cover of episode On Bruce Fischer And White Hostility Against VP Kamala Harris

On Bruce Fischer And White Hostility Against VP Kamala Harris

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The Politicrat

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Omar Moore
Pete Aguiar
Omar Moore: 本期节目讨论了副总统卡马拉·哈里斯在选举人票认证过程中的优雅、谦逊和专业精神。他还谈到了2021年1月6日袭击美国国会大厦事件是一场恐怖袭击,导致多人伤亡和选举计票过程暂停。他还赞扬了卡马拉·哈里斯在选举结果认证过程中出色地完成了工作,尽管她可能内心并不高兴。他还谈到了美国民众在2024年总统大选中做出了错误的选择,选择了不具备领导力、体面和道德的人。他还谈到了众议院议长迈克·约翰逊的当选过程充满挑战,并认为迈克·约翰逊是白人民族主义者。他还谈到了卡马拉·哈里斯在选举结果认证过程中面临的超现实情景,以及参与2021年1月6日袭击事件的人员面临法律后果。他还播放了2024年美国总统选举结果的正式宣布音频,并分析了共和党和民主党对选举结果认证的反应。他还讨论了美国社会中存在基于怨恨和零和博弈的思维方式。他还谈到了选举结果认证过程通常只需半小时左右。他还对2024年总统大选结果进行了总结,并对未来进行了展望。他还讨论了布鲁斯·费舍尔对卡马拉·哈里斯的不尊重行为,以及卡马拉·哈里斯的回应。他还谈到了美国民众对卡马拉·哈里斯的不尊重以及布鲁斯·费舍尔的个人信息。他还谈到了白人对黑人的不尊重,以及对之前播客节目中错误信息的更正。他还谈到了Facebook取消事实核查服务,并推荐了Fanbase平台。他还更正了电影《Shaft》的上映年份。 Pete Aguiar: 佩特·阿吉亚尔对1月6日事件的回应以及对特朗普试图改写历史的谴责。他谴责特朗普试图改写历史和压制真相,并指出在1月6日事件中,人们携带武器,并对警察施暴。他强调,总统有权发表言论,但不应该有自己的一套事实。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the outcome of the 2024 presidential election as certified by the Joint Session of Congress?

Donald J. Trump received 312 electoral votes for President, and Kamala D. Harris received 226 votes. For Vice President, J.D. Vance received 312 votes, and Tim Walz received 226 votes.

How did Vice President Kamala Harris handle the certification of the 2024 electoral vote?

Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the certification with grace, professionalism, and class, despite the emotional difficulty of announcing her own defeat. She maintained composure and shook hands with attendees afterward, earning plaudits for her leadership.

What incident involving Bruce Fischer highlighted hostility toward Vice President Kamala Harris?

Bruce Fischer, the husband of Senator Deb Fischer, refused to shake Vice President Kamala Harris's hand or acknowledge her during a swearing-in ceremony. This act was described as a display of white, male, racist, and classless behavior.

What were the key events during the January 6th, 2021, Capitol attack?

The Capitol attack involved violent intruders storming the building, assaulting police officers, and halting the electoral vote certification. Over 1,000 people were imprisoned for their roles, and at least six police officers died as a result of the attack.

What changes did Facebook announce regarding fact-checking services?

Facebook announced it would no longer carry fact-checking services, replacing them with a community-driven system similar to X (formerly Twitter), where users vote on the accuracy of information. This decision was criticized as a capitulation to misinformation.

What was the significance of the 2024 election certification process compared to 2020?

The 2024 certification took just 27 minutes, a stark contrast to the 17+ hours in 2020 due to the Capitol attack. The smooth process highlighted the absence of objections or violence, unlike the chaos of 2020.

How did the podcast describe the American public's decision in the 2024 election?

The podcast criticized the American public for choosing Donald Trump, described as a convicted felon and indecent leader, over Kamala Harris, who represented class, decency, and leadership. The decision was likened to voting for 'Barabas' over a brighter future.

What was the role of Eugene Goodman during the January 6th Capitol attack?

Eugene Goodman, a Capitol Police officer, saved numerous lives through his quick thinking during the January 6th attack. He was mistakenly referred to as Eugene Goldman in a previous episode, which was corrected.

What was the reaction of Republicans during the 2024 electoral vote certification?

Republicans applauded heartily when the final vote count was announced, showing glee over Donald Trump's victory. This contrasted with their behavior during the 2020 certification, which was marked by violence and objections.

