cover of episode Apple’s Future Under Trump, Voter Turnout in the 2024 Election, and Scott’s Writing Advice

Apple’s Future Under Trump, Voter Turnout in the 2024 Election, and Scott’s Writing Advice

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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

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参与《Camerosity Podcast》,分享1980年代相机使用经历的嘉宾。
Daniel 询问在特朗普再次执政后,对中国制造的苹果产品加征关税会如何影响苹果公司的产品价格,以及苹果公司是否会考虑通过年龄限制等自我监管措施来应对。 Scott 认为科技公司的所谓“自我监管”形同虚设,实质上是为了避免更严格的监管。他批评社交媒体对青少年心理健康造成的负面影响,认为科技公司对此负有责任,并对学校禁止学生使用手机的措施表示支持。Scott 回顾了特朗普第一任期内苹果公司如何成功避免大部分关税,并质疑关税政策的合理性。他认为,如果对 iPhone 加征关税导致价格上涨,消费者会强烈不满。同时,他也指出,许多公司,包括苹果,已经将部分生产转移到其他国家以避开高额关税。Scott 认为,如果对中国商品加征关税,共和党内部可能会出现反对声音。他还指出,特朗普作为“跛脚鸭”总统,其影响力和控制力将下降,难以像以前那样推行政策。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

How might Apple's future be affected under a second Trump Administration?

Apple could face increased tariffs on goods made in China, potentially raising iPhone prices by $300. However, Apple has already diversified manufacturing to avoid higher tariffs, and political dynamics might prevent the full extent of Trump's proposed tariffs from being implemented.

Why did voter turnout decrease in the 2024 election compared to 2020?

Voter turnout in 2024 was still strong but not as high as in 2020, which was an exceptionally emotional election due to the Trump presidency and COVID-19. The 2024 election lacked the same level of emotional intensity, leading to a slight decrease in turnout.

What advice does Scott give for developing writing skills?

Scott recommends mastering basic grammar, practicing writing regularly, and reading extensively from great writers to understand pacing and structure. He emphasizes the importance of starting and editing as key steps in the writing process.

Scott discusses the potential impact of tariffs on Apple under a second Trump Administration, exploring how Apple might navigate increased costs and the implications for consumers.
  • Apple could face higher costs if tariffs on Chinese imports are implemented.
  • Tim Cook managed to avoid most tariffs during Trump's first term through negotiations.
  • Apple is diversifying its manufacturing to avoid tariff impacts.

Shownotes Transcript


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Well, to the property pod's office hours. This is the part of show where we answer questions about business, big tech, tremendous ship and whatever else is on your mind. You'd like to submit a question.

Please email, voice recording to office hours approach immediate outcome. Again, that's office hours approach, immediate outcome. So that first question.

hey, profile, this is Daniel from chicago and I have a question for you about apple and tech regulation in the new trump era.

So the Price of apple products, if these trumpet terrifying, he talks about, uh, go into effect and the with the products coming out of china now, could apple decide to self regulate and start to impose age gating as kind of a way to counter these things? I also think this might be an opportunity for them to kind of stick IT to meta in another way. So your it's on apple and self regulation. Self regulation is .

nothing but an attempt to create a profile active in eleven hour, hoping that if you make a piece offering IT won't be as bad. There is zero self regulation as far as I can tell. Um I I always been a fan of apple but let's be honest um tim cook and um and porch I are really likeable, but they're really liable.

Crack dealers outside of jer high school, oxford just came out with the study showing a linear correlation between social media use and depression, anxious in eating disorders and self harm among tanee or only repeat that social media use is directly correlated to self harm, anxiety, depression and self harm so is a mark cyberspace lt. Yeah but also also the person delivering and selling ah this crack cocaine or these opiate for this math is in fact a google and apple. There are the ones that could probably more easily agitate the products.

There's no reason any fourteen year to have a smart from the no reason anyone under the age of sixteen to be on social media. We're starting to see real push back from the private sector. I was to say the public private sector, specifically schools that are starting to ban phones, mostly because my colleagues breakthrough seminal landmark work, the anxious generation you're seeing entire country's ending new zealand band funds in schools said exist to talk everywhere.

