cover of episode Hernan Diaz’s “Trust,” a Novel of High Finance

Hernan Diaz’s “Trust,” a Novel of High Finance

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The New Yorker Radio Hour

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David Remnick
Hernán Díaz
David Remnick: 本书的情节设定类似于菲茨杰拉德或沃顿的作品,但其主题和视角却非常现代,它直接探讨了富人如何赚钱的问题,与《了不起的盖茨比》等作品形成对比。 Hernán Díaz: 小说标题"Trust"具有多层含义,既指金融领域的信任,也指更广泛的信心问题。小说通过多重叙述视角,邀请读者质疑阅读文本时所做的隐性约定。作者选择金融资本作为小说背景,是因为它是一个纯粹抽象的领域,可以展现资本的积累和剥离人性的过程。在高度抽象的金融领域,劳动痕迹被抹去,金融家们更像是在进行一种纯粹的艺术创作过程。小说中,主人公对金钱的兴趣在于其本身的抽象性和游戏性,而非其带来的物质享受。作者为了创作小说,广泛阅读了从本杰明·富兰克林到赫伯特·胡佛时期的大量文献。作者的父亲,一位意大利无政府主义者,对小说的创作有一定的影响。小说采用多重叙事结构并非噱头,而是为了让读者体验不同视角,并质疑阅读过程中的认知。作者认为写作应该带来享受,而不是痛苦折磨。作者学习了莉莲·罗斯和乔安·狄迪翁的写作风格,并尝试在小说中运用不同的语言风格。作者通过学习狄迪翁的标点符号用法,提升了自己的写作技巧。 Hernán Díaz: 作者从小就立志成为作家,并长期从事写作和评论工作。作者的早期作品长期未能发表,在21世纪初开始创作并投稿,但长期未获得认可。作者认为自己一直坚持写作,最终获得成功是一种证明。作者的母语是西班牙语,后又学习了瑞典语和英语,通过阅读博尔赫斯的作品接触并学习了英语。作者选择用英语写作,并为此改变了自己的生活方式,表达了对英语语言的热爱,并认为英语比其他语言更具包容性。作者的作品面临着注意力经济的挑战,小说能够以独特的方式处理时间,但这种体验与现代人的生活方式存在冲突。普遍识字率是一个相对较新的现象,文学在人们生活中占据主导地位的时代可能正在结束,现代人与文本互动的方式正在发生变化,非语言交流方式日益重要。

Deep Dive

Hernan Diaz's novel 'Trust' is set in the Roaring Twenties and explores the lives of a Wall Street tycoon and his aristocratic wife, focusing on the ethical questions surrounding wealth and finance.

Shownotes Transcript

The daughter of eccentric aristocrats marries a Wall Street tycoon of dubious ethics during the Roaring Twenties. That sounds like a plot that F. Scott Fitzgerald might have written, or Edith Wharton. But “Trust,” by the writer Hernan Diaz, is very much of our time. The novel is told by four people in four different formats, which offer conflicting accounts of the couple’s life, the tycoon Andrew Bevel’s misdeeds, and his role in the crash of 1929. And though a book like “The Great Gatsby” tends to skirt around the question of how the rich make their money, Hernan Diaz puts that question at the heart of “Trust.” “What I was interested in, and this is why I chose finance capital, I wanted a realm of pure abstraction,” he tells David Remnick. Diaz was nearly unknown when “Trust,” his second novel, won the Pulitzer Prize this year.