What was the podcast's critique of the American public's attitude toward leadership and decency?

The podcast argued that the American public rejected class, decency, and leadership by electing Donald Trump, opting instead for authoritarianism and chaos. This decision was seen as a reflection of deep-seated resentment and a lack of appreciation for progressive values.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to The Politocrat. I'm Omar Moore. It is Tuesday, January the 7th, 2025. On this edition of The Politocrat, the grace, humility, and professionalism of Vice President Kamala Harris during the electoral vote certification in the Joint Session of Congress. Plus, additional news and information. All of that coming up

Madam President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of California seems to be regular and form and authentic. And it appears there from the Kamala D. Harris of the state of California received 54 votes for president and Tim Walls of the state of Minnesota received 54 votes for vice president.

That cannot have been easy for Vice President Kamala Harris. You heard there just an excerpt of what took place yesterday in the House of Representatives in the joint session of Congress, as of course what this country does every four years, which is certify the presidential elections. Of course, four years ago yesterday, that was not the case, as Donald Trump and his violent supporters said,

terrorized the U.S. Capitol building, creating an act of terrorism, committing that act on the United States of America and against the will of the American people. That is something that needs to be underlined and underlined over and over again because that's exactly what happened.

At least six police officers were killed, cumulatively, over time. And remember that there were injuries of lots of people as well. There were also, as you may remember, a halting of the election counting process in the Electoral College. It took 17 plus hours, at least, before that count was complete. And yesterday it took hours.

just under 27 minutes for the election to be certified through the Electoral College vote. And none other than Vice President Kamala Harris was presiding over that as President of the United States Senate in the last 14 days that she will be in the ascendancy and in that office as Vice President and President of the Senate.

And none other than J.D. Vance, who is the senator of Ohio, sitting there less than, what, 60 feet away from her, and I can imagine was looking at her as that was happening, as she was counting out and calling out his name over and over again with electoral college votes. Of course, she lost, too, obviously.

Donald Trump last November. And so it must have been really difficult, as I said, for Vice President Harris to sit there and preside over this. But she did an excellent job, as you knew she would do in that scenario, even though, of course, I know within, I would imagine that within, she was not...

a very happy camper she wouldn't be, why would you be gleeful about losing a presidential election and then having to get up in front of the House and the Senate in a joint session and stand there for half an hour and, you know, listen over and over and over again as your name is being called out and your opponent who defeated you, his name's being called out. And then you've got Republicans, you know, applauding heartily when the final count was read out

I'll play that audio for you in a few moments, by the way, that little piece of it. But this was something that would not have been easy for Vice President Harris. But she's a leader. We know that. She's got class. We know that. She has got decency. We know all of that. And the American public, knowing that, last November, decided to say, no, we don't want class. We don't want decency. We don't want leadership. We want a dictatorship. And we want someone who is a convicted felon.

And we want someone who is indecent. And so that is what the American public decided to do. They became the modern day Pontius Pilate. And I said the American public had to watch out for doing that. And of course, they didn't care. They have no idea who Pontius Pilate is. If you don't know who Pontius Pilate is, dear listener, I strongly suggest that you go and do your research online about that. But the American public really was the second coming of Pontius Pilate.

last November, and they voted for Barabas. And if you don't know who Barabas is or was, then I suggest you do your research on that as well. So that is what happened. And Vice President Harris, again, the leader that America doesn't deserve, did her business, did her job,

Standing up at the well of the House of Representatives and next to her, seated and beaming Speaker Mike Johnson, who luckily for him at least scraped through on Friday last night.

having been voted in after a protracted struggle. I mean, this certification of the Electoral College vote was much quicker than Speaker Mike Johnson's ordeal in his vote, where it was almost two more hours before we found out that he was going to be reelected as Speaker. He had to negotiate

beg, borrow and steal to get two representatives and a phone call from Donald Trump to make sure that he got his place in the speakership. So that is what happened. And you saw that real crap eating grin on his face, the Cheshire cat grin or the Cheshire crap grin, I might say about Mike Johnson.

who really is a white nationalist, if ever there was one. The R shocks, oh, I'm just a family man, what kind of white nationalist and racist, who is the speaker again. But for how long, we will certainly see about that. But that's what happened on the floor of the House yesterday.

