James Clear: Building & Changing Habits (#183 rebroadcast)
The Peter Attia Drive
AI Chapters
Why did James become deeply interested in habits?
Viewing habits through an evolutionary lens
The power of immediate feedback for behavior change, and why we tend to repeat bad habits?
The role of genetics and innate predispositions in determining one’s work ethic and success in a given discipline
How finding one’s passion can cultivate perseverance and discipline
Advantages of creating systems and not just setting goals
The power of habits combined with self-identity to induce change
How a big environmental change or life event can bring on radical behavioral change
The influence of one’s social environment on their habits
How and why habits are formed
How to make or break a habit with the “Four Laws of Behavior Change”
Practical tips for successful behavioral change—the best strategies when starting out
Self-forgiveness and getting back on track immediately after slipping up
Law #1: Make it obvious—Strategies for identifying and creating cues to make and break habits
Law #2: Make it attractive—examples of ways to make a new behavior more attractive
Law #3: Make it easy—the 2-minute rule
Law #4: Make it satisfying—rewards and reinforcement
Advice for helping others to make behavioral changes
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