Shownotes Transcript

As women we have leashed ourselves to the fear that if we shine too brightly we’ll make others feel bad, or that they’ll judge us for it, or that we’ll fail and look stupid, or that we won’t be loved. We’ve put this leash around our own necks, or we haven’t removed the leash that society has put on us, and so we tend to play small.

My own leash used to be the belief that if others saw my imperfections, if I didn’t have the body or the husband or the job they wanted me to have, that I wouldn’t be loved. What is your own leash?

I have programs that help women uncover their purpose, and that help them launch a purpose-based business, but what I’ve learned is that the first step to any of this is unleashing ourselves, setting ourselves free. And so I’m thrilled to announce a new program, Goddess Unleashed, to truly help women to break free of what leashes them and finally live free as the wise, wild goddess that is within them. In today’s episode I talk about the four steps to unleashing:

  • Say Goodbye to the Good Girl
  • Rise and Alchemize
  • Claim the Wise, Wild Woman inside
  • Live as Her

And whether or not you join Goddess Unleashed, you do NOT want to miss this episode!

To learn more about Goddess Unleashed, and to sign up, please go to

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