I think that Vice President Harris handled this as well as you could expect someone fresh off of a defeat from two months and two days ago to handle it. She got a lot of plaudits, I think, for doing so. She had shaken hands with a number of people after that whole thing was over with.

It's just surreal to see the person who lost an election standing up there before the world, because I'm sure the world was watching this yesterday. And, you know, read out the name of the person who beat you and read out your own name. It's a surreal thing. And this is how it works here in the United States or doesn't work as in the case four years ago. And I didn't say in yesterday's episode, by the way, that, you know, you have a whole load of people who

went to prison, over 1,000 people, I think, went to prison, or a load of people did, for their part in the terrorist attack on the United States Capitol four years ago. And so the bottom line, dear listener, is that you may have Donald Trump pardoning these very people while he's in office. So there's a lot of things to be looking at here. But one of the things I do want to do

right now is play you a piece of audio from yesterday. This is a different piece of audio from what you just heard. What I want to play for you is the final announcement of the official Electoral College vote tally as certified by the Joint Session of Congress. And I want you to listen to Vice President Harris as she reads out that final certified vote. And I want you to listen to the reaction.

of the Republicans and the Democrats as well, as they applauded their particular candidate in this particular readout of the certification of last November's Electoral College vote. Listen to this.

The state of the vote for the President of the United States as delivered to the President of the Senate is as follows. The whole number of the electors appointed to vote for President of the United States is 538. Within that whole number, the majority is 270.

The votes for President of the United States are as follows. Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida has received 312 votes. Kamala D. Harris of the state of California has received 226 votes.

The whole number of electors appointed to vote for Vice President of the United States is 538. Within that whole number, a majority is 270. The votes for Vice President of the United States are as follows. J.D. Vance of the state of Ohio has received 312 votes. Tim Walz of the state of Minnesota has received 226 votes.

This announcement of the state of the vote by the President of the Senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected President and Vice President of the United States, each for a term beginning on the 20th day of January 2025, and shall be entered

together with the list of the votes on the journals of the House and the Senate. Thank you very much.

So that was the audio from yesterday's proceedings in the joint session of Congress. Vice President Harris is the outgoing vice president and president of the Senate. Reading out those results there, and you heard the audio with the applause, and that applause said everything, obviously, for both of the announcements, the president and vice president. You heard how the Republicans reacted there.

And you really have to look at how that went, because if you had the video to hand, you would see the way the video showed you the very gleeful and understandably so gleeful Republicans who were anything but four years ago.

President Biden has said this quite often. You can't only love your country. You can't love your country only when you win. Well, yeah, there are people who do that in this country who aren't in politics. They are rah, rah, rah all the way when something goes well that they like, that favors them or their political party. But when something goes well for someone else,

or that somehow maybe doesn't share their beliefs, doesn't look the same as they do, doesn't have the same skin color they do, all of a sudden they get all resentful and hateful and they do things like what happened four years ago. So, you know, there are lots of people like that in this country who are, you know, wearing the tribal scarf all the time and

are rah, rah, rah when they win something or when good things happen for only them. But then when other people out there, people who don't look like them, have good things happen, they're not happy about that. They aren't happy about when other people, so to speak, when people have good things that perhaps they don't have in common with them,

All of a sudden, their happiness disappears and it turns to resentment, really. It's resentment. It's not even turning into anything. It's pure resentment. And so that is how some people, a lot of people in this country live their lives, based on pure resentment and penitence.

based on, well, zero-sum game. Well, if they can't have it, if I can't have it, they won't have it either. That is the kind of thing that happens. Heads I win, tails you lose. It's that zero-sum game nonsense and all that rubbish that fuels and energizes...

a loud minority, but actually substantial. Actually, I'd say substantial group of people in this country, at least 77 million who were proven to be a majority in the election last year for president. And so that is really how all of that shakes out. It has been quite a contrast. You really have to see the video of that to get a real good idea.

of how it looked. You can see how heartily the Republicans were applauding, you know, noticed that there were no objections during the course of the announcement, during the course of the earlier piece of audio I played, and during the course of those very brief, very quick 27 minutes, which is really as long as it should take. Ordinarily, these votes are

a certification take just half an hour. Now, there may have been other times previously in US government history where, you know, it's taken a bit longer than a half hour for whatever reason. But for the vast majority of these votes, they take about a half hour or less. They really do. It's not very long. I was tempted to play you the entire 27 minutes, but I thought, nah, I'm not going to do that. You know, especially given the outcome.