Banning funds in school isn't as someone who's a father of two son spme your bullshit that is about parenting. It's not if you have kids, they're gonna on social media because they're not on social media access that more depressed and the depress its on social media because are also size and they feel alone. I don't think there's gna be any self regulation here.

I think you're gonna see. I mean, they might do IT to try and stave off more punch of regulation. Would be clear if we're waiting for the Better Angels to show up.

You're gona yeah I don't know. You must will wait for autonomous tesla anyways in terms of tariff. S tim cook k has been very svy. Um trumps seems to have a soft spot for a cook. He was able to avoid the majority of terrors on most of its products during the first time presidency.

How, back during the first term, apple seal team could convince the White house to keep most of apple's products, including iphones, off the terf list. And then I make sense. Now, even though most are made in china, he argued that terms were not a braced ing Prices on products, including smart t phones, tablets and computers, which would hurt apple in some of its tag peers.

The White house soon do agree, and he's right. Why do you have terrorist parking anything? The argument that tim coke mag could be made for any toy, any piece of clothing, anything, this is nothing but attacks consumers, except ten and apple are cool.

And I think trump, like hanging out with ten cook and thought, no apples, kind of appalling. And I want to be with the cool kids makes no sense. Now, things could possibly change with trump second term. I doubt trump has talked about putting a ten to twenty percent typhon on imported goods, with the sixty percent higher terrify imports from china. Good fucking luck, as all I have to say.

With that, first of the reason why I don't think terrorism to come through or or be levy to nearly the extent that trump has been blustering about, first off, for apple economic estimate, the trump plan, a new terrors on goods made in china. The Price of your next thousand or iphone will cost some extra three hundred dollars if you want to see people get really angry before they starts self cutting, were throwing up their launch raise their iphone Price three hundred dollars. But some experts think it's possible that the next White house will skipped terror on smart funds, computers and tablets again.

Also, many companies were successful. Ly shifted some of the marketing to other countries to start clear of the higher terrorist, some products made in china. In fact, apple is one of them.

Apple, you gotta think, and every got damn meeting, he's like, diversify away from china. Oh, factory india? Yeah, sure.

What did that factory? mexico? Hundred percent. Also one of the reasons I don't think these terrifying gona have nearly attraction.

He's hoping as couplings one, republicans do get the economy. Often times I get IT more than democrats. And you're gna see a lot of republicans grow back. Bond, say, if you put these kind of terrorists on this, you can raise eighty eight percent of toys on the Christmas tree come from china.

What happens when everyone's Christmas gets twenty percent more expensive for people with kids? You're going to see a number of republicans break from the administration because one, they understand economics. They like populist arguments.

And also also what people want to talk about about in a couple weeks. President trump is a lame duck. He can run again.

He can't boot people out office. You can probably boot them out of office if they're up for reelection in the house in twenty twenty six. But other than that, he's not gonna Carry that kind of varium steal he's had all along.

He's been able to make or break careers pretty soon. He's gonna be kind of joe by and on his way out and not be able to intimidate nearly as many republicans. For tariff, let me think tax, thanks to the question. Question number two.

a proof g. John coming to you from Austin taxes. In the autopsy of the presidential election, I have not heard much mentioned about the sheer number of votes cast in twenty twenty four compared to voter turnout percentage has have been calculated for twenty twenty four, but you can only assume IT was much lower than the sixty six point six percent from twenty. My question is, what happened in twenty twenty four with such low voter turn now compared to twenty twenty, is the answer that the mass voting public was just too lazy to get out of the house and cast a vote in person in twenty twenty four? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

thanks. Thanks to the question, john. About two thirds, or sixty six percent of valuable voters participated in the election. I was that higher turnout for a national action since nineteen hundred hundred. wow.

As we're recording this, ballots are still being counted for this year s election, but according ethnic associated press and the universal floria election labs, to four point five percent of voters participated. So I think that's actually a pretty decent turnout. So I think this was a very emotional election.

And I think that this shows that this turnout was actually as high or higher than most elections. And typically, often times, people don't focus. They get discouraged for their confused, where they done a hood of vote for. But in this instance, I think a lot of people are very motivated, very polarized, very emotional, a lot of rage. So actually, I think voter turnout was pretty, pretty strong here, not as strong as two third.

