cover of episode Remembering January 6, 2021 - A Terror Attack Many Americans Have Forgotten; Practicing Mindfulness And Its Positive Affects On Your Mental Health

Remembering January 6, 2021 - A Terror Attack Many Americans Have Forgotten; Practicing Mindfulness And Its Positive Affects On Your Mental Health

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Kamala Harris
Omar Mourad
Omar Mourad: 四年前的1月6日,特朗普及其支持者对美国国会大厦发起了恐怖袭击,导致人员伤亡和财产损失。许多美国人已经忘记了这一事件,但它对美国民主构成了严重威胁。 特朗普及其支持者对美国民主制度的破坏行为,以及他们对法治的漠视,是导致这一事件发生的原因。 在2024年总统选举中,特朗普再次当选,这表明许多美国人对他的行为视而不见。 民主党人则坚持法治,不会阻挠权力和平过渡。 为了应对当前的政治局势和社会压力,人们应该重视心理健康,积极进行正念练习,以保持身心健康。 Omar Mourad: 正念练习,例如每天早上花10分钟闭目养神,可以帮助人们放松身心,缓解压力,提高专注力。 保持整洁的居住环境也有助于提升心理健康。 除了正念练习,性行为也有益于身心健康。 Kamala Harris: 和平权力过渡是美国民主的基石,她将履行宪法职责,认证2024年总统选举结果,维护美国民主制度。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What happened on January 6, 2021, according to the podcast?

On January 6, 2021, a terrorist attack occurred at the U.S. Capitol led by Donald Trump and his supporters. This insurrection resulted in the deaths of at least six police officers, one Trump supporter, and significant damage to the Capitol building. The event is described as an act of domestic terrorism.

Why does the speaker believe the American public has forgotten about the January 6 insurrection?

The speaker believes that a significant portion of the American public has forgotten about the January 6 insurrection because many people voted for Donald Trump again in the 2024 election, despite his role in the attack. This suggests a short memory or a lack of concern about the events of that day.

What role did Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goldman play during the January 6 attack?

Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goldman played a heroic role during the January 6 attack by diverting a mob of Trump supporters away from the Senate chamber. His quick thinking and actions likely saved lives by preventing the mob from reaching senators and causing further harm.

What is the significance of Vice President Kamala Harris's statement on January 6, 2025?

Vice President Kamala Harris's statement on January 6, 2025, emphasized the importance of the peaceful transfer of power, a fundamental principle of American democracy. She highlighted her constitutional duty to certify the 2024 election results, underscoring her commitment to upholding democratic values despite her recent electoral defeat.

What does the speaker suggest about the future of the U.S. under the incoming administration?

The speaker suggests that the incoming administration, led by Donald Trump, will be detrimental to the U.S., potentially leading to the erosion of civil rights, healthcare, and social security. They also express concern that the administration could remain in power for an extended period, possibly canceling future elections and causing long-term damage to the country.

What is the speaker's recommendation for improving mental health?

The speaker recommends practicing mindfulness as a way to improve mental health. They suggest starting the day with 10 minutes of lying still in bed, closing your eyes, and emptying your mind of thoughts. This practice helps reset the mind, reduce stress, and improve focus and calmness.

How does the speaker describe the impact of mindfulness on mental health?

The speaker describes mindfulness as a form of meditation that helps reset the mind, slow down racing thoughts, and create a sense of calm and focus. They compare it to a 'mind massage' that can improve mental equilibrium and overall well-being, especially in an overstimulated world.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to The Politocrat. I am Omar Mourad. It is Monday, January the 6th, 2025. On this edition of The Politocrat, exactly four years ago today, the insurrection, the terrorist attack on the United States Capitol by Donald Trump and his supporters, plus...

Now, four years hence, the certification of November's presidential election, presided over by Vice President Kamala Harris, who, of course, lost the election two months ago. And mindfulness in action, the keys to relaxing your mind. I'll be talking about mindfulness and the role it will play and can play in your life. All of that coming up next.

The House will be in order. Okay. The House will be in order. The House will be in order. Members will take their seats. The House will be in order. We can get order. Okay. We can get order. We can resume.

You're watching live coverage from the Washington Post. This is the House floor. The Senate has adjourned. Recess pursuant to Clause 12B of Rule 1.

Okay, so the House just recessed, and we're watching to see what actions House members will take if they will leave the floor or not. Obviously, there are protesters outside of the U.S. Capitol building. We have been alerted that all buildings within the Capitol complex...

are essentially on lockdown. No entry and exit is permitted at this time due to an external security threat located on the west front of the U.S. Capitol building. Let's get Rhonda Colvin on the phone. Rhonda, you've been reporting from the Cannon House Office building. That's one of the house office buildings that's part of the Capitol complex, but you were evacuated a little while ago, Rhonda. Where are you now and what's happening?

That's right, Libby. In fact, it happened right after the joint session broke up and both bodies went to their chambers to start debate. We were notified by the Capitol Police to immediately evacuate where we were. We were in the Rotunda area, which is on the third floor of this House office building.