But I probably would not have done it had Vice President Harris won anyway. But I would have played you the end audio, which is the piece I played you just now. So that is really where we stand on all of that. And two weeks from, well, just under two weeks from now, I should say,

We're going to be having someone in the White House who already showed you how destructive he was the previous time he was in the White House. But again, when you have an American public that is not wise, that is quite stupid and foolish, quite frankly, voting for someone like this,

and putting that person in and you have people who stay home and don't vote, who think it doesn't affect them, who thinks it doesn't matter, when staying at home actually does make it worse for you, not better, then again, when you have disinformation, yeah, you're going to get someone in the White House

who is there, who is going to destroy the infrastructure that you enjoy getting benefits from, that you enjoy getting healthcare from, that you enjoy getting social security from, that you enjoy getting medicare from, that you enjoy getting medicaid from. You know, this is the kind of thing that ignorance breeds and misinformation breeds and a lack of education breeds. And so

That is really the epitaph of the 2024 presidential election. And we really will put a bow on all of that really today. And in the next few days, I'm going to be talking about organization, the importance of doing that now on a local level, as we are now, of course, into 2025, day seven of this particular calendar year. My goodness me, we are almost one full weekend. We are at that seventh day, which would be a week.

of the year so far. Only 51 more weeks to go after this. Huh. It'll be over, over, before you know it. I must play you, dear listener, this piece of audio now. You'd be best served watching this, and you can find it anywhere, pretty much. I've put this on a number of social media areas, but you can find it anyway. And...

It's from last Friday, January the 3rd, when the 119th Congress was being sworn in. In this case, the United States Senate was being sworn in and the President of the Senate is the person...

who gets that wonderful job of swearing in all 100 members of the United States Senate, and that would be Vice President Kamala Harris, who, of course, as Vice President, is the President of the Senate, and, of course, she was formerly a Senator herself. So, this past Friday, Vice President Harris, for several hours, was swearing in all 100 members of the United States Senate, some of whom were her former colleagues, and some of whom...

well, had husbands who showed their contempt and their open hostility to Vice President Kamala Harris right to her face. Take, for example, the case of Bruce Fisher, the husband of Senator Deb Fisher out of Nebraska. You really do have to hear this, but you really have to see it to believe it. But here is someone, Bruce Fisher,

who is an absolute piece of trash, you will hear that the re-sworn-in, if you will, Senator Deb Fischer tells her husband to walk around, you know, to stand next to Vice President Harris, and he's reluctant to do so. At the end of the swearing-in, Vice President Harris shakes the hand, I should say, of Deb Fischer, the Republican Senator out of Nebraska.

She then, Vice President Harris, extends her hand to shake the hand of Deb Fischer's husband, Bruce Fischer. And what does Bruce Fischer do? He says, thank you. And he doesn't even look at the Vice President and nor does he shake Vice President Harris's hand. It's that white, male, racist, bitter, resentful, angry, weak, cowardly, and classless behavior.

that you can expect, especially when it's visited upon a black woman. Malcolm X once said that the black woman is the most neglected person on earth. And he was right. I want you to listen to this. I know it's probably very hard to conceptualize this since, of course, you don't have the visuals, but you can find the visuals. Maybe this will sound worse than it looks because anyway, without any further ado from me,

It is now time for you to be in what's called the theater of your mind. This was last Friday, January the 3rd, 2025, Vice President Kamala Harris. At the end of her swearing in of the Republican Senator Deb Fischer and her talking to the husband of Deb Fischer, Bruce Fischer.

You may have found that audio hard to hear and you really do need to watch the video to really see it. It's actually, I find the video very painful to watch and very infuriating to watch as well. It infuriates to watch the video of someone who is going to die without a shred of respect for black women,

for a black female vice president, and quite frankly, for women of any race, because he's also disrespected his own wife, who is a white woman, Deb Fisher, the senator out of Nebraska. He's already, in that moment, also disrespected her, because that was a moment for Deb Fisher to be sworn in

to have the honor of being sworn in by the Vice President of the United States. That was her moment. And what did he do as a spouse? Trample all over it. So he actually disrespected two women in that moment. His own spouse, Deb Fischer, the Senator, and Vice President Kamala Harris.

