Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washin
President Trump has said the opioid epidemic is an emergency but has yet to take formal action. Plus
North Korea dominated the news this week, so NPR International Editor Will Dobson joins the podcast,
This episode: host/congressional reporter Scott Detrow, White House correspondent Tamara Keith, and
The President's private calls with world leaders leak, while the White House focuses on the party ba
Just two weeks after being named White House communications director, Anthony Scaramucci is leaving
In a moment of drama, Senator McCain bucked his party's leadership and voted against the "skinny rep
Senate Republicans inch forward on health care. This episode Host/correspondent Tamara Keith, congre
Jared Kushner appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Anthony Scaramucci takes over as
Senator John McCain's diagnosis, the GOP and health care, and the President's news-making interview.
The Senate Republican bill to repeal and replace key elements of the Affordable Care Act — in its cu
This episode: host/White House correspondent Tamara Keith talks to national security editor Phil Ewi
Senate Republicans revise their health care bill, Donald Trump Jr's emails continue to dog the White
Newly released emails from June of 2016 show Donald Trump Jr arranged a meeting with a person he was
News of a meeting between the President's son and a Russian lawyer surfaces just after the President
President Trump stops in Poland on his way to the G20 Summit in Germany, while his voter fraud commi
The Senate delays, the President tweets. Note: we'll be back after the 4th of July. This episode: ho
The Supreme Court takes action on President Trump's travel ban, and the Congressional Budget Office
Senate Republicans unveil their health care plan, and former podcast co-host Sam Sanders stops by. T
Plus the latest on Tuesday's special election in Georgia. This episode: host/congressional reporter
The aftermath of Wednesday's shooting continues, and the President may be under investigation for ob