one hundred thousand dollar core vet in the nut to distant future by just giving yourself divided payments. You know that true?

Don't do I do. I do. I withdrew and know. And when you ve been your whole you to play, it's fun. I mean.

course, nobody spute that George ook about .

absolutely driving the brand new car with a new leather smell and then going to thousand dollars beter you like go, of course you're onna miss that and you will get back there soon. And the parameter simple, make sure that you pay cash for cards, and that the total value of all the vehicles in your personal world adaption in more than half of your annual income. So what is your annual households income .

today about is very a little, but it's somewhere around twenty percent of my business. So hundred and eighty to two hundred forty thousand.

it's amazing. So it's call two hundred k. So the total value of all your vehicles need to add more than one hundred k got IT. So what is you?

You said you have a wife.

Okay, you said we earlier.

So I wasn't sure .

you're single.

ve got my son. So I was probably, I was probably thinking about .

here and and ninety thousand a car, we ve got no problem with that with your world, but we ve got to pay cash for IT. And I think the discipline of going on, all right, how do I save up ninety grand if that's what you want to do? And by the way, we don't recommend buying a brand new car until you're baby seven millionaire. You may be. Have you done the numbers on this?

And my network all in the I got a few other small and around six to seven hundred thousand.

amazing. See what we call a henery high earner, not rich yet. And you're going to be if you keep this going, you don't inflate your lifestyle too much. I see no reason why you couldn't save five grand a month out of your personal take home pay and have sixty grand to buy a great car a year from now.

Very good. I just started saving anger. And so there are just two months in. Yeah.

you're just you've got that each to go. Man, I miss that car and I don't want to wait another eight or ten or twelve months to save up for IT. But building anything takes time. Anything meaningful takes time. The trivial how you short cut IT and that's what you did with the payments, you're going to get back to IT in a way that doesn't hurt your financial.

I are going to get a question for George. Hang on the line here, brain, and I got a question for George. Want to put IT to him here. I think he needs to get rid of the six thousand hour car. Like to seem jump up a little .

just out of.

well, I I, I, I i'm going to very quickly. I mean, i'm uh, I blue, everything get rid of and so I didn't get one cause I got a two big trucks and and loans and then I got a side about forty forty grand pain all these off. That's part of the reason why i'm kind of have this withdraw. I take forty grand and I take that cash and and took losses on all these people when i'm going to be that free and um uh you know so i'm kind of go to that withdraw of my nice charges on in my family is went the square and now i'm going to build a .

back you George, I just think maybe know.

What to hold him over? I like this plan and just upgrade incrementally as you have the cash and keep living. Unless than you may keep this business crushing, you'll be their map. But i'm not missing the dead payments. We will give you that nice car smell in no time.

until then you can get this new car smell .

S A good two hundred. All detail will change your life on any car. Don't make you feel .

like a new so of fake yourself. exactly. This is the real.

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Welcome back to the rainy show alongside George camel. I can common triple ate eight, two, five, five, two, two, five. Is the number of job in today's question of the day is brought to you by why? Ref, I, private student loans are different than federal student loans like sale may, but IT can hurt you just the same. Why refer refinance is defaulted private suttons and build a custom loan based on your ability to pay, so you're that situation, stop feeling the pain of the defaulted private student loan debt, and go to why refined outcome sashed that's the letter Y R E F Y doc cos lash range. This program may not be available in all states.

Today's question comes from Steve in lousianner. I'm a fighting nurse and work five hours away from home. Love my job in the schedule of five days on and ten days off.

That allows me more time with my family than a regular nursing job, the soul provider for our family. And while my job provides excEllent pain experience, recent corporate changes have made this job much less enjoyable. So i've been expLoring my options.

