cover of episode 243. Why having hobbies is so important

243. Why having hobbies is so important

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The Psychology of your 20s

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Jemma: 在20多岁这个阶段,爱好与友谊同等重要,但人们往往更重视友谊而忽视爱好。缺乏爱好会影响生活质量,使生活缺乏深度和乐趣。爱好对身心健康和个人发展至关重要,它能帮助人们重新连接内心的孩子,激发好奇心,并促进人际交往。本集将探讨爱好的隐藏心理益处、不同类型的爱好以及人们难以坚持爱好的原因,并提供一些建议帮助人们更好地平衡生活,坚持爱好。爱好的定义存在争议,关键在于是否需要主动投入精力和时间。爱好是人们在闲暇时间内进行的、自发享受的活动,与工作或生存必需品无关。爱好的争议点在于是否需要付出努力,被动行为如看电视是否算爱好存在分歧。作者认为爱好需要主动投入脑力或体力,而非被动消遣。社会学家将爱好分为休闲爱好、严肃爱好和项目式爱好三种类型。休闲爱好轻松随意,无需大量准备或金钱;严肃爱好则需要更多努力和金钱投入;项目式爱好是短期、一次性的项目。关于应该有多少爱好以及多久进行一次爱好,存在不同的观点。不同年龄段的人,爱好的数量和频率有所不同。研究表明,拥有2-5个爱好是最佳状态,但只要有时间和空间,爱好越多越好。拥有更多爱好和休闲时间与更低的压力、血压和更好的身心健康相关。“四项爱好法则”建议拥有四种类型的爱好:健身、创意、精神和赚钱。将爱好商业化可能会降低其带来的乐趣,因为金钱会带来压力。将爱好变为工作需要付出更多热情,因为金钱会增加压力,降低乐趣。将爱好变为全职工作后,作者经历了爱好危机,因为失去了纯粹的乐趣。爱好对身心健康有益,能让人更快乐、更充实。研究表明,拥有爱好并经常参与能提高老年人的幸福感和寿命。爱好对身心健康至关重要,能让人更有活力和目标感。爱好能提高专注力、减轻压力,让人更了解自己,减少孤独感。当代年轻人参与爱好的方式与以往不同,消费型爱好(如看电视、玩游戏)日益增多,而创造型爱好减少。消费型爱好虽然方便,但不如创造型爱好更有益于个人成长和满足感。科技发展、生活节奏加快以及社区感缺失是导致人们难以坚持爱好的原因。即使生活繁忙,也能找到时间和方法来优先考虑爱好。很多人虽然有爱好,但实际上很少进行,主要原因是时间不足、缺乏动力和缺乏灵感。缺乏动力可能是由于拖延症或完美主义,人们更倾向于选择更容易获得满足感的活动。不坚持爱好会形成恶性循环,导致动力下降。如果对爱好不再感兴趣,可以尝试新的爱好。缺乏灵感是人们不坚持爱好的主要原因,可以尝试一些新的、不常见的爱好。提供了一些不常见的爱好建议,例如贝壳收集、烘焙、参加社交体育活动等。缺乏动力是难以克服的障碍,建议尝试多种新的活动,并重新回忆爱好带来的快乐。克服缺乏动力的方法是设定目标、尝试新事物,并重新体会爱好的乐趣。将爱好视为自我保健的一部分,养成习惯。人们总能为重要的事情找到时间,可以减少屏幕时间来腾出时间做爱好。利用碎片时间进行爱好,即使时间很短,也能养成习惯。将爱好视为一种特权和放松的方式,而非义务。每天抽出30分钟来进行爱好,感受其带来的益处。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are hobbies important in your 20s?

Hobbies are crucial for well-being, providing balance outside of work and relationships, and fostering personal growth and creativity.

What are the psychological benefits of having hobbies?

Hobbies improve focus, reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and combat loneliness, contributing to overall mental and physical health.

Why do people struggle to maintain their hobbies?

Common barriers include lack of time, motivation, and inspiration, often due to prioritizing easier, passive activities like screen time.

How can one find time for hobbies amidst a busy schedule?

Identify small pockets of time during the day, such as commutes, and reframe hobbies as enjoyable, fulfilling activities rather than obligations.

What are some unique hobby ideas for those seeking inspiration?

Consider activities like shell collecting, baking for others, joining social sports teams, letter writing, hosting events, gardening, or attending ceramics classes.

How do hobbies contribute to a balanced life?

Hobbies help distribute time and energy across different life areas, preventing any single aspect from overwhelming personal well-being.

What are the different types of hobbies according to sociologists?

Hobbies are categorized into casual leisure, serious leisure, and project-based leisure, each varying in effort, cost, and duration.

Why might making money from a hobby diminish its enjoyment?

Monetizing a hobby introduces stress and reduces the natural enjoyment, requiring a higher level of passion to sustain interest.

The episode begins with a discussion on the definition of a hobby, exploring the debate around what activities qualify as hobbies and the distinction between passive and active leisure.
  • The definition of a hobby is up for debate.
  • Hobbies are activities done in free time for enjoyment and not related to work or essential tasks.
  • Some argue that hobbies require mental or physical effort, distinguishing them from passive activities like watching TV.

Shownotes Transcript

Your hobbies may be just as important as your friendships in your 20s. But whilst you may dedicate 10-15 hours a week to your friends, most of us can go a week or two without actually performing our hobbies. Why is that, and what is the consequence?In today's episode we break down the psychology of why our hobbies are so important, including: 

  • The debate around what makes a hobby 
  • How many hobbies do you actually need? 
  • How much time should you spend doing your hobbies? 
  • The Rule of Four for hobbies
  • The psychological benefits 
  • The 3 major reasons we struggle to perform our hobbies
  • How to find time, inspiration and motivation for your hobbies, and more

Listen now if you want to make more of your leisure time! 

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