cover of episode A Master Class with David Grann

A Master Class with David Grann

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The New Yorker Radio Hour

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David Grann
David Remnick
David Remnick: 大卫·格兰恩是一位杰出的非虚构作家,他的成功源于他近乎痴迷的写作过程和对独特故事的追求,他的作品兼具严谨性和文采。 David Grann: 作者的写作之路充满挑战,他起初害怕向《纽约客》投稿,经过十年才鼓起勇气,并选择了一个几乎不可能出错的故事作为其处女作。他早期的职业经历主要集中在政治新闻报道,但他并不喜欢这种类型的报道,更喜欢深入采访和观察,在不被打扰的情况下了解被采访对象。在调查一位国会议员的腐败案时,他通过档案馆里的窃听记录发现了关键证据,这让他意识到档案馆的重要性。他将非虚构写作比作考古挖掘,强调的是发现和呈现真实故事,而非虚构。作者讲述了寻找巨型鱿鱼的故事,强调了意外发现的重要性以及在真实报道中保持开放心态的重要性。为了写作《The Wager》,他前往智利海岸附近的岛屿进行实地考察,这段经历虽然在书中篇幅不多,但它帮助他更深刻地理解了故事。他的作品关注权力、帝国主义以及强弱之间的关系等宏大主题,他希望作品能够阐明一些更宏大的东西,并告诉读者一些关于我们所生活的这个世界以及我们从哪里来的信息。作者谈论了其作品被改编成电影的经历,他认为自己更关注故事本身,而非电影制作过程。他认为写作越来越困难,最大的挑战是保持创作的持久力,但他希望能够继续写作。 David Remnick: 如今,对公众人物进行深入报道变得非常困难。

Deep Dive

David Grann discusses his journey to becoming a staff writer for The New Yorker, including his early struggles and the success of his books 'Killers of the Flower Moon' and 'The Wager'.

Shownotes Transcript

David Grann) is a staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of two nonfiction books that topped the best-seller list this summer: “The Wager” and “Killers of the Flower Moon,” from 2017, which Martin Scorsese has adapted into a film opening in October. Grann is among the most lauded nonfiction writers at The New Yorker; David Remnick says that “his urge to find unique stories and tell them with rigor and style is rare to the vanishing point.” Grann talks with Remnick about his beginnings as a writer, and about his almost obsessive research and writing process. “The trick is how can you tell a true story using these literary techniques and remain completely factually based,” Grann says. “What I realized as I did this more is that you are an excavator. You aren’t imagining the story—you are excavating the story.” Grann recounts travelling in rough seas to the desolate site of the eighteenth-century shipwreck at the heart of “The Wager,” his most recent book, so that he could convey the sailors’ despair more accurately. That book is also being made into a film by Scorcese. “It’s a learning curve because I’ve never been in the world of Hollywood,” Grann says. “You’re a historical resource. … Once they asked me, ‘What was the lighting in the room?’ I thought about it for a long time. That’s something I would not need to know, writing a book.” But Grann is glad to be in the hands of an expert, and keep his distance from the process. “I’m not actually interested in making a film,” he admits. “I’m really interested in these stories, and so I love that somebody else with their own vision and intellect is going to draw on these stories and add to our understanding of whatever this work is.”