#248 ‒ OUTLIVE book: A behind-the-scenes look into the writing of this book, motivation, main themes, and more
The Peter Attia Drive
AI Chapters
What does the book’s title and subtitle signify?
Choosing the perfect art for the book cover
Who is Bill Gifford and how did he contribute to the book?
How did Peter’s writing evolve over six years?
Understanding the book’s structure and what to expect
Impact of writing the book and podcast interviews on Peter’s scientific approach
Ensuring the book withstands the test of time in evolving science and medicine
Exploring the concepts of objective, strategy, and tactics
Potential advancements in science and medicine in the next decade
What is hindering the adoption of 'medicine 3.0'?
Comparing the book’s technicality with the podcast for layman readability
Motivations and challenges in writing the book
Why did Peter decide to read the audiobook himself?
Last-minute changes and edits that enhanced the book
Favorite parts of the book by Peter and Bill
The dedicated team behind the book
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