cover of episode The Trade Challenge, With Edward Alden and Ana Swanson (Election 2024, Episode 3)

The Trade Challenge, With Edward Alden and Ana Swanson (Election 2024, Episode 3)

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The President’s Inbox

Ana Swanson
Edward Alden
Edward Alden认为,美国对贸易的辩论焦点已从追求机会转向关注风险,两党政治家都更加关注贸易扩张(尤其对华贸易)的潜在负面影响,而非积极的经济效益。他区分了长期趋势和短期冲击,指出中国冲击对美国制造业就业岗位的快速流失起到了显著作用,尽管长期来看,制造业在发达国家普遍衰退。他认为,NAFTA的影响较为复杂,既带来一些就业机会,也导致工厂外迁,对部分社区造成负面影响。关于特朗普政府的贸易政策,他认为特朗普总统对贸易持清晰连贯的理念,即通过提高关税来鼓励国内生产,并认为这种策略在政治上产生了共鸣。他指出,特朗普政府的关税措施导致供应链转移,美国从中国的进口比例下降,但许多企业仍然从中国采购投入品。他还分析了拜登政府的贸易政策,认为拜登政府在一定程度上延续了特朗普政府的关税措施,尤其针对中国,但在与盟国的关系上有所调整,更关注多边主义和重建联盟关系。他认为,普遍使用关税并非良策,它会增加成本,并对全球贸易和美国消费者造成负面影响。他认为,如果特朗普再次当选,他很可能会大幅增加关税,这可能导致与其他国家的关税战升级,对美国经济产生严重的负面影响。 Ana Swanson认为,中国加入全球经济对美国经济和人民的生活造成了巨大影响,既带来了廉价商品,也导致了就业岗位外流。人们越来越质疑与中国的贸易关系,特别是技术产品的贸易关系。她认为,NAFTA的影响是复杂的,既创造了一些就业机会,也导致了一些工厂转移到墨西哥,对某些社区造成了负面影响。关于特朗普政府的关税政策,她认为其在政治上产生了共鸣,选民认为特朗普正在采取行动对抗外国,保护美国制造商。她指出,对中国的关税导致供应链转移,美国从中国的进口比例下降,从墨西哥和越南的进口比例上升,但许多企业仍然从中国采购投入品。她还分析了拜登政府的贸易政策,认为拜登政府对某些战略性商品(如芯片、电动汽车和太阳能产品)征收关税,是为了保护美国国内产业,但同时也导致了成本增加。她认为,拜登政府的政策导致美国为了对抗中国,不得不采取类似中国的工业政策,这是一种有趣的循环。她还指出,特朗普对关税的立场可能已经从将其作为谈判工具转变为更广泛的保护主义,尽管他可能仍然会考虑某些利益集团的意见。

Deep Dive

The US trade debate has shifted from focusing on expanding trade to emphasizing the risks and negative consequences, especially concerning China's competition. While trade has contributed to job losses, other factors such as domestic economic decisions and technological advancements also played significant roles in deindustrialization.
  • 40 million+ US jobs depend on imports or exports
  • Debate shifted from opportunity to risk
  • China's entry into the global economy had a large impact
  • Scale of job loss in manufacturing during the 2000s was extraordinary (6 or 7 million jobs)

Shownotes Transcript

Edward Alden, a senior fellow at the CFR and the Ross Distinguished Visiting Professor at Western Washington University, and Ana Swanson, a trade and international economics journalist at the New York Times, sit down with James M. Lindsay to discuss opportunities and constraints that the next U.S. president will confront on U.S. trade policy. This episode is the third in a special TPI series on the U.S. 2024 presidential election and is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Mentioned on the Episode 


Edward Alden, Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy)


When the World Closed Its Doors: The Covid-19 Tragedy and the Future of Borders- 


David Autor, Anne Beck, David Dorn, and Gordon H. Hanson, “Help for the Heartland? The Employment and Electoral Effects of the Trump Tariffs in the United States),” National Bureau of Economic Research


The U.S. Election and Foreign Policy),

For an episode transcript and show notes, visit The President’s Inbox at: