cover of episode Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Could Swing the Election. Who Should Be More Worried—Biden or Trump?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Could Swing the Election. Who Should Be More Worried—Biden or Trump?

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The New Yorker Radio Hour

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Evan Osnos
Jane Mayer
Susan Glasser
主持人:罗伯特·F·肯尼迪 Jr. 的竞选活动可能对选举结果产生重大影响,关键在于他会影响哪一方的选情。Jane Mayer:虽然肯尼迪不太可能赢得大选,但他可能会严重影响选举结果,对某一方造成损害。Evan Osnos:肯尼迪是一位70岁的老人,近年来因传播疫苗阴谋论而闻名,他的政治立场摇摆不定,利用其家族声望来传播阴谋论。Susan Glasser:肯尼迪的家人公开反对他的竞选,并揭露了他的一些负面信息。 Jane Mayer:肯尼迪的竞选活动本质上是出于虚荣,他自认为是唯一能揭露真相的人,并传播了关于疫苗有害的阴谋论。他的政治立场摇摆不定,缺乏连贯的政策纲领,甚至在其所谓的专业领域——环境问题上也是如此。 Evan Osnos:肯尼迪利用其家族声望和反建制形象吸引选民,他的言论迎合了对体制持怀疑态度的年轻男性选民。他传播的阴谋论和不实信息,利用了当前的媒体环境,使其能够获得广泛关注。 Susan Glasser:历史上,有多位第三方候选人对美国大选的结果产生了影响。肯尼迪对选举结果的影响主要体现在关键摇摆州,例如密歇根州。肯尼迪的竞选活动可能类似于俄罗斯克里姆林宫操纵选举的策略,旨在吸引那些既不投票给特朗普也不投票给拜登的选民。肯尼迪的竞选活动对其家族的政治遗产造成了损害。

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When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., appeared on this show back in July, it was early in his run for President, and he was considered a fringe candidate. He had the name recognition, obviously, and not much else. Now the question seems to be not whether Kennedy is going to be a spoiler in the election but which side he’s more likely to spoil. On The Political Scene), the New Yorker podcast, Washington correspondents Jane Mayer, Evan Osnos, and Susan B. Glasser gather to talk about Kennedy’s candidacy and his potential impact. “He’s not a serious threat in terms of being able to win,” Mayer says, “but he is potentially a serious threat in being able to spoil this election for one side or the other.”