And we have all been relocated to the basement of the Cannon House building. And that is not just only press. That's everybody who is in Cannon. So I'm down here in the basement with our videographer, Lindsay, as well as other members of the press, also house members who are in their offices.

in Cannon are also down here as well. No one is able to go in or come out. I just heard on a report from one of the Capitol Police officers from his radio as he walked by me that they are responding to a potential breach

that has happened where people, some of these protesters outside, have attempted to enter on the Senate side of the building. So there's a lot of concern here right now. This is something, actually, if you have ever reported on the Hill, this is not normal.

No, it's not normal. It was not normal exactly four years ago today as Trump supporters committed acts of domestic terrorism, acts of terrorism against the United States, against the United States Capitol building in the seat of government in Washington, D.C. That's right. Exactly four years ago today that happened. And it seems as if the American public has forgotten that.

or at least a sizable number of the American public have completely forgotten that this happened exactly four years ago, that it happened at all four years ago or not. And that it was Trump supporters who did this, who were responsible for the deaths of at least six police officers, were responsible for the death of one other Trump supporter who was amongst them and was responsible for the damage, because that's what they did, damaged and desecrated

members of Congress's offices, members of Congress's walls and the walls of the Capitol. The press seemed to lionize these people, showing us photos, endless photos of this one lunatic,

And then we saw all of this video of people in zip ties or with zip ties. We saw what happened. We heard what happened. The chance of hang Mike Pence and the chance of kill Nancy Pelosi and all these other chance and these racist chance and all kinds of things. Someone with a Confederate flag, white man with a Confederate flag in the building. Remember the police officer,

I believe his name was Eugene Goldman. I forget his last name, but his first name was Eugene. And he saved a lot of lives that day. If you remember, he was a Capitol Police officer. He took a peek down a hallway, saw that there were senators in that area of the building. And of course, behind him was a white mob, angry white mob of Trump supporters who were following him and chasing him up the steps. And he had a quick peek down one way and quick thinking,

told him to go the other way. And so they followed him the other way. And so he took them really away from where the Senate area was, the Senate building was, where the senators were down the corridor. And had he made the fateful mistake of turning down that way and bring the mob would have followed him down into the Senate chamber or the House chamber.

And that would have been a total nightmare. And some people would certainly have been injured and would have lost their lives most likely as well. So, you know, that officer, and I think he did get some kind of commendation for his actions that day, four years ago, is a hero. He really is. And someone who I think should get a lot more credit than he even has from the public, generally speaking.

And he certainly, his actions, his quick thinking saved a number of lives on that day. And there were other people as well who were heroes, some of whom you are more familiar with, the Michael Fanones of the world, the Sergeant, I forget his last name now, Aquilano, Aquiano of the world, the Sergeant Aquianos of the world, the Henry Dunn's, the police officer Henry Dunn,

Harry Dunn, I should say, of the world, the Harry Dunns of the world, who, you know, another Capitol Police officer who really saved lives that day, and who became one of the at the forefront of this movement to get to get Donald Trump out of politics, although, of course, that was not successful, because the American public, again, with their small and short memory, decided to vote this thug back into the White House. It's just,

Again, it's what Americans deserve, quite frankly, and it's cold-hearted to say that, but you do deserve what you vote for, you know? And sometimes you vote for something and get another thing, which has completely happened in politics. But when you know that you're voting for someone who is going to turn your rights away, set them back,

destroy your rights, get rid of your healthcare, get rid of your social security or limited and cut back on your Medicare or Medicaid. When you consciously know that that's happening and you know that he's going to do that and you continue and you choose to vote for that person, then you do deserve what you vote for. You do deserve that. And

And nothing can be said by you once you start to see him and his cronies in the White House do that come January 20th and beyond. And who knows how long they'll be in there for. They might not just be there for four years. They might be there for eight or 12. That's what the American public has done. And so.

It wasn't by some kind of outlandish invasion of some terrorists or some fascists. The only terrorists are the ones on January 6th of four years ago. The only terrorists are the ones who went to rallies and supported violence or committed acts of violence during the course of Donald Trump rampaging around in politics. The only people who

are the ones who are being the villainous and evil people they are. The people at these rallies at Madison Square Garden who say all these racist things and sexist things and who say anti-Semitic things. These are the people who are the ones

And there are people like them who may be not as vocal in their racism and their sexism and their hatreds, but are voting for people like this nonetheless. And so they are people maybe in your neighborhood, maybe in your family, maybe in your street, maybe in your building. I mean, these people are the ones, ordinary people who may say hello to you in the afternoon or

Or hello to you on the weekend when you bump into them. Some of those people are voting and did vote for this piece of nonsense, this piece of orange garbage, this piece of orange nonsense, who is a criminal, who is a convicted felon, who is trying to get his sentence overturned altogether.

And as you know, dear listener, over the weekend, actually this past Friday last week, it was Judge Moshon in Manhattan who actually said that he is going to sentence Donald Trump on January the 10th. So that is this Friday. And I can bet you, and he's already as much signaled this, that he's not going to give any prison time at all to Donald Trump. And that's really what this is going to be about. He said it, he said as much basically. And so...

