The Oncology Nursing Podcast

Where ONS Voices Talk Cancer Join oncology nurses on the Oncology Nursing Society's award-winning p


Total: 349

“Nurses can bridge the information gap and help patients better understand that the information rece

“Really knowing these steps can save our own nursing time and save our patient’s skin from all the d

What is it like to guide a professional association that serves more than 100,000 oncology nurses? O

“I think that we as nurses need to advocate when a patient is uncomfortable. And it’s not your class

“Let’s take time, invest time, in learning more about futility. Let’s invest some time in learning m

“Our goal in surgical oncology is, of course, to treat the cancer for a cure, but to do it in a safe

“It’s actually the nurse who most often first identifies the subtle signs of sepsis in patients. Tru

“Using that view of looking at the whole person, we can provide some acupuncture or acupressure to h

“Saline is very benign and doesn’t have any risk of harm for the patient. They’re small doses, so we

“Caring for a pregnant patient with cancer is 100% a team approach,” ONS member Chandley Silin, RN,

“What does the patient need to know? What are their knowledge gaps? What are they most in need of? O

“The nurse is kind of the hub of a spoked wheel. You have your pharmacy and your provider all on the

“Sometimes in our daily routine of taking care of patients, it’s more about looking at the treatment

What is it like to govern a professional association that serves more than 100,000 oncology nurses?

When it comes to oncologic emergencies, early identification and intervention achieves the best outc

“When we think about how oncology nurses can really be helpful in overcoming barriers to care, it co

“We call it an oncologic emergency for a reason. Even though it’s usually not life threatening, the

Hazardous drugs are not just used in oncology, and their health risks for providers go far beyond re

Talking to patients about how their cancer and treatment affects their fertility can be challenging

ONS member Roberta Kaplow, RN, PhD, CCRN, AOCNS®, clinical nurse specialist at Emory University Hosp