What begins as World Health Day and compassion amidst a pandemic evolves into a referendum on Wisconsin and America. Omar Moore talks about the psychopathy of America, a government run amok with a departing White House press secretary who never held a single press briefing, and the American taxpayer who spent over $600,000 to fund Trump’s golf trips and stays at his properties, where he has been for 350 days (almost a whole year) so far in his three-year tenure. Wisconsin holds a primary today. SMH. 🔥 Plus: Boris Johnson update and Carrie Symonds. And: The saga of Zoom, and its issues. At least Aretha Franklin is here musically to get you through. April 7, 2020. The official The Politicrat Facebook page is now up: http://bit.ly/3bU1O7c The Politicrat blog: http://politicrat.politics.blog Tweet to Omar: http://twitter.com/thepopcornreel Tweet to The Politicrat: http://twitter.com/the_politicrat