Fast Canadian business news. Get up-to-speed quick with a fun and smart breakdown of the three bigge
A Globe report found that phone number fraud attacks have increased between 2019-2020. US media comp
China-based Contemporary Amperex wants to buy a Canadian lithium reserve to capture the growing dema
The CPPIB is spending $4 billion on a US port operator to capture shipping mania. The US may run out
CMHC says the Canadian housing market is currently both overheated and overvalued. CDPQ announced pl
Facebook is pausing the launch of their Instagram for Kids product after pushback from lawmakers. Ch
The Michaels are back home in Canada after two years in Chinese jail. China releases comprehensive c
SNC-Lavalin is in the spotlight (for all the wrong reasons). Waterloo-based edtech startup is lookin
The federal government announced a switch from their troubled Phoenix payroll system to Ceridian. Th
New York wants to convert 70% of their power to Quebec produced hydro. The Big 6 banks are concerned
Drake invests in Dave's Hot Chicken to expand his ever-growing business empire. Investors are still
Sources say Meng Wanzhou is entering into discussions with the US Department of Justice which could
Suncor announces partnership with indigenous communities to buy stake in Northern Courier Pipeline.
Noticed things are getting more expensive? You're not alone. The latest Consumer Price Index has inf
We interview Erin O'Toole, the leader of Canada's Conservatives. Update your iPhones because a team
Cineplex and Cineworld are suing each other over who is to blame for the global pandemic. China's Ev
Canada's economy is really starting to regain form after adding 90,000 new jobs last month. A judge
Facebook announced their new AR glasses product, Ray-Ban Stories, which lets wearers take photos, li
Coinbase is launching a new product that will let users earn interest on their cryptocurrencies, but
Canadian Uber competitor Facedrive is mulling bankruptcy. El Salvador has made Bitcoin a legal curre
Americans are coming but not as quickly as our economy would like. Olivia Rodrigo is paying royaltie