cover of episode The Moth Radio Hour: Fear Factor

The Moth Radio Hour: Fear Factor

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The Moth

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chelsea Shorte
Diane Kastiel
Patricia Aro
Rufus May
Tito Chavez-Nguyen
Zaina Tissema
Zaina Tissema:讲述了母亲用虚构的"Derebe"吓唬孩子的故事,孩子们长大后才发现"Derebe"只是个虚构人物,恐惧源于未知,也反映出童年经历对成年后自我认知的影响。 Diane Kastiel:46岁意外怀孕,最初充满恐惧,担心身体状况和社会压力,但最终生下女儿,恐惧被母女之爱取代,体现了直面恐惧,迎接未知挑战的勇气。 Tito Chavez-Nguyen:通过模仿电影《龙争虎斗》中李小龙的策略,在学校操场上巧妙地避免了冲突,找到了朋友。这个故事展现了儿童时期如何通过学习和模仿来应对欺凌和建立社交关系。 Patricia Aro:害怕与孩子谈论死亡,因为自己是无神论者,缺乏宗教信仰提供的安慰性叙事。这个故事探讨了父母在面对孩子对死亡的疑问时的困境和无助感。 Chelsea Shorte:以男性形象出现时第一次被警察拦下,出于生存本能,下意识地隐藏了自己的性别认同。这个故事揭示了社会偏见和歧视对跨性别者造成的恐惧和压力,以及自我认同与社会适应之间的矛盾。 Rufus May:在临近毕业时向导师坦白自己曾患精神疾病的经历,克服了职业生涯中可能面临的歧视,并最终将个人经历与专业结合起来。这个故事展现了直面自身缺陷,追求职业理想的决心和勇气,以及对心理健康问题的理解和包容。

Deep Dive

Zaena Tessema recounts her childhood fear of "Derebe," a mysterious figure her mother invoked to ensure obedience. Each sibling had a unique and terrifying interpretation of Derebe, only to discover in adulthood that it was based on a real person, a strange acquaintance of their uncle in Ethiopia.
  • Derebe was used as an invisible babysitter and enforcer of rules.
  • Each sibling had a different perception of Derebe, ranging from a giant spider to a vampire rabbit.
  • The fear of Derebe stemmed from the unknown and the children's imagination.
  • In reality, Derebe was just a weird guy their uncle knew in Ethiopia.

Shownotes Transcript

In this hour, stories of fear -- facing it, outgrowing it, and learning from it. From shadowy childhood demons, to the anxieties of parenthood, and life or death choices in the face of discrimination. This hour is hosted by Moth Executive Producer, Sarah Austin Jenness. The Moth Radio Hour is produced by The Moth and Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media.


Zaena Tessema's mother invokes a mysterious figure to control her children.Diane Kastiel gets unexpected and unwanted news.Bruce Lee teaches Tito Chavez-Nguyen how to find his way in a new school.Patricia Aro is scared that her children will ask her about death.Chelsea Shorte is pulled over for the first time while masculine presenting.Rufus May fears his own experience with mental health issues will keep him from being a clinical psychologist.

Podcast # 680