You have someone who's going to get away with committing these felonies. Well, he'll always be known as a convicted felon. And the lawyers for Donald Trump are trying to get rid of that moniker as well. But that's not going to happen. That is going to completely always be known as law.

He will always be known as that. That's why I will never call him by the title that he's going to occupy again starting on the 20th of this month. I'm never going to call him that because he's not. He's not that at all. And so January 6th of 2021, which was four years ago today, is a day that will never be forgotten in this country. As much as September 11th isn't forgotten in this country from 2001, January 6th won't be forgotten for 2021.

either because of the magnitude of the event. He had a government committee, a House committee on January 6th, select committee, who, of course, made its findings in a big report saying that Donald Trump was responsible for committing these acts, for encouraging these acts and for leading people in that, as he did on that day.

We have all the audio and video, so nobody can deny it, even though you're going to have people who, of course, will say, oh, no, he didn't do that. It was Taurus. No, it was not a Taurus. It was him. And it was members of the Republican Congress, House and Senate, who were also there at that big rally. It was Rudy Giuliani, who was also there at that big rally. It was John Eastman, who was also there in that big rally. There were many Republicans, prominent Republicans, who were going to be

there today on Capitol Hill as they do the certification of the federal, for the general election of 2024. That's going to be happening. That is happening and taking place.

It may already have happened by the time you listen to this episode of the Politicrat Daily Podcast. Yours truly, Omar Moor here. Thank you very much, dear listener, for being here on this Monday, January the 6th, 2025. It's incredible how quickly four years have gone by. Two more weeks left of the presidency of Joe Biden and the vice presidency of Kamala Harris. It's a shame. Uh,

I really was hoping that we'd be looking forward at this point to two more weeks of Biden, followed by at least four years of President Harris, of President Kamala Harris. But of course, that is not the case because...

The vast majority of people in America, you know, the vast majority of people in the last election in America preferred a convicted felon and a rapist to the black woman who's had decades of public service in the White House. That is what they preferred in the White House. So that shows you that Americans do not deserve anything better than what they get. You know, they don't deserve it. That's my honest assessment of

blunt assessment of people in this country who choose to vote for someone as despicable as this, a criminal. You would vote for a convicted criminal. You would vote for a criminal over someone who has dedicated 20 years of her life to public service plus. And not even that. It's just that you would romanticize criminality and violence.

That's what not you personally listening, but you the people who voted for Donald Trump chose to vote for a criminal and what kind of message did that send to anyone? Well, it's a pretty obvious message. What does it say about you? It says a lot about you. What does it say to your children? You don't care. You don't care what it says about to your children because you're setting an example for your children to follow your disastrous example that so you don't care how that filters down to your kids and

Because you'll have them talking this MAGA language in 15 years time if you've got little ones. You'll have them indoctrinated into a cult. And so that's the kind of thing that happens. The arrogance, the entitlement and the hatred happens.

And the ignorance, which is really the biggest thing of all here, along with the hatred that fuels all of this, the resentment, the ignorance and the hatred, those three things are like an explosion. And you need to put gasoline to a potential explosion waiting to happen. And you light that fuse and it blows. And you saw that in November of last year. And you see some people who are brown, white,

and a small number who are black, but, you know, a sizable number of brown people, Latinos, Latino men, majority of whom voted for Donald Trump. And, you know, black folk, we did not vote in the majority even close, not even close. 81 plus percent of black men voted for Vice President Harris, as we knew that would be the case. And 92 percent plus of black women voted for Vice President Kamala Harris. So,

A fateful day exactly four years ago today. And again, during the day today, in case it hasn't already happened, I'm probably sure by now it has, the certification of the presidential election results. And I can guarantee you, you're not going to see any Democrats objecting to these results.

You're not going to see any Democrats holding rallies on Capitol Hill or on the Washington Mall or on the lawn. You're not going to see any of that kind of stuff. You're not going to see people at the Ellipse holding a big rally. You're not going to see any of that. You're not going to see Democrats holding a big rally on Capitol Hill or on the Ellipse saying we need to march down to the Capitol Hill.

And we're going to, I'll be there with you. You know, you're not going to hear any of that from Democrats. Why? Because Democrats don't do that kind of nonsense. Whatever you might call some Democrats, Democrats believe largely with, of course, some exceptions, of course, just look at what's happening in Gaza, believe at large in the rule of law and are the most likely political party to defend the rule of law. That's what they are most, they're going to do that for the most part, not even close.

There's only one party that believes in it, and it's the Democratic Party en masse at large. And so they're not going to get in the way of this. They're going to accept these results. Oh, yes, they will. And a lot of this, a lot of blame can be put on the elements of the Democratic Party for these results in the November elections themselves.

this past November, certainly. But the Democrats aren't going to sit there and object and stall and prolong this process. No, it's going to go through lickety split in a matter of minutes, in about a half hour or less. That will be all done and dusted today. And there will be no Democrat getting up objecting to any results at all. I'll be shocked, shocked. It's

If there was any story or any instance of a Democrat getting up and objecting. Now, Stacey Plaskett, the delegate out of the Virgin Islands, did an objection to a parliament. It wasn't even an objection. It was a parliamentary inquiry. Yeah.

a question of inquiry for the speaker vote last week, where, of course, you know that on the first ballot last Friday, Speaker Mike Johnson was reelected speaker. Now, it took about two and a half hours because the vote where he was trailing was open for at least an hour and a half.