And that's what people who have no kind of self-esteem, who are bitter and restricted, who are small and narrow in their thinking, and who have so much hatred in their heart and animus and resentment. That's exactly what they do. Imagine having the Vice President of the United States swearing you in

to office as either a senator or a house member, but in this case, a senator, because that's what the president of the Senate vice president does. And you have a spouse who won't even look at Vice President Harris, won't even acknowledge her, won't even shake her hand. I just think that's so disgusting and despicable. And I really do hope that Senator Fischer, Deb Fischer,

absolutely read the riot act on her husband. Now it would have been great to see that happen actually right there and then in the moment, but I hope that she behind closed doors ripped him a new one. Maybe she warned him and cautioned him to behave himself prior to the swearing in, but what he did was anything but behave. He did the typical white racist thing.

which is to try to devalue black people. And in this case, especially try to devalue a black woman vice president. And Vice President Kamala Harris, it should be noted, handled everything the way that the vast majority of us, make that me, would not have handled that

I would have been very vocal about what had happened. But of course, that's why I won't be the Vice President of the United States of America. And that's why Vice President Harris is, at least for the next, what, 13 days? Because she handled that moment really well. And with all the class and decency and grace and professionalism that the whole occasion demanded, she put herself first.

last, shall we say, or secondary, let me put it that way. She put herself secondary to the occasion for Senator Deb Fischer. I wouldn't have been able to do that for the record. But the American public does not know class when it sees class. The American public does not care about class and decency. The American public shows you in this previous election that we've just had.

that class and decency don't mean a damn thing. Vice President Kamala Harris exhibits class, decency, leadership, professionalism, and a brighter future. But the American public, 77 million of them, doesn't want a brighter future for everybody. They want doom and gloom because it's a reflection of who they are.

By the way, did you know, dear listener, that Bruce Fisher happens to be a professor at the University of Nebraska? And did you know that his phone number is 402-472-4274? And did you know that his email address is...

is B, F as in Frank, I, S as in Sam, C as in Cat, H as in Harold, E as in Excellent, R as in Rich, at U as in Under, N as in North, O as in Orange, M as in Mountain, A as in Apple, H as in High, A as in Apple, dot E as in Excellent, D as in Dot, U as in Under.

You might want to have a few thoughts expressed to Bruce Fisher, especially after you watch the video of the audio that I just played for you. It just occurred to me, having spoken about Bruce Fisher and his disgraceful and disrespectful behavior toward Vice President Kamala Harris, there are so many white people who just do not want to see a black person do well.

does not want to see a black person do well. And we saw this with President Obama when he was giving his State of the Union address, I believe, or there was some kind of speech he was giving before the joint session of Congress. And you heard that piece of filth from South Carolina, the representative Wilson, the Republican, saying, you lie, shouting out during President Obama's speech.

at one of the State of the Unions he gave while he was president. This flagrant disrespect of black people, whether in power or not, by white people is absolutely blatant and plentiful and abundant and despicable. And any kind of disrespect is all of those things. It is particularly telling that there are a great many white people in America

who could not stand Vice President Kamala Harris, a black woman, who could not stand President Obama, a black man. And yes, there were some white people who voted for both of them. But the point of the matter is, is that you have a vast number of white people in the United States of America who absolutely cannot stand black people at large and certainly black people in power. Their racism just...

is so deep in their brain and in their hearts that to upstage or disrespect a black person or a black person who is vice president as Kamala Harris is or a black person who was president as President Barack Obama was, the temptation to do that for some white people in power or white people in general is simply too great.

for them to ever rein themselves in if someone shows you who they are said dr maya angelou once believe them the first time what do they expect from us the darker brother right on right on right on yeah i've had a hard life no

No, really. I know it sounds a terrible thing to say. I would not be a white American for all the tea in China. All the oil in Texas. I really wouldn't like that to live with all those lies. One or two corrections I have to make from yesterday's episode. In the course of the episode, I said that Eugene Goldman was the black terrorist.

DC Capitol Police officer who saved a lot of lives during January 6th, that terrorist attack four years ago. His name is actually Eugene Goodman, not Eugene Goldman. So I want to get that correct. Eugene Goodman is the name of the black man.

police officer, the Capitol Police officer, who saved a lot of lives with his quick thinking on January the 6th, 2021. The other correction I wish to make at this time is this. Now, I said that Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, would be resigning his leadership of the Liberal Party, yet he would continue to be the Prime Minister. Well, that's not true.