If I stayed my current job for two years, I could pay off my remaining fifty grand and student loan that the other option involves taking a job closer to home at twenty thousand dollars less per year. This option aligns Better with my career goals because of Better growth opportunities. I'm torn between the financial benefits of sticking with my current position for a quicker dead pay off and the potential career advancement offered by a job closer to home. What should I do this is that can common .

written over IT? Well, um i'm going to answer with what I would do um if I were me, I would take the option that give me a Better future because the twenty thousand dollars broken up over twelve months, it's just not that much. And some of you maybe got kind of you nuts.

I think they would even probably with me on this one but I am a guy that when he comes to professional future um i'm always gonna the opportunity that gets me on the right latter to go where I want to go um and I think that he can still buckle down and pay this dead off. I also think that because he's a nurse that he could probably get more hours and I don't think it's necessarily he's looking at at just a twenty thousand dollar hit. Um now that's what I would do um but if he feels like he can get back into this second option two years from now, then maybe a hostile and you knock IT out but I I just am gonna choose the long term.

What's the best long term play? So if I got to if i'm gna take a twenty thousand dol hit and i'm still trying to pay off fifty thousand, what i'm going to do on the first thing to goes, how can I make extra money as a nurse outside of this new opportunity to equal the thousand? If I can't do that, i'm going to everything to just my lifestyle by twenty thousand dollars and make up the difference in my expenses. Does that makes no, absolutely.

I was going to say the same thing. I actually like the idea of getting his life back by being closer to home, not five hours away. Well.

that's another option he didn't seem to be bothered by that, but i'm with you.

Well, he he said more time with my family, all this, but I do think finding the gap is important. Like you mentioned, how do we find that six hundred, sixteen hundred box extra month that we're losing by taking this gig? And if that means a second job over for time, cutting our lifestyle down so that we stay on track, whether that pay off, call that to me, is that the goldy locks swept. T agree.

And I think that's doable. I think the advice for giving there .

is feasible yeah because we're are also not assuming he said there's growth opportunities. What if the next year hope makes.

i'm going to choose to make sacrifices in my living in order to get on the right latter for the future. So in this situation, if you have to take a twenty thousand hour hit, you Better just your lifestyle towards not a hit, yes.

but make IT as temporary as possible, every temporary.

And notice that neither one of us said I was OK to press pause and paying off the dead. We didn't say that. Ah so that's that's the direction i'm going to choose.

I love IT salon. Let's to manhattan, the big apple George, you love to frequent IT rose is on the line. Rose, how can we help?

Hi guys, thank you for taking my call. Um I am engaged and we have been planning a wedding which would be about three thousand dollars um more about eleven thousand dollars into paying IT. Um we've been watching new videos and we own ninety five thousand dollars in debt not including the wedding and we're wondering if we should just call the whole thing off um do a small ceremony and really tackle the the ninety five yes.


small ceremony. We are not putting off getting married. We're just putting off a very expensive party yes yeah I like that is just youtube that are paying for the wedding.

No family help. They they would be helping.

I don't know to what .

degree um .

I think somewhere between uh, fifteen and twenty thousand okay.

so you guys run the hook for the other thirty five between the two of you yeah OK yeah. Well.

I don't know, George things about this. I ve been married twenty six years, were head to twenty seven. And the other day saying I were looking at our wedding help because she's thinking about getting the digital and all that kind of stuff. And what's interesting is, is that the photos that we had the most, you know, emotional connection to this week and I went back down memory lane IT was just the us. The wedding party, but mostly with family and yeah and I I remember sort of kind of you don't remember .

the flower arrangements .

no I I kind of remember some of the friends that were there um that day tends to be a big baller anyway um and and so I guess my pain is, is that I just want to appeal to your emotions here to say that if you do a small family wedding and you get great pictures of IT, that's what you're going to a cherish more than than everybody else there in the shrimp and the you know the all that kind like do that later, you guys could do a really cool, maybe fit the anniversary party or something when you're debt free. I just really believe that the small family wedding, as long you mark the moment and you do IT right within a realistic budget, George, I just I like that play and I think it's gonna matter to you twenty six years.

And if they recover in twenty grand, that's my wedding budget. I'm going right. We're not going to spend a time on this.

