The Plato Paradigm

What Plato Dramatized


Total: 185

0185 Io 537d

3d ago

Spcrates continues developing his sophistic argument which will eventually lead to yet another proof

0184 Io 537b


Socrates' apparently dialectical elenchus turns out to be more of a sophistic exercise with the fore

0183 Io 536e


While the four rhetorical arguments to prove that Io lacked techne and nous at the moment he deliver

0182 Io 536d


Socrates' four analogies supporting his claim that Io lacks techne, nous, or episteme whenever he pe

0181 Io 536b


Socrates completes his fourth analogy illustrating why rhapsodes lack techne and episteme when perfo

0180 Io 535e


Purportedly to explain why even the emotions instilled in the spectator are not due to the skill of

0179 Io 535d


Now that Io has agreed that he is affected by the poetry he declaims, Socrates asks whether the audi

0178 Io 535b


Having shown to Io's delight with three examples why poets lack techne, Socrates begins to interroga

0177 Io 534e


My final thoughts on the three analogies concerning the mindlessness of poets producing good poetry.

0176 Io 534d


Ostensibly to prove the third claim regarding the lack of intelligence of poets at the time of perfo

0175 Io 534b


Socrates adds a third reason for the poets' lack of intelligence, inconsistent with the other two re

0174 Io 534a


Socrates makes some interesting wordplays and confusions between the two analogies - the magnet and

0173 Io 533e


Socrates continues telling Io about the divine power, this time using the analogy of bees spreading

0172 Io 533c


The alternative to Io having a techne is that he is possessed by a divine power. Socrates first uses

0171 Io 533c


Io seems almost to challenge Socrates to tell him why he is exceptional as someone with a techne, in

0170 Io 533a


Socrates appears to perform a normal sequence of induction, but things are not quite what they seem.

0169 Io 532d


To exemplify the point that any techne deals with the whole of the field of that techne, Socrates re

0168 Io 532c


The rhapsode Io can judge of the poets both who speaks well and who speaks less well since he has th

0167 Io 532a


Socrates concludes from the examples with arithmetic and medicine that the one who has a techne in a

0166 Io 531d


Socrates steers the conversation back to the subject matter by asking who will recognize who speaks