The Rad Years

The Rad Years podcast focuses on the things we loved growing up in the 80‘s and 90‘s


Total: 410

Old TV Theme Songs


We talks about old TV theme's and intro's that we loved from our childhood, including some old famil

Fast Food 2


It's a sequal to our first Retro Fast Food Show.  We talk old McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Little Ceasers,

We're joined by Josh from the "Oh I Had That" Podcast for part 1 of a 2 part topic Round Table.  We

1994 was a Rad Year


1994 was a heck of Rad Year!  Listen to us talk about our favorite movies, TV shows, toys, video gam

One Hit Wonder Toys


We talk "One Hit Wonder" toys/duds.  Toys that made a big splash but fizzled out quickly.  From the

Retro Romance


Well, Valentines day was last week, and to celebrate we talk about "Romantic" things from the past,

Snow Days


This is a "Can't Miss"  If you loved our "Weekends" "Great Outdoors" and "After School"  episodes, y

Super Bowl Commercials


We talk about our favorite Super Bowl commercials from the 80's and 90's

Mattel Toys


We talk about our favorite toys that were released under Mattel from the 80's and 90's.  

WWF Attitude era


we talk about the one of the best times in professional wresling.  (it's our one wrestling show a ye

We talk about some of our favorite classic Simpsons episodes, then are joined by a lead animated on

R Rated Movie Toy Franchises


Title seems complicated, but it's not.  We're talking about all of those R-Rated movies that had Toy

We dicuss everything any anything that has to do with Die Hard, Gremlins and Batman Returns.  Three

Christmas Memories


We talk about our favorite christmas memories from our childhood.  From movies, to cartoon specials

Star Wars Memories


a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, Squeezer and RK became infatuated with Star Wars, in antic

Blake J. Harris Joins us


The book Console Wars "Sega, Nintendo and the battle that defined a generation" was a massive hit wh

Classic Christmas Music


We rundown 10 of our favorite or maybe not so favorite classic Christmas songs. 

Giving Thanks


We celebrate Thanksgiving in America by talking about the things we give thanks for, from Survivor S

After School


We talk about what life was like after school, from cartoons to snacks, to that glorious hour until

We're joined by David L. Craddock, author of "Break Out: How the Apple II Launched the PC Gaming Rev