We're going to figure out. I was so glad you said that because that was like A. He's really good. He got an acoustic guitar set that is very romantic.

I just saw john mayer played wedding. I assume he was a money, but you could afford me. Rose, no.

no problem.

Thank you so much. Yeah, that's gratulations. I love. Here's the thing, getting your marriage off to the right start financially to me, is way more important than we had an amazing wedding and everyone was so impressed because you're really throwing .

a party for other people. Behalf of all, I would like to say that we really don't care. Have a ceremony. Let's get the thing done and let's go to the honeyman. I remember moments after the ceremony I was like, look at to save a lot of time and money .

on this and you're people out after that wedding yeah, you ve shake in the hands and kissed the .

babies and stress, lot of things and it's like you have that moment where you get to the back of the church, just you the wedding planner has even caught up yet and you're just staying. You're going, this could be a lot as a guy. This could have been an email. I be very clear that C, C does not feel that way, but i've just say I like the guys are kind of like really, you know.

one hundred percent. So do you know you remember how much you .

spent on the wedding? I don't who knows, it's a long time ago, yeah, but I think you will shocked our audience.

IT went a lot. I was a wee lad when you guys got me. Yes.

you were. But I think that I think a boy, i'm going to step in IT raye. So I think as a whole, americans spend ridiculously too much on weddings.

I think that having controversial now, we're seeing you six figure weddings become the norm.

And by the way, I think they're getting Price gouged. The wedding for the .

wedding inside is getting people now IT costs. I get it's a there's a lot of you just have to do IT because this is what weddings cost.

White fold chairs should only cost so much. There ought to be a law to cap the Price of renting light long chairs. That's essentially what they are.

Just go to trader joes, pick some flowers, call IT a day, spend one hundred fifty books.

No, I think there should be like a community fund for weddings with the donates their place. The chair people donate their chair, you know, I mean, chair people on the chair .

make a living too. They got a lot of chairs.

They make their living on corporate stuff. I've got over my is clearly.

but it's just like your right, I think we can do more with less. And the people that really remember IT, they love you anyway regardless of what the food was like of the donor. I want to touch the donors.

I want to touch those donors before and I don't even know a donate all is a thing. It's of donuts .

on hooks and you grab donuts off at wedding. Yeah.

it's a thing. Feels like a church today. It's a lot of gluten for me.

You swallow up when you get too much glue. It's not a pretty side, fox. You should see that.

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Welcome back to the franzy show. So thrilled that you are with us. Triple eight, eight, two, five, five, two, two, five triple eight, two, five, five, two, two, five is the number to jump in the long side. George camel, i'm kid golden, and we're here for you. And I ve got to tell you, George, oh, boy.

one of my favorite long earning segments from usc. I gotto tell you, I got tell you, I don't know what's coming.

I've got to tell. I think we're spending too much on our dogs in .

personal .

amErica is out of control. No, i've got two. I got two doodles full disclosure, got a big, big guy duro Alice is amazing and then we ve got a little mini goldin doodle honey and she's amazing yeah love, love our doodles ah and I been watching you a lot of football as I do. And uh, the commercials now are starting to, uh, get ridiculous on premium dog food.


i've seen the but before I get to that, let me just make my case about how we've lost our minds about our pets. Okay, give me some numbers. The average annual cost of only in a dog is three hundred and seventy six dollars a month, George.

And quick math tells you that forty five hundred and twelve dollars a year. This, according to a recent survey of dog owners, gz spends the most of any current generation at an average of five hundred and ninety dollars a month. George, at seven thousand eighty dollars a year.

Sixty six percent of these respondents have made cutbacks on the thing they need or want. Sixty five percent have sought financial assistance from friends and family. So this is dealing with the stress of only the dog. The the amount of money George are spending on dogs is requiring them to cut back on other things and seek financial assistance from friends and fail here.

Tell me two thirds of people out there are going, and hey, mom, dad, brother, sister, I need some money to fund, fight those life.