And at that point, there was a negotiation with two Republicans who had voted elsewhere other than Mike Johnson. And Mike Johnson and those two people had a prolonged negotiation. There was actually a phone call coming from you-know-who, that orange menace, who basically told these two people who were holding out,

to go and change their vote back to change their vote to Mike Johnson. And like obeisant little sheep, they did just that. They agreed to do that. And then they went to the well of the house and they changed their votes and told the clerk so that they were changing their votes for Mike Johnson. And that's what did this. That's what changed this around. So these people are in lockstep with their dear leader. They're in lockstep with their little Jim Jones. They're in lockstep with

with the person who is going to end up destroying this country. That is what is going to happen. Look, many of us have said that the country is already destroyed, and it certainly was when you think about it. Native Americans, their country, their land was forcibly taken from them, and they were forcibly removed from it and killed and genocided. And black folk who built this country up and built the lands of this country up

And built all the, you know, a lot of the buildings in this country, especially if you look at places like New York and the African burial grounds that aren't far away and all the buildings that black people built in this country for free, for God's sakes. You know, they were forcibly kidnapped, our ancestors from the African continent. And, you know...

The country was destroyed then when that all happened. So, you know, but what I'm saying is the infrastructure will be destroyed now by this menace, a convicted felon, because you, the American voter, not you personally, but you, the American voter, did this. It wasn't Putin. Putin didn't do and it didn't tell you to go vote for him. Maybe he must have. He did that over time on social media, obviously.

on steroids, but he wasn't the one that went into voting booth and in this state and that state and this city and that and pulled the lever to vote for this piece of garbage. It wasn't him. It was you. You, the voter who voted for him, did that. So whomever you are out there, you are the ones who must accept and you won't accept the responsibility of what's going to happen. And it's going to happen not just to you. It's going to happen to everybody who is in a position to be affected by it.

And so that's the reality here of what has happened and how people have forgotten and people's memories in this country are very, very short. And that means that people need to be reminded of January 6th, 2021, because now exactly four years later, there's going to be a process that brings the insurrectionist and convicted felon back into the White House. And you know what?

There will be no objection to it by members of the Democratic Congress. And you can bet that the Republicans won't be objecting to it either. That much is a guarantee. The peaceful transfer of power is one of the most fundamental principles of American democracy.

As much as any other principle, it is what distinguishes our system of government from monarchy or tyranny. Today at the United States Capitol, I will perform my constitutional duty as Vice President of the United States to certify the results of the 2024 election. This duty is a sacred obligation, one I will uphold forever.

guided by love of country, loyalty to our Constitution, and my unwavering faith in the American people. As we have seen, our democracy can be fragile.

And it is up to then each one of us to stand up for our most cherished principles and to make sure that in America, our government always remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

That was Vice President Kamala Harris yesterday on X in a video statement that she released to the social media platform talking about what she'll be doing today, which is presiding over, that's right, presiding over the peaceful transfer of power.

in this country, in the White House, coming up, of course, for the 20th. But today, she will be in the joint session of Congress on the Senate floor, and she, excuse me, on the House floor, pardon me, presiding over the peaceful transfer of power as the outgoing Vice President of the United States. This is something that Al Gore did when he lost an election that, listen, he won.

that the United States Supreme Court stole from him. Let's be really frank about that because that's exactly what they did. This has been done on a number of occasions where people who ran for president and who were currently the vice president at the time stood there

Just two months after their defeat, because this is now two months and one day since Vice President Harris went to defeat there in that presidential election in 2024. And here she is. She today is going to be presiding over her own defeat, let's face it, as she certifies and rubber stamps the certifications that have been made across the country in all these states.

You didn't have any Democrats blocking all of that. You didn't have Democrats protesting at all these parts of the country and going up to state election boards and banging on their doors and threatening them. You didn't have that. You didn't have Democrats making threats and making phone calls to secretaries of state and say, find me these votes. Find me these 11,780 votes. What Democrat did that? None.

is the answer to the question. And you know the answer is none. So Vice President Harris there in a statement yesterday on X, showing you what the country is supposed to be doing. And I know some people say, well, why are Democrats just doing what they're doing as if it's not a big deal? It's not that it's not a big deal. And it's not that they're just doing what they're doing. It is what the principles of this country are quote unquote supposed to be about.