I spoke in error, dear listener. And in fact, it is that he announced yesterday that he's resigning both his leadership in the party, the Liberal Party of Canada, and he's also going to be resigning as the Prime Minister of Canada. So I do want to apologize with respect to both of those mistakes that I made. I do try to correct mistakes.

Every mistake that I make or any fact that I get incorrect, for some reason, I will make sure to the very best of my ability to get it corrected and respond with a correction, either in the liner notes or like this. So thank you very much for indulging me and I apologize for making the mistakes and I will continue to improve and try to do better going forward. Dear listener, welcome back and welcome

Some news to pass along in case you didn't catch wind of these headlines and news stories, just a few of them. There were two people found dead inside a JetBlue airline flight, incredible, from New York to Fort Lauderdale earlier today.

Very, very strange story, but perhaps not too uncommon because this has actually happened before. There were a couple of people who apparently may have, well, obviously did, get into the landing gear, because that's where they were found, their bodies, prior to the taking off of the JetBlue flight from New York to Fort Lauderdale.

And so once that flight landed in Fort Lauderdale, there was an inspection, as there normally is, of the landing, the baggage area or the, you know, the area where the landing. Well, put it this way, there was a container or compartment where there were

in a way that the gear stored, and they found two dead bodies. Whoever was looking at it, the JetBlue employees who do this, found two bodies. It's just absolutely astounding. Apparently this has happened before. So on a few flights over time where people like, I don't know, I don't know what's happened specifically in this case, except there are two dead bodies that were found.

But it's not uncommon, strangely enough, for people to manage to get into the landing gear or get into the cargo area, sneak in there and get on a flight someplace, which is really suicide because the vast majority of people who do this, in the few cases of this that have happened, end up dead. And these two people did as well. So we will find out, I'm sure, in due course,

Who these people were, how they got into the plane, in that area of the plane anyway. We'll find all that out. But that's something that I thought I would mention on this episode. Now, of course, also something else that's going on is that Facebook, because that's what I call them. I don't call them meta. They are Facebook. And so Facebook announced today that it will no longer be carrying any fact-checking services on its platforms.

which I find to be a sign of the times, but I also find it very disturbing. And I also find it not surprising. And I also think that I'm not going to be posting on threads for too much longer and maybe not Instagram either. It's just one of these kinds of things where you shake your head

The capitulation of everybody, not everybody, but these major media companies, these social media companies, these CEOs and billionaires, of course they would capitulate to someone who is in the same tax bracket as they, obeying in advance and embarrassing themselves and openly flaunting how they really are and what they really feel.

and their contempt for people like you and people like me and this blithe arrogance. Oh, we're not going to have fact-checking services anymore because, well, you know, there's just so much to fact-check. There's just too much to fact-check. That literally is part of an Associated Press story that I came across today where that was the rationale. There's far too much to fact-check. I kid you not.

That is where we are heading now. There's a collective laziness that pervades and it pervades deeply.

So yeah, and I guarantee you the other thing about this story is not an accident, which is this story came out just days after Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and founder of Facebook, met with Donald Trump. Remember that? He met with him a couple of weeks ago or just a few weeks after the presidential election. And they had a meeting. I think it was in Mar-a-Lago too. And they met and talked and voila, here we are.

So, you know, the other thing about the story, which I've not yet told you, but I'm about to tell you, is that the service that they're going to replace at Facebook with, you know, the service that's going to be scrapped, this fact checking service, is going to be replaced with something that you find on X, which is have the community decide whether something is a fact or not, whether something is accurate or not.

Is this good? If you are on X, and I am, but I don't really spend any time on there posting anything at the popcorn R-E-E-L. I don't post anything there at all these days. But if you are on X, you know that there is a function that people just vote to see, well, is this accurate? Is this not accurate? And literally it's this debate about what a fact is now, you know, and instead of just having someone fact check it,

Now it's, well, we'll just have these accounts. God knows what they are. Trolls and bots and whatever else. We just have them decide whether it's accurate or not. I mean, this is where you offshore your common sense and offshore your brain. I get that common sense isn't common, so maybe I should correct that in the short term. But you offshore your brain to your backside and

When you allow some third party or when you allow some robot or some automated entity or AI for that matter, and I know people love AI, some people do at least, and you offshore that to these other entities that are not you, that are not named you. And I really think that it would be much more sensible for us to start investing, as I've often said, in critical thinking and in our own ability to research, to develop,

engage in process, which I've talked about over and over again, how we completely are swallowed up by automated machines these days. And so it takes the process out of everything. And then we do not at all end up using our brains the way we should. And then we become these very hostile, impatient creatures because we want everything automated and now.