I think some of that was there was a bit of a gaga flex around trump very emotional time around covered ah and I think there are a lot of people who were just less comfortable with drop now. But having said that, why is even greater numbers and twenty twenty four? The other answers I don't know.

But historically speaking, we had prety strong voter turnout. Here we have one quick break before our final questions. Stay with us.

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Welcome back. Question number three. Hey, rap. G.

this is well and filled dolphin. A, I just got out out of the navy, and i'm using that sweet, sweet. G, I built to go to grad school.

Finding an internship has been an interesting process on thirty one, and this is the first time in my life a job interview didn't involve running in push PS. I find myself spending a lot of time writing for school work networking emails, cover letters and questions for podcasts. Spitting this, once time writing is new for me, I find the process to be matta n joy, well imagined.

But I immediate not a good rider. I'm trying to increase my skills and story telling ability because, A, I want to be good of the things I enjoy. And B, I considered IT in an elemental.

C vantage. And my professional and personal feature, my question is, is how did you develop writing skills? What aspects of writing and storytelling did you want to develop specifically? Thanks you.

Thanks for the question well, and thanks for service. And I I mean that sincerely. Ly, one of the things I regret is never having served. I think the great story telling is the the lost art, or the the key competence, if I could give my kids anything, and I could say this a lot, but IT bears repeating, wouldn't be Mandated or computer science, or programing or negotiation skills that would be storytelling.

Your ability to, uh, get capital, your ability to convince people to join your, your ability to sell clients, your ability manage people, your ability to find a mate, friends, whatever might be, get elected to the house representative based on your ability to be a great story teller. And that's not just standing in front of a much people. Yes, are you great story teller over tax? Good twist of phrase.

Are you good on threads? And I find that the hardest scale um is writing. It's the hardest thing I do. I've committed to writing a book every eighteen months until I kind dropped that, and i've done that for the last seven years.

And every time I do that, I think what the fuck that I agreed to do to see and IT is really difficult. And I find I try work out, I try and damage my muscles in such a little, grow back stronger and faster, that's go away. But I also tried damage and muscle in between my ears.

And I find the best way to do that is to try, right? There's a few things you can do the right well. One is academic gets drunken White elements style.

And just make sure that you understand basics of grammar. I read that book six or seven times. I still travel with grammar. By the way, I was a shit writer up until, I don't know, twenty five per thirty. The second thing is that sounds, pat, you just got to write on the second time the most important thing, and this is true, most things is starting. You want to write something, the key, flip open your laptop and start writing because the real magic, there's two piece of magic starting and then going back in the edit.

So you just got to open, get some thoughts soon as you get a thoughts, start writing IT doesn't an, if you don't have to start IT can be a paragraph is going to be in the body IT can be the conclusion but the moment you have something, some form, some regulation of thoughts and gestation of a concept, some narrow art, whatever, right? And Allen, whatever is you you think you have some insight into what you or some idea what you want to start writing? The next thing is, if you want to be a great writer, is you need to read a lot because you'll start picking up on things.

You'll start getting, uh, you know, great writers will give you a sense for pace and cats and the architecture senses. A book that really helped me was, I think, was called on writing, uh, by Stephen king, if you just typed. And Stephen king book on writing, I thought I was fantastic.

And he uses these examples where he sites a passage when his booker's describing a this metal chest that things are starting. Or he describes how we used to go to the darker of his ear, jumped peers to release the fluid. And he describes that in such horrific detail that you literally just on the edge of your scene, you realized this guy has such, such a gift.

I think he's argue with my favorite writer that's true in urban I don't know anyways in some some basic academic elements style just practice read wonderful writers. Uh but again, it's like anything in life. What is the key? What is the key? Now start.

That's off the episode. If you'd like to summer a question, please email a voice recording the office of proto media. Again, that's offers a proto media our com.

This subs produce by general sanchez and Caroline chagrin. Joe burrow is our technical director. Thank you for listening the property pop in the box media and ork. We will catch you on saturday for no more no mAlice by and please follow our property markets pod wherever you get your pods from new episodes every monday and thursday.

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