And we know that the principles of the country are anything but about democracy. Just ask Native American people, just ask black people, right? We know that that is intrinsically not what it's about. But what I'm saying is that Vice President Harris is the adult in the room. That's the point I'm making. Unlike these people four years ago today who weren't adults, they were terrorists in the room. And so this is the realistic answer.

that I think that Vice President Harris, I think, knows full well. So that is the thing, I think, that is very clear.

the power of the vice president, although it's a very limited power, of course, to do what she is doing. But it's a power as president of the Senate that she does. She presides over today's electoral certification as the president of the Senate, because that's what you are when you are vice president of the United States. And so in

you know, this will pretty much be her last appearance. I think probably her last appearance in Washington, DC before the inauguration of that orange thug two weeks from today. Cause remember two weeks from today, there is an organ inauguration, uh,

of someone who is a convicted felon. And that's what you, the American public, decided to do with your vote. 77 million of you decided to vote for a convicted felon to be back in the White House. And so that means you do not care about law and order. You care about thuggery and violence and criminality and that you are ignorant to the consequences of all that. As long as it's the guy that you like, you don't care how it looks.

So obviously you would prefer a criminal in the White House than someone who has dedicated their lives to public service or someone like Vice President Harris who isn't a criminal, who is a law-abiding person. So it's very clear about who those 77 million people are.

And certainly people who really do not care about the country, they barely care about themselves. And so that's what you get when you vote for people like that and who will destroy the country. There's just no question about it. The government is not going to be a government that helps you. It's going to be a government that harms you. It's going to be a government that takes away your rights. It's going to be a government that takes away contraception. It's going to be a government that takes away your health care. It's going to be a government that takes away vaccines.

many, many thousands of civil servants jobs. Civil servants are going to be laid off. Many of them are going to be black and brown.

civil servants. You're going to have white civil servants laid off. You're going to have every kind of civil servant laid off because this incoming administration, this tyrannical administration is going to alter federal government forever. And it's going to be very, very hard to get that back. Even when these people finally do leave power, it's going to be very hard to get this back. It don't happen over one day or one week.

And look at what happened with Reaganomics in this country. Ronald Reagan's administration was one of the most damaging administrations this country has ever had. We are still climbing out from under, crawling out from under Reaganomics from 1981. For eight years he was in the White House and we drowned, drowned. And we're still recovering from that. We're still trying to get out of that. It was 40 years plus ago.

So you really do have to understand that when someone gets in the White House, what they do can be tremendously consequential. And it may not hurt now in the immediate term, but down the road in 10, 20, 30 years, it can have an extreme impact, a devastating impact. And you might not feel lots of it, or you might, but your kids will and their kids will.

And so that's the thing that people don't think about. They think that these things just happen and everything gets done immediately. Now, there are some things that happen immediately and there's some positive impact and some that happen immediately that have devastating impact as this administration coming in will. But then there's going to be things they do that are going to long term completely destroy the landscape in this country on a federal level. But people just don't care because people, many people in this country are disconnected from the political equator.

The couch won the election. That's what I always say about this election in 2024. And I think that I just might be right about that. It's been one of those really difficult times. But I'm going to take a break now and try to turn to a more uplifting, upbeat direction. And I will do that, well, after one piece of news that may not be so upbeat right after this.

Welcome back. And there is a couple of other, there are a couple of other items of news that I am thinking about at this moment. The memorial services have been held and will continue to be held for the next few days for former President Jimmy Carter, who passed away, of course, near the end of last year, this past week at the age of 100. He will be funeralized this week.

memorialized this week as well and has been. He's been lying in state for a few days now. I believe in the rotunda of the Capitol, if I'm not mistaken. But the mourning of the passing of former President Jimmy Carter continues, I believe, this coming Wednesday, the 8th

or maybe it's the 9th, I forget. It could be Wednesday the 8th or Thursday the 9th of January. It will be a national day of mourning. President Biden declared that last week. And so later on this week, a national day of mourning for the former president and now, of course, late President Jimmy Carter, who really was a decent human being, one of the most decent people who's ever graced the office of the White House, quite frankly. And

And his decency really continued after the White House. I think that's what most people will really be remembering about former President Jimmy Carter. It's not necessarily the four years he had in the White House where he had some obstacles to navigate, certainly. And he had that speech that I played last week for you called A Crisis of Confidence, which is a speech that I think has become the stuff of legend from Jimmy Carter, which

But really what Jimmy Carter will be remembered for is not necessarily his presidency, but the 40 or 50 years after his presidency. I think that that's really how you measure Jimmy Carter. Although again, he wasn't a disastrous president. He was in some ways a bit on the conservative side as president. But you saw how progressive he was after his presidency. And it

Very much someone who was a very devoutly Christian person, devoutly religious, I should say. He's a devout Christian. But again, he is being mourned all throughout this week. And there's a national day of mourning here in the United States for Foreign President Jimmy Carter. And then the other piece of news is...

that I want to say at this point is that the current Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has announced that he will be resigning as the leader of his political party in Canada. That would be the Liberal Party. So Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, has announced today that he will be resigning as

as the leader of his liberal party, the Liberal Party in Canada. He will be stepping down from that leadership position.

Justin Trudeau has, by the way, become immensely unpopular in Canada for the vast majority of people. Now there are people who probably still stick by him, but a lot of people in Canada now from any kind of news report that you hear have not been very much on the side of Justin Trudeau over the last few years. He's been immensely unpopular for a number of reasons. I don't really want to get into it here. I'll probably do an episode on that maybe later on this week.