More than sixty percent have cut back on home improvements, experiences, basic necessities to cover the cost of their dog ownership, and more than fifty person of americans have cut back on dog food, pet insurance and vet care. And so, uh, Kelly, the amazing asia producer, gave me this information. And so George, i've got to tell you, i'm getting little irritated specifically with now what I think is an attempt to rip off americans and their love of their doggies. And it's the premium dog food, the premium dog food.

The cable, I guess, is no.

this is like why if your dog dog food, they deserve real food.

I've .

seen you .

dogs, which are very allergic life, and so they say, and what you got to make their own chicken and you got ta make their own meals for them with real vegetables and real meets. I understand that's probably like the healthiest, the option for them. But there, if my dog is eating Better than me, my priorities are out of order.

I eat the frozen pizza. My dogs got the organic free range chicken. So problem we're doing IT wrong. So i'm with you on this. And this is coming from a guy who spends a lot on his pets every month.

Where do you are? You do care to be honest with the america.

See this number OK. We did a youtube video where I walk through the cells, personal budget, go, here's a, here's a general list of our expenses. And we spent about five hundred on our dogs a month, a month.

Now, this is between notist food. This is, you're gna hate this. Can I feel like, know?

I got to tell, we've a doggy day care situation .

twice a week to get the energy out because there are a shape and we can't run them around the nights hood. So they go to a friend's house time out.

Why can you? Last time I checked you a very healthy gate. You walk to a walks.

but they get to socialize with the other dogs. So now, this socialized children.

so you're wasting money, George, you can take your dogs. I have no babies, but you said that they have to get their energy out. Yeah, no, that's not what this is. You feel somehow that they're not getting enough dog relationships and you're pain money for them when you put a down dae.

oh boy, you're right.

You just admitted. Now here's why i'm shock. And they get ranking on gear, but you are the .

most frugal person I know. Yes, and the dogs are one of the only places i'm fine. There's one of the how .

much you paying for doggy daker.

Um I think it's like another fifty sixty box a week.

I know you might well like that money on fire, but again, might well put IT in and burn IT.

And we've work really hard, and we love our dog so much that find to spend a few other box on the dogs. It's, it's in the every dollar budget.

Do you buy, print, what else see? Americans know, five hundred box of .

months. What are you think is the hyper all the things that they need? Because french, both dogs, if you know, are born broken. We're talking, you know, spinal issues, hip issues, allergic to grass, allergic to air. I mean.

can I say to stocks? Yeah, in my precious stocks and everybody's precious. We've lost our lines. Yeah because that dog left to their own device.

Your precious dog, your super premium breed, will drink out of your toilet if they're left their own devices. It's disgusting. I agree. They don't care with the eat.

Where do your dog sleep? That's the question that tells a lot about a man .

well hone's a puppy and so we're create training her, let's go and so he sleeps in the create, in the in the retreat, which is our room over the garage uh, and ella sleeping on the his nice dog bed next to our bed.

That's nice.

but that's on the floor. Yeah but l is eight and he's practically in human. He's he's no work at all.

I don't have to do anything for Alice like nothing. I filled up his bow. An independent .

man opens .

the screen door going out to our, he doesn't himself. I open up the door every morning and he head buts the screen door. That's a dog. See boo right out there. You you're taking your dogs to doggy daycare to get their energy.

A I don't mind. My wife loves IT because he gets, you know, doesn't have to deal autum for the day they get their energy out, they come home and they're wiped. great. I don't .

have has to us speaking IT of White, there is a nasty rumor out there. And I have got to get to the bottom of as I feel like this is part .

of the five hundred dollars more get .

dirty laundry the the word is from some unnamed sources that you wipe your dogs buying.

You got enough the dog sleep in the battle of frenches. And so I got to make sure .

that they're clean. So you're watching them go to and then you they walk in the house.

That's right. I'm not ashamed of IT. She's gonna vert T A tale. Can it's a medical issue at this point that we would require surgery, and I refuse to pay for the surgery.

