In this episode, I talk about allowing the balance of spontaneity and planning when it comes to your work, how sometimes our best work comes through us in the most ordinary ways and we have to receive that, how years of dedication to our work can make spontaneous moments happen more consistently, not being attached to how we do the work, knowing that quality is quality regardless of whether or not something took more effort than another and more!
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1- FREE Reverse Engineer Your Life (Clarity Course): Time, Energy, Money, Creativity, Work, Rest & Play -
2- BOOK LIST - Interesting Topics in Art, Spirituality, Happiness, Philosophy, Building Wealth, Entrepreneurship, Relationships & Other Memos I wish were mainstream -
**3- Write, Design, Build - MASTERCLASS **- Creating the best niche content… around you & growing your audience, reach, voice, passion & income - CLICK HERE)
Are You Doing It For Your Ego Or Are You Doing It For Your Soul
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