The Peak Daily

Fast Canadian business news. Get up-to-speed quick with a fun and smart breakdown of the three bigge


Total: 752

If Snap’s earnings are any indication of how social media companies are faring right now, the answer

After six weeks in office (the shortest tenure for a British prime minister), Truss was forced to re

After a rocky year of subscriber losses and investor doubt, Netflix is back with ambitions bigger th

Friendshoring is on the rise as Western countries start shifting trade to friendly partners to cut d

Canada’s biggest grocer announced it is freezing prices on all of its No Name products (over 1,500 i

Embattled British PM Liz Truss made (another) U-turn yesterday, firing her top finance official, Kwa

US core inflation hit a four-decade high last month, which, to be clear, is the opposite of what Jer

Canada-based Cameco and Brookfield Asset Management’s renewables division have buddied up to buy nuc

Seven months into the Bank of Canada’s rate hike spree, some Canadians are already taking to their l

Hockey Canada has officially lost every last one of its top-tier corporate sponsors after Nike suspe

Six companies, including the famous Boston Dynamics (BD), pledged not to weaponize or support the we

Starting today, you might see a new surcharge on your receipt when you tap your plastic. Businesses

Phil Collins and Genesis no longer have publishing rights to their recordings. But they aren’t throw

Francois Legault will stay in power as Quebec’s premier as his centre-right nationalist CAQ party se

Canada Post has expanded its MyMoney loan program in partnership with TD Bank to locations across Ca

Google announced at its Search On conference that it’s testing updates to Search and Maps that will

Employers have come up with a novel idea to retain and sustain their workforce during these trying t

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the UN body responsible for setting global communi

Russia’s decision to mobilize military reserves for the first time since WWII has triggered a crisis