But that is the case. And there's been a lot of pressure for him to resign, not just as the leader of his party, but to resign the premiership of Canada. He's not doing that. There's no indication that he would do that. I think he's term limited. I think this would be he got reelected, I think, what, two or three years ago now. So he's going to be outgoing anyway.

unless he gets re-elected for a third term and i'm not aware that in canadian politics um you get to serve three terms in that office as prime minister although i may be wrong i may need to do some research on that but that is where we are um today's news that has definitely not come as too much of a surprise from some because there was a lot of pressure on justin trudeau to step down uh

to stand down as the leader of the Liberal Party. There's a lot of people inside the Liberal Party who were challenging him for the leadership. There were a lot of people inside the Liberal Party who disclaimed him and disowned him basically and threatened to destroy the party from within if he continued to lead it.

And so he was under immense pressure over not just the last few weeks or days, but the last few months, if not longer than that, to step down from the office, from the leadership of the Liberal Party.

You know, we've seen this in other countries. In the United Kingdom, for example, you saw what happened with Boris Johnson a few years ago, three or four years ago now. I think it was just three years ago now, maybe back in 2022. Yeah, almost three years ago. Well, not quite three. Two and a half years ago in 2022 when Boris Johnson died.

If you may remember, maybe, you know, it was back in 2022 when Boris Johnson, if you may remember that, was forced out. Resignation after resignation from 10 Downing Street, from his cabinet. He had 75 people plus resigning in the space of a week or so. It was untenable, maybe a bit less than that, maybe in three days. It was untenable. He was forced to resign after all the things, the grotesque things he did while he was prime minister.

of the United Kingdom. And so he had to leave. And the same things happen here. I mean, some people I think have resigned from inside the Liberal Party as well. And so Boris Johnson had to step down as the Prime Minister and the leader of the Conservatives. And then of course, that got you Liz Truss in 2022 and that famous or infamous 49 days in number 10, the shortest ever stint for a UK Prime Minister in history. And then of course,

That brought you then Rishi Sunak, who served, I think, what, for two years after he came in in 2023. He served for, what, two years or a year and a half, a year and three quarters, whatever it was. The first brown prime minister, the first person who inhabited the office of prime minister in the UK who was not a white man or a white woman.

And so Sunak came in and then, of course, he got shellacked in the election, which he knew he would. I mean, he knew that the Conservative Party would take a massive hit in 2024 during that July 4th election. And, of course, it was an overwhelming win for the Labour Party in the UK. So that's really this is not a precedent.

in terms of resignations from political parties. We've seen this across the world. The Austrian chancellor over the weekend announced that he would step down. The Austrian chancellor said,

said he would not, uh, he would not continue on as chancellor. I think he said he would step down, I think either after the elections there or in the next few days or weeks. So you've had that too. So this is not uncommon across the world, uh, not uncommon in politics, whether it be Europe, whether it be the African continent, whether it be in the United States, whether it be anywhere that we saw what happened with president Biden here just last year, you know, just about what, six months ago now. Um,

just under six months ago, when he was forced out by members of his party, you know, the Democrats, the elitists in the Democratic Party, the upper echelon ranks of the Democratic Party, they forced him out. So this is something that happens on a pretty much an everyday basis here on the globe that we live on. And so Justin Trudeau is the latest to have to do it. Again, I'll have to get into

the whys and wherefores of Justin Trudeau and the relationship he has to the Canadian public, which is quite toxic, as I say, because there's obviously things that he has done or he's been in the midst of that haven't been good. But I want to get into those on a separate day. Anyway, I've talked way too much about the Canadian prime minister, and I want to get to something a bit more upbeat now, which is

Well, you know what? Let me take a break and start a clean slate of this. So I think it would just sound and start a bit cleaner than this segment has obviously gone.

Dear listener, welcome back. I do hope you're well on this Monday, on this January 6th, 2025. And I want to get to something that's a bit more upbeat and uplifting and more of a self-help variety. And I've talked about this before, and I'm going to continue to focus on this and other things during this calendar year of 2025, because mental health is going to be the biggest thing

for us all in 2025. Isn't it always mental health? Isn't mental health always the biggest thing? You know, mental health is always the biggest thing. Of course, physical health is as well. Mental health is health, right? That is your health. So mental health dictates all of these other things, your physical health too, because if you have a strong mental health, chances are, it doesn't always correlate this way. The chances are then your physical health is going to be pretty good as well. It doesn't always work that way.

But mental health is where it all starts. And so one of the key things as we get ready for what is going to be a tyrannical four years or maybe even eight, because this piece of orange filth, I did promise not to go this way, but I'm going to for a split second, wants to stay in power until he is gone, until he's no longer here. That's exactly what I think he's going to try to do.

