cover of episode 33: Josh Wolfe - The Mind Financing The Future

33: Josh Wolfe - The Mind Financing The Future

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Eric Weinstein
Josh Wolfe
Eric Weinstein认为,历史上许多看似积极的社会理想主义,实则掩盖了权力者对财富、安全或自由的转移和攫取。他以美国竞争力、全球化、科技乌托邦、性别平等和身份政治等为例,指出这些理想主义往往成为统治阶级利益的遮羞布。他呼吁摆脱对既定理想主义的依赖,寻找不受束缚的领导者,解决几代人以来失败的商业人士、政治家、记者和教授造成的混乱局面,并摆脱对中国的依赖。 Josh Wolfe则从风险投资的角度出发,探讨了科技发展与社会现实之间的关系。他认为,风险投资的本质是寻找并投资那些正在创造未来的科学家和工程师,并指出顶尖风险投资家通常是伟大的通才、交际家和逆向思维者。他认为,在风险投资领域,存在着掠夺性投资者和欺骗性创业者,但长期来看,由于声誉机制的存在,这种行为会受到约束。他还谈到了政府资助在科技创新中的作用,以及对罗莎琳德·富兰克林和沃森与克里克对DNA双螺旋结构发现的讨论。他认为,杰出人物的缺点不应该掩盖其贡献,取消文化可能会扼杀创新。 Josh Wolfe进一步探讨了人类本性与科技发展的关系,他认为生物学揭示了人类本性的黑暗面,而伦理道德可以被视为一种竞争优势。他还谈到了喜剧演员通过揭示禁忌话题来展现真相,这需要技巧和勇气。他认为,伟大的艺术表达往往源于个人经历和渴望沟通的冲动,而找到合适的表达媒介是关键。他认为创造力需要对现有共识的理解以及打破常规的勇气;成功的创业者通常具有不服输的精神和承受压力的能力。他还讨论了风险投资家应该在其他人理解之前就相信创业者的潜力,即使创业者存在欺骗行为的可能性。

Deep Dive

The conversation explores the qualities that make a great venture capitalist, including rigor, flexibility, and the ability to see beyond current consensus.

Shownotes Transcript

 Josh Wolfe of Lux Capital is a leading mind in the current wave of venture capitalists making waves. While aware of each other for some time, in this episode Josh sits down with Eric for their first meeting. Together the two explore various topics from comparing notes on their encounters with Jim Watson of DNA fame, to talking about what society gets wrong and how to see that as a source of opportunity. 

It is frequently asked what makes a great venture capitalist. This conversation reveals that it is likely not one thing but a combination of rigor, breath, flexibility of mind, openness, self-skepticism and mental courage to take on the unknown. That is because the myriad concerns that arise in any early stage attempt to grab the future by the tail from only the information available to us in the present will easily overwhelm those with narrow specializations. As the conversation takes many twists and turns, Josh's flexibility is put to the test as he freely doles out numerous wise observations from his wealth of experience.

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