And so I thought i'd heard everything on the show. God.

I feel like this segment was, you did this to thrown me under the real.

this is real data. As a budget guy.

this is my company less and gene, which makes me feel Better.

But this is not concern to .

you about america. IT does. But I also go, listen, the world is chaotic.

They don't have a lot of friendships. They go, this dog is my world. It's like they are tomato chi. Remember those you got to take care of the little tomato chi pet.

I feel like you're run in for congress right .

now and you're just spin I P good .

thing out to read the comments because you're going to make me, the old guy, get off my if .

you talk about horses, I don't think horses are our pets necessarily. When you need to buy land and have a farm and a stable less.

here's an, if you gotta wipe your dogs. But after they do their business, maybe they shouldn't sleep on the bed. There's there's a step to me that I feel like it's .

in between what you're doing. We've already crossed .

a one once you cross the line, once that dog gets a .

taste to an idea.

doggy dies, just put a dion at nigh. That's a whole lot less than what you're doing.

You're right. I will look into IT. I will look into IT, but I have no problem with IT.

But IT also keeps me humble. I think, if you know, you'll never have an ego when you get a whie dog. But that's just one man's opinion at why I say so. Such an unnecessary .

step of humility. French bodog owners.

i'll support me on this one. I guarantee, IT.

if you live like no one else, you get to live like no one else and georgy's doing that. You know what, James? That right there, I stand corrected. If you, because you are a baby steps, millionaire, can buy all the you want to. You do what you do and I know judgment over here.

I feel like there's judgment over here.

I'm gona step away from judge no, judge IT, it's your deal isn't .

i'm not mad about IT if your paying cash don't go to dead for a pet, put in the every dollar and make you still hitting your financial goals that's IT.

And if you would like to donate some doggy dips to George, send them to rams the solutions care of George camel and we will see if you try, all right, more of your calls coming up. This is the rainy show.

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how can we help? Hi .

good. All right. So um I guess I have kind of a wear calling. I hear you guys always having colors saying, how can I get my wife and my husband board? My call is how do I get my twenty three old fun on .

board to .

do a budget and all that?

How's he doing financially right now?

He's doing really well. He doing live at home with me now. Um and I he makes so little over three thousand a months which is for me is is a good amount is pretty .

much prety much I mean he .

does I do have him helped me with some rds um and he does have a car payment. I did buy him a car in december, but I told him he had to pay for IT. So pretty that all he has is he his expenses amount prety much is 美丽 in a thousand。

Okay, when you say he has a car payment, are you saying he has a car alarm?

Oh yes, yes, he has a currently pays monthly for IT. Okay.

was this before you knew about the baby steps? Because i'm confused. You're trying to get him on board, but we just steered him off course.

Well, yeah, no. I knew about the and the 嗯 plan。 Maybe twelve, ten, twelve years ago, I kind of fell off myself and I am getting back on IT OK. And actually at that time he was eleven and he his own little budget because he saw me doing that.

And there we go. That sort of getting that as more as caught taught. So when he sees mom telling him, go get a car alone or she's got her car alone and she's say, hey, you should be dead free. You should follow this guy day rams, he's going to yes, you don't even do that. So I think the the key to getting him on board, this is for him to see the transformation in your own life, to see what it's like to live without payments, to see you doing a .

budget well, I am doing I don't have my class paid off. It's been paid off good. Um so you know and I do my budget every every month and I go pated down with me, do few yours and you know, he gives me the whole while. I have my Young budget and this in my head and you know, just like you did that, I know what what is now.


what part of this is? He doesn't. He doesn't have a real adult life yet. Can I be honest, as long as I live at home, the budget was in my head too, until I had to pay my own rent, my own bills, my own insurance. Oh, crap.

I got IT like, figure the stuff out, what I can't have the cake and eat too. And right now he's kind of living in this like pergamo false reality where his life is largely funded. So why should I do a budget when my bills are a thousand weeks a month does? Is he working full time?