And I will not be shocked if there's a cancellation of the election for 2028. You better believe that that's on the cards as well. Now, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be. But anyway, as we navigate this year, no matter where we are on the globe, right? As we navigate this year, mental health is going, and any year, mental health is gonna be a critical component of that navigation. And so one of the things that we can do

that you and I can do, dear listener, to improve our mental health.

is to practice mindfulness. Because, you know, people think that mental health inevitably means there's something wrong with you. Mental health, when that word or those two words get put together, people tend to think, oh my goodness, that means something's wrong with someone. Mental health is just a general thing that pertains to your well-being and your state of mind. It's important stuff. It's not to stigmatize anybody, no matter who you are, whether you have mental health challenges or whether you don't. And so,

One of the things that I definitely think is very important is mindfulness, the state of being able to slow things down and have your mind just empty itself and be aware, but empty itself of thoughts and just allow thoughts to just escape the mind and just melt out of the mind and to meditate. That's what mindfulness is. Mindfulness is really a form of meditation.

And it can be practiced in any number of ways. The way I prefer to do it is to lie still, particularly, especially at the beginning of a day when you just wake up. And I recommend this whether you are married, whether you're with a partner, whether you're by yourself, whether you're living in a busy household, whatever you do,

And usually it should be at the beginning of a morning, a beginning of a day. When you wake up, spend the first five to 10 minutes of your wake time lying in bed, closing your eyes and just not doing anything. If you're lying in your bed with your spouse, if you're lying in your bed with your partner, your significant other,

Or if you're lying in bed by yourself, I want you to just lie there for 10 minutes. Let's make it 10 minutes. Or we could, you know, let's make it 10 minutes and just let yourself do nothing at all. Don't go to your device. Don't go to your laptop. Don't go to your television set. Don't go to your radio. Just focus on nothing. Lie there in bed.

Close your eyes and just relax for 10 minutes. If you can do that, I would say five minutes, but I want you to do 10 minutes. If you can do that, you will find that at the end of that 10 minutes, you will be a bit more peaceful, a little bit more relaxed. It happens for me. I can definitely speak to that and I can speak to that knowledge of other people as well. It's happened for us. It's happened for them and it makes a difference. It makes a difference.

And you can then start your day after that. Why? You can start your day after anything, I guess. But I'm saying that...

Mindfulness is very important because it resets you. It resets, R-E-S-E-T-S. It resets your mind, resets your equilibrium, and you are recalibrated. And then you can then move into the beginning of your day. Mindfulness helps to reorder the mind. It helps to slow down the mind. It helps to de-stimulate the mind.

It's, I call it, it's akin to a mind massage. Your mind is being massaged when you practice acts of mindfulness because you're really massaging your mind. You really are meditating and it slows you. It centers you. It focuses you. It calms you. It's peaceful. It's an internal thing. It goes from your mind to your body to your soul. And really, I can't tell you how much of a difference I feel once I've started my morning like that.

It's absolutely essential. And I hope that you have the patience to do it because it can be difficult to do that. You might have had a terrible night's sleep or you might not have slept at all. The last thing you probably want to do perhaps is engage in mindfulness because you might have thoughts racing around and you might be very irritable. I don't know. But maybe you're not. But even if you are in a position where you've not had enough sleep,

Try to do that. Please. It's a challenge. It can be a challenge. It takes discipline and focus. But if you just sit, if you just lie down, if you're able to lie in bed and close your eyes,

At the beginning of your day, beginning of the morning, you've just woken up, close your eyes, look at the clock before you close your eyes, and then close your eyes and just relax for 10 minutes. You can set a timer if you want, maybe, or not, you know, because I really don't want you to look at your device. I really don't. And I want you to just close your eyes and relax, lying in bed,

Don't think about anything. Just let the thoughts, wherever they go, they're going to go. But don't focus on anything, but just close your eyes. And I'm telling you, if you can be still and be silent for those 10 minutes, it's going to make a lot of difference. And so there's a lot of things that we cannot control in the world, but what we can control is what we do or don't do. What we can control is how we start a day.

And what we can do is control the mental space that we have in this really overstimulated environment that we live in, that we are immersed in, whether it's social media, whether it's 24-hour-a-day news cable, whether it's cable or whether it's streaming services, apps being thrown out as streaming apps. And that's another thing I'm going to talk about on another episode, these apps and all the streaming stuff and what that does and what we need to do and all the rest of it. That's another episode. But on this episode...

mindfulness is critical it will help you it will help focus you i think you'll be in a better mood to start the day you know i think the only other thing i think that's really healthy and good for you apart from exercise or mindfulness is having sex because as long as that's done safely and in a

The chemicals in your brain and your endorphins and all the rest of that, testosterone, estrogen, all these things, they really get quite a boost when you're having sex as well. And so in the terms of mindfulness, you will find that you feel focused and you feel relaxed and you feel calmer.