We want what happened yesterday now. We want something yesterday. We want it all. We want it all at once. And it won't make you a happier person. It won't make you a more content person. And it won't make you a person that feels more indulged and satisfied. What it is, is basically a jolt of crack, which, listen, I've not ever tried crack and I don't plan to. And so you don't want that kind of addiction. You really don't.

And when you have platforms that say that they're not going to do fact checking anymore, it's way past time to leave those platforms. And it's time to go to platforms like Fanbase. I tell you about Fanbase all the time. You need to get on that platform, get an account started and start to interact on Fanbase. There's going to be some functionality that actually gives you live access

posts kind of like x only there won't be some community of bots and trolls deciding what's a fact and what isn't visit fanbase right now you can follow me there forward slash popcorn r-e-e-l and invest in fanbase it's isaac hayes the third that's right the son of the legendary isaac hayes that's right you know who isaac hayes was

Just watch Shaft, the 1972 film, because you'll hear his music in there. But Isaac Hayes did so many more things than Shaft. He did some tremendous albums too. Hot-Buttered Soul is one of them.

And so the son of Isaac Hayes, Isaac Hayes III, is going to add this functionality that's really going to kickstart a really good social media platform in Fanbase. So invest in Fanbase today, won't you please? forward slash Fanbase. Own a piece of this great company and social media platform.

Oh, please excuse another faux pas that I've just made. Shaft was released in 1971, not 1972. When I say that I believe fact-checking is important and getting things right is important, I really do mean that.


The person shot trying to enter the House chamber was shot for no reason at all. You're on the committee. How do you respond to what seems to be the rewriting of that day? This is not new for Donald Trump. He is trying to rewrite history and suppress the truth. That is exactly why he does not want the special counsel's report released down in Florida, and it is exactly why he continues to spread lies about January 6th.

But let's talk about the weapons that were on campus on January 6th. People were arrested with bear spray and people were arrested with tasers and brass knuckles. People used flagpoles and fire extinguishers to beat police officers. There were documented cases where AR-15s were brandished downtown.

There were collections, as we heard testimony in the January 6th committee, collections, mounds of things that Secret Service would not allow onto into the area around the former president's speech when he was near the Ellipse.

That's what was happening here four years ago. People were bringing weapons. There was also a cache of weapons found in a car earlier in the day, as we know, and was publicly reported. Our report, as well as the Department of Justice reports, continue to show the amount of guns and weapons that were in the D.C. area and on campus and in the buildings.

by these violent intruders.

Now, the president can say anything he wants. He's entitled to do that. He's not entitled to his own set of facts. And so that's on us. That's our responsibility to continue to provide that information to the public. And whether it's Donald Trump or Barry Loudermilk or Mike Johnson, we're not going to allow anyone to rewrite history or have their own set of facts. Donald Trump does this all the time. He tries to convince you...

That was Representative Pete Aguiar of California.

during the first House Democratic leaders press conference of 2025. That was earlier today on Capitol Hill. And one of the questions being asked by the DC press, where you heard what Pete said just there, the representative Aguiar. And look, this is exactly what

the American public voted for. They voted for lies. They voted for chaos. They voted for disorder. They voted for authoritarianism and dictatorship. That's what they voted for. And so you're now going to have at least, and I say this advisedly, at least four years, these next four years, at least of this kind of

responding to the nonsense of Donald Trump. And this is the problem you're going to have. And look, it's very important that we keep pushing back on lies. It's also important and correcting them with the actual facts. But it's also important to be proactive and pushing an agenda and pushing organizing and pushing the things that we need to do. And

And I'll be talking again, as I said, about organizing and doing the work we need to do on a local level. That's coming up in the next few days. And there's a number of other things that I need to be talking about here on the podcast because I think there's some very important issues we really need to get activated on. And so I like the way that Representative Aguiar responded to that question. And January 6th, 2021 must never be forgotten.