He has actually two jobs OK yeah once of a full time and and he work part time at a restaurant. How old is he again? And twenty .

three .

and to exact.

And I think that's where we need to go.

and I think .

he needs to help on the career side.

He needs .

something to sink his teeth into.

Well person, a couple of issues on here um this oh .

there's .

that we took me. You keep saying even if he wanted to move out, he couldn't he that's the problem which should be very natural for twenty three year old to want to move out. That is natural.

Something about this whole situation is unnatural. Not trying to be in kind. I'm not blaming you. I'm just telling you that IT is very Normal for kid to go off to college and be very excited about this new life that they live.

And he's now twenty three years son, but it's Normal for eighteen years to go off a georgian. I just talk about this during the break. I'm experience this with with our oldest sun.

It's Normal his love in his college life right now and he's come at home for the right, but he's already talking about how quickly in him back. And I remember back to those days word that was me too. And when I got to college, I didn't want to move back in my parents.

So I think there's a bigger issue here that that's not just the baby steps. You've got a you've got a grown man who's really not adult to use a current term. And I think, mom, I think it's time for you to kind of o hey, babe, I love you.

You got six months. You got six months to get out, and i've not done a good job. You need boundaries.

And I mean, that's what needs to happen, I think. And then this idea of how you get him on board, I mean, I think George is right. Model away and and and be supportive. Not not not not saying you're neg in him, but the days of him listening to mom like he used to are over. And right now you're just a big giant, comfortable safety net for him and that needs to go away because he's not going grow up.

And part of this is going let's look at the reality of the numbers and why you can move out. Part of that might be the car payment. Okay, what if we can get rid of the car payment, aggressively, pay this down, then you will be able to move out.

Look at, the budget is showing you that you could afford this. I you want to move out. Why would IT is there? Are you doing .

the winter? Are you cooking?

Hey, I can .

even get .

him understand.

He can let me take this go up. And within a year, living at home or not, but at living at home, he could .

you're missing the point .

that i'm making.

He hasn't had to work hard. He hasn't had to deal with reality. You're running this kid to think in terms of reality and you're part of the problem.

He's not living in reality. Does that make sense? I don't mind if you push back on me here.

do you know? No, no, no. You're actually .

you're expecting. No, you're not. You're not. You've made IT too comfortable for him. You make a two comfort that the growth .

comes from discomfort. And right now, his growth is stunted because he's living in total comfort.

His front low is not developed. The experts say. It's like twenty six or twenty seven for min. And I doubt that i'm fifty and I think mine still probably not there yet. My wife are probably agreed from day day in .

a OK in the your corn bread.

not down in the middle. Thank you. And but in how long do you 觉得 you're expecting him to function like you, a mature adult? Number one front loves that.

Develop in lieu of that. He needs real responsibility to to get him in line. And you've taken all that from him.

That kids got IT easy. You ve put him on easy street and you're going he just doesn't have any gump tion. Don't know why I call in in George today. The reason is, any government is because he doesn't need any gumption or great.

If you want to put that, lets get him some resources. Can I want to send him your resources, find the work, your wire to do what to get to, and my back breaking free from broke to show my path out of? And don't you .

agree if he doesn't make life uncomfortable for him by saying reality is coming, is time for you to adult? He won't use .

any of those resources?

Hundred percent. Yeah.

i'm big on this. George told you I love you.

You've got six .

months .

to move out yeah.

out of love. This is not an angry thing. It's saying, hey, we're going to do a budget and I want to make sure that when you leave this place, you're not going to fall flat on your face.

Lets do a budget based on what reality would be out there when you're covering your own bills. And if you can do that, then we have to go. We need to job. We need something, a more of a career versus part time jobs that are .

funding the bills.

coaching and say, five.

here's what a car payment is put put a quickly budget together for him showing and it's .

not in his heads say, no, I want to do this on paper because I care about your future.

I think you're more scared than he is. I don't think he is any idea what reality looks like, and I think you know what reality looks like. So there you go.

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