On a new Be Reel, hosts Chance Solem-Pfeifer and Noah Ballard examine the ample evidence against trying to save a marriage with a movie. This week, they check in with “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999) as the infamous Stanley Kubrick-directed interrogation of Tom Cruise and his marriage to Nicole Kidman turns 20. They also look back at the lovechild of “Liz” Taylor and “Dick” Burton, “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966) and the honeymoon-cum-couples therapy “By The Sea” (2015), which self-analyzes Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's sinking ship of a union. New York Magazine's Lila Shapiro joins Be Reel to discuss seeing "Eyes Wide Shut" 100 times and what it taught her about how we discuss sexual politics.
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