Sex, at least, maybe not for everyone, but sex helps to calm you down. It helps to relax you. It helps to make you more focused, quite frankly. Now, that may not be true for everyone in the world, but it's healthy to have sex. It's healthy to meditate. It's healthy to practice mindfulness. And mindfulness is a real key.

and if you can do that for 10 minutes of every day, and I would also recommend you do it when you're coming from work, or whether you're working from home, whether you're working from an office, or whether you're not working, you just had a day where you've been out walking, you've been out at the gym, you've been out at some event somewhere, you've gone to a movie that's been, whether it's a movie that's been quite action-packed or more of a drama or whatever it is, when you come back home, the first thing you should do once you've got back home

is to get into bed, lie in the bed, close your eyes and relax for 10 minutes. Practice mindfulness. Just let your mind go. Don't focus on any particular thing. Just relax for 10 minutes with your eyes closed while you're lying in bed. And I'm telling you, that will help refocus you, reorient you,

It will give you control, I think. I'm very confident it will give you control of your mental space, of your domain. Because you've then emptied your mind out of all these thoughts popping off here, popping off there. And it helps center your equilibrium and get you back

to your environment of your space and your calm space, which should be your home. They say the home is the castle, right? In the olden days, it was the man's home is his castle, you know, that kind of patriarchal thing. But your home is your home base. It's your space where you're feeling most comfortable and most confident. And, you know, you have your home, hopefully, oriented in a place that

It's comfortable for you and it's not tremendously untidy or untidy. People have lots of living spaces that are absolute train wrecks. And there are people like myself who cannot stand to be in a space or anyone's living space that is just untidy and all unkempt. Now, dear listener, if I'm stepping on your toes, I definitely would apologize to you and I do apologize to you speedily because some people cannot function without having

lot of untidiness or some mess. And I'm the opposite. I much rather prefer, and I've had, listen, I can tell you, it's much better to be in a home, in an environment of home where your space is clean and clear. Because a messy home really reflects a mindset that's messy. And that's not being negative. That is just to say that your home environment is

And how it looks is a reflection of how you feel. It's really true.

And it's a reflection of what's in your mind and how your mind is. So if your environment in your home is scattered with things all over the place, then it reflects a scattered mind, a mind that's got a gazillion things racing through it, a gazillion things going on. And it reflects disorder and not in a negative way. Again, it reflects disorder that you're

that you're disorganized, perhaps, that you are all over the map, that you haven't really got a centralized focus, and that you're at dis-ease, ill at ease. You are going through some things that might be manifested in how your home looks, how your apartment looks. And so really what you want to do, and this is a challenge, but what you really want to do is...

Change the environment that you're living in in terms of how it looks. Get someone to clean it if you can't because you're too busy or too tired. Bring in some cleaners or bring in whatever, you know, professional cleaners or whomever to rearrange your house or your home or your space or your apartment, whatever it is. And believe me, mindfulness will come even easier to you.

When you do that, because you have a space, living quarters, a house, a home, an apartment, that is much more conducive to ordering your mind in a certain way. But I tell you, if you can focus on mindfulness, do that for 10 minutes.

I'm telling you, it's going to be very effective for you. Certainly do it to start the day. You can do it once a day or you can do it on a number of times per day. But if you've had a day at work that's stressful, or even if you haven't, just noting the change of environment, the change in environment.

When you go from working in an office to coming home, you want to be able to benefit your mind with the transition because you know you're traveling, you're commuting, it's busy on the road, it's rush hour, whatever it is. You had some altercation with someone or someone bumped into you and didn't say, I'm sorry. You know how people can be. You know what that's like. And you just want to get home and you get home and you're frazzled. One of the best things to do is practice mindfulness.

Go home, get in bed, close your eyes, lie down, keep your eyes closed 10 minutes, 10 minutes, and then take a shower or a bath, a hot bath. Some people do that. If you don't want to do the exercise of the 10 minutes of eye closing, then you might want to go home, take a hot bath. Lots of people do that after work and before dinner. You know, take a hot bath, light some candles,

And just relax in the bath for 20 minutes. That's a form of mindfulness as well. And if you prefer that, then do it. But you can do both. You can definitely, and I really recommend this, do the mindfulness exercise that I'm recommending. Just lie in bed for 10 minutes with your eyes closed. And then, if you wish, take a bath if you're coming in from work. Do the same thing in the morning as well.

It's critical. You have control over your mental space. No one else does. And you help, you can, reorder what's going on in your mind. And it will make you a calmer person. Guaranteed. Dear listener, that is it for this edition of the Politocrat Daily Podcast. My name, of course, is Omar Moore. You, of course, have always been a valued and loyal and well-respected and highly appreciated listener. So thank you very much for taking the precious time today

to listen to this particular episode or any particular episode of this podcast whenever you have the occasion to do it, whether it's two minutes, two hours, or two seconds. I appreciate it all the same. Remember, the episodes are available on Apple Podcasts as well as Spotify and numerous other podcasting platforms such as, of course, Audible and Odyssey and Spotify.

All the others out there as well. Pretty much all of them anyway. And, of course, you can find me on social media as well, can't you? That would be on numerous social media platforms. forward slash popcorn R-E-E-L. S-E-Z dot U-S forward slash popcorn R-E-E-L. On threads. forward slash popcorn R-E-E-L. Of course, on the likes of...

Fanbase, This year, the social media revolution is coming full circle. Isaac Hayes III's social media platform will now have some functionality in the next few months. You will see it at

the new social media fan base phenomenon fan base please invest in fan base as well won't you start forward slash fan base it really is a great platform and please join me on it and i would greatly appreciate that and of course there is of course blue sky at popcorn the popcorn r-e-e-l dot b sky dot social thank you very much for listening to this edition of the politocrat i'm omar moore