You hear people all the time, Republicans particularly, oh, we'll never forget September 11th, 2001. Well, you already have forgotten it because you actually have January 6th, 2021. That actually is proof that you've forgotten it. Because if you really did remember September 11th, 2001, you wouldn't have had and you wouldn't have participated in

January 6th, 2021. In fact, that event would not have happened without event being terrorism from white men and white women, right? Who are Trump supporters going in and doing the most heinous and violent things. I don't think any of those people who...

committed acts of terrorism on January 6th, 2021, gave a living crap about September 11th, 2001. You heard people shouting out, "F the police. We don't care about the police. Get out of here." Assaulting police officers, crushing them in doorways, killing police officers,

stabbing them in the eyeballs. Yes, that happened too. Yes, it did. As graphic as I just made it because that's exactly what happened to at least one police officer there. And so you don't really give a damn about September 11th, 2001, where what, 85, 86 police officers from New York died in the NYPD during the terror attack then. You don't care about the police. You can't care about the police if you're attacking them and

bear spraying them and assaulting them and causing at least three of them to end their own lives. You can't be someone who cares about the police. And when a black person says defund the police or when a black person says F the police, you all get upset. Well, you're not getting upset. You're only upset because someone black is saying it. But you somehow have no problem saying it yourself. It's your problem is that it's just who says it.

And there is a reason why a black person might say that, what they say. There may be a very good reason for that. I know there is. But there's no good reason for a white person to be saying this about the police. There's no good reason for it. The vast majority of white people are very well protected in this country by police, very well protected. And while there are some white people, in fact, more white people get shot by the police than black people do.

But the circumstances are very, very different in how those things happen for the most part. Because you'll have people wielding guns and everything else and somehow they find a way to stay alive. The police do not shoot them down dead in most cases. But when we are in our own homes at midnight and there's an intruder coming and we call for the police because we think that we could be getting robbed or worse, we end up getting killed by the police, not by the intruder.

That happens to us as black people far more often than it does anyone else. And it shouldn't happen to us at all. It shouldn't happen to anyone at all. We must never forget January 6th, 2021, because there's going to be a narrative out here, as you already heard at that press conference and the question that Representative Aguilar responded to.

To pretend that this never happened four years ago. To pretend that it was all a national day of love, as that piece of orange garbage says. Oh, it's all love. It's tourists. No, it wasn't. It was a bunch of white, racist, violent people. Some of whom were in the FBI. Some of whom were Olympic silver medalists. Some of whom were actual politicians.

and some of whom are actually on Capitol Hill in Congress right now. Let's not act as if this was just some blip on the radar. We need to actually keep the memory of January 6th, 2021 alive. The Republican Party played a huge role in what happened four years ago, and that cannot be forgotten either.

Note that there weren't any objections by Republicans during the electoral vote certification count yesterday. Notice that there weren't any Democrats objecting to the vote certification results yesterday. Note that there weren't any Democrats in mobs, forming large mobs on Capitol Hill and on the steps of Capitol Hill.

and scaling the walls of Capitol Hill, and trying to break into Capitol Hill, and trying to break into the House and Senate floors. Notice that that didn't happen yesterday. You didn't hear that on your news yesterday. Keep that in mind. The Democrats don't do these kinds of violent things like that in terms of breaking into the Capitol and storming it and committing an act of terrorism.

Against the will of the people and against the country. And only a country that is subsumed and consumed and obsessed with social media and with nonsense that means nothing. An American public that is obsessed with celebrity, obsessed with clickbait and let's get our popcorn ready. Get your popcorn ready. Only a people in that condition would be willing to vote in

the violent insurrectionist and be willing to entertain lies because lies somehow may be sexier to them than the truth ever will be. Because the truth is you really need to get educated and actually have a more fulfilling enjoyment of your life and do the work in your life that you need to do to understand who exactly you are and to understand the country that you live in and to want to change that country for the better.

rather than to acquiesce to the sewer that the country has long since been in. I could give you more news, but dear listener, I think that's going to be enough for now on this edition of the Politocrat Daily Podcast. You know the destinations on social media. I've kind of mentioned one of them already, but Blue Sky's another. Popcorn, R-E-E-L dot B-Sky dot social. And of course, you know about Spoutable, forward slash popcorn, R-E-E-L. And I've told you about Fanbase already.

And look, there are other social media platforms as well that you can find me on. This podcast is available on numerous podcasting platforms as well. So don't forget to hop on those as well to follow the Politicrap Daily Podcast. Apple and Spotify are good places to start. Audible is another good place to start. Odyssey as well. And good pods. And Pandora aren't bad. There are lots more.

Don't forget to follow along at those places. Thank you very much for listening to this edition of The Politocrat. I'm Omar Moore.