The Rad Years

The Rad Years podcast focuses on the things we loved growing up in the 80‘s and 90‘s


Total: 411

Sears Christmas Wishbook 1986


We continue our Christmas 2021 season by diving into the Sears Christmas Wishbook 1986 and picking o

Retro Christmas Music 3


Continuing our Christmas 2021 season, we're doing our 3rd retro Christmas music episode, so get some

Retro Christmas Commercials


It's the start of the 2021 Rad Years Christmas season!  We kick it off with a show talking about 10

Thankful ‘21


it's our 5th year of our annual tradition, the "Thankful Show".  We talk about 10 rad retro things w

Celebrating Ghostbusters


Ghostbusters Afterlife comes out this weekend, so we celebrate it's release by celebrating Ghostbust

We talk about 10 retro thing associated or directly having to do with Arnold that we love. (When fir

James Bond 007


We talk about 10 retro James Bond "adjacent" memories from our past, this is a fun one!

Trick or Treat 2021


closing our the 2021 Halloween season with our Trick Or Treat "grab bag" show where we talk about 10

Retro Halloween Music 4


We continue the  2021 Halloween season by once again talking about 10 songs we thing are creepy as h

We continue the Halloween 2021 season talking about 10 more retro horror movies from the 80's and 90

Halloween Commercials pt3


We kick off Halloween 2021 talking about 10 retro Halloween commercials we loved as kids.  Enjoy

1994-In Toys!


We talk about nonsense, then I complain about a bad review, eventually we talk about toys from 1994

1994-In Junk Food


We continue our September talking about the year 1994, today we talk about Junkfood from the year 19

1994- in Video Games


we talk about 10 of our favorite video games and 1 video game system that came out in 1995, that cam

1994-in Movies


We continue talking everything from 1994 this time going over the movies that came out in 1994 that

1994- In Television


This September, we're spending the whole month talking about the year 1994, we start with television

The Dog Show


We (eventually) talk about 10 dogs from the 80's and 90's

Athletes go Hollywood


We talk about 10 athletes who went hollywood in Rad Years era movies!

The Legend of Zelda was RAD!


We talk about retro memories from the classic Nintendo series, The Legend of Zelda

We take you back to the Fridays and Saturdays of our youth